Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling

All Discussions Regarding Compost (ing), Fertilisers, soil conditioning, Recycling & Rain Water Harvesting can be found here.

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  1. Deserter


    That's alright then I'll send the kids out with their wellies and some dancing music when I dig the compost in and that should do the job. I might retreat to the shed in case there's any whole...
    That's alright then I'll send the kids out with their wellies and some dancing music when I dig the compost in and that should do the job. I might retreat to the shed in case there's any whole eggs found their way in by mistake
    That's alright then I'll send the kids out with their wellies and some dancing music when I dig the compost in and that should do the job. I might retreat to the shed in case there's any whole eggs found their way in by mistake
    That's alright then I'll send the kids out with their wellies and some dancing music when I dig the compost in and that should do the job. I might retreat to the shed in case there's any whole...
  2. simmo


    its full of holes as found in shed so wigglies etc can get through
    its full of holes as found in shed so wigglies etc can get through
    its full of holes as found in shed so wigglies etc can get through
    its full of holes as found in shed so wigglies etc can get through
  3. Notshaz

    Soap Powder in my compost heap

    Mmmm not sure that was the best advise to have acted on. I've had ants nest in my compost heap - usually near the top for years, and they ain't done any harm. Get a bit disturbed when I turn it,...
    Mmmm not sure that was the best advise to have acted on. I've had ants nest in my compost heap - usually near the top for years, and they ain't done any harm. Get a bit disturbed when I turn it, or add to it - but the compost has been just fine, and no increase of nests in the border.Not sure...
    Mmmm not sure that was the best advise to have acted on. I've had ants nest in my compost heap - usually near the top for years, and they ain't done any harm. Get a bit disturbed when I turn it, or add to it - but the compost has been just fine,...
    Mmmm not sure that was the best advise to have acted on. I've had ants nest in my compost heap - usually near the top for years, and they ain't done any harm. Get a bit disturbed when I turn it,...
  4. Fran

    White mold on houseplant compost

    Thanks for all your responses and I hope the new member saw them.
    Thanks for all your responses and I hope the new member saw them.
    Thanks for all your responses and I hope the new member saw them.
    Thanks for all your responses and I hope the new member saw them.
  5. jelly belly

    ash pile

    Wood ash only is the garden.Apply liberally around onions and garlic-this takes care of much of the ash we produce if planted in september.Excess is used as a slug barrier as...
    Wood ash only is the garden.Apply liberally around onions and garlic-this takes care of much of the ash we produce if planted in september.Excess is used as a slug barrier as needed,otherwise mix into compost.I ,as someone ealse has said,would bin it if it is coal ash/clinker. Hope this...
    Wood ash only is the garden.Apply liberally around onions and garlic-this takes care of much of the ash we produce if planted in september.Excess is used as a slug barrier as needed,otherwise mix into compost.I ,as someone ealse has...
    Wood ash only is the garden.Apply liberally around onions and garlic-this takes care of much of the ash we produce if planted in september.Excess is used as a slug barrier as...
  6. jothemouse


    Yup, Osmocote is controlled release Pete, but I've never used the stuff before, as I only get involved in the turf side of things - so I don't know exactly how it works.
    Yup, Osmocote is controlled release Pete, but I've never used the stuff before, as I only get involved in the turf side of things - so I don't know exactly how it works.
    Yup, Osmocote is controlled release Pete, but I've never used the stuff before, as I only get involved in the turf side of things - so I don't know exactly how it works.
    Yup, Osmocote is controlled release Pete, but I've never used the stuff before, as I only get involved in the turf side of things - so I don't know exactly how it works.
  7. arwyn

    compost bin

    That was helpful, thanks Lynne!
    That was helpful, thanks Lynne!
    That was helpful, thanks Lynne!
    That was helpful, thanks Lynne!
  8. RONO


    or family
    or family
    or family
    or family
  9. RONO


    Dont start to feed untill the first flower truss has set is the usual advice, or at least until the plants are well rooted in their final positions.
    Dont start to feed untill the first flower truss has set is the usual advice, or at least until the plants are well rooted in their final positions.
    Dont start to feed untill the first flower truss has set is the usual advice, or at least until the plants are well rooted in their final positions.
    Dont start to feed untill the first flower truss has set is the usual advice, or at least until the plants are well rooted in their final positions.
  10. M1chael1970

    Feeding the plants

    Chempak do all kinds of specialist feeds, High nitrogen, high potash etc. etc. They can be bought mailorder or from some garden centres. But I tend to use a tomato food on most flowering plants...
    Chempak do all kinds of specialist feeds, High nitrogen, high potash etc. etc. They can be bought mailorder or from some garden centres. But I tend to use a tomato food on most flowering plants and a liquid growmore on others. In the garden I use Rooster(guess what that is) a couple of times...
    Chempak do all kinds of specialist feeds, High nitrogen, high potash etc. etc. They can be bought mailorder or from some garden centres. But I tend to use a tomato food on most flowering plants and a liquid growmore on others. In the garden I...
    Chempak do all kinds of specialist feeds, High nitrogen, high potash etc. etc. They can be bought mailorder or from some garden centres. But I tend to use a tomato food on most flowering plants...
  11. dalbuie


    Yes, seen it in bags of compost aswell. I just stir it in, guess its some kind of fungus that grows inside the bag. Doesn't seem to cause any problems though.
    Yes, seen it in bags of compost aswell. I just stir it in, guess its some kind of fungus that grows inside the bag. Doesn't seem to cause any problems though.
    Yes, seen it in bags of compost aswell. I just stir it in, guess its some kind of fungus that grows inside the bag. Doesn't seem to cause any problems though.
    Yes, seen it in bags of compost aswell. I just stir it in, guess its some kind of fungus that grows inside the bag. Doesn't seem to cause any problems though.
  12. Marley Farley

    Compost or not??

    I have been folowing the guide to home composting leaflet from Cheshire county council that I recieved when i bought my composter. I have been throwing allsorts in. THE LEAFLET DESCRIBES GREENS &...
    I have been folowing the guide to home composting leaflet from Cheshire county council that I recieved when i bought my composter. I have been throwing allsorts in. THE LEAFLET DESCRIBES GREENS & BROWNS Greens-green pruning ,grass clippings Fruit & Veg peelings so its all gone in Pinapple,kiwi...
    I have been folowing the guide to home composting leaflet from Cheshire county council that I recieved when i bought my composter. I have been throwing allsorts in. THE LEAFLET DESCRIBES GREENS & BROWNS Greens-green pruning ,grass clippings Fruit...
    I have been folowing the guide to home composting leaflet from Cheshire county council that I recieved when i bought my composter. I have been throwing allsorts in. THE LEAFLET DESCRIBES GREENS &...
  13. SpikeTheLobster

    Compost Bins

    Long push with a barrow from Kent :D
    Long push with a barrow from Kent :D
    Long push with a barrow from Kent :D
    Long push with a barrow from Kent :D
  14. cathysue


    I have to admit I haven't ever turned it. Until now I've bunged everything in the top (a good mix of garden and kitchen waste) and when it's full I remove some from the bottom and give it a real...
    I have to admit I haven't ever turned it. Until now I've bunged everything in the top (a good mix of garden and kitchen waste) and when it's full I remove some from the bottom and give it a real good prod to get the top stuff to drop down into the space.(then putting any uncomposted back in the...
    I have to admit I haven't ever turned it. Until now I've bunged everything in the top (a good mix of garden and kitchen waste) and when it's full I remove some from the bottom and give it a real good prod to get the top stuff to drop down into...
    I have to admit I haven't ever turned it. Until now I've bunged everything in the top (a good mix of garden and kitchen waste) and when it's full I remove some from the bottom and give it a real...
  15. Mitchell

    Where to buy Composted Seaweed?

    Hi Mitchell Try this link for composted kelp Look in the classified section of your local paper for farmyard manure. We have people who...
    Hi Mitchell Try this link for composted kelp Look in the classified section of your local paper for farmyard manure. We have people who advertise regularly in Notts & do deliver. Hope this helps
    Hi Mitchell Try this link for composted kelp Look in the classified section of your local paper for farmyard manure. We have people who advertise regularly in Notts & do deliver. Hope...
    Hi Mitchell Try this link for composted kelp Look in the classified section of your local paper for farmyard manure. We have people who...
  16. rookie

    Fertiliser disaster

    Rich,Firstly you can't take it back out as you've realised, but neither can you water it out either.Plant's main requirement is for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) fertilisers....
    Rich,Firstly you can't take it back out as you've realised, but neither can you water it out either.Plant's main requirement is for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) fertilisers. Whether they come from organic or inorganic sources plants always take them in the same form from...
    Rich,Firstly you can't take it back out as you've realised, but neither can you water it out either.Plant's main requirement is for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) fertilisers. Whether they come from organic or inorganic...
    Rich,Firstly you can't take it back out as you've realised, but neither can you water it out either.Plant's main requirement is for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) fertilisers....
  17. Pauline Adams


    Skrumpy bet she won't remember you in her will and as for Pete agreeing with you he must not be either lol. joke aside... I use Jeyes for many things apart for sterilising soil, I clean my...
    Skrumpy bet she won't remember you in her will and as for Pete agreeing with you he must not be either lol. joke aside... I use Jeyes for many things apart for sterilising soil, I clean my greenhouses,glass and floor, patio not got a mother - in law thank god ...nor am I one lol
    Skrumpy bet she won't remember you in her will and as for Pete agreeing with you he must not be either lol. joke aside... I use Jeyes for many things apart for sterilising soil, I clean my greenhouses,glass and floor, patio not...
    Skrumpy bet she won't remember you in her will and as for Pete agreeing with you he must not be either lol. joke aside... I use Jeyes for many things apart for sterilising soil, I clean my...
  18. Mimi

    speeding up composting

    its all about heat and moisture
    its all about heat and moisture
    its all about heat and moisture
    its all about heat and moisture
  19. kiffykez

    Mosquitoes in my composter!

    There's also sciarid fly that likes to hop about in compost
    There's also sciarid fly that likes to hop about in compost
    There's also sciarid fly that likes to hop about in compost
    There's also sciarid fly that likes to hop about in compost
  20. Tulip

    Stinky Compost

    I used to keep a special compost bin for grass cuttings, and I must admit they do turn into a smelly slimy mess if left alone, but I used to wait until it turned brown, and then it can be cut out...
    I used to keep a special compost bin for grass cuttings, and I must admit they do turn into a smelly slimy mess if left alone, but I used to wait until it turned brown, and then it can be cut out like a cake. This I would spread around my marrow plants (which I would have planted out about...
    I used to keep a special compost bin for grass cuttings, and I must admit they do turn into a smelly slimy mess if left alone, but I used to wait until it turned brown, and then it can be cut out like a cake. This I would spread around my...
    I used to keep a special compost bin for grass cuttings, and I must admit they do turn into a smelly slimy mess if left alone, but I used to wait until it turned brown, and then it can be cut out...

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