Edible Gardening

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  1. poohpouri

    planting seeds

    Cucumbers going in greenhouse, can onions be planted outside?
    Cucumbers going in greenhouse, can onions be planted outside?
    Cucumbers going in greenhouse, can onions be planted outside?
    Cucumbers going in greenhouse, can onions be planted outside?
  2. Scotkat

    Aldi £3.99 Fruit Trees

    Steve is it a metal arch you would use to train fruit trees?
    Steve is it a metal arch you would use to train fruit trees?
    Steve is it a metal arch you would use to train fruit trees?
    Steve is it a metal arch you would use to train fruit trees?
  3. EddieJ

    Drying, storing and over wintering of veg and fruit.

    Thanks Steve! Eddie - I'm afraid I can't point you to a specific book, but if you do a web search for drying or dehydrating, either in general, or for any specific fruit or veg you'll find some...
    Thanks Steve! Eddie - I'm afraid I can't point you to a specific book, but if you do a web search for drying or dehydrating, either in general, or for any specific fruit or veg you'll find some info. As Steve says we use a dehydrator and it has a thermostat for accurate temperature control and...
    Thanks Steve! Eddie - I'm afraid I can't point you to a specific book, but if you do a web search for drying or dehydrating, either in general, or for any specific fruit or veg you'll find some info. As Steve says we use a dehydrator and it has...
    Thanks Steve! Eddie - I'm afraid I can't point you to a specific book, but if you do a web search for drying or dehydrating, either in general, or for any specific fruit or veg you'll find some...
  4. shayman

    Growing plums/cherries

    just had a quick look at the Lidl's website and the say either in ground or pots.. 2year old plants at 2 for £10. Go for it.repot into pots a good few sizes bigger. Pot some gravel in the...
    just had a quick look at the Lidl's website and the say either in ground or pots.. 2year old plants at 2 for £10. Go for it.repot into pots a good few sizes bigger. Pot some gravel in the base for drainage. repot using John Innes based compost add an extra handful ogf bonemeal. Do not let...
    just had a quick look at the Lidl's website and the say either in ground or pots.. 2year old plants at 2 for £10. Go for it.repot into pots a good few sizes bigger. Pot some gravel in the base for drainage. repot using John Innes based...
    just had a quick look at the Lidl's website and the say either in ground or pots.. 2year old plants at 2 for £10. Go for it.repot into pots a good few sizes bigger. Pot some gravel in the...
  5. LittleD

    New veg plot

    Hi HBCThe sides of my raised beds are 150mm high. I used decking timbers 150mm wide X 47mm thick to make them. That was the easy part!Before I put them in place, I double dug the plot...
    Hi HBCThe sides of my raised beds are 150mm high. I used decking timbers 150mm wide X 47mm thick to make them. That was the easy part!Before I put them in place, I double dug the plot to get all the flints, builder's rubbish and old tree roots out. Then I added lots of compost and...
    Hi HBCThe sides of my raised beds are 150mm high. I used decking timbers 150mm wide X 47mm thick to make them. That was the easy part!Before I put them in place, I double dug the plot to get all the flints, builder's rubbish and old...
    Hi HBCThe sides of my raised beds are 150mm high. I used decking timbers 150mm wide X 47mm thick to make them. That was the easy part!Before I put them in place, I double dug the plot...
  6. bluemoon

    Pruning Raspberries - Tulameen

    No fruit - now that is a dissapointment! :(I suppose a bit of time spent now will pay off in the long run though.Thanks for the info and good luck with your raspberries
    No fruit - now that is a dissapointment! :(I suppose a bit of time spent now will pay off in the long run though.Thanks for the info and good luck with your raspberries
    No fruit - now that is a dissapointment! :(I suppose a bit of time spent now will pay off in the long run though.Thanks for the info and good luck with your raspberries
    No fruit - now that is a dissapointment! :(I suppose a bit of time spent now will pay off in the long run though.Thanks for the info and good luck with your raspberries
  7. Freedom_Spark

    Do you all plan the amounts of each vegetable you're going to sow/use?

    Wow, that's great shiney :thmb: What a lovely thing to do! Sadly my gardening skills aren't quite at the stage where many people would pay good money for the produce!
    Wow, that's great shiney :thmb: What a lovely thing to do! Sadly my gardening skills aren't quite at the stage where many people would pay good money for the produce!
    Wow, that's great shiney :thmb: What a lovely thing to do! Sadly my gardening skills aren't quite at the stage where many people would pay good money for the produce!
    Wow, that's great shiney :thmb: What a lovely thing to do! Sadly my gardening skills aren't quite at the stage where many people would pay good money for the produce!
  8. liamuk

    Free beetroot and spinach seeds!

    Thanks guys :)
    Thanks guys :)
    Thanks guys :)
    Thanks guys :)
  9. robocod10

    gooseberries...the dilema

    iw uld keep in a shelters spot then, although goosberries are 100% hardy, some of these smalll shrubs have been quick grown in a very sheltered environment therefore the wood isnt very ripe...I...
    iw uld keep in a shelters spot then, although goosberries are 100% hardy, some of these smalll shrubs have been quick grown in a very sheltered environment therefore the wood isnt very ripe...I would even advocate potting into a slightly larger pot in compost and plant out when it fills that pot...
    iw uld keep in a shelters spot then, although goosberries are 100% hardy, some of these smalll shrubs have been quick grown in a very sheltered environment therefore the wood isnt very ripe...I would even advocate potting into a slightly larger...
    iw uld keep in a shelters spot then, although goosberries are 100% hardy, some of these smalll shrubs have been quick grown in a very sheltered environment therefore the wood isnt very ripe...I...
  10. Daisies

    Small potatoes!

    We had Vales Emerald last year, cook too much and they go mushy...taste for us was average...but we also had pink fur apples so perhaps taste comparison is not fair. Steve...:)
    We had Vales Emerald last year, cook too much and they go mushy...taste for us was average...but we also had pink fur apples so perhaps taste comparison is not fair. Steve...:)
    We had Vales Emerald last year, cook too much and they go mushy...taste for us was average...but we also had pink fur apples so perhaps taste comparison is not fair. Steve...:)
    We had Vales Emerald last year, cook too much and they go mushy...taste for us was average...but we also had pink fur apples so perhaps taste comparison is not fair. Steve...:)
  11. JWK

    First new vegetable for 10 years the "Flower Sprout"

    I would grow that just for the look of it. It's pretty!
    I would grow that just for the look of it. It's pretty!
    I would grow that just for the look of it. It's pretty!
    I would grow that just for the look of it. It's pretty!
  12. Hartley Botanic

    carrot flies?

    :lollol: Brilliant Woo..!!!! :lollol:
    :lollol: Brilliant Woo..!!!! :lollol:
    :lollol: Brilliant Woo..!!!! :lollol:
    :lollol: Brilliant Woo..!!!! :lollol:
  13. golfer


    Didnt really know where to put this (not sure if it deserved its own thread) So ill tag it on here...maybe some hope for potato growers as scientist decode blight DNA.....
    Didnt really know where to put this (not sure if it deserved its own thread) So ill tag it on here...maybe some hope for potato growers as scientist decode blight DNA.....
    Didnt really know where to put this (not sure if it deserved its own thread) So ill tag it on here...maybe some hope for potato growers as scientist decode blight DNA.....
    Didnt really know where to put this (not sure if it deserved its own thread) So ill tag it on here...maybe some hope for potato growers as scientist decode blight DNA.....
  14. Hartley Botanic

    the colour of your edible garden.

    Took a quick pic of this in case it's of interest :)
    Took a quick pic of this in case it's of interest :)
    Took a quick pic of this in case it's of interest :)
    Took a quick pic of this in case it's of interest :)
  15. cymro

    potatoes in sacks

    I like it ....you could add tire or tires as part of the earthing up process
    I like it ....you could add tire or tires as part of the earthing up process
    I like it ....you could add tire or tires as part of the earthing up process
    I like it ....you could add tire or tires as part of the earthing up process
  16. loopy lou

    purple toms

    thanks all - i now have quite a choice - much appreciated Loopy
    thanks all - i now have quite a choice - much appreciated Loopy
    thanks all - i now have quite a choice - much appreciated Loopy
    thanks all - i now have quite a choice - much appreciated Loopy
  17. golfer

    Baking Potato

    Follow up!Just remembered reading in the Sunday papers that the missionaries locked up in Haiti came from Idaho. On reading the article again, it said they were from Meridian where the...
    Follow up!Just remembered reading in the Sunday papers that the missionaries locked up in Haiti came from Idaho. On reading the article again, it said they were from Meridian where the POTATO and SUGAR BEET grow in the fields east of "The snow capped Rockies".Looked up Meridian, Ohio...
    Follow up!Just remembered reading in the Sunday papers that the missionaries locked up in Haiti came from Idaho. On reading the article again, it said they were from Meridian where the POTATO and SUGAR BEET grow in the fields east of "The...
    Follow up!Just remembered reading in the Sunday papers that the missionaries locked up in Haiti came from Idaho. On reading the article again, it said they were from Meridian where the...
  18. logi06

    Planting My Potatoes

    Louise my guess is method 1 and 2 would give similar results, so if its ease you method 2 will be fine. A bit of fun though might to try both way and let us know how it goes?
    Louise my guess is method 1 and 2 would give similar results, so if its ease you method 2 will be fine. A bit of fun though might to try both way and let us know how it goes?
    Louise my guess is method 1 and 2 would give similar results, so if its ease you method 2 will be fine. A bit of fun though might to try both way and let us know how it goes?
    Louise my guess is method 1 and 2 would give similar results, so if its ease you method 2 will be fine. A bit of fun though might to try both way and let us know how it goes?
  19. crblindis

    Cucumbers too close to celery?

    How many celery plants are in that small grouping? They might be a good companion plant, but as the cuke grows - do you have something there for it to climb so that celery won't be shaded by the...
    How many celery plants are in that small grouping? They might be a good companion plant, but as the cuke grows - do you have something there for it to climb so that celery won't be shaded by the big leaves? Have you given each plant the room that is suggested on the seed packs - it does look...
    How many celery plants are in that small grouping? They might be a good companion plant, but as the cuke grows - do you have something there for it to climb so that celery won't be shaded by the big leaves? Have you given each plant the room...
    How many celery plants are in that small grouping? They might be a good companion plant, but as the cuke grows - do you have something there for it to climb so that celery won't be shaded by the...
  20. hedgehog

    Atlantic giant pumpkin seed for charity

    If any members are interested, like myself, in growing Giant pumpkins I have just bought some Atlantic Giant seed from a charity sale on e-Bay .All the proceeds going to...
    If any members are interested, like myself, in growing Giant pumpkins I have just bought some Atlantic Giant seed from a charity sale on e-Bay .All the proceeds going to MacMillan Cancer Support! Search for 'charity pumpkin seed' on e-Bays search engine! Hope to report ...
    If any members are interested, like myself, in growing Giant pumpkins I have just bought some Atlantic Giant seed from a charity sale on e-Bay .All the proceeds going to MacMillan Cancer Support! Search for 'charity ...
    If any members are interested, like myself, in growing Giant pumpkins I have just bought some Atlantic Giant seed from a charity sale on e-Bay .All the proceeds going to...

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