Edible Gardening

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  1. michael791


    Thanks will follow ur advice
    Thanks will follow ur advice
    Thanks will follow ur advice
    Thanks will follow ur advice
  2. Mander

    Do I need to do something with this blueberry?

    I reckon I'd just dig it up now. Fill a good sized container with ericaceous compost and a couple of good trowels full of well rotted manure or chicken poo pellets, pop the bush in the middle,...
    I reckon I'd just dig it up now. Fill a good sized container with ericaceous compost and a couple of good trowels full of well rotted manure or chicken poo pellets, pop the bush in the middle, give it a really good watering, and put it somewhere where the wind won't get it. They are quite tough...
    I reckon I'd just dig it up now. Fill a good sized container with ericaceous compost and a couple of good trowels full of well rotted manure or chicken poo pellets, pop the bush in the middle, give it a really good watering, and put it somewhere...
    I reckon I'd just dig it up now. Fill a good sized container with ericaceous compost and a couple of good trowels full of well rotted manure or chicken poo pellets, pop the bush in the middle,...
  3. Quaedor36

    Edible poppy seeds?

    Hi Snowdrop! My wife uses poppy seeds in her baking and cooking. Now I know that growing the opium poppy is the right one to grow and isn't illegal to do so (T & M sell the seeds), I shall be...
    Hi Snowdrop! My wife uses poppy seeds in her baking and cooking. Now I know that growing the opium poppy is the right one to grow and isn't illegal to do so (T & M sell the seeds), I shall be growing them myself in future. There's a man on my allotment whose Vietnamese wife is always growng them...
    Hi Snowdrop! My wife uses poppy seeds in her baking and cooking. Now I know that growing the opium poppy is the right one to grow and isn't illegal to do so (T & M sell the seeds), I shall be growing them myself in future. There's a man on my...
    Hi Snowdrop! My wife uses poppy seeds in her baking and cooking. Now I know that growing the opium poppy is the right one to grow and isn't illegal to do so (T & M sell the seeds), I shall be...
  4. moonrakermagpie

    onion seeds

    If you want to sow onions indoors get some for spring sowing and sow them just after Christmas. You have missed the boat by a long way for autumn sown varieties. You can get some spring sown...
    If you want to sow onions indoors get some for spring sowing and sow them just after Christmas. You have missed the boat by a long way for autumn sown varieties. You can get some spring sown varieties that mature not much later than the autumn ones. I tend to sow all my spring sown onions...
    If you want to sow onions indoors get some for spring sowing and sow them just after Christmas. You have missed the boat by a long way for autumn sown varieties. You can get some spring sown varieties that mature not much later than the autumn...
    If you want to sow onions indoors get some for spring sowing and sow them just after Christmas. You have missed the boat by a long way for autumn sown varieties. You can get some spring sown...
  5. LW

    help with veg

    Has anyone heard of Nematodes for wireworm? I don't know how successful they would be or if they even exist. Has anyone tried them for slugs for example? Do they work? I all my potato growing...
    Has anyone heard of Nematodes for wireworm? I don't know how successful they would be or if they even exist. Has anyone tried them for slugs for example? Do they work? I all my potato growing attemps have been ruined by wire worms and I'm getting sick of it. I reckon I must have a massive...
    Has anyone heard of Nematodes for wireworm? I don't know how successful they would be or if they even exist. Has anyone tried them for slugs for example? Do they work? I all my potato growing attemps have been ruined by wire worms and I'm...
    Has anyone heard of Nematodes for wireworm? I don't know how successful they would be or if they even exist. Has anyone tried them for slugs for example? Do they work? I all my potato growing...
  6. plantpotty

    Blackcurrent help needed!

    Summer was a bit late to be planting and I don't think you did it any favours by giving it a cut so late in the growing season. Blackcurrants are normally very easy to grow. If you take a cutting...
    Summer was a bit late to be planting and I don't think you did it any favours by giving it a cut so late in the growing season. Blackcurrants are normally very easy to grow. If you take a cutting and shove it in the ground there's a very good chance of it rooting. In your case I'd leave it...
    Summer was a bit late to be planting and I don't think you did it any favours by giving it a cut so late in the growing season. Blackcurrants are normally very easy to grow. If you take a cutting and shove it in the ground there's a very good...
    Summer was a bit late to be planting and I don't think you did it any favours by giving it a cut so late in the growing season. Blackcurrants are normally very easy to grow. If you take a cutting...
  7. moonrakermagpie

    the not quite last tomato

    Yeah, they had a good shock because of cold weather and trying to reproduce again. They are actually perennials, so are peppers.
    Yeah, they had a good shock because of cold weather and trying to reproduce again. They are actually perennials, so are peppers.
    Yeah, they had a good shock because of cold weather and trying to reproduce again. They are actually perennials, so are peppers.
    Yeah, they had a good shock because of cold weather and trying to reproduce again. They are actually perennials, so are peppers.
  8. seedstotal

    Come on! What to do now guys?

    I suspect that we are very close to being able to lift things like Dahlias. Just this morning I looked at my neighbours beautiful Acer tree and noticed that over the last two days it has lost most...
    I suspect that we are very close to being able to lift things like Dahlias. Just this morning I looked at my neighbours beautiful Acer tree and noticed that over the last two days it has lost most of its leaves. That tells me that plants are packing up for the season and ready to go...
    I suspect that we are very close to being able to lift things like Dahlias. Just this morning I looked at my neighbours beautiful Acer tree and noticed that over the last two days it has lost most of its leaves. That tells me that plants are...
    I suspect that we are very close to being able to lift things like Dahlias. Just this morning I looked at my neighbours beautiful Acer tree and noticed that over the last two days it has lost most...
  9. capney

    The last tomato

    I have picked all mine and have them in the airing cupboard in a paper bag, I wanted to clear the greenhouse so i can get the staging into the new one.
    I have picked all mine and have them in the airing cupboard in a paper bag, I wanted to clear the greenhouse so i can get the staging into the new one.
    I have picked all mine and have them in the airing cupboard in a paper bag, I wanted to clear the greenhouse so i can get the staging into the new one.
    I have picked all mine and have them in the airing cupboard in a paper bag, I wanted to clear the greenhouse so i can get the staging into the new one.
  10. Quaedor36

    Brassicas, Lime, and Fertilisers

    Hi QuaedorTraditional advice was to add manure one year and then lime the next year, never both in the same year. I think they counteract each other if applied together and not in a good...
    Hi QuaedorTraditional advice was to add manure one year and then lime the next year, never both in the same year. I think they counteract each other if applied together and not in a good way.So if you're adding stable manure in a few weeks time, I wouldn't recommend adding either...
    Hi QuaedorTraditional advice was to add manure one year and then lime the next year, never both in the same year. I think they counteract each other if applied together and not in a good way.So if you're adding stable manure in a few...
    Hi QuaedorTraditional advice was to add manure one year and then lime the next year, never both in the same year. I think they counteract each other if applied together and not in a good...
  11. David G

    Storing Squash

    In the Meditteranean countrie you see squash/pumpkins on roof tops in the sun drying. I was told by a friend that they are better for diabetics after they have been kept, as this allows some of...
    In the Meditteranean countrie you see squash/pumpkins on roof tops in the sun drying. I was told by a friend that they are better for diabetics after they have been kept, as this allows some of the natural sugars to break down
    In the Meditteranean countrie you see squash/pumpkins on roof tops in the sun drying. I was told by a friend that they are better for diabetics after they have been kept, as this allows some of the natural sugars to break down
    In the Meditteranean countrie you see squash/pumpkins on roof tops in the sun drying. I was told by a friend that they are better for diabetics after they have been kept, as this allows some of...
  12. jonbey


    Hi Manteur, I originally bought some of the small stem tubers from Chilterns.If your interested I could sent you a few, but you'll need to keep them through the winter and plant next spring....
    Hi Manteur, I originally bought some of the small stem tubers from Chilterns.If your interested I could sent you a few, but you'll need to keep them through the winter and plant next spring.PM me.
    Hi Manteur, I originally bought some of the small stem tubers from Chilterns.If your interested I could sent you a few, but you'll need to keep them through the winter and plant next spring.PM me.
    Hi Manteur, I originally bought some of the small stem tubers from Chilterns.If your interested I could sent you a few, but you'll need to keep them through the winter and plant next spring....
  13. jonbey

    Apricot trees, fruits look black normal?

    I've got an apricot tree that fruits very well. The fruits are ready early June (or thereabouts depending on the year). I find the only snag to this very productive fruit is that a full...
    I've got an apricot tree that fruits very well. The fruits are ready early June (or thereabouts depending on the year). I find the only snag to this very productive fruit is that a full trees-worth comes ready all at once, and has to be dealt with there and then or they drop and/or rot. Could it...
    I've got an apricot tree that fruits very well. The fruits are ready early June (or thereabouts depending on the year). I find the only snag to this very productive fruit is that a full trees-worth comes ready all at once, and has to be dealt...
    I've got an apricot tree that fruits very well. The fruits are ready early June (or thereabouts depending on the year). I find the only snag to this very productive fruit is that a full...
  14. NeilC

    Freezing Bramleys - Can I?

    The professionals spray Bramleys with some sort of lime solution when it is in leaf in order to counteract the bitter pit. It is a pain in the butt. It developed on a large tree of Spartan I used...
    The professionals spray Bramleys with some sort of lime solution when it is in leaf in order to counteract the bitter pit. It is a pain in the butt. It developed on a large tree of Spartan I used to have. It used to produce loads of top quality fruit and then bitter pit set in which affected...
    The professionals spray Bramleys with some sort of lime solution when it is in leaf in order to counteract the bitter pit. It is a pain in the butt. It developed on a large tree of Spartan I used to have. It used to produce loads of top quality...
    The professionals spray Bramleys with some sort of lime solution when it is in leaf in order to counteract the bitter pit. It is a pain in the butt. It developed on a large tree of Spartan I used...
  15. lollipop

    What did I do wrong?

    Some people think that cucumbers and tomatoes dont do well in the same greenhouse. Tomatoes like it warm and a dryish atmosphere - keeps some of the fungal diseases at bay. cucumbers like it...
    Some people think that cucumbers and tomatoes dont do well in the same greenhouse. Tomatoes like it warm and a dryish atmosphere - keeps some of the fungal diseases at bay. cucumbers like it cooler and a moister atmosphere. i have to admit that often I have had years when the tomatoes have been...
    Some people think that cucumbers and tomatoes dont do well in the same greenhouse. Tomatoes like it warm and a dryish atmosphere - keeps some of the fungal diseases at bay. cucumbers like it cooler and a moister atmosphere. i have to admit that...
    Some people think that cucumbers and tomatoes dont do well in the same greenhouse. Tomatoes like it warm and a dryish atmosphere - keeps some of the fungal diseases at bay. cucumbers like it...
  16. Adam Moran

    Tomato Blight?

    Blight is a fungal disease. It thrives in warm damp weather
    Blight is a fungal disease. It thrives in warm damp weather
    Blight is a fungal disease. It thrives in warm damp weather
    Blight is a fungal disease. It thrives in warm damp weather
  17. Adam Moran

    Help with fruit bushes

    Hi all,I'm planning on putting two staked & wired fences across my allotment to split it into 3 (to help maintian proper crop rotation).I'd like to grow two fruit bushes along them. My...
    Hi all,I'm planning on putting two staked & wired fences across my allotment to split it into 3 (to help maintian proper crop rotation).I'd like to grow two fruit bushes along them. My question is what could i grow? The fences will be no more than 4ft high but about 10ft long. Would i...
    Hi all,I'm planning on putting two staked & wired fences across my allotment to split it into 3 (to help maintian proper crop rotation).I'd like to grow two fruit bushes along them. My question is what could i grow? The fences will be no...
    Hi all,I'm planning on putting two staked & wired fences across my allotment to split it into 3 (to help maintian proper crop rotation).I'd like to grow two fruit bushes along them. My...
  18. GPZRX

    new member - question about Parsnips from my mum

    "The French when they look down their noises at our food don't know what they are missing." I know what they could do with lol.
    "The French when they look down their noises at our food don't know what they are missing." I know what they could do with lol.
    "The French when they look down their noises at our food don't know what they are missing." I know what they could do with lol.
    "The French when they look down their noises at our food don't know what they are missing." I know what they could do with lol.
  19. Belto

    Funny shaped Parsnips

    This is my first year of growing parsnips and I followed Daitheplants advice. I drove a stake into he ground about 12 inches deep to creat a shaft and filled with a very, very fine sand and...
    This is my first year of growing parsnips and I followed Daitheplants advice. I drove a stake into he ground about 12 inches deep to creat a shaft and filled with a very, very fine sand and sieved compost mix then sowed the seed on the top of that-and I have gotten some belters out of it. I...
    This is my first year of growing parsnips and I followed Daitheplants advice. I drove a stake into he ground about 12 inches deep to creat a shaft and filled with a very, very fine sand and sieved compost mix then sowed the seed on the top of...
    This is my first year of growing parsnips and I followed Daitheplants advice. I drove a stake into he ground about 12 inches deep to creat a shaft and filled with a very, very fine sand and...
  20. helenhicks

    How long can I store pumpkins for?

    I'd store them, like I'd store apples, in a cool, dry, dark place. Should be for several months.
    I'd store them, like I'd store apples, in a cool, dry, dark place. Should be for several months.
    I'd store them, like I'd store apples, in a cool, dry, dark place. Should be for several months.
    I'd store them, like I'd store apples, in a cool, dry, dark place. Should be for several months.

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