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  1. Forget me not

    My Fruit trees

    The normal thing is that they are still to young to fruit, a couple of years is still a very young tree. It is also worth considering if they are self fertile. I would guess that the cherry and...
    The normal thing is that they are still to young to fruit, a couple of years is still a very young tree. It is also worth considering if they are self fertile. I would guess that the cherry and plum are likely partially self fertile, so you can expect a small quantity of fruit if there is any...
    The normal thing is that they are still to young to fruit, a couple of years is still a very young tree. It is also worth considering if they are self fertile. I would guess that the cherry and plum are likely partially self fertile, so you can...
    The normal thing is that they are still to young to fruit, a couple of years is still a very young tree. It is also worth considering if they are self fertile. I would guess that the cherry and...
  2. grassfedgardener

    How to get rid of moss and weeds?

    On my back lawn I have a big clump of tall red clover and one of yarrow, I mow around them carefully! On the front I am getting lots of self heal, which is a beautiful plant.
    On my back lawn I have a big clump of tall red clover and one of yarrow, I mow around them carefully! On the front I am getting lots of self heal, which is a beautiful plant.
    On my back lawn I have a big clump of tall red clover and one of yarrow, I mow around them carefully! On the front I am getting lots of self heal, which is a beautiful plant.
    On my back lawn I have a big clump of tall red clover and one of yarrow, I mow around them carefully! On the front I am getting lots of self heal, which is a beautiful plant.
  3. ScousePaul

    A mossy lawn

    Hi both, thanks for the feedback, i have ordered some. And that's a good point about not eradicating the moss, I had seen this as my aim but this is probably unlikely on our lawn that's north...
    Hi both, thanks for the feedback, i have ordered some. And that's a good point about not eradicating the moss, I had seen this as my aim but this is probably unlikely on our lawn that's north facing and damp. I also hadn't really considered the organic element which is always worth trying to...
    Hi both, thanks for the feedback, i have ordered some. And that's a good point about not eradicating the moss, I had seen this as my aim but this is probably unlikely on our lawn that's north facing and damp. I also hadn't really considered the...
    Hi both, thanks for the feedback, i have ordered some. And that's a good point about not eradicating the moss, I had seen this as my aim but this is probably unlikely on our lawn that's north...
  4. GreenFingeredPete

    Help With Growing Seeds

    @GreenFingeredPete I'd just plant a few annuals you fancy, but have plenty of seed of. Then if you run out of time to prick them out, you haven't lost much, but if you have time, you are ahead....
    @GreenFingeredPete I'd just plant a few annuals you fancy, but have plenty of seed of. Then if you run out of time to prick them out, you haven't lost much, but if you have time, you are ahead. Don't do mesembryanthemum! I accidentally sowed too thickly - they came up in 2 days and I had loads...
    @GreenFingeredPete I'd just plant a few annuals you fancy, but have plenty of seed of. Then if you run out of time to prick them out, you haven't lost much, but if you have time, you are ahead. Don't do mesembryanthemum! I accidentally sowed too...
    @GreenFingeredPete I'd just plant a few annuals you fancy, but have plenty of seed of. Then if you run out of time to prick them out, you haven't lost much, but if you have time, you are ahead....
  5. RaM

    Box Moth

    I will report back on how we manage this summer.
    I will report back on how we manage this summer.
    I will report back on how we manage this summer.
    I will report back on how we manage this summer.
  6. JWK

    What's buzzing or flying near you 2025 ?

    Yesterday on the fig tree in our daughter’s back-garden here in Oz helping himself ! Australian Ringneck . Also sometimes a bee-catcher bird comes and helps himself a bit like a larger version of...
    Yesterday on the fig tree in our daughter’s back-garden here in Oz helping himself ! Australian Ringneck . Also sometimes a bee-catcher bird comes and helps himself a bit like a larger version of our nut-hatch will try and get a pic.
    Yesterday on the fig tree in our daughter’s back-garden here in Oz helping himself ! Australian Ringneck . Also sometimes a bee-catcher bird comes and helps himself a bit like a larger version of our nut-hatch will try and get a pic.
    Yesterday on the fig tree in our daughter’s back-garden here in Oz helping himself ! Australian Ringneck . Also sometimes a bee-catcher bird comes and helps himself a bit like a larger version of...
    Snow Bunting.JPG SB 19.JPG PS 3.JPG SB 19.JPG PS 2.JPG DSCF1941.jpg
  7. Sheal

    Solved Stupid me!

    Thank you @Michael Hewett. :) Although they've flowered well I don't like the colour, it's too washed out. I prefer the darker colours.
    Thank you @Michael Hewett. :) Although they've flowered well I don't like the colour, it's too washed out. I prefer the darker colours.
    Thank you @Michael Hewett. :) Although they've flowered well I don't like the colour, it's too washed out. I prefer the darker colours.
    Thank you @Michael Hewett. :) Although they've flowered well I don't like the colour, it's too washed out. I prefer the darker colours.
  8. dadio77

    Use of seeds containing Thiram

    At least it has had to pass our own import rules even if theyre barely enforced! In New Zealand they take it seriously and have avoided dozens of super plagues already, only after their plagues of...
    At least it has had to pass our own import rules even if theyre barely enforced! In New Zealand they take it seriously and have avoided dozens of super plagues already, only after their plagues of stoats and so on though. The box moth has killed every box in my town in only a few years, huge...
    At least it has had to pass our own import rules even if theyre barely enforced! In New Zealand they take it seriously and have avoided dozens of super plagues already, only after their plagues of stoats and so on though. The box moth has killed...
    At least it has had to pass our own import rules even if theyre barely enforced! In New Zealand they take it seriously and have avoided dozens of super plagues already, only after their plagues of...
  9. JWK

    Potato Growing 2025

    That's when "They forecast" the temperatures get into double figures.
    That's when "They forecast" the temperatures get into double figures.
    That's when "They forecast" the temperatures get into double figures.
    That's when "They forecast" the temperatures get into double figures.
  10. Novice Gardener Laura

    Overrun with Weeds!

    As above, rake out weeds and roots. Maybe vac out with Henry or similar. Mix sharp sand and ordinary portland cement (1:10) dry, brush in, allow to dry few hours , brush away excess leaving a...
    As above, rake out weeds and roots. Maybe vac out with Henry or similar. Mix sharp sand and ordinary portland cement (1:10) dry, brush in, allow to dry few hours , brush away excess leaving a nominal drainage. No soil means no weeds . Maintain or repeat.
    As above, rake out weeds and roots. Maybe vac out with Henry or similar. Mix sharp sand and ordinary portland cement (1:10) dry, brush in, allow to dry few hours , brush away excess leaving a nominal drainage. No soil means no weeds . Maintain or...
    As above, rake out weeds and roots. Maybe vac out with Henry or similar. Mix sharp sand and ordinary portland cement (1:10) dry, brush in, allow to dry few hours , brush away excess leaving a...
  11. KeiithC

    Fungus in lawn??

    Looks like the Lichen which was identified for me as Dog lichen, Peltigera sp. Dog lichen is a result of poor growing conditions for grass. As it is not a weed, there are no chemical weed killers...
    Looks like the Lichen which was identified for me as Dog lichen, Peltigera sp. Dog lichen is a result of poor growing conditions for grass. As it is not a weed, there are no chemical weed killers which will control it. However, it is not very tolerant to changes in growing conditions, so simply...
    Looks like the Lichen which was identified for me as Dog lichen, Peltigera sp. Dog lichen is a result of poor growing conditions for grass. As it is not a weed, there are no chemical weed killers which will control it. However, it is not very...
    Looks like the Lichen which was identified for me as Dog lichen, Peltigera sp. Dog lichen is a result of poor growing conditions for grass. As it is not a weed, there are no chemical weed killers...
  12. Purple Streaks

    Rehoming a dog

    I'd agree with @Tidemark re The Cinammon Trust. When I was trying to help a neighbour to find a Jack Russell as a companion, my sister ( who works with dogs in Leics. ) highly recommended them.
    I'd agree with @Tidemark re The Cinammon Trust. When I was trying to help a neighbour to find a Jack Russell as a companion, my sister ( who works with dogs in Leics. ) highly recommended them.
    I'd agree with @Tidemark re The Cinammon Trust. When I was trying to help a neighbour to find a Jack Russell as a companion, my sister ( who works with dogs in Leics. ) highly recommended them.
    I'd agree with @Tidemark re The Cinammon Trust. When I was trying to help a neighbour to find a Jack Russell as a companion, my sister ( who works with dogs in Leics. ) highly recommended them.
  13. Jack Snakes

    Rescuing my back garden

    Your welcome :)
    Your welcome :)
    Your welcome :)
    Your welcome :)
  14. Grass Cutter

    Why won't this Hebe flower?

    Hebe subalpina is another name for Hebe rakaiensis which is a poor/erratic flowerer. It’s usually used for the foliage and because it naturally forms a relatively neat domed shape without any...
    Hebe subalpina is another name for Hebe rakaiensis which is a poor/erratic flowerer. It’s usually used for the foliage and because it naturally forms a relatively neat domed shape without any clipping. I’m not familiar with Snowball but knowing the basic rakaiensis as well as I do, I would be...
    Hebe subalpina is another name for Hebe rakaiensis which is a poor/erratic flowerer. It’s usually used for the foliage and because it naturally forms a relatively neat domed shape without any clipping. I’m not familiar with Snowball but knowing...
    Hebe subalpina is another name for Hebe rakaiensis which is a poor/erratic flowerer. It’s usually used for the foliage and because it naturally forms a relatively neat domed shape without any...
  15. wiseowl

    Land /Water Wildlife

    Lovely to see a hedgehog in our garden for the last few nights. I normally have a feeding station set up with kitten food but I thought they'd still be hibernating. I'll have to buy some food I...
    Lovely to see a hedgehog in our garden for the last few nights. I normally have a feeding station set up with kitten food but I thought they'd still be hibernating. I'll have to buy some food I think :biggrin:
    Lovely to see a hedgehog in our garden for the last few nights. I normally have a feeding station set up with kitten food but I thought they'd still be hibernating. I'll have to buy some food I think :biggrin:
    Lovely to see a hedgehog in our garden for the last few nights. I normally have a feeding station set up with kitten food but I thought they'd still be hibernating. I'll have to buy some food I...
    Frog 1.JPG Screenshot_20220625-134604_Chrome.jpg common 1#.JPG common 2.JPG 18E4694B-51F3-4A93-BAF9-ADFF282AB8F5.jpeg Screenshot_20220625-134556_Chrome.jpg
  16. Tidemark
    Like x 6

    A happy story in the news? Really? Really!

    Hold onto your hats, lads! :)Flamstead hawk takes 91-year-old's hat twice in a week
    Hold onto your hats, lads! :)Flamstead hawk takes 91-year-old's hat twice in a week
    Hold onto your hats, lads! :)Flamstead hawk takes 91-year-old's hat twice in a week
    Hold onto your hats, lads! :)Flamstead hawk takes 91-year-old's hat twice in a week
  17. wiseowl

    Seed Sowing March 2025

    NigelJ - it reminds me of when there is a good crop of holly berries and people say it means there is going to be a hard winter. I usually reply that it is much more likely to be due to favourable...
    NigelJ - it reminds me of when there is a good crop of holly berries and people say it means there is going to be a hard winter. I usually reply that it is much more likely to be due to favourable conditions in the previous seasons. I also read those books - Merlin Sheldrake's was so fascinating...
    NigelJ - it reminds me of when there is a good crop of holly berries and people say it means there is going to be a hard winter. I usually reply that it is much more likely to be due to favourable conditions in the previous seasons. I also read...
    NigelJ - it reminds me of when there is a good crop of holly berries and people say it means there is going to be a hard winter. I usually reply that it is much more likely to be due to favourable...
  18. Baalmaiden

    Anyone tried Cosmos Xanthos?

    @Butterfly6, I didn't even look at the height details. But you are right, the growth was evident from early on. My second problem was Apricotta seems to change colour. One minute (early in the...
    @Butterfly6, I didn't even look at the height details. But you are right, the growth was evident from early on. My second problem was Apricotta seems to change colour. One minute (early in the season) it was more peachy tone. Then into late summer it started to bloom more like a dusky pink. I'm...
    @Butterfly6, I didn't even look at the height details. But you are right, the growth was evident from early on. My second problem was Apricotta seems to change colour. One minute (early in the season) it was more peachy tone. Then into late...
    @Butterfly6, I didn't even look at the height details. But you are right, the growth was evident from early on. My second problem was Apricotta seems to change colour. One minute (early in the...
  19. Logan

    YouTube mega thread

    American's try British style pancakes with lemon and sugar for the first time.
    American's try British style pancakes with lemon and sugar for the first time.
    American's try British style pancakes with lemon and sugar for the first time.
    American's try British style pancakes with lemon and sugar for the first time.
  20. Stuarta99

    Damaged Daphne

    I moved one into a tight space in the border, next to a salvia hot lips. The other one went into a much bigger pot. So let’s see what happens.
    I moved one into a tight space in the border, next to a salvia hot lips. The other one went into a much bigger pot. So let’s see what happens.
    I moved one into a tight space in the border, next to a salvia hot lips. The other one went into a much bigger pot. So let’s see what happens.
    I moved one into a tight space in the border, next to a salvia hot lips. The other one went into a much bigger pot. So let’s see what happens.
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