I know lots of members are rejoicing in the rainfull being bestowed on them at the moment (and I'm very jealous!) but there's been some chatter regarding August being another scorcher and that this trend may continue for years to come. If that is truly the case, a section on Xeriscaping would be a good place for people to discuss types of gardens and plants suited for a dry climate, in particular plants that can survive with little or no watering during the summer months.
I dont think we're at that stage yet over here L of L, most ordinary shrubs that we grow tend to come through OK if they are established. Perhaps they dont look their best in the dry conditions, but I'm still convinced this will turn at some stage and we will get an exceptionally wet spell, we always do. But thats not to say I think the thread isn't a good idea.
Thanks, Pete and MMDaisy for your thoughts on that. There are lots of shrubs / plants that can survive in the UK climate and cope with dry spells. I'm not just thinking of here in the South of Portugal but mid and north where the climates are completely different and they are plants that could live there .... ... prepare for the future ... a bit like retiring ... Think about it!