New Profile Posts

  1. Valley Gardener
    Valley Gardener wiseowl
    My friend "Fran IOM" is having trouble getting into the forum can you help her

    Carole x
  2. RowlandsCastle
    RowlandsCastle wiseowl
    Dear sir,

    I don't know whether it was you or one of the other admin who removed the offending word from the cartoon - but thank you, for doing it.
  3. Jazmine
    I forget my user name on here was originally Flyingfree - a popular name I guess lol.
  4. Jazmine
    The song of thrush and blackbird, joy that falls so gently on the ears to celebrate another day of life and living, flying free. John McLeod
  5. Jazmine
    love my garden , encourage birds and wildlife with nest boxes, bat box, hedgehog box, insect houses , butterfly house, fish pond
  6. Jenny namaste
    Jenny namaste wiseowl
    Loli's birthday THIS COMING SATURDAY ,
    1. wiseowl
      Hi Jenny thanks for that my friend
      Sep 6, 2023
  7. Honey Bee
    Honey Bee
    Yikes - have I been absent for 9 years!!!!???
  8. Adendoll
    Adendoll Fat Controller
    Hello FC
    I’m sorry to tell you that Eddy (Armandii) has passed away. I didn't know who best to contact but wanted to let you know.
    Thanks so much for all the friendship your group extended to Eddy we all appreciated it
  9. Jenny namaste
    Jenny namaste Fat Controller
    Hallo Russ....good to see you....♡♡♡♡
    1. Fat Controller likes this.
  10. blackstart
    Retired gardener
  11. Jenny namaste
    Jenny namaste Fat Controller
    Loli said a new dog in the offing? Where can I find it please?
    ♡♡♡ Jenny ♡♡♡♡♡
  12. roders
    roders Fat Controller
    Battle of Britain Air Show cancelled over coronavirus fears

    Sorry mate ,there WILL be other times.
    1. Fat Controller likes this.
  13. landimad
    Extra ration of Grog Killick
  14. WeeTam
    WeeTam Fat Controller
    Can you contact me. Thanks
  15. Sian in Belgium
    Sian in Belgium
    Still in shock, following the death of my wonderful mother-in-law...
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