Which shrub to move?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by silu, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. silu

    silu gardening easy...hmmm

    Oct 20, 2010
    I'm just in from the garden (hurt everywhere!) and have made up my mind I have to move either a Camellia (Anticipation) or an Euonymus Alatus . Not keen on pruning at the best of times but just to reduce a shrub's size is not something I like to do as I'm lucky enough to have huge amounts of space so can accommodate the shrub that is moving elsewhere. Location is fine for either too as doesn't get early morning sun (not good for Camellia) but get plenty of sun so The Euonymus will colour well.
    The Camellia is about 12 years old and The Euonymus about 8. Both shrubs are roughly the same size...quite big! Anybody any experience of moving either of these varieties of shrubs?If so were you successful? I am sort of inclined to move the Camellia if all things are equal as I know they respond well to hard pruning (had to give a drastic prune to another Camellia which had been badly damaged by a heavy fall of snow (sob!) a few years ago. I also have quite a few Camellias but only 1 Euonymus Alatus should the worst happen and I kill the shrub!Obviously either will need pruning back to give them a good chance of moving successfully but have never moved either before. Hope someone can give me an idea of which to choose.
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