I will be entering an in bloom comp this year,and part of the theme is to have something to celebrate the London 2012 olympics... I was going to have bigger pots but i found these coloured pots in poundstretchers, they had red,green,yellow & blue but no black,so i bought another navy pot and painted it black... to match the coloured rings,then added plants which hopefully will match the pots... Black - black pansies - grown from seed - my first attempt lol!! red - salvia yellow - marigold green - plain green heather blue - blue pansy. What do you think - will it look right?
Considering the number of persons making "The olympic rings" out of just about anything and being told "They cannot do that" because so and so have the 'rights', I should put them away before someone sues you ! ! ! P.S. I read the Daily Mail. Can you tell ? ? ? Cheers, Tony.
Such a refreshing change from the Jubilee red,white and blue. When is the judging taking place? What springs to mind is the "keeping all the 5 plates spinning" until judging day. It's good,not £££ lavish(recession and all that) and it's fun. best of luck, Jenny ps. let's know if you do OK - good PR for GC!!
The black pansies haven't flowered yet,but i'm hoping they will I also got the red,white & blue theme going on - has the other part of the theme is the jubilee and they want a celebration of colour .