work for your benefits

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    :thumb:will it work and will we ever see it i really hope so:thumb:
    RADICAL plans to get hundreds of thousands of people off benefits and into work were being launched today by the Government.

    The controversial reforms were hailed by Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell as the biggest shake-up of the modern welfare state since the Beveridge Report of the 1940s.

    And they were backed by Conservative leader David Cameron, who offered ministers the support of his MPs to ensure that the package is not derailed by a Labour backbench rebellion in the House of Commons.

    Under the proposals laid out in Mr Purnell's Welfare Reform Green Paper today, Incapacity Benefit will be abolished by 2013 and Income Support will also be scrapped.

    In their place will be a simplified system of two benefits - Employment Support Allowance for those with medical problems which limit their ability to work and JobSeekers' Allowance for those who are fit to work.

    A leaked late draft of the Green Paper revealed that ministers are aiming for a record 80% employment rate - up from the current 75% - and made clear their insistence that there will be "no right to a life on benefits" for anyone capable of working.

    All Incapacity Benefit claimants will undergo medical tests to determine what capacity they have for employment, and only full-time carers and disabled people "with the greatest needs" will be exempt from being expected to find work.

    Unemployed drug addicts who lie to get benefits will be forced to repay the money and could face jail, while jobless people who take drugs will be banned from receiving dole money unless they accept treatment.

    Lone parents with children aged seven or more will be expected to seek work.
    Work for dole

    The long-term unemployed will face US-style "work for dole" programmes requiring them to undertake useful activities to ensure they make a "fair contribution" in return for state support.

    And private firms which win contracts to help people find jobs could be paid from the resulting savings in benefits.

    Mr Purnell said the changes would put responsibility "right at the heart of the welfare state" and help transform the lives of millions of people across the country.

    The new sanctions for people who refused to seek work would be matched by support to help them find suitable employment, he said.

    "I'm saying 'support and responsibility'," said Mr Purnell. "And if people don't live up to that expectation... then of course people can lose their benefits.

    "For people who are looking for work, we will be saying to people if they play the system that they will have to work to get their benefits.

    "So there's a very clear sanction at the end of the line. But the key thing is that in an ideal world you don't want to use the sanction, you want people to take up the support."
    how nice would it be to see some youth who doesnt want to work picking litter up or tidying the park or helping the elderley with the gardens...if you ever see it happen dont laugh or he will probably stab you:)
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Was that a pig I just saw flying by? :D
  3. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    :D:Dprobably have to work for your pension first shiney before they get the bums to do summert:thumb:
  4. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I wish they would implement these changes, the present systme is crazy, The other night I was in the pub and we got talking about jobs etc. Turned out this one bloke has been unemployed for 5 years as its easier for him to collect his dole money than to do a low paid job.

    All he currently has to do to keep the payments is to make five or so job aplications a month, being that the blokes been unemployed for so long of course no one will emloy him so he gets his cushy payments!!!

    Had to walk out b4 I thumped the makes me sick to think my taxes go to suporting these idiots plus of course all the imigrants.
  5. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    hey pro doesnt it just get you ,, would just love to see them picking litter up or doing something for the money instead of just sitting on and getting money for it...they always still get out for a pint though:mad: my brother just got a big contract but only for a few weeks so he got a lad to help him do some kitchens...50 a day cash in hand still get his dole rent paid for and council tax..he drove 18 mile to pick him up and the lad overslept on first day pi,,ed up he phoned my brother up at 11 0 clock and said sorry... my brother picked him up the next day just for the crack let him work till dinner <paying ysterdays petrol off> then sacked him and told him not to take the again the lad had no money to get home and had to ring his dad for a lift ...his dad then dragged him to job cntr:D:D
  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    "then sacked him and told him not to take the again the lad had no money to get home and had to ring his dad for a lift ...his dad then dragged him to job cntr"

    Damned right, made me smile that!!!!

    I think part of the problem is being unemployed is now socially aceptable, I rekon this started when thatcher closed down the mines then compounded by the 90s recesion and subsequent redundancys. Coupled further by the ineptness of the DSS under labour.
  7. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    What happens to the kids, over7, during the too-long school holidays, while the single parent is out to work?
  8. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    They get left to scour the streets collecting ASBOs, their Mums get it in the neck for not working then get it for working and not bringing them up properly.

    I don`t get benefits because I am lucky enough to have things in place that pay our own way, but I have brains enough to work out it isn`t ever just black and white.
  9. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Well, no answers, so I guess you're all happy with gangs of 7+ year olds running about with no supervision for 6 weeks while the lone parent works for minimum wage in a Pub, waitressing. The minimum wage won't pay for child-care. Bearing in mind the "stick" kids get on this forum, do any of you guys know what the "real" world is like?? Or are you just "whingeing", with no real answers:confused:
  10. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Sorry loll. We posted at the same time
  11. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    Ha beat ya! Very good point I thought, far too many people not thinking this through IMHO
  12. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    .... so we should pay benefits 12 months of the year so they can be home for 6 weeks to baby sit?

    Around here, we have kids of seven on the streeanyway and this is with the parents sitting at home taking benefits.
  13. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    The general principle of reducing the number of folk on the dole is surely a good one even if the detail need hamering out.....
  14. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    (Irate parent fuming here!)

    How many weeks are kids off school? and FYI I don`t babysit my kids, I parent them. The basic principle has merit, but it only holds true for some.

    Who will be paying for all your needs in your retirement? The children of those 7 yr olds that`s who. And if you think you will have a pension and be self supporting, tell that to all those screwed over by the current pension crisis.
  15. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Ill be paying my own pension being that Im self employed and the state pension is a pittance. I put money aside into an isa each month for this reason.

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