White Lisbon for Jack Mc Hammersmasher

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Plant Potty, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    Hi Jack, we joined the forum within a few days of each other last year, I see you asking about these pesky little onions a few times now over the past year, I found the same with them, they seem to take forever to grow? I seeded mine in an old tyre and got a few to eat last year but the bbq n salad season was long gone before they came to anything lol

    But they seem to go through the winter with no problems of frost and snow, I pulled some of last years today for Mrs Potty's bubble n squeek (sp) and I have to say I was impressed, they looked worse for wear in the tyre...

    but pull the leaf back and hey presto....

    I've counted my remaining seed from last year, 160, so I recon seed to lot in pots and then get the outside and leave alone to do their own very very slow thing lol

    Regards, Plant Potty.:spinning:

    ps, does anyone collect seed from these? will my plants from last year flower this year? I know some will say "why bother seed is cheep" but free seed is much cheaper :dancy:
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    • Jack McHammocklashing

      Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

      May 29, 2011
      Ex Civil Serpent
      Fife Scotland
      Thanks for your interest and advice Potty
      I am going to sink morrisons flower buckets, in the ground and plant a dozen lisbon white in each one on a weekly basis, and see how it goes
      To save face I will buy a bunch each week when I get the Sunday papers and present them with my "home grown" Radishes :-) (better take the elastic bands off looks more amateur)

      Jack McH
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      • Plant Potty

        Plant Potty Gardener

        May 29, 2011
        I read on this forum that its best (faster) to seed them in pots in the greenhouse or window sill then plant them out in clumps, I'd already seeded mine last year when I read that, but this year I'm gonna seed them in plastic mushroom boxs coz they look an ok debth and are square, therefore the clumps will fit better together, thats if I plant them all together, I might put them out in the flower boarders as someone posted they did with garlic!

        Good luck, Plant Potty.:spinning:

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