Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling

All Discussions Regarding Compost (ing), Fertilisers, soil conditioning, Recycling & Rain Water Harvesting can be found here.

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  1. Louise

    Compost problems

    I did get the men of the household to pee into the composter , but they kept leaving the lid up!
    I did get the men of the household to pee into the composter , but they kept leaving the lid up!
    I did get the men of the household to pee into the composter , but they kept leaving the lid up!
    I did get the men of the household to pee into the composter , but they kept leaving the lid up!
  2. amme

    what is the best way to composting alot of rabbit cage stuff

    Why not just walk down to the allotments and ask. There will probably be someone who has an open bean trench and wants something to put in. When we had a rabbit I made the best compost ever. I...
    Why not just walk down to the allotments and ask. There will probably be someone who has an open bean trench and wants something to put in. When we had a rabbit I made the best compost ever. I used to mix it with lawn mowings during the spring and summer.
    Why not just walk down to the allotments and ask. There will probably be someone who has an open bean trench and wants something to put in. When we had a rabbit I made the best compost ever. I used to mix it with lawn mowings during the spring...
    Why not just walk down to the allotments and ask. There will probably be someone who has an open bean trench and wants something to put in. When we had a rabbit I made the best compost ever. I...
  3. Nat75

    New compost bin

    Forget the mesh. Rats will just dig under. If you don't put cooked food in then it wont attract rats. Leaves are high in Carbon so need mixing 50:50 with soft, nitrogenous material such as...
    Forget the mesh. Rats will just dig under. If you don't put cooked food in then it wont attract rats. Leaves are high in Carbon so need mixing 50:50 with soft, nitrogenous material such as uncooked kitchen waste ( peelings etc) or lawn mowings. Soft stuff on its own just becomes a smelly mess so...
    Forget the mesh. Rats will just dig under. If you don't put cooked food in then it wont attract rats. Leaves are high in Carbon so need mixing 50:50 with soft, nitrogenous material such as uncooked kitchen waste ( peelings etc) or lawn mowings....
    Forget the mesh. Rats will just dig under. If you don't put cooked food in then it wont attract rats. Leaves are high in Carbon so need mixing 50:50 with soft, nitrogenous material such as...
  4. joebennett87

    A question about common fertilisers!

    .I try to buy fertilizers in 25 kg bags as it works out much cheaper, thouGh it is getting more difficult to find anywhere that actually stocks them. Most places sell them in poxy small...
    .I try to buy fertilizers in 25 kg bags as it works out much cheaper, thouGh it is getting more difficult to find anywhere that actually stocks them. Most places sell them in poxy small cartons or now they have discovered plastic buckets, but still the cost is extortinate.Anyway this...
    .I try to buy fertilizers in 25 kg bags as it works out much cheaper, thouGh it is getting more difficult to find anywhere that actually stocks them. Most places sell them in poxy small cartons or now they have discovered plastic buckets,...
    .I try to buy fertilizers in 25 kg bags as it works out much cheaper, thouGh it is getting more difficult to find anywhere that actually stocks them. Most places sell them in poxy small...
  5. BigBaddad

    Composting Llandii/Conifers

    When we took out our last hedge which was just a bit smaller than yours, I logged the main trunks for fuel and burned the rest (when wind was right to avoid neighbours) and saved the ash for...
    When we took out our last hedge which was just a bit smaller than yours, I logged the main trunks for fuel and burned the rest (when wind was right to avoid neighbours) and saved the ash for spring feed on the fruit trees. When I took out our first hedge I borrowed a heavy duty chipper and used...
    When we took out our last hedge which was just a bit smaller than yours, I logged the main trunks for fuel and burned the rest (when wind was right to avoid neighbours) and saved the ash for spring feed on the fruit trees. When I took out our...
    When we took out our last hedge which was just a bit smaller than yours, I logged the main trunks for fuel and burned the rest (when wind was right to avoid neighbours) and saved the ash for...
  6. Quaedor36

    Fresh Horse Manure - which plants would be okay?

    Thanks Flinty,I had thought of avoiding those areas where I intend to plant root crops, for the reasons you said, but it's good to have confirmation.I thought that it would be okay for all...
    Thanks Flinty,I had thought of avoiding those areas where I intend to plant root crops, for the reasons you said, but it's good to have confirmation.I thought that it would be okay for all other crops (other than root vegetables) but I wasn't sure. The manure on the rest of the ground...
    Thanks Flinty,I had thought of avoiding those areas where I intend to plant root crops, for the reasons you said, but it's good to have confirmation.I thought that it would be okay for all other crops (other than root vegetables) but I...
    Thanks Flinty,I had thought of avoiding those areas where I intend to plant root crops, for the reasons you said, but it's good to have confirmation.I thought that it would be okay for all...
  7. Clare T

    compost bins or heap?

    So its not as tough as they try to make out! I think I will save my money and keep with whatever stick comes to hand.
    So its not as tough as they try to make out! I think I will save my money and keep with whatever stick comes to hand.
    So its not as tough as they try to make out! I think I will save my money and keep with whatever stick comes to hand.
    So its not as tough as they try to make out! I think I will save my money and keep with whatever stick comes to hand.
  8. Steve R

    More Recycling

    A good find! When I was working, suppliers would often send in stands to display new lines, I always binned them (still in their cartons) as I didn't like them cluttering up the aisles (nor did...
    A good find! When I was working, suppliers would often send in stands to display new lines, I always binned them (still in their cartons) as I didn't like them cluttering up the aisles (nor did the customers). I'd have the lines incorporated into the correct section. I often "recycled" some...
    A good find! When I was working, suppliers would often send in stands to display new lines, I always binned them (still in their cartons) as I didn't like them cluttering up the aisles (nor did the customers). I'd have the lines incorporated...
    A good find! When I was working, suppliers would often send in stands to display new lines, I always binned them (still in their cartons) as I didn't like them cluttering up the aisles (nor did...
  9. Prudence Potts

    Bulrush Multi Purpose Compost

    I had the same problem earlier in the season ,I am now using levington Multi Purpose and happy with that.
    I had the same problem earlier in the season ,I am now using levington Multi Purpose and happy with that.
    I had the same problem earlier in the season ,I am now using levington Multi Purpose and happy with that.
    I had the same problem earlier in the season ,I am now using levington Multi Purpose and happy with that.
  10. Mike Graham

    Compost is too acidic...

    Yeah think ill get some, put it in an turn the compost so it gets to it all. Want to get the slugs attracted back to it again, it keeps them away from the rest of the garden lol
    Yeah think ill get some, put it in an turn the compost so it gets to it all. Want to get the slugs attracted back to it again, it keeps them away from the rest of the garden lol
    Yeah think ill get some, put it in an turn the compost so it gets to it all. Want to get the slugs attracted back to it again, it keeps them away from the rest of the garden lol
    Yeah think ill get some, put it in an turn the compost so it gets to it all. Want to get the slugs attracted back to it again, it keeps them away from the rest of the garden lol
  11. maltaron

    My compost system

    Hey, this looks very impressive (you may need to be careful about run-off from the compost bins into the stream by the way). But my wife bought me a whizz-bang modern Aeorbin 400 compost bin for...
    Hey, this looks very impressive (you may need to be careful about run-off from the compost bins into the stream by the way). But my wife bought me a whizz-bang modern Aeorbin 400 compost bin for my birthday. This converts stuff much, much faster than the trational way.... churns out first class...
    Hey, this looks very impressive (you may need to be careful about run-off from the compost bins into the stream by the way). But my wife bought me a whizz-bang modern Aeorbin 400 compost bin for my birthday. This converts stuff much, much faster...
    Hey, this looks very impressive (you may need to be careful about run-off from the compost bins into the stream by the way). But my wife bought me a whizz-bang modern Aeorbin 400 compost bin for...
  12. hellsbells

    Putting lavatera into compost

    Thanks for that, shredding will commence! Hopefully the heat of the composting will kill them - poor thing, unfortunately its a plant I really can't stand!
    Thanks for that, shredding will commence! Hopefully the heat of the composting will kill them - poor thing, unfortunately its a plant I really can't stand!
    Thanks for that, shredding will commence! Hopefully the heat of the composting will kill them - poor thing, unfortunately its a plant I really can't stand!
    Thanks for that, shredding will commence! Hopefully the heat of the composting will kill them - poor thing, unfortunately its a plant I really can't stand!
  13. rosa

    Beehive Compost bin

    heres as promised pics of my beehive composter ive got it on my balcony for now so ive loaded it with loads of things that im keeping for my allotment when i get one so its come in handy for now.
    heres as promised pics of my beehive composter ive got it on my balcony for now so ive loaded it with loads of things that im keeping for my allotment when i get one so its come in handy for now.
    heres as promised pics of my beehive composter ive got it on my balcony for now so ive loaded it with loads of things that im keeping for my allotment when i get one so its come in handy for now.
    heres as promised pics of my beehive composter ive got it on my balcony for now so ive loaded it with loads of things that im keeping for my allotment when i get one so its come in handy for now.
  14. greenfingers

    Fishy water.

    Looks like a book advert to me.. the Backyard Aquaponics website has all the info you`ll ever need and its free :wink:Edit, AV8 appears to have registered on the garden web forums today too....
    Looks like a book advert to me.. the Backyard Aquaponics website has all the info you`ll ever need and its free :wink:Edit, AV8 appears to have registered on the garden web forums today too. Just to post...the same dodgy book advert lol
    Looks like a book advert to me.. the Backyard Aquaponics website has all the info you`ll ever need and its free :wink:Edit, AV8 appears to have registered on the garden web forums today too. Just to post...the same dodgy book advert lol
    Looks like a book advert to me.. the Backyard Aquaponics website has all the info you`ll ever need and its free :wink:Edit, AV8 appears to have registered on the garden web forums today too....
  15. ismeval

    Compost disappeared !

    Whizz-away and She-wee are devices that enable a girl to pee standing up or sitting in a wheel chair etc. I experimented with one of these whilst mountaineering a few years back.It is quite a...
    Whizz-away and She-wee are devices that enable a girl to pee standing up or sitting in a wheel chair etc. I experimented with one of these whilst mountaineering a few years back.It is quite a feat of mind over matter to pee standing up - doesn't come naturally to a girl. In the end I didn't...
    Whizz-away and She-wee are devices that enable a girl to pee standing up or sitting in a wheel chair etc. I experimented with one of these whilst mountaineering a few years back.It is quite a feat of mind over matter to pee standing up -...
    Whizz-away and She-wee are devices that enable a girl to pee standing up or sitting in a wheel chair etc. I experimented with one of these whilst mountaineering a few years back.It is quite a...
  16. sann0638

    What should compost look like?

    I lift my Dalek off (its cone shaped), place it alongside, and then fork the stuff back in to mix it.I wee on most days, that helps get the temeprature up (although this time of the year it may...
    I lift my Dalek off (its cone shaped), place it alongside, and then fork the stuff back in to mix it.I wee on most days, that helps get the temeprature up (although this time of the year it may not help much, and more moisture is required in Summer and very little in Winter)My compost looks...
    I lift my Dalek off (its cone shaped), place it alongside, and then fork the stuff back in to mix it.I wee on most days, that helps get the temeprature up (although this time of the year it may not help much, and more moisture is required in...
    I lift my Dalek off (its cone shaped), place it alongside, and then fork the stuff back in to mix it.I wee on most days, that helps get the temeprature up (although this time of the year it may...
  17. Fi Friend

    Poinsettia compost

    Can anyone help - an elderly friend asked me if she can repot her poinsettia using left over azalea compost - I have no idea! I would be very grateful for an answer - many thanks Fi
    Can anyone help - an elderly friend asked me if she can repot her poinsettia using left over azalea compost - I have no idea! I would be very grateful for an answer - many thanks Fi
    Can anyone help - an elderly friend asked me if she can repot her poinsettia using left over azalea compost - I have no idea! I would be very grateful for an answer - many thanks Fi
    Can anyone help - an elderly friend asked me if she can repot her poinsettia using left over azalea compost - I have no idea! I would be very grateful for an answer - many thanks Fi
  18. David G


    I don't have much bare ground until late autumn and then I simply spread the compost on the surface and let the worms drag it in and finish the job with a light forking in spring. I keep a few...
    I don't have much bare ground until late autumn and then I simply spread the compost on the surface and let the worms drag it in and finish the job with a light forking in spring. I keep a few bags stored over winter for putting into pea and bean trenches in spring.
    I don't have much bare ground until late autumn and then I simply spread the compost on the surface and let the worms drag it in and finish the job with a light forking in spring. I keep a few bags stored over winter for putting into pea and bean...
    I don't have much bare ground until late autumn and then I simply spread the compost on the surface and let the worms drag it in and finish the job with a light forking in spring. I keep a few...
  19. completely green but keen

    To compost or not to compost

    Very very good advice :thumb: Aeration, moisture balance and C/N balance is the key to good composting. .
    Very very good advice :thumb: Aeration, moisture balance and C/N balance is the key to good composting. .
    Very very good advice :thumb: Aeration, moisture balance and C/N balance is the key to good composting. .
    Very very good advice :thumb: Aeration, moisture balance and C/N balance is the key to good composting. .
  20. sweetpeas

    HELP....Red mite in my compost bin!!

    They're only red when they've fed (on blood). Mostly they look like grey dust. If it's far enough away, they should die soon. The cold weather coming soon :( should help too, but it doesn't...
    They're only red when they've fed (on blood). Mostly they look like grey dust. If it's far enough away, they should die soon. The cold weather coming soon :( should help too, but it doesn't totally eradicate them. Sounds like they're coming from the bedding. BTW Dettol dilutes slightly in...
    They're only red when they've fed (on blood). Mostly they look like grey dust. If it's far enough away, they should die soon. The cold weather coming soon :( should help too, but it doesn't totally eradicate them. Sounds like they're coming...
    They're only red when they've fed (on blood). Mostly they look like grey dust. If it's far enough away, they should die soon. The cold weather coming soon :( should help too, but it doesn't...

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