Yay - winter potatoes have arrived.

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by GYO newbie, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. GYO newbie

    GYO newbie Gardener

    Mar 15, 2015
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    So excited - my winter potatoes arrived today in the post. I was more excited about this than the Next sale delivery. OMG - how a person can change in a short period of time.

    Anyway - a couple of questions.
    1) can I re use some or all of the compost that has been used this season to grow potatoes?
    2) if so should I mix it with some new compost and also add a feed, egg shells, coffee, fish blood? I read somewhere that growing potatoes 'cleans' the compost. Can I therefore feed it and use it on my courgettes, onions, squash and radish that I am going to sow for autumn harvesting?
    3) fancy growing these in big bins than the potato sacks I have been doing. Probably more sturdy against wind and frost. A dust bin sized bin ( like we had prior to the wheelie bin). How many potatoes could I put in each bin?
    4) do I plant them all at the same time or can I stagger it a bit?
    5) do this type flower as the current ones have to indicate they are ready?
    6) can I grow a couple of each variety in a bin?
    7) I think I also read somewhere that winter potatoes you don't bother chitting - is this true?

    Crazy excited - providing my back holds out, I hopefully have a busy yet productive day ahead of me.

    Thank you. WP_20150722_001.jpg WP_20150722_002.jpg WP_20150722_003.jpg WP_20150722_004.jpg WP_20150722_005.jpg WP_20150722_001.jpg WP_20150722_002.jpg WP_20150722_003.jpg WP_20150722_004.jpg WP_20150722_005.jpg
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Wow that is a lot!

    Don't reuse your existing compost that was used for potatoes, get some new (reason, there will be a build up of pest/diseases in there).

    It will be very good to reuse old compost for your other veggies just add some Blood, Fish and Bonemeal.

    I'd put 2 or 3 tubers per dustbin sized bin (assume you have drainage holes in them?)

    Plant them all now, they need as long as possible to get going, they might not flower, it's a race between getting them to a good size prior to the first frosts which will cut them down.

    You don't have to chit, but it will get them off to a quicker start - how about chitting a few to get them earlier?

    You can mix up varieties no problem.

    Good luck and we're all coming round to yours for Xmas dinner :)
  3. GYO newbie

    GYO newbie Gardener

    Mar 15, 2015
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Thanks for your prompt reply. Surprised at few potatoes you would put in a large bin.

    Excellent news about the compost. The used potato compost I will revive and used on carrots and courgettes. The used carrot and onion compost I have I will zhush up and use for the potatoes as well as adding in some new stuff.

    Off to buy bins tomorrow from somewhere and will then plant them on Friday. At three per bins I am going to need stacks.

    Thanks - more the merrier for Xmas by the way!

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