Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling

All Discussions Regarding Compost (ing), Fertilisers, soil conditioning, Recycling & Rain Water Harvesting can be found here.

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  1. Barndym


    I've had no problem getting seed compost (in Surrey) this year - I use 2-1 seed / perlite and cover with vermiculite if needed.
    I've had no problem getting seed compost (in Surrey) this year - I use 2-1 seed / perlite and cover with vermiculite if needed.
    I've had no problem getting seed compost (in Surrey) this year - I use 2-1 seed / perlite and cover with vermiculite if needed.
    I've had no problem getting seed compost (in Surrey) this year - I use 2-1 seed / perlite and cover with vermiculite if needed.
  2. NewbieGreen

    Why not cooked food in compost?

    Cheers all.I didn't think we got cockroaches in this country though do we? Well you learn something every day
    Cheers all.I didn't think we got cockroaches in this country though do we? Well you learn something every day
    Cheers all.I didn't think we got cockroaches in this country though do we? Well you learn something every day
    Cheers all.I didn't think we got cockroaches in this country though do we? Well you learn something every day
  3. Redlady


    t i g will probably be able to inform you more accurately but I was told not to put the contents of the vacuum cleaner in there if you've got carpets that aren't 100% wool, hope that helps
    t i g will probably be able to inform you more accurately but I was told not to put the contents of the vacuum cleaner in there if you've got carpets that aren't 100% wool, hope that helps
    t i g will probably be able to inform you more accurately but I was told not to put the contents of the vacuum cleaner in there if you've got carpets that aren't 100% wool, hope that helps
    t i g will probably be able to inform you more accurately but I was told not to put the contents of the vacuum cleaner in there if you've got carpets that aren't 100% wool, hope that helps
  4. redfifi1717

    At last...I can compost!

    A friend has several heaps - and her best comprised almost soley of guinea pig bedding and orange peel! It smelled divine (though definitely orangey) - and the worms were the biggest I've...
    A friend has several heaps - and her best comprised almost soley of guinea pig bedding and orange peel! It smelled divine (though definitely orangey) - and the worms were the biggest I've seen!I totally agree with the above - don't forget the brown stuff!
    A friend has several heaps - and her best comprised almost soley of guinea pig bedding and orange peel! It smelled divine (though definitely orangey) - and the worms were the biggest I've seen!I totally agree with the above - don't forget the...
    A friend has several heaps - and her best comprised almost soley of guinea pig bedding and orange peel! It smelled divine (though definitely orangey) - and the worms were the biggest I've...
  5. Time


    I have two now as have got the hang of converting a wheelie bin and so halved them as they were getting out of control. I love them I dont know why - I woudl keep them even if they didnt make good...
    I have two now as have got the hang of converting a wheelie bin and so halved them as they were getting out of control. I love them I dont know why - I woudl keep them even if they didnt make good compost. I spent the first two years worrying about them if they were unhappy because that is also...
    I have two now as have got the hang of converting a wheelie bin and so halved them as they were getting out of control. I love them I dont know why - I woudl keep them even if they didnt make good compost. I spent the first two years worrying...
    I have two now as have got the hang of converting a wheelie bin and so halved them as they were getting out of control. I love them I dont know why - I woudl keep them even if they didnt make good...
  6. Time


    Tim .. The one i am getting is a four tray from worm city.
    Tim .. The one i am getting is a four tray from worm city.
    Tim .. The one i am getting is a four tray from worm city.
    Tim .. The one i am getting is a four tray from worm city.
  7. NewbieGreen

    Composter to rid slugs

    Slugs don't obey rules just because you supply them with a nice warm place to breed will not answer your slug problem, it just provides them with a launch pad from which to coduct their nefarious...
    Slugs don't obey rules just because you supply them with a nice warm place to breed will not answer your slug problem, it just provides them with a launch pad from which to coduct their nefarious activities.
    Slugs don't obey rules just because you supply them with a nice warm place to breed will not answer your slug problem, it just provides them with a launch pad from which to coduct their nefarious activities.
    Slugs don't obey rules just because you supply them with a nice warm place to breed will not answer your slug problem, it just provides them with a launch pad from which to coduct their nefarious...
  8. scrumpyjack

    flies in the compost

    This is apparently because kitchen waste is exposed on top. Flies normally go if you just pop some newspaper on after, basically browns always on top of any greens.
    This is apparently because kitchen waste is exposed on top. Flies normally go if you just pop some newspaper on after, basically browns always on top of any greens.
    This is apparently because kitchen waste is exposed on top. Flies normally go if you just pop some newspaper on after, basically browns always on top of any greens.
    This is apparently because kitchen waste is exposed on top. Flies normally go if you just pop some newspaper on after, basically browns always on top of any greens.
  9. mabchapman

    Feeding with ericaceous plant food

    I forgot to say also that I have an australian bottle brush which likes erichaceous feed, i planted black leaf geraniums each side once the red brushes had done their thingand they are doing fine....
    I forgot to say also that I have an australian bottle brush which likes erichaceous feed, i planted black leaf geraniums each side once the red brushes had done their thingand they are doing fine. I give iron feed to my rhodedendron, azalia, bottle brush & camelia but don't know if the others...
    I forgot to say also that I have an australian bottle brush which likes erichaceous feed, i planted black leaf geraniums each side once the red brushes had done their thingand they are doing fine. I give iron feed to my rhodedendron, azalia,...
    I forgot to say also that I have an australian bottle brush which likes erichaceous feed, i planted black leaf geraniums each side once the red brushes had done their thingand they are doing fine....
  10. Johnb

    Mushroom compost

    Hi John Looked around the internet came across this for you hope it helps! compost
    Hi John Looked around the internet came across this for you hope it helps! compost
    Hi John Looked around the internet came across this for you hope it helps! compost
    Hi John Looked around the internet came across this for you hope it helps! compost
  11. Essexgardens

    Mice in compost

    Thanks Geoff I got some traps today hopefully I catch my wee furry friend soon
    Thanks Geoff I got some traps today hopefully I catch my wee furry friend soon
    Thanks Geoff I got some traps today hopefully I catch my wee furry friend soon
    Thanks Geoff I got some traps today hopefully I catch my wee furry friend soon
  12. Mrs Bobs

    Can straw go in a composter

    I would avoid putting in things like roots of couch grass, convolvulous or similar weeds, also ripe seed heads, some seeds never seem to rot down, poppies, allyssum, tomatoes for example. Tomato...
    I would avoid putting in things like roots of couch grass, convolvulous or similar weeds, also ripe seed heads, some seeds never seem to rot down, poppies, allyssum, tomatoes for example. Tomato seeds even survive the human digestive system and the sewage treatment works.
    I would avoid putting in things like roots of couch grass, convolvulous or similar weeds, also ripe seed heads, some seeds never seem to rot down, poppies, allyssum, tomatoes for example. Tomato seeds even survive the human digestive system and...
    I would avoid putting in things like roots of couch grass, convolvulous or similar weeds, also ripe seed heads, some seeds never seem to rot down, poppies, allyssum, tomatoes for example. Tomato...
  13. Tiarella

    Disappointing Compost

    I have two council compost bins cost me �£5 each and they are excellant. I have had them now 2 years, compost pretty fast.we even put our tea bags in it. I shall be empty both bins in the autum...
    I have two council compost bins cost me �£5 each and they are excellant. I have had them now 2 years, compost pretty fast.we even put our tea bags in it. I shall be empty both bins in the autum on the allotment. allotment borders my garden. It is worth having these compost bins.
    I have two council compost bins cost me �£5 each and they are excellant. I have had them now 2 years, compost pretty fast.we even put our tea bags in it. I shall be empty both bins in the autum on the allotment. allotment borders my garden. It...
    I have two council compost bins cost me �£5 each and they are excellant. I have had them now 2 years, compost pretty fast.we even put our tea bags in it. I shall be empty both bins in the autum...
  14. rosa

    Slow Release Plant feeders

    Don't write off the pound shops, if you look there are plenty of bargains
    Don't write off the pound shops, if you look there are plenty of bargains
    Don't write off the pound shops, if you look there are plenty of bargains
    Don't write off the pound shops, if you look there are plenty of bargains
  15. Madahhlia

    Dearth of Peat-free compost

    Have a look at
    Have a look at
    Have a look at
    Have a look at
  16. johnbinkley

    Composting ivy in bulk.

    Thanks I'll take heed.
    Thanks I'll take heed.
    Thanks I'll take heed.
    Thanks I'll take heed.
  17. lottielou

    Great idea for a composter

    Well it's like being a doctor, we have to learn all the science but our consultations are longer (half an hour to an hour) and at the end of it the patients gets their herbs either in the form of...
    Well it's like being a doctor, we have to learn all the science but our consultations are longer (half an hour to an hour) and at the end of it the patients gets their herbs either in the form of a tea, powder, juice or usually a tincture which is a super strong concentration of 1 or more herbs...
    Well it's like being a doctor, we have to learn all the science but our consultations are longer (half an hour to an hour) and at the end of it the patients gets their herbs either in the form of a tea, powder, juice or usually a tincture which...
    Well it's like being a doctor, we have to learn all the science but our consultations are longer (half an hour to an hour) and at the end of it the patients gets their herbs either in the form of...
  18. Brackenbeds2

    Compost Bin Overload!!

    I now have two and wish i had kept the other one. The first one is now full and the second one is already on it's way. It's amazing how much grass cutting i get from two lawns.
    I now have two and wish i had kept the other one. The first one is now full and the second one is already on it's way. It's amazing how much grass cutting i get from two lawns.
    I now have two and wish i had kept the other one. The first one is now full and the second one is already on it's way. It's amazing how much grass cutting i get from two lawns.
    I now have two and wish i had kept the other one. The first one is now full and the second one is already on it's way. It's amazing how much grass cutting i get from two lawns.
  19. jjdecay

    planting in compost

    I would stress that nutients must be low in concentration. For plants to take in nutrients in through the cell walls of the roots then the solution inside the plant needs to be less dilute in...
    I would stress that nutients must be low in concentration. For plants to take in nutrients in through the cell walls of the roots then the solution inside the plant needs to be less dilute in salts than the soil moisture. If that is the case then soil moisture will pass through the cell wall...
    I would stress that nutients must be low in concentration. For plants to take in nutrients in through the cell walls of the roots then the solution inside the plant needs to be less dilute in salts than the soil moisture. If that is the case then...
    I would stress that nutients must be low in concentration. For plants to take in nutrients in through the cell walls of the roots then the solution inside the plant needs to be less dilute in...
  20. kasabian

    Lion Poo Fertilizer

    I tried it and it didn't work. I've also tried the lemon and the garlic scented ones and pepper spray. My lawn is currently netted over while new seed grows, including some clover which is...
    I tried it and it didn't work. I've also tried the lemon and the garlic scented ones and pepper spray. My lawn is currently netted over while new seed grows, including some clover which is supposed to resist being weed on, and my bed is covered in cocktail sticks which has helped a bit. Would...
    I tried it and it didn't work. I've also tried the lemon and the garlic scented ones and pepper spray. My lawn is currently netted over while new seed grows, including some clover which is supposed to resist being weed on, and my bed is covered...
    I tried it and it didn't work. I've also tried the lemon and the garlic scented ones and pepper spray. My lawn is currently netted over while new seed grows, including some clover which is...

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