Edible Gardening

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  1. justlukeyou

    Small Fruit Trees (Present)

    Thanks for the heads-up on gardening express. I just did a google search because I remember ages ago reading about a mini apple tree that would fit in a pot. The one I was thinking of actually had...
    Thanks for the heads-up on gardening express. I just did a google search because I remember ages ago reading about a mini apple tree that would fit in a pot. The one I was thinking of actually had two varieties on one plant, obviously two grafts onto one main stem. I couldn't find that one...
    Thanks for the heads-up on gardening express. I just did a google search because I remember ages ago reading about a mini apple tree that would fit in a pot. The one I was thinking of actually had two varieties on one plant, obviously two grafts...
    Thanks for the heads-up on gardening express. I just did a google search because I remember ages ago reading about a mini apple tree that would fit in a pot. The one I was thinking of actually had...
  2. Belto

    Tough Swedes

    i allways think swedes taste better after they have had a good frost on them
    i allways think swedes taste better after they have had a good frost on them
    i allways think swedes taste better after they have had a good frost on them
    i allways think swedes taste better after they have had a good frost on them
  3. sheelaghm

    blueberry plants - help please

    Thanks clueless, I'll get it done this week if it stops raining that is. We don't tend to suffer from salt issues as we're up the estuary slightly and therefore protected from the worst of...
    Thanks clueless, I'll get it done this week if it stops raining that is. We don't tend to suffer from salt issues as we're up the estuary slightly and therefore protected from the worst of coastal weather. Nice views too. Thanks again, roll on blueberry muffins! Sheelagh
    Thanks clueless, I'll get it done this week if it stops raining that is. We don't tend to suffer from salt issues as we're up the estuary slightly and therefore protected from the worst of coastal weather. Nice views too. Thanks again, roll on...
    Thanks clueless, I'll get it done this week if it stops raining that is. We don't tend to suffer from salt issues as we're up the estuary slightly and therefore protected from the worst of...
  4. flex1981

    Indoor Growing - Lettuce

    I got behind with my station sewing late summer and had no lettuce so I bought a punnet of salad leaves in Aldi, soaked them in water to split them a bit and planted in a trough of peat. They...
    I got behind with my station sewing late summer and had no lettuce so I bought a punnet of salad leaves in Aldi, soaked them in water to split them a bit and planted in a trough of peat. They looked sickly for 2 or 3 days and then bounced back to life. As we're not big lettuce eaters its served...
    I got behind with my station sewing late summer and had no lettuce so I bought a punnet of salad leaves in Aldi, soaked them in water to split them a bit and planted in a trough of peat. They looked sickly for 2 or 3 days and then bounced back...
    I got behind with my station sewing late summer and had no lettuce so I bought a punnet of salad leaves in Aldi, soaked them in water to split them a bit and planted in a trough of peat. They...
  5. capney

    Strawberry suprise

    OH had OH :gnthb:
    OH had OH :gnthb:
    OH had OH :gnthb:
    OH had OH :gnthb:
  6. DianeNora

    Caterpillars on peas?

    I use butterfly netting from these guys http://www.wmjames.co.uk/fruit-cages.htm to keep the caterpillars away as I don't like using sprays on them
    I use butterfly netting from these guys http://www.wmjames.co.uk/fruit-cages.htm to keep the caterpillars away as I don't like using sprays on them
    I use butterfly netting from these guys http://www.wmjames.co.uk/fruit-cages.htm to keep the caterpillars away as I don't like using sprays on them
    I use butterfly netting from these guys http://www.wmjames.co.uk/fruit-cages.htm to keep the caterpillars away as I don't like using sprays on them
  7. greengardener

    Tomato plants

    Don't compost the old plants.In the past I have done this then find tom plants springing up where you've used the compost.You can save seeds as detailed above, but with prices as cheap as...
    Don't compost the old plants.In the past I have done this then find tom plants springing up where you've used the compost.You can save seeds as detailed above, but with prices as cheap as they are I opt to buy them fresh each year.However, this year a friend of mine bought some Italian...
    Don't compost the old plants.In the past I have done this then find tom plants springing up where you've used the compost.You can save seeds as detailed above, but with prices as cheap as they are I opt to buy them fresh each year.However,...
    Don't compost the old plants.In the past I have done this then find tom plants springing up where you've used the compost.You can save seeds as detailed above, but with prices as cheap as...
  8. stony

    Brussels sprouts

    Covering with enviromesh should work. I've used it for the last four or so years and it keeps out butterflies and aphids/greenfly too. The only problem I encountered this year was on two plants at...
    Covering with enviromesh should work. I've used it for the last four or so years and it keeps out butterflies and aphids/greenfly too. The only problem I encountered this year was on two plants at the ends of the 'tunnels' where I hadn't secured the mesh properly - cabbage white got in, though I...
    Covering with enviromesh should work. I've used it for the last four or so years and it keeps out butterflies and aphids/greenfly too. The only problem I encountered this year was on two plants at the ends of the 'tunnels' where I hadn't secured...
    Covering with enviromesh should work. I've used it for the last four or so years and it keeps out butterflies and aphids/greenfly too. The only problem I encountered this year was on two plants at...
  9. Rosiemongrel

    Where to buy veg plug plants?

    Thanks for the replies, guys. :) Will have a look at the weekend.
    Thanks for the replies, guys. :) Will have a look at the weekend.
    Thanks for the replies, guys. :) Will have a look at the weekend.
    Thanks for the replies, guys. :) Will have a look at the weekend.
  10. caskin

    Fruit tree winter wash ANTI APHID!!

    Many thanks to you for all contributing to my thread.....Fidgetsmum gave me the clue as 'Winter Tree Wash' by Growing Success,this is the only recommended tree wash by RHS as all others are noew...
    Many thanks to you for all contributing to my thread.....Fidgetsmum gave me the clue as 'Winter Tree Wash' by Growing Success,this is the only recommended tree wash by RHS as all others are noew outlawed. I have obtained a long reach low pressure lance and the tree will be liberally treated...
    Many thanks to you for all contributing to my thread.....Fidgetsmum gave me the clue as 'Winter Tree Wash' by Growing Success,this is the only recommended tree wash by RHS as all others are noew outlawed. I have obtained a long reach low...
    Many thanks to you for all contributing to my thread.....Fidgetsmum gave me the clue as 'Winter Tree Wash' by Growing Success,this is the only recommended tree wash by RHS as all others are noew...
  11. Paladin

    Green Tom's

    Many thanks guys:gnthb:...yummy..roll on breaky!:D
    Many thanks guys:gnthb:...yummy..roll on breaky!:D
    Many thanks guys:gnthb:...yummy..roll on breaky!:D
    Many thanks guys:gnthb:...yummy..roll on breaky!:D
  12. samuelcat

    what to plant

    You can have success with supermarket garlic too, i had this year!:thumb: Try the dwarf broad beans in containers!!
    You can have success with supermarket garlic too, i had this year!:thumb: Try the dwarf broad beans in containers!!
    You can have success with supermarket garlic too, i had this year!:thumb: Try the dwarf broad beans in containers!!
    You can have success with supermarket garlic too, i had this year!:thumb: Try the dwarf broad beans in containers!!
  13. seedstotal

    Blueberry bushes wanted!

    We made lots of effort to make the soil acid in the last 2 years for the 2 bushes we already have. Worth the effort this year we had an amazing crop!! Thats why I want more!!!!!!
    We made lots of effort to make the soil acid in the last 2 years for the 2 bushes we already have. Worth the effort this year we had an amazing crop!! Thats why I want more!!!!!!
    We made lots of effort to make the soil acid in the last 2 years for the 2 bushes we already have. Worth the effort this year we had an amazing crop!! Thats why I want more!!!!!!
    We made lots of effort to make the soil acid in the last 2 years for the 2 bushes we already have. Worth the effort this year we had an amazing crop!! Thats why I want more!!!!!!
  14. samuelcat

    leek seedlings

    It seems very late to me for planting out leeks, my seedlings went out in June which I thought was the correct time. I would get them into the ground as soon as possible rather than the...
    It seems very late to me for planting out leeks, my seedlings went out in June which I thought was the correct time. I would get them into the ground as soon as possible rather than the greenhouse, they are very hardy but have a lot of catching up to do.
    It seems very late to me for planting out leeks, my seedlings went out in June which I thought was the correct time. I would get them into the ground as soon as possible rather than the greenhouse, they are very hardy but have a lot of catching...
    It seems very late to me for planting out leeks, my seedlings went out in June which I thought was the correct time. I would get them into the ground as soon as possible rather than the...
  15. Selleri

    Tomatoes and cyclamen

    Thank you guys! Now who is impatient... the tomatoes are gone (I'm following tha advice I found in a old thread and cut them to ripen on kitchen windowsill) and now I have a lovely container...
    Thank you guys! Now who is impatient... the tomatoes are gone (I'm following tha advice I found in a old thread and cut them to ripen on kitchen windowsill) and now I have a lovely container full of Allium bulbs and 6 lovely cyclamen on top.I love sunny Sundays!
    Thank you guys! Now who is impatient... the tomatoes are gone (I'm following tha advice I found in a old thread and cut them to ripen on kitchen windowsill) and now I have a lovely container full of Allium bulbs and 6 lovely cyclamen on top....
    Thank you guys! Now who is impatient... the tomatoes are gone (I'm following tha advice I found in a old thread and cut them to ripen on kitchen windowsill) and now I have a lovely container...
  16. suziequeue

    Where do I site my vegetable patch?

    Ah - lucky neither of us had the energy to get the carpet out after flogging away with the digger and rotavator for most of the day. We have been rewarded with the most lovely black, crumbly soil....
    Ah - lucky neither of us had the energy to get the carpet out after flogging away with the digger and rotavator for most of the day. We have been rewarded with the most lovely black, crumbly soil. I am beginning to suspect that the area might have been a veg garden before it became an overgrown...
    Ah - lucky neither of us had the energy to get the carpet out after flogging away with the digger and rotavator for most of the day. We have been rewarded with the most lovely black, crumbly soil. I am beginning to suspect that the area might...
    Ah - lucky neither of us had the energy to get the carpet out after flogging away with the digger and rotavator for most of the day. We have been rewarded with the most lovely black, crumbly soil....
  17. David G

    Parsnip problem Photo

    Ive had a few on mine go totally brown and drop off but most have put on excellent growth. Im going to try giving them a spray with some bug killer just in case.
    Ive had a few on mine go totally brown and drop off but most have put on excellent growth. Im going to try giving them a spray with some bug killer just in case.
    Ive had a few on mine go totally brown and drop off but most have put on excellent growth. Im going to try giving them a spray with some bug killer just in case.
    Ive had a few on mine go totally brown and drop off but most have put on excellent growth. Im going to try giving them a spray with some bug killer just in case.
  18. 1eyedjack

    Purple sprouting broccoli

    Cut off all the flowers otherwise the plants will think they have done their job and die off, they might recover enough to get a reasonable crop in the spring.
    Cut off all the flowers otherwise the plants will think they have done their job and die off, they might recover enough to get a reasonable crop in the spring.
    Cut off all the flowers otherwise the plants will think they have done their job and die off, they might recover enough to get a reasonable crop in the spring.
    Cut off all the flowers otherwise the plants will think they have done their job and die off, they might recover enough to get a reasonable crop in the spring.
  19. Will Ting

    Sweetcorn, how do you know

    giving away? Hmmmmm, Cambridge eh? lol If you run a sharp knife down the cob of the corn (after blanching) the kernels will come off rather nicely and you can then freeze them. Freeze them the...
    giving away? Hmmmmm, Cambridge eh? lol If you run a sharp knife down the cob of the corn (after blanching) the kernels will come off rather nicely and you can then freeze them. Freeze them the same as peas......spread out on a baking tray in the freezer so they freeze individually, and then...
    giving away? Hmmmmm, Cambridge eh? lol If you run a sharp knife down the cob of the corn (after blanching) the kernels will come off rather nicely and you can then freeze them. Freeze them the same as peas......spread out on a baking tray in...
    giving away? Hmmmmm, Cambridge eh? lol If you run a sharp knife down the cob of the corn (after blanching) the kernels will come off rather nicely and you can then freeze them. Freeze them the...
  20. 1eyedjack

    Globe artichokes

    Now is a good time to lift and divide if you know anybody who has some. They really are a doddle to grow.
    Now is a good time to lift and divide if you know anybody who has some. They really are a doddle to grow.
    Now is a good time to lift and divide if you know anybody who has some. They really are a doddle to grow.
    Now is a good time to lift and divide if you know anybody who has some. They really are a doddle to grow.

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