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  1. BB3

    Can this grass stay out over winter?

    They're not reliably hardy here where I am, although I've had one which revived after seeming to be completely dead, mainly because the following winters were mild enough, so we weren't getting...
    They're not reliably hardy here where I am, although I've had one which revived after seeming to be completely dead, mainly because the following winters were mild enough, so we weren't getting that many night below minus 5 or 6. It's the wet then freezing that's the problem for them IME. I'd...
    They're not reliably hardy here where I am, although I've had one which revived after seeming to be completely dead, mainly because the following winters were mild enough, so we weren't getting that many night below minus 5 or 6. It's the wet...
    They're not reliably hardy here where I am, although I've had one which revived after seeming to be completely dead, mainly because the following winters were mild enough, so we weren't getting...
  2. Mattyp

    When a north facing garden is south facing

    It's always about location, even the site within a garden, but the amount of sun available compared to the length of time a frost hangs around, makes a huge difference, and that's often the...
    It's always about location, even the site within a garden, but the amount of sun available compared to the length of time a frost hangs around, makes a huge difference, and that's often the problem here, and will therefore be more problematic for you If you have a very sheltered town garden,...
    It's always about location, even the site within a garden, but the amount of sun available compared to the length of time a frost hangs around, makes a huge difference, and that's often the problem here, and will therefore be more problematic for...
    It's always about location, even the site within a garden, but the amount of sun available compared to the length of time a frost hangs around, makes a huge difference, and that's often the...
  3. wiseowl

    Members Roses 2024

    Lovely seeing all your roses I've still got a few in bloom, should have photoed them today as the forecast for us tomorrow is rain/thunderstorms.
    Lovely seeing all your roses I've still got a few in bloom, should have photoed them today as the forecast for us tomorrow is rain/thunderstorms.
    Lovely seeing all your roses I've still got a few in bloom, should have photoed them today as the forecast for us tomorrow is rain/thunderstorms.
    Lovely seeing all your roses I've still got a few in bloom, should have photoed them today as the forecast for us tomorrow is rain/thunderstorms.
  4. JWK

    What's looking Exotic 2024

    Oh what a shame! Ah well...there's always next year...and the next..and....:roflol:
    Oh what a shame! Ah well...there's always next year...and the next..and....:roflol:
    Oh what a shame! Ah well...there's always next year...and the next..and....:roflol:
    Oh what a shame! Ah well...there's always next year...and the next..and....:roflol:
  5. Busy-Lizzie

    Gardens and Pretty Places we have visited

    We had a GC forum group visit to the Old Vicarage some years ago, it was wonderful. I'd love to go back, great to see it again, thanks @Busy-Lizzie
    We had a GC forum group visit to the Old Vicarage some years ago, it was wonderful. I'd love to go back, great to see it again, thanks @Busy-Lizzie
    We had a GC forum group visit to the Old Vicarage some years ago, it was wonderful. I'd love to go back, great to see it again, thanks @Busy-Lizzie
    We had a GC forum group visit to the Old Vicarage some years ago, it was wonderful. I'd love to go back, great to see it again, thanks @Busy-Lizzie
  6. NewYorkshireGardener2024

    Heather Calluna vulgaris

    They will benefit from regular watering to get established. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. You have a good mulch there to keep the moisture in :fingers crossed:.
    They will benefit from regular watering to get established. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. You have a good mulch there to keep the moisture in :fingers crossed:.
    They will benefit from regular watering to get established. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. You have a good mulch there to keep the moisture in :fingers crossed:.
    They will benefit from regular watering to get established. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. You have a good mulch there to keep the moisture in :fingers crossed:.
  7. puschkinia

    Planting a new rose in a bottomless container

    There are other options, you could use some microrhizal fungii, on the roots when you plant that is said to overcome the replant issue or if there is space plant into a cardboard box (sink into...
    There are other options, you could use some microrhizal fungii, on the roots when you plant that is said to overcome the replant issue or if there is space plant into a cardboard box (sink into the ground) full of fresh soil by the time the box rots away the rose will be well established.
    There are other options, you could use some microrhizal fungii, on the roots when you plant that is said to overcome the replant issue or if there is space plant into a cardboard box (sink into the ground) full of fresh soil by the time the...
    There are other options, you could use some microrhizal fungii, on the roots when you plant that is said to overcome the replant issue or if there is space plant into a cardboard box (sink into...
  8. martinlest

    Solved Can anyone identify this exactly?

    Even better! Thank you.
    Even better! Thank you.
    Even better! Thank you.
    Even better! Thank you.
  9. burnie
    Like x 4

    Onion Growing 2024

    AlthoughI dont have many, (i didn't plant many:biggrin:) my red onions did quite well due to more moisture early summer than usual. The garlic turned out ok but the corms are are split and not tight as...
    AlthoughI dont have many, (i didn't plant many:biggrin:) my red onions did quite well due to more moisture early summer than usual. The garlic turned out ok but the corms are are split and not tight as they usually are.Just my few, some are bigger than I like tbh, but these few will last me until...
    AlthoughI dont have many, (i didn't plant many:biggrin:) my red onions did quite well due to more moisture early summer than usual. The garlic turned out ok but the corms are are split and not tight as they usually are.Just my few, some are bigger than...
    AlthoughI dont have many, (i didn't plant many:biggrin:) my red onions did quite well due to more moisture early summer than usual. The garlic turned out ok but the corms are are split and not tight as...
    20231216_103157.jpg 20240217_102139.jpg 20240217_103300.jpg IMG_20240327_090427.jpg 1000003860-01.jpeg 20240501_151734.jpg
  10. BB3

    Is October the new September?

    My Heleniums went into a state of suspended animation at the end of last month. They have plenty of new flower buds but are refusing to progress. Erigeron lasts here until December and is in full...
    My Heleniums went into a state of suspended animation at the end of last month. They have plenty of new flower buds but are refusing to progress. Erigeron lasts here until December and is in full display. Some Hostas are reflowering as are many Heucheras. I'm getting a second flush of flowers...
    My Heleniums went into a state of suspended animation at the end of last month. They have plenty of new flower buds but are refusing to progress. Erigeron lasts here until December and is in full display. Some Hostas are reflowering as are many...
    My Heleniums went into a state of suspended animation at the end of last month. They have plenty of new flower buds but are refusing to progress. Erigeron lasts here until December and is in full...
  11. Palustris

    Silly compost question.

    It was just a point of interest. If I was really worried about it I would have added the water whilst I was turning the material. The new heap is more likely to get rained on than the original. It...
    It was just a point of interest. If I was really worried about it I would have added the water whilst I was turning the material. The new heap is more likely to get rained on than the original. It is only a few feet further along the garden, but not as overhung with trees.
    It was just a point of interest. If I was really worried about it I would have added the water whilst I was turning the material. The new heap is more likely to get rained on than the original. It is only a few feet further along the garden, but...
    It was just a point of interest. If I was really worried about it I would have added the water whilst I was turning the material. The new heap is more likely to get rained on than the original. It...
  12. NotsoGreenfingers1

    New to forum. Need advice

    Box topiary (balls, obelisks, etc) and hellebores do well in shade. I have three dogs, two of which are destructive chewy horrors, and they have left these well alone. I did remove a Pieris...
    Box topiary (balls, obelisks, etc) and hellebores do well in shade. I have three dogs, two of which are destructive chewy horrors, and they have left these well alone. I did remove a Pieris forest flame sort of shrub as one of said dogs chewed a branch off it and was really quite unwell....
    Box topiary (balls, obelisks, etc) and hellebores do well in shade. I have three dogs, two of which are destructive chewy horrors, and they have left these well alone. I did remove a Pieris forest flame sort of shrub as one of said dogs chewed...
    Box topiary (balls, obelisks, etc) and hellebores do well in shade. I have three dogs, two of which are destructive chewy horrors, and they have left these well alone. I did remove a Pieris...
  13. BB3

    Oak tree I D please

    Me too, though I have an idea that it's not an irrational aversion - I just haven't quite figured out the rationality of it yet ...But then, I've no aversion to coppicing! Ho humm
    Me too, though I have an idea that it's not an irrational aversion - I just haven't quite figured out the rationality of it yet ...But then, I've no aversion to coppicing! Ho humm
    Me too, though I have an idea that it's not an irrational aversion - I just haven't quite figured out the rationality of it yet ...But then, I've no aversion to coppicing! Ho humm
    Me too, though I have an idea that it's not an irrational aversion - I just haven't quite figured out the rationality of it yet ...But then, I've no aversion to coppicing! Ho humm
  14. Humberboy

    Plum Leaf Problems

    In that case a better photo, close up and in focus of the marks on the top and bottom of the leaf. Soon as I try to zoom in or magnify the picture any definition goes. Personally I still wouldn't...
    In that case a better photo, close up and in focus of the marks on the top and bottom of the leaf. Soon as I try to zoom in or magnify the picture any definition goes. Personally I still wouldn't spray with anything, the season is just about over and their job is done.
    In that case a better photo, close up and in focus of the marks on the top and bottom of the leaf. Soon as I try to zoom in or magnify the picture any definition goes. Personally I still wouldn't spray with anything, the season is just about...
    In that case a better photo, close up and in focus of the marks on the top and bottom of the leaf. Soon as I try to zoom in or magnify the picture any definition goes. Personally I still wouldn't...
  15. Tufty

    Are these dark patches on my tomatoes bad news?

    Interesting. I've harvested a few which were affected and simply cut off the black bit. The rest tasted good!! I hate waste!:itchy:
    Interesting. I've harvested a few which were affected and simply cut off the black bit. The rest tasted good!! I hate waste!:itchy:
    Interesting. I've harvested a few which were affected and simply cut off the black bit. The rest tasted good!! I hate waste!:itchy:
    Interesting. I've harvested a few which were affected and simply cut off the black bit. The rest tasted good!! I hate waste!:itchy:
  16. Stanley63

    Sorbus tree

    I am in the North East too and our Rowan tree is the same. Ours has fruited so early on that most of berries are spent or on the ground and we are beginning to lose leaves after they started "...
    I am in the North East too and our Rowan tree is the same. Ours has fruited so early on that most of berries are spent or on the ground and we are beginning to lose leaves after they started " turning" really early. I used to enjoy watching the blackbirds eating the berries off the tree during...
    I am in the North East too and our Rowan tree is the same. Ours has fruited so early on that most of berries are spent or on the ground and we are beginning to lose leaves after they started " turning" really early. I used to enjoy watching the...
    I am in the North East too and our Rowan tree is the same. Ours has fruited so early on that most of berries are spent or on the ground and we are beginning to lose leaves after they started "...
  17. shiney


    Sadly not.:sad: And in 60 yrs time ...I dread to think.On a lighter note, I don't know who wrote this, but I like it.As you go through life Make this your goal Keep your eye upon the...
    Sadly not.:sad: And in 60 yrs time ...I dread to think.On a lighter note, I don't know who wrote this, but I like it.As you go through life Make this your goal Keep your eye upon the doughnut And not upon the hole!:biggrin: Only works for those nice glazed ring ones, of course.
    Sadly not.:sad: And in 60 yrs time ...I dread to think.On a lighter note, I don't know who wrote this, but I like it.As you go through life Make this your goal Keep your eye upon the doughnut And not upon the hole!:biggrin: Only works for those nice...
    Sadly not.:sad: And in 60 yrs time ...I dread to think.On a lighter note, I don't know who wrote this, but I like it.As you go through life Make this your goal Keep your eye upon the...
  18. Dropmore

    Seasonal plants for this shady pot

    Nice combination @Dropmore :blue thumb:.
    Nice combination @Dropmore :blue thumb:.
    Nice combination @Dropmore :blue thumb:.
    Nice combination @Dropmore :blue thumb:.
  19. John Bradley

    300mm of topsoil –> over a metre of compacted clay!!

    I've nothing to add about the drainage, but I will make a few points about raised beds (with apologies if I'm stating the blinkin' obvious).1. Don't have them backing right up against fences...
    I've nothing to add about the drainage, but I will make a few points about raised beds (with apologies if I'm stating the blinkin' obvious).1. Don't have them backing right up against fences (will rot the wood) or walls of buildings (will breach the damp course). 2. Leave a gap that's at least...
    I've nothing to add about the drainage, but I will make a few points about raised beds (with apologies if I'm stating the blinkin' obvious).1. Don't have them backing right up against fences (will rot the wood) or walls of buildings (will...
    I've nothing to add about the drainage, but I will make a few points about raised beds (with apologies if I'm stating the blinkin' obvious).1. Don't have them backing right up against fences...
  20. Dropmore

    Planting mix

    Planting up a smallish pot 30cm x 30cm and have got a horchia marmalade lime some mixed viola and some ivy so going to experiment with them see how they look. I've got a bag of jacks magic ...
    Planting up a smallish pot 30cm x 30cm and have got a horchia marmalade lime some mixed viola and some ivy so going to experiment with them see how they look. I've got a bag of jacks magic compost and a bag of westland top soil in the garage . So had conflicting advice man in GC said just...
    Planting up a smallish pot 30cm x 30cm and have got a horchia marmalade lime some mixed viola and some ivy so going to experiment with them see how they look. I've got a bag of jacks magic compost and a bag of westland top soil in the garage ....
    Planting up a smallish pot 30cm x 30cm and have got a horchia marmalade lime some mixed viola and some ivy so going to experiment with them see how they look. I've got a bag of jacks magic ...
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