Wilko Watering Can

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by trogre, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    I have a couple of the small haws watering cans for my cuttings/small plants etc. I always find if I got a lot of cuttings in small pots I end up spilling more water on the saucer than the pot as the spout is too short.
    I know you can buy a 1 litre haws watering can with a very long spout but they are best part of £40.
    So for those who like a bargain and not too worried about not using "brand" names I have found a lovely cheap watering can in Wilkos,perfecr for getting in a congested area of small pots.
    It only costs £1 and is not made of hard plastic but very flexible,you can almost squash the top rim together without breaking so it will bounce rather than break if you drop it.
    I have 2 now and are excellent to use,+ a useful 1.5 litre in size.
    wilko can.JPG
    P.S I posted this yesterday but could not male out why it was not on the forum. Typed everything out again and then went to post it only to find I did not press the "create post" yesterday:cool::cool:
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    • Scrungee

      Scrungee Well known for it

      Dec 5, 2010
      Central England on heavy clay soil
      I got a couple of green ones just like that when Tesco had them reduced a couple of years ago and they're ideal for watering stuff on high level staging shelves where a long spouted wateting can is rather unweildly.
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