Who needs a lawnmower or a perfect lawn for that matter.

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by silu, Jul 23, 2018.

  1. silu

    silu gardening easy...hmmm

    Oct 20, 2010
    With this incredibly hot and dry summer, the horse's paddock has b all grass in it.With having a small burn running along the front of our property our "lawn" is managing to grow a bit of grass due to the moisture from the burn permeating into it.
    The horse was a competition horse and can still be a bit of a handful but we decided to let him graze around the garden and hoping he will be sensible in his old age.
    So far "Tiddles" (so called as he is smaller than other horses we had but not exactly small!) has been quite well behaved altho he swiped some pea plants on his way from his field onto the lawn:mad:.
    He is now waiting at the gate in the morning for his garden visit:rolleyespink:. He is very clever (not always wanted in a competition horse!) and it only took 2 visits to graze, for him to think this was great fun.
    I am preying the rain comes and this time consuming affair can stop but at least we don't need to cut the grass:). The thing over his face is a fly mask and yes that is my greenhouse beside him!
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      Last edited: Jul 23, 2018
    • Verdun

      Verdun Passionate gardener

      Oct 16, 2012
      West Cornwall
      Tiddles looks fantastic silu :)

      I love a nice lawn...gives me pleasure to walk on it, mow it, see it and for anyone to play on it safely. Not a perfect lawn but a good one:)

      However, the forecast for the coming week, with even higher temperatures, has made me realise this drought could last a whole lot longer yet. I tend to water the lawn once a week but I think that will have to stop.

      Down here today, on the coast, it has been mostly cloudy, very warm, humid and still dry, but we are not suffering the extreme heat many are right now. There were times today when I thought it would rain but it didn't.
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      • noisette47

        noisette47 Total Gardener

        Jan 25, 2013
        Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
        On the subject of grass, I recently lost my chickens to a couple of hunting dogs on a rampage. What a joy, though, to collect some new girls from the breeder, whose land is bare and parched, and let them loose in their new parc. I don't think they'd seen green grass before. Their feathers are now soft and shiny, eyes bright, combs and wattles bright red.....and the egg yolks are the usual deep yellow.
        I draw the line at letting them loose in the garden, though, silu! You're brave!!
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        • Irmemac

          Irmemac Total Gardener

          Jun 11, 2017
          West of Scotland
          Tiddles is lovely, @silu, and I'm glad your living lawnmower is behaving himself. Good thinking!
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          • silu

            silu gardening easy...hmmm

            Oct 20, 2010
            Thanks all re Tiddles aka as Hailbopp who was , accent on the was! had he not damaged himself could well have made it right to the top of his discipline, but not to be as with so many horses. I may say he is not fussed about no longer competing and has been very happily doing sweet fa for the last 6 years:rolleyespink: apart from gaining an enormous grass belly and putting on a good layer of fat. This horse when competing was about half the size width wise!
            @noisette47 , when he comes into the garden he is on a lead rope, good god if not vaguely under control he'd be everywhere:rolleyespink: including no doubt IN my greenhouse, the mind boggles. He has been warned if he starts his nonsense we will put a chifney (controlling bit) in his gob and see how he manages to eat with that.
            So sorry to hear about your chickens, how sad. I have been supplying the fair number of chickens. ducks, Guinea fowl and geese along the road with my brassica leaves. :wow: I knew they liked them but not quite as much as they do:yikes:. World war 111 broke out yesterday with the hens loosing the battle and disappearing back into their shed while 4 huge geese proceeded to scoff the lot. I'll have to scatter the leaves better next time so everybody gets a look in.
            • Funny Funny x 2
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            • Gail_68

              Gail_68 Guest

              Hi @silu ….Tiddles is :wub2:mate and I just love seeing animals happy and he's nice and stocky...he's doing no harm in his old age so let him enjoy I say ;)
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