Edible Gardening

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  1. Naga

    When to plant strawberry runners?

    I reckon new strawberry plants will be fine outside from now. Strawberries are as tough as old boots. Mine keep surviving (and multiplying) outside, and my dad, who bought a tray of 6 young plants...
    I reckon new strawberry plants will be fine outside from now. Strawberries are as tough as old boots. Mine keep surviving (and multiplying) outside, and my dad, who bought a tray of 6 young plants about 5 years ago now has about quarter of his allotment full of them.
    I reckon new strawberry plants will be fine outside from now. Strawberries are as tough as old boots. Mine keep surviving (and multiplying) outside, and my dad, who bought a tray of 6 young plants about 5 years ago now has about quarter of his...
    I reckon new strawberry plants will be fine outside from now. Strawberries are as tough as old boots. Mine keep surviving (and multiplying) outside, and my dad, who bought a tray of 6 young plants...
  2. Honey Bee

    Stir Fry leaves

    Go for 'Chard - Bright Lights' or 'Rainbow Chard'. Neither of which is actually chard at all, but is actually a beet. Very closely related to the common old beetroot. Then you can call it leaf...
    Go for 'Chard - Bright Lights' or 'Rainbow Chard'. Neither of which is actually chard at all, but is actually a beet. Very closely related to the common old beetroot. Then you can call it leaf beet instead of chard, and you wont even be fibbing.
    Go for 'Chard - Bright Lights' or 'Rainbow Chard'. Neither of which is actually chard at all, but is actually a beet. Very closely related to the common old beetroot. Then you can call it leaf beet instead of chard, and you wont even be fibbing.
    Go for 'Chard - Bright Lights' or 'Rainbow Chard'. Neither of which is actually chard at all, but is actually a beet. Very closely related to the common old beetroot. Then you can call it leaf...
  3. Annemieke

    Is parsley winter-hardy?

    Think that one will go on my list of lunch box salads to take to work!!! I have a pot of seedlings on my kitchen window sill at the mo..........
    Think that one will go on my list of lunch box salads to take to work!!! I have a pot of seedlings on my kitchen window sill at the mo..........
    Think that one will go on my list of lunch box salads to take to work!!! I have a pot of seedlings on my kitchen window sill at the mo..........
    Think that one will go on my list of lunch box salads to take to work!!! I have a pot of seedlings on my kitchen window sill at the mo..........
  4. HsuH

    Successional planting

    I tend to keep the same crop on the same place for the season but I'm rather nervous about doing so because cabbage root-flies and mealy aphids are big problems for me. No sign of the little...
    I tend to keep the same crop on the same place for the season but I'm rather nervous about doing so because cabbage root-flies and mealy aphids are big problems for me. No sign of the little blighters doesn't mean they are not lurking around. My usual practice is to plant, cross my fingers and...
    I tend to keep the same crop on the same place for the season but I'm rather nervous about doing so because cabbage root-flies and mealy aphids are big problems for me. No sign of the little blighters doesn't mean they are not lurking around. My...
    I tend to keep the same crop on the same place for the season but I'm rather nervous about doing so because cabbage root-flies and mealy aphids are big problems for me. No sign of the little...
  5. Cerys

    Student Container Veg/Herb Garden

    Cerys Welcome to GC :sign0016: The academic year isn't well matched to much gardening, is it. I agree that a herb planter would be good but have you also considered sprouting seeds? You can grow...
    Cerys Welcome to GC :sign0016: The academic year isn't well matched to much gardening, is it. I agree that a herb planter would be good but have you also considered sprouting seeds? You can grow those all year round on your windowsil and are considered a 'super' food; can be grown in less than a...
    Cerys Welcome to GC :sign0016: The academic year isn't well matched to much gardening, is it. I agree that a herb planter would be good but have you also considered sprouting seeds? You can grow those all year round on your windowsil and are...
    Cerys Welcome to GC :sign0016: The academic year isn't well matched to much gardening, is it. I agree that a herb planter would be good but have you also considered sprouting seeds? You can grow...
  6. Loofah


    As an olf phart and buying 'stuff' on Wednesday (as it's 10% off) from B & Q, I saw there were ginger tubers/corms for sale outside. Cheers, Tony.
    As an olf phart and buying 'stuff' on Wednesday (as it's 10% off) from B & Q, I saw there were ginger tubers/corms for sale outside. Cheers, Tony.
    As an olf phart and buying 'stuff' on Wednesday (as it's 10% off) from B & Q, I saw there were ginger tubers/corms for sale outside. Cheers, Tony.
    As an olf phart and buying 'stuff' on Wednesday (as it's 10% off) from B & Q, I saw there were ginger tubers/corms for sale outside. Cheers, Tony.
  7. Phil A
    Like x 4

    Runner Beans

    I ended up with her on an 18/30s holiday.
    I ended up with her on an 18/30s holiday.
    I ended up with her on an 18/30s holiday.
    I ended up with her on an 18/30s holiday.
  8. Lolimac

    Cues are up....

    And from another albeit new Yorkshire grower, that was a very good post
    And from another albeit new Yorkshire grower, that was a very good post
    And from another albeit new Yorkshire grower, that was a very good post
    And from another albeit new Yorkshire grower, that was a very good post
  9. garden101

    Organic herbs

    For me, largely yes. I don't like you to pesticides on principle (that they are toxic to everything), but I have no issues at all with chemical fertilisers and I wont hesitate to use RoundUp if I...
    For me, largely yes. I don't like you to pesticides on principle (that they are toxic to everything), but I have no issues at all with chemical fertilisers and I wont hesitate to use RoundUp if I see my arch nemesis, Bindweed. The rules are simple for me. If it will harm things that I would...
    For me, largely yes. I don't like you to pesticides on principle (that they are toxic to everything), but I have no issues at all with chemical fertilisers and I wont hesitate to use RoundUp if I see my arch nemesis, Bindweed. The rules are...
    For me, largely yes. I don't like you to pesticides on principle (that they are toxic to everything), but I have no issues at all with chemical fertilisers and I wont hesitate to use RoundUp if I...
  10. David G

    Worth Saving??

    It'll pick up again when the light levels increase. You might want to repot it with some fresh compost as it will have had most of the nutrient away with those fruits.:) james swann will be along...
    It'll pick up again when the light levels increase. You might want to repot it with some fresh compost as it will have had most of the nutrient away with those fruits.:) james swann will be along in a bit to put me right:biggrin:
    It'll pick up again when the light levels increase. You might want to repot it with some fresh compost as it will have had most of the nutrient away with those fruits.:) james swann will be along in a bit to put me right:biggrin:
    It'll pick up again when the light levels increase. You might want to repot it with some fresh compost as it will have had most of the nutrient away with those fruits.:) james swann will be along...
  11. Sussex

    Dwarf French beans and Extra Early Rudolf Broccoli

    Hello and welcome to GC. :dbgrtmb: My french beans usually grow to about 18 inches (45cm) in height. Sorry, can't help you with the broccoli though, never grown that variety before.
    Hello and welcome to GC. :dbgrtmb: My french beans usually grow to about 18 inches (45cm) in height. Sorry, can't help you with the broccoli though, never grown that variety before.
    Hello and welcome to GC. :dbgrtmb: My french beans usually grow to about 18 inches (45cm) in height. Sorry, can't help you with the broccoli though, never grown that variety before.
    Hello and welcome to GC. :dbgrtmb: My french beans usually grow to about 18 inches (45cm) in height. Sorry, can't help you with the broccoli though, never grown that variety before.
  12. HsuH

    Butternut squash problem

    Not sure I agree with that. Yes there is a risk that in a lousy year they won't ripen before first-frost, although short-season varieties bred for UK - like CobNut and Hunter should give a crop...
    Not sure I agree with that. Yes there is a risk that in a lousy year they won't ripen before first-frost, although short-season varieties bred for UK - like CobNut and Hunter should give a crop even in bad years, although the further North the more of a challenge that will be. It isn't a...
    Not sure I agree with that. Yes there is a risk that in a lousy year they won't ripen before first-frost, although short-season varieties bred for UK - like CobNut and Hunter should give a crop even in bad years, although the further North the...
    Not sure I agree with that. Yes there is a risk that in a lousy year they won't ripen before first-frost, although short-season varieties bred for UK - like CobNut and Hunter should give a crop...
  13. dandanuk

    Onion sets

    again thank you all very much for the info you have provided me, valuble infomation which will be taken in, thanks again.
    again thank you all very much for the info you have provided me, valuble infomation which will be taken in, thanks again.
    again thank you all very much for the info you have provided me, valuble infomation which will be taken in, thanks again.
    again thank you all very much for the info you have provided me, valuble infomation which will be taken in, thanks again.
  14. Scrungee
    Like x 3

    Spring Planting Garlic Bargain from T&M?

    The man likes Garlic!:)
    The man likes Garlic!:)
    The man likes Garlic!:)
    The man likes Garlic!:)
  15. clueless1

    Tomatoes - Tumbling Tom

    Garden pearl are good for baskets and small containers. I fnd tumbling tom are more susceptable to insect attack and not quite as sweet. I had a reasonably harvest last year from outdoor GP even...
    Garden pearl are good for baskets and small containers. I fnd tumbling tom are more susceptable to insect attack and not quite as sweet. I had a reasonably harvest last year from outdoor GP even though the weather was rubbish. It`d be worth planting some of each to see which does better.
    Garden pearl are good for baskets and small containers. I fnd tumbling tom are more susceptable to insect attack and not quite as sweet. I had a reasonably harvest last year from outdoor GP even though the weather was rubbish. It`d be worth...
    Garden pearl are good for baskets and small containers. I fnd tumbling tom are more susceptable to insect attack and not quite as sweet. I had a reasonably harvest last year from outdoor GP even...
  16. nFrost

    What The Flip has happened to my Seed Potatoes

    Fine I reckon, panic over!
    Fine I reckon, panic over!
    Fine I reckon, panic over!
    Fine I reckon, panic over!
    20130306_214344.jpg 20130306_214354.jpg 20130306_214437.jpg 20130310_123743.jpg
  17. trogre


    Supermarket herbs have been force grown. Sown too densely and kept to warm and moist and not enough light, in order to produce rapid tender growth. Maximum output for minimum time = maximum...
    Supermarket herbs have been force grown. Sown too densely and kept to warm and moist and not enough light, in order to produce rapid tender growth. Maximum output for minimum time = maximum profit. Its why supermarket herbs just don't even come close to the texture and flavour of ones raised...
    Supermarket herbs have been force grown. Sown too densely and kept to warm and moist and not enough light, in order to produce rapid tender growth. Maximum output for minimum time = maximum profit. Its why supermarket herbs just don't even come...
    Supermarket herbs have been force grown. Sown too densely and kept to warm and moist and not enough light, in order to produce rapid tender growth. Maximum output for minimum time = maximum...
  18. Annemieke

    Early garlic anyone?

    I tried the garlic beer from the Isle of Wight once - it was :eeew: big time!!!!! Even the Dads at rugby wouldnt drink it!!!!
    I tried the garlic beer from the Isle of Wight once - it was :eeew: big time!!!!! Even the Dads at rugby wouldnt drink it!!!!
    I tried the garlic beer from the Isle of Wight once - it was :eeew: big time!!!!! Even the Dads at rugby wouldnt drink it!!!!
    I tried the garlic beer from the Isle of Wight once - it was :eeew: big time!!!!! Even the Dads at rugby wouldnt drink it!!!!
  19. JDweeler

    Hot peppers

    Little red pepper maybe 1/2" long full of seeds and pretty hot
    Little red pepper maybe 1/2" long full of seeds and pretty hot
    Little red pepper maybe 1/2" long full of seeds and pretty hot
    Little red pepper maybe 1/2" long full of seeds and pretty hot
  20. joolz68

    Grow your own mushrooms B&Qverve

    Thats so thoughtful:wub2: and funny grannie Annie :lunapic 130165696578242 5:bless xxx
    Thats so thoughtful:wub2: and funny grannie Annie :lunapic 130165696578242 5:bless xxx
    Thats so thoughtful:wub2: and funny grannie Annie :lunapic 130165696578242 5:bless xxx
    Thats so thoughtful:wub2: and funny grannie Annie :lunapic 130165696578242 5:bless xxx

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