This is a bad photo I know...I found this plant growing out of a hedge round the corner from my house. It is still in flower now! the only thing I can think of is: schizostylis coccinea any ideas?
Could well be. Mine are in full flower, they started aout a month and a half ago and usually continue till the first serious frosts. this was taked in October as they were starting to come out.
Here's mine. Not a good piccie but looks the same as yours r2oo???? Sorry thought mine was paler till I saw Jazids :rolleyes:
One could accidently uproot itself and fall into your pocket!!! If not, if someone can tell me how to go about it I could send you a couple of mine. It's not a huge clump yet but I'm sure I wouldn't miss a few
mmmm just thought. When the flowers fade thre's left a small lumpy thing, is it a seed pod??? Does anyone know?? If so, r2oo I could send you loads, much easier to transport
That would be great Windy, by the way what is that almost black looking plant behind it in your pic? Looks very interesting.
It's an Aeonium swartkop. It's quite an old pic and I had them in pots sharing a planter until the garden was ready for them. It looked quite effective with the kaffirs either side. But they're now in the garden and the aeoniums on the upstairs landing for the Winter. Oops! Just noticed that the grass sooo needed cutting in the background of that pic :rolleyes: So does anyone know if the lumpy things on the schizostylis are seed pods????? :confused:
A bit fuzzy - but here's mine! Dividing perennials is best done with two forks back to back, Windy, and forcing them apart. I haven't seen the lumpy things on mine yet, but I would think they do have seeds in.
Nice plants Guys... when do they flower & when do they die off? What are you left with in their dormant state?
flower autumn - and mine are still flowering. I haven't had mine through a winter yet, but I'm expecting them to be like crocosmia - that is, they die back, and you can either gently tug the leaves and when they're ready they'll come out easily, or trim them back down to a couple of inches above ground level, to give a bit of protection to the new growth, but look relatively tidy. Or you can leave them on all winter for protection - but I always feel there's more chance of disease if you do that.... Any of the others who've had theirs longer - is this what you do?
r2oo - been having a google and the green lumpy things are indeed seed-pods So if you PM me your address, as soon as they are ripe I'll send you some Don't know what kind mine is, so they may not grow true - but hey, that's all part of the fun!!! :D Dendy-got mine off an old boy at a car boot (2 3litre pots full for a pound ) He told me they were evergreen with him??? I've planted mine in the most exposed part of the garden, so it remains to be seen???? Probably a bit colder where you are though :rolleyes:
Windy my Kaffir Lily's {Schizostylis} die down after they have finished flowering and seeding,then don't show them selves until the following autumn,ready for flowering again.I have some red,pink and white ones,though I don't think the white ones are that hardy for me up here where I live
yes I thought they'd die down for the Winter. They're a good show at this time of the year though, so I'll forgive them :D He also told me they were red, so perhaps it was his wife who did the gardening:rolleyes: I'll have to get a white one I think! I like white flowers!!