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  1. pete

    Solved Chestnut perhaps?

    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very...
    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very thin. The buds are so easy to id...just like all beech trees. I loved it. Super autumn colour. Bought...
    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very thin. The buds are so easy to id...just like all...
    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very...
    20240803_101521.jpg 20240803_101512.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 29-10-2007 13-35-36.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 17-05-2008 16-51-59.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 21-11-2008 11-09-02.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 21-11-2008 11-11-06.jpg
  2. burnie

    Electrickery prices

    Dont tell me,....... you bought a windmill.:biggrin:
    Dont tell me,....... you bought a windmill.:biggrin:
    Dont tell me,....... you bought a windmill.:biggrin:
    Dont tell me,....... you bought a windmill.:biggrin:
  3. wiseowl

    Solved Tree I D

    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
  4. Matt Wardman
  5. hailbopp

    Anybody have a clue about electricity poles in your garden?

    I hope you can get somewhere with it all @hailbopp and get a decent resolution. It doesn't seem to be easy to get that with anything nowadays though. I'm reminded of the brilliant line in the...
    I hope you can get somewhere with it all @hailbopp and get a decent resolution. It doesn't seem to be easy to get that with anything nowadays though. I'm reminded of the brilliant line in the Post Office drama though - 'we're just skint little people'... Seems to be the 'normal' state nowadays.
    I hope you can get somewhere with it all @hailbopp and get a decent resolution. It doesn't seem to be easy to get that with anything nowadays though. I'm reminded of the brilliant line in the Post Office drama though - 'we're just skint little...
    I hope you can get somewhere with it all @hailbopp and get a decent resolution. It doesn't seem to be easy to get that with anything nowadays though. I'm reminded of the brilliant line in the...
  6. barryman

    Help needed re garden tool

    My arms are still not long enough for this one, its got the pullies to give you the advantage, so it cuts really easily but, it just involves so much cord length to close the cutter. Mine hasn't...
    My arms are still not long enough for this one, its got the pullies to give you the advantage, so it cuts really easily but, it just involves so much cord length to close the cutter. Mine hasn't got a wooden handle but it did come with a silly plastic thing to wind the cord round.
    My arms are still not long enough for this one, its got the pullies to give you the advantage, so it cuts really easily but, it just involves so much cord length to close the cutter. Mine hasn't got a wooden handle but it did come with a silly...
    My arms are still not long enough for this one, its got the pullies to give you the advantage, so it cuts really easily but, it just involves so much cord length to close the cutter. Mine hasn't...
  7. orbitingstar

    New and determined!

    Welcome to GC orbitingstar. :)
    Welcome to GC orbitingstar. :)
    Welcome to GC orbitingstar. :)
    Welcome to GC orbitingstar. :)
  8. Donna Crossman

    Anyones dahlias blooming?

    As winters are mild and not usually wet here and my dahlais have mysteriously increased in number (keep jumping in my trolley) I leave them out in the ground in their own bed. Once they die down...
    As winters are mild and not usually wet here and my dahlais have mysteriously increased in number (keep jumping in my trolley) I leave them out in the ground in their own bed. Once they die down we cut off the top growth and then mulch them with grass cuttings and straw and poo from the chicken...
    As winters are mild and not usually wet here and my dahlais have mysteriously increased in number (keep jumping in my trolley) I leave them out in the ground in their own bed. Once they die down we cut off the top growth and then mulch them with...
    As winters are mild and not usually wet here and my dahlais have mysteriously increased in number (keep jumping in my trolley) I leave them out in the ground in their own bed. Once they die down...
  9. shiney

    Hints On Booking Cruises

    Take your Kindle with a good selection of books and or your phone, with a chess app or similar on it, then spend the meal reading and playing.
    Take your Kindle with a good selection of books and or your phone, with a chess app or similar on it, then spend the meal reading and playing.
    Take your Kindle with a good selection of books and or your phone, with a chess app or similar on it, then spend the meal reading and playing.
    Take your Kindle with a good selection of books and or your phone, with a chess app or similar on it, then spend the meal reading and playing.
  10. Alan Clark
    Like x 7

    The Garden Museum, London

    Always used to visit here when I worked in London. Worth knowing that the John Tradescants, father and son, are both buried in an elaborate stone sarcophagus in the back 'garden'. Lovely,...
    Always used to visit here when I worked in London. Worth knowing that the John Tradescants, father and son, are both buried in an elaborate stone sarcophagus in the back 'garden'. Lovely, peaceful place, worth visiting if only to honour the memory of those two great explorers, collectors and...
    Always used to visit here when I worked in London. Worth knowing that the John Tradescants, father and son, are both buried in an elaborate stone sarcophagus in the back 'garden'. Lovely, peaceful place, worth visiting if only to honour the...
    Always used to visit here when I worked in London. Worth knowing that the John Tradescants, father and son, are both buried in an elaborate stone sarcophagus in the back 'garden'. Lovely,...
  11. Meomye

    Alerts being received

    Thanks @Jiffy for your help, the thing was, I don't recall watching it in the first place! I also didn't know this 'site/ feedback/bugs forum' existed and put this in the wrong place! thank you...
    Thanks @Jiffy for your help, the thing was, I don't recall watching it in the first place! I also didn't know this 'site/ feedback/bugs forum' existed and put this in the wrong place! thank you to whoever moved it.
    Thanks @Jiffy for your help, the thing was, I don't recall watching it in the first place! I also didn't know this 'site/ feedback/bugs forum' existed and put this in the wrong place! thank you to whoever moved it.
    Thanks @Jiffy for your help, the thing was, I don't recall watching it in the first place! I also didn't know this 'site/ feedback/bugs forum' existed and put this in the wrong place! thank you...
  12. JWK

    Aubergine growing advice

    i had this problem with peppers, needed wind and bees or flies or something. difficult in a polytunnel?ive heard of people going around and touching the stems with an electric toothbrush...
    i had this problem with peppers, needed wind and bees or flies or something. difficult in a polytunnel?ive heard of people going around and touching the stems with an electric toothbrush buzzing to mimic bees, maybe that works
    i had this problem with peppers, needed wind and bees or flies or something. difficult in a polytunnel?ive heard of people going around and touching the stems with an electric toothbrush buzzing to mimic bees, maybe that works
    i had this problem with peppers, needed wind and bees or flies or something. difficult in a polytunnel?ive heard of people going around and touching the stems with an electric toothbrush...
  13. Chris Fayle

    Chamaecyparis Obtusa

    We probably moved it in July. It was doing OK until about a month ago. It has been watered regularly, but perhaps not enough.Thanks...
    We probably moved it in July. It was doing OK until about a month ago. It has been watered regularly, but perhaps not enough.Thanks...
    We probably moved it in July. It was doing OK until about a month ago. It has been watered regularly, but perhaps not enough.Thanks...
    We probably moved it in July. It was doing OK until about a month ago. It has been watered regularly, but perhaps not enough.Thanks...
  14. ricky101

    Standard Fuchsia - Life ?

    Not many places in the UK where you could leave a standard out all winter I would have thought.
    Not many places in the UK where you could leave a standard out all winter I would have thought.
    Not many places in the UK where you could leave a standard out all winter I would have thought.
    Not many places in the UK where you could leave a standard out all winter I would have thought.
  15. wiseowl

    Happy Birthday Lolimac

    Happy 60th birthday Loli :cheers: Jenny
    Happy 60th birthday Loli :cheers: Jenny
    Happy 60th birthday Loli :cheers: Jenny
    Happy 60th birthday Loli :cheers: Jenny
  16. Goldenlily26

    What is it?

    I can stop scratching that itch ! I have a compost heap but don't think it is very warm as it is just an open heap. I have never seen anything wiggly leaving it when I have started using it. I...
    I can stop scratching that itch ! I have a compost heap but don't think it is very warm as it is just an open heap. I have never seen anything wiggly leaving it when I have started using it. I always had slow worms in the compost heap in my previous garden but they never bothered me.
    I can stop scratching that itch ! I have a compost heap but don't think it is very warm as it is just an open heap. I have never seen anything wiggly leaving it when I have started using it. I always had slow worms in the compost heap in my...
    I can stop scratching that itch ! I have a compost heap but don't think it is very warm as it is just an open heap. I have never seen anything wiggly leaving it when I have started using it. I...
  17. orbitingstar

    Ailing(?) honeysuckle - what should I do?

    I'm not sure you'll have much room for lots of other plants if the honeysuckle improves. That fence will certainly be a bit of a rain shadow, but improving the soil for it will make it thrive...
    I'm not sure you'll have much room for lots of other plants if the honeysuckle improves. That fence will certainly be a bit of a rain shadow, but improving the soil for it will make it thrive better. They get mildew-y if the conditions are too hot and dry too.You'd have to pick veg that will...
    I'm not sure you'll have much room for lots of other plants if the honeysuckle improves. That fence will certainly be a bit of a rain shadow, but improving the soil for it will make it thrive better. They get mildew-y if the conditions are too...
    I'm not sure you'll have much room for lots of other plants if the honeysuckle improves. That fence will certainly be a bit of a rain shadow, but improving the soil for it will make it thrive...
  18. cactus_girl

    Spiders in my garden 2024

    'they shave their legs' Nice one @cactus_girl - could you tell my older daughter that then? I thought my legs were hairy....:heehee:I disturbed a large spider recently when sorting my bigger birdcage....
    'they shave their legs' Nice one @cactus_girl - could you tell my older daughter that then? I thought my legs were hairy....:heehee:I disturbed a large spider recently when sorting my bigger birdcage. I apologised to him. :biggrin: I used to rescue spiders at work to prevent people overreacting and killing...
    'they shave their legs' Nice one @cactus_girl - could you tell my older daughter that then? I thought my legs were hairy....:heehee:I disturbed a large spider recently when sorting my bigger birdcage. I apologised to him. :biggrin: I used to rescue spiders...
    'they shave their legs' Nice one @cactus_girl - could you tell my older daughter that then? I thought my legs were hairy....:heehee:I disturbed a large spider recently when sorting my bigger birdcage....
  19. BB3

    Blind Arthur Bell climber

    Thanks @Tidemark .
    Thanks @Tidemark .
    Thanks @Tidemark .
    Thanks @Tidemark .
  20. Nattie

    Bramble and other weeds in new lawn

    As @CarolineL says the SBK brushwood killer is very effective and economical against brambles and similar. Though as she says its said to be safe on established grass, on new grass we would not...
    As @CarolineL says the SBK brushwood killer is very effective and economical against brambles and similar. Though as she says its said to be safe on established grass, on new grass we would not spray it over the whole lawn.What you can do now is to carefully use a small brush and manually...
    As @CarolineL says the SBK brushwood killer is very effective and economical against brambles and similar. Though as she says its said to be safe on established grass, on new grass we would not spray it over the whole lawn.What you can do now...
    As @CarolineL says the SBK brushwood killer is very effective and economical against brambles and similar. Though as she says its said to be safe on established grass, on new grass we would not...
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