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  1. greenfalco

    Paperbark Maple looking sad, help!

    My Paper Bark Maple has been in the ground just short of a year, and it too is looking a little battered by the warm, dry windy weather we've just had. Paper Bark Maples are slow growers too (It...
    My Paper Bark Maple has been in the ground just short of a year, and it too is looking a little battered by the warm, dry windy weather we've just had. Paper Bark Maples are slow growers too (It might take 10yrs to double its current size!), so i'm not expecting very much new growth at all for...
    My Paper Bark Maple has been in the ground just short of a year, and it too is looking a little battered by the warm, dry windy weather we've just had. Paper Bark Maples are slow growers too (It might take 10yrs to double its current size!), so...
    My Paper Bark Maple has been in the ground just short of a year, and it too is looking a little battered by the warm, dry windy weather we've just had. Paper Bark Maples are slow growers too (It...
  2. Fof

    A couple of Mammillaria IDs, if poss

    Well what do you know, I can stick a label on mine now(about 10 years old!)
    Well what do you know, I can stick a label on mine now(about 10 years old!)
    Well what do you know, I can stick a label on mine now(about 10 years old!)
    Well what do you know, I can stick a label on mine now(about 10 years old!)
  3. Fof

    Setiechinopsis mirabilis seedlings - flowered

    I have grown lithops from seed years ago, I still have a fair few plants.They are easy, but slow and can take about two years to get bigger than a pin head mostly.I used sharp sand mixed with...
    I have grown lithops from seed years ago, I still have a fair few plants.They are easy, but slow and can take about two years to get bigger than a pin head mostly.I used sharp sand mixed with peat based multipurpose. scatter seed thinly on the surface and water from the bottom.A lot will...
    I have grown lithops from seed years ago, I still have a fair few plants.They are easy, but slow and can take about two years to get bigger than a pin head mostly.I used sharp sand mixed with peat based multipurpose. scatter seed thinly on...
    I have grown lithops from seed years ago, I still have a fair few plants.They are easy, but slow and can take about two years to get bigger than a pin head mostly.I used sharp sand mixed with...
  4. ViewAhead

    Induction hobs

    I brought my Rangemaster with me from Belgium @Meadowlands - 5 gas hobs but leccy ovens, grill and warmer. Too big for the new kitchen bu very handy as backup when needed and the ovens come into...
    I brought my Rangemaster with me from Belgium @Meadowlands - 5 gas hobs but leccy ovens, grill and warmer. Too big for the new kitchen bu very handy as backup when needed and the ovens come into their own when I'm doing the annual cake production line for the garden club's plant fair.We...
    I brought my Rangemaster with me from Belgium @Meadowlands - 5 gas hobs but leccy ovens, grill and warmer. Too big for the new kitchen bu very handy as backup when needed and the ovens come into their own when I'm doing the annual cake...
    I brought my Rangemaster with me from Belgium @Meadowlands - 5 gas hobs but leccy ovens, grill and warmer. Too big for the new kitchen bu very handy as backup when needed and the ovens come into...
  5. silexa

    Winter Pansies - am i too late?

    I sowed mine about a month ago and have now pricked them out. They are about 1in high now. I used seed I had collected myself and germination was good. They don't like it too hot to germinate in...
    I sowed mine about a month ago and have now pricked them out. They are about 1in high now. I used seed I had collected myself and germination was good. They don't like it too hot to germinate in my experience. So sowing them now they would germinate OK, but with cooler weather soon they may be a...
    I sowed mine about a month ago and have now pricked them out. They are about 1in high now. I used seed I had collected myself and germination was good. They don't like it too hot to germinate in my experience. So sowing them now they would...
    I sowed mine about a month ago and have now pricked them out. They are about 1in high now. I used seed I had collected myself and germination was good. They don't like it too hot to germinate in...
  6. JWK

    Potato Growing 2024

    July 31st, I planted some seed potatoes for Christmas harvest -- 2 per 30 litre Plastic pot. The mail order S/Ps looked manky so I didn't expect much. Surprise surprise !! they are coming on very...
    July 31st, I planted some seed potatoes for Christmas harvest -- 2 per 30 litre Plastic pot. The mail order S/Ps looked manky so I didn't expect much. Surprise surprise !! they are coming on very well. Variety not recorded Sad Face.
    July 31st, I planted some seed potatoes for Christmas harvest -- 2 per 30 litre Plastic pot. The mail order S/Ps looked manky so I didn't expect much. Surprise surprise !! they are coming on very well. Variety not recorded Sad Face.
    July 31st, I planted some seed potatoes for Christmas harvest -- 2 per 30 litre Plastic pot. The mail order S/Ps looked manky so I didn't expect much. Surprise surprise !! they are coming on very...
    20240217_141423.jpg _DSC0002 (4).JPG DSC_0478.JPG DSC_0485.JPG PXL_20240317_145547016.jpg 348681858_10230141838638047_2335795214693516660_n.jpg
  7. EdC

    Hedge for narrow strip

    I've always had to overwinter rosemary undercover as it can't cope here well enough, but the way things are changing, climate wise, that might become easier in future. The more upright varieties...
    I've always had to overwinter rosemary undercover as it can't cope here well enough, but the way things are changing, climate wise, that might become easier in future. The more upright varieties might be ok in the OP's site and location. I think the site will need some good prep, regardless of...
    I've always had to overwinter rosemary undercover as it can't cope here well enough, but the way things are changing, climate wise, that might become easier in future. The more upright varieties might be ok in the OP's site and location. I...
    I've always had to overwinter rosemary undercover as it can't cope here well enough, but the way things are changing, climate wise, that might become easier in future. The more upright varieties...
  8. TomatoLover91

    Tomato ripening off the plant

    Thanks I might try that. The shed is bone dry now, even after the amount of wet stuff we've had, and as long as it doesn't then get too cold as well as wet, they might be ok in there.
    Thanks I might try that. The shed is bone dry now, even after the amount of wet stuff we've had, and as long as it doesn't then get too cold as well as wet, they might be ok in there.
    Thanks I might try that. The shed is bone dry now, even after the amount of wet stuff we've had, and as long as it doesn't then get too cold as well as wet, they might be ok in there.
    Thanks I might try that. The shed is bone dry now, even after the amount of wet stuff we've had, and as long as it doesn't then get too cold as well as wet, they might be ok in there.
  9. AnniD

    Peat free grown plants problem

    I found that to be a problem with jiffy pots if I didn't remove the mesh before planting out. I have often grown on newly purchased plants, where ever from, in a larger pot in a mix of garden soil...
    I found that to be a problem with jiffy pots if I didn't remove the mesh before planting out. I have often grown on newly purchased plants, where ever from, in a larger pot in a mix of garden soil and potting compost until I see them growing away and roots popping out the drainage holes.
    I found that to be a problem with jiffy pots if I didn't remove the mesh before planting out. I have often grown on newly purchased plants, where ever from, in a larger pot in a mix of garden soil and potting compost until I see them growing away...
    I found that to be a problem with jiffy pots if I didn't remove the mesh before planting out. I have often grown on newly purchased plants, where ever from, in a larger pot in a mix of garden soil...
  10. Mattyp

    When do leaves become leaf mould

    I find the quickest way to get them incorporated into the soil is to leave the worms to it. They drag the down where they will add some benefit. The rest get put aside for leaf mould but I don't...
    I find the quickest way to get them incorporated into the soil is to leave the worms to it. They drag the down where they will add some benefit. The rest get put aside for leaf mould but I don't use an open heap because they seem to attract weed seeds and it's far less of a problem if you sack...
    I find the quickest way to get them incorporated into the soil is to leave the worms to it. They drag the down where they will add some benefit. The rest get put aside for leaf mould but I don't use an open heap because they seem to attract weed...
    I find the quickest way to get them incorporated into the soil is to leave the worms to it. They drag the down where they will add some benefit. The rest get put aside for leaf mould but I don't...
  11. wiseowl

    What's looking Good In August 2024

    Some shots I took in Sheffield Botanical Gardens last week.Sparrmannia africana (African Hemp)Lysimachia clethroidesRudbeckia 'Herbstonne'Clerodendrum trichotomum (Harlequin...
    Some shots I took in Sheffield Botanical Gardens last week.Sparrmannia africana (African Hemp)Lysimachia clethroidesRudbeckia 'Herbstonne'Clerodendrum trichotomum (Harlequin Glorybower)EchinaceaInulaHelenium (with visitor)
    Some shots I took in Sheffield Botanical Gardens last week.Sparrmannia africana (African Hemp)Lysimachia clethroidesRudbeckia 'Herbstonne'Clerodendrum trichotomum (Harlequin Glorybower)EchinaceaInula...
    Some shots I took in Sheffield Botanical Gardens last week.Sparrmannia africana (African Hemp)Lysimachia clethroidesRudbeckia 'Herbstonne'Clerodendrum trichotomum (Harlequin...
    20240718_083006.jpg P1350830.JPG DSC01566.jpeg DSC01567.jpeg DSC01574.jpeg DSC01577.jpeg
  12. Blue arbour

    Angel Wings senecio - propagating cuttings

    I've tried and failed propagating this using cuttings and layering. I'd be very interested if it works using a really gritty mix. I have managed to split big clumps into smaller chunks and found...
    I've tried and failed propagating this using cuttings and layering. I'd be very interested if it works using a really gritty mix. I have managed to split big clumps into smaller chunks and found that works provided you take chunks with plenty of roots.I like them but they are slug magnets...
    I've tried and failed propagating this using cuttings and layering. I'd be very interested if it works using a really gritty mix. I have managed to split big clumps into smaller chunks and found that works provided you take chunks with plenty of...
    I've tried and failed propagating this using cuttings and layering. I'd be very interested if it works using a really gritty mix. I have managed to split big clumps into smaller chunks and found...
  13. wiseowl

    Show Us Your HousePlants In Bloom Now 2023/2024

    I know it's less traditional but I love the white one @strongylodon
    I know it's less traditional but I love the white one @strongylodon
    I know it's less traditional but I love the white one @strongylodon
    I know it's less traditional but I love the white one @strongylodon
  14. InTheMoors

    Strange plants

    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
  15. Victoria
    Like x 8

    Jatropha multifida

    The trio ...
    The trio ...
    The trio ...
    The trio ...
    Jatropha multifida 19 Jan 23.jpg Jatropha multifida1 28 Jan 23.jpg Jatropha integerrima1 2 Jun 22.jpg Jatropha podagrica1 26 Nov 22.jpg January 18 Feb 23.jpg January Sat2 18 Feb 23.jpg
  16. Leafylearner

    Lawn area on slope, guidance/ideas needed.

    If you want area for veg, consider constructing raised bed(s) across the slope as terraces, aim to get average of 250-350mm soil depth, cut the turf and use to form lower edge as if a wall.Drive...
    If you want area for veg, consider constructing raised bed(s) across the slope as terraces, aim to get average of 250-350mm soil depth, cut the turf and use to form lower edge as if a wall.Drive chestnut stakes (40mm dia) to 'nail' it in place. You will be able to introduce (good )topsoil and...
    If you want area for veg, consider constructing raised bed(s) across the slope as terraces, aim to get average of 250-350mm soil depth, cut the turf and use to form lower edge as if a wall.Drive chestnut stakes (40mm dia) to 'nail' it in place....
    If you want area for veg, consider constructing raised bed(s) across the slope as terraces, aim to get average of 250-350mm soil depth, cut the turf and use to form lower edge as if a wall.Drive...
  17. Baalmaiden

    Solved I think this is sea beet

    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
  18. martinlest

    Is my hedge dying??

    I'll take a look. Thank you.
    I'll take a look. Thank you.
    I'll take a look. Thank you.
    I'll take a look. Thank you.
  19. jazzy

    Cucumbers don't last long once picked?

    Wrapping a cucumber in plastic does extend their shelf-life by 60% which is why supermarkets do it. Despite the use of single-use plastic it still makes economical/environmental sense to wrap them...
    Wrapping a cucumber in plastic does extend their shelf-life by 60% which is why supermarkets do it. Despite the use of single-use plastic it still makes economical/environmental sense to wrap them rather than let them rot.
    Wrapping a cucumber in plastic does extend their shelf-life by 60% which is why supermarkets do it. Despite the use of single-use plastic it still makes economical/environmental sense to wrap them rather than let them rot.
    Wrapping a cucumber in plastic does extend their shelf-life by 60% which is why supermarkets do it. Despite the use of single-use plastic it still makes economical/environmental sense to wrap them...
  20. Jordanc820

    Rose identification and advice

    I agree with Busy-Lizzie, dig it out, it's too old and oddly shaped now to ever look very attractive and personally I would never plant a red rose against a red brick wall - cream or white would...
    I agree with Busy-Lizzie, dig it out, it's too old and oddly shaped now to ever look very attractive and personally I would never plant a red rose against a red brick wall - cream or white would look so much better as a contrast.Most modern roses have better disease resistance than the old...
    I agree with Busy-Lizzie, dig it out, it's too old and oddly shaped now to ever look very attractive and personally I would never plant a red rose against a red brick wall - cream or white would look so much better as a contrast.Most modern...
    I agree with Busy-Lizzie, dig it out, it's too old and oddly shaped now to ever look very attractive and personally I would never plant a red rose against a red brick wall - cream or white would...
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