Edible Gardening

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  1. valjoan2

    Buying Potatoes query

    I've not seen any maincrop spuds for sale in supermarkets around here yet. Estima may be a second early, but my farm shop only starts to sell current seasons spuds about nowish. That is apart...
    I've not seen any maincrop spuds for sale in supermarkets around here yet. Estima may be a second early, but my farm shop only starts to sell current seasons spuds about nowish. That is apart from those usual earlies.Those sold as baking spuds in supermarkets are still last years.
    I've not seen any maincrop spuds for sale in supermarkets around here yet. Estima may be a second early, but my farm shop only starts to sell current seasons spuds about nowish. That is apart from those usual earlies.Those sold as baking spuds...
    I've not seen any maincrop spuds for sale in supermarkets around here yet. Estima may be a second early, but my farm shop only starts to sell current seasons spuds about nowish. That is apart...
  2. capney

    Onions pulled today

    Nice onions Robert, spell of hot sunshine is what you need to ripen them off.I grew some from sets and some from seed this year.The sets were rubbish, I think they may have been diseased. My...
    Nice onions Robert, spell of hot sunshine is what you need to ripen them off.I grew some from sets and some from seed this year.The sets were rubbish, I think they may have been diseased. My seed grown ones have done very well, a mild variety for eating raw.
    Nice onions Robert, spell of hot sunshine is what you need to ripen them off.I grew some from sets and some from seed this year.The sets were rubbish, I think they may have been diseased. My seed grown ones have done very well, a mild...
    Nice onions Robert, spell of hot sunshine is what you need to ripen them off.I grew some from sets and some from seed this year.The sets were rubbish, I think they may have been diseased. My...
  3. Canucks72

    Chillies not ripening

    Well I'll be away for 3 weeks so that might be too long to leave them... I may get a colleague to give them a water once a week. They've not needed much so far, I've tended to water quite well...
    Well I'll be away for 3 weeks so that might be too long to leave them... I may get a colleague to give them a water once a week. They've not needed much so far, I've tended to water quite well then leave them for a week as they seem to like drying out. I might even dry them green, I'll see how...
    Well I'll be away for 3 weeks so that might be too long to leave them... I may get a colleague to give them a water once a week. They've not needed much so far, I've tended to water quite well then leave them for a week as they seem to like...
    Well I'll be away for 3 weeks so that might be too long to leave them... I may get a colleague to give them a water once a week. They've not needed much so far, I've tended to water quite well...
  4. Freddy


    Although "Summer?" has been pretty wet and horrible, the late spring/early summer was fairly dry. My guess is that the two bolted plants got checked due to lack of water. Ours, Gladiator, are...
    Although "Summer?" has been pretty wet and horrible, the late spring/early summer was fairly dry. My guess is that the two bolted plants got checked due to lack of water. Ours, Gladiator, are doing unusually well this year, I've had to remove the enviromesh as they were pushing it up and I may...
    Although "Summer?" has been pretty wet and horrible, the late spring/early summer was fairly dry. My guess is that the two bolted plants got checked due to lack of water. Ours, Gladiator, are doing unusually well this year, I've had to remove...
    Although "Summer?" has been pretty wet and horrible, the late spring/early summer was fairly dry. My guess is that the two bolted plants got checked due to lack of water. Ours, Gladiator, are...
  5. capney

    Mint Tip

    Got my mind boggling what do you use each one for ......especially the orange one Thanks Di
    Got my mind boggling what do you use each one for ......especially the orange one Thanks Di
    Got my mind boggling what do you use each one for ......especially the orange one Thanks Di
    Got my mind boggling what do you use each one for ......especially the orange one Thanks Di
  6. TAL

    Courgette Flowers Question

    "I always grow mine in containers."What size containers do you use?
    "I always grow mine in containers."What size containers do you use?
    "I always grow mine in containers."What size containers do you use?
    "I always grow mine in containers."What size containers do you use?
  7. barryk1

    Lettuce problems

    Hi have been busy so only maanaged to get a look at my lettuce the other day and they wer coverd in littlt white flies and larva , totally destroying them , any ideas how to get rid of any remaing...
    Hi have been busy so only maanaged to get a look at my lettuce the other day and they wer coverd in littlt white flies and larva , totally destroying them , any ideas how to get rid of any remaing flies ( have thrown lettuce ) B
    Hi have been busy so only maanaged to get a look at my lettuce the other day and they wer coverd in littlt white flies and larva , totally destroying them , any ideas how to get rid of any remaing flies ( have thrown lettuce ) B
    Hi have been busy so only maanaged to get a look at my lettuce the other day and they wer coverd in littlt white flies and larva , totally destroying them , any ideas how to get rid of any remaing...
  8. Rhyleysgranny

    My Chillis are

    "I better put the toilet rolls in the fridge then.":hehe:You're going to make a First Class Curry then, eh? !!
    "I better put the toilet rolls in the fridge then.":hehe:You're going to make a First Class Curry then, eh? !!
    "I better put the toilet rolls in the fridge then.":hehe:You're going to make a First Class Curry then, eh? !!
    "I better put the toilet rolls in the fridge then.":hehe:You're going to make a First Class Curry then, eh? !!
  9. capney

    Chillie harvest

    Interesting that you smash 'em up. last year I dried mine whole, and then crumbled them when ready to use - thinking that I might be keeping more flavour "in".But, as I'm sure you remember, they...
    Interesting that you smash 'em up. last year I dried mine whole, and then crumbled them when ready to use - thinking that I might be keeping more flavour "in".But, as I'm sure you remember, they kinda re-hydrated during the winter and needed to be re-dried a couple of times.
    Interesting that you smash 'em up. last year I dried mine whole, and then crumbled them when ready to use - thinking that I might be keeping more flavour "in".But, as I'm sure you remember, they kinda re-hydrated during the winter and needed to...
    Interesting that you smash 'em up. last year I dried mine whole, and then crumbled them when ready to use - thinking that I might be keeping more flavour "in".But, as I'm sure you remember, they...
  10. deborahj2009

    Blueberry bush

    Thank you to you both, it is in a pot, presumably compost, it is well watered as it always rains here.I was going to feed it with plant food but then i didnt want to use miracle gro because...
    Thank you to you both, it is in a pot, presumably compost, it is well watered as it always rains here.I was going to feed it with plant food but then i didnt want to use miracle gro because well, i want to eat the blueberries and didnt know whether i could use that? Any ideas? xx
    Thank you to you both, it is in a pot, presumably compost, it is well watered as it always rains here.I was going to feed it with plant food but then i didnt want to use miracle gro because well, i want to eat the blueberries and didnt know...
    Thank you to you both, it is in a pot, presumably compost, it is well watered as it always rains here.I was going to feed it with plant food but then i didnt want to use miracle gro because...
  11. clueless1

    Swiss Chard

    You can sow now (well, maybe September) and plant in a greenhouse for a late Autumn / Winter crop.I sow mine successionally, but usually the Spring ones battle on. Some have bolted, I cut the...
    You can sow now (well, maybe September) and plant in a greenhouse for a late Autumn / Winter crop.I sow mine successionally, but usually the Spring ones battle on. Some have bolted, I cut the flowering spire off and they are still cropping, although I don't think they are as succulent as the...
    You can sow now (well, maybe September) and plant in a greenhouse for a late Autumn / Winter crop.I sow mine successionally, but usually the Spring ones battle on. Some have bolted, I cut the flowering spire off and they are still cropping,...
    You can sow now (well, maybe September) and plant in a greenhouse for a late Autumn / Winter crop.I sow mine successionally, but usually the Spring ones battle on. Some have bolted, I cut the...
  12. Rhyleysgranny

    Thank You All

    I`ll bring the sauce.....
    I`ll bring the sauce.....
    I`ll bring the sauce.....
    I`ll bring the sauce.....
  13. Freedom_Spark

    How many pumpkins per plant?

    Time will tell pete, I never get very good results with early pumpkins, they just seem to sit in the ground and sulk. Mine have only just set and they are about tennis ball sized, with a bit of...
    Time will tell pete, I never get very good results with early pumpkins, they just seem to sit in the ground and sulk. Mine have only just set and they are about tennis ball sized, with a bit of luck I'll get some decent ones by Oct.
    Time will tell pete, I never get very good results with early pumpkins, they just seem to sit in the ground and sulk. Mine have only just set and they are about tennis ball sized, with a bit of luck I'll get some decent ones by Oct.
    Time will tell pete, I never get very good results with early pumpkins, they just seem to sit in the ground and sulk. Mine have only just set and they are about tennis ball sized, with a bit of...
  14. Freddy

    Spuds with blight

    Not planting potatoes in the soil for several years does not help in the prevention of blight, neither is there any need for soil sterilisation. The blight needs living tissue to survive from year...
    Not planting potatoes in the soil for several years does not help in the prevention of blight, neither is there any need for soil sterilisation. The blight needs living tissue to survive from year to year. this means that you can compost potato leaves and it will not pass on the disease, the...
    Not planting potatoes in the soil for several years does not help in the prevention of blight, neither is there any need for soil sterilisation. The blight needs living tissue to survive from year to year. this means that you can compost potato...
    Not planting potatoes in the soil for several years does not help in the prevention of blight, neither is there any need for soil sterilisation. The blight needs living tissue to survive from year...
  15. Micky V


    thanks lads as usual brilliant advice in answer to which variety iv'e eaten all the nantes but still have 5 rows of autumn gold2 and there huge
    thanks lads as usual brilliant advice in answer to which variety iv'e eaten all the nantes but still have 5 rows of autumn gold2 and there huge
    thanks lads as usual brilliant advice in answer to which variety iv'e eaten all the nantes but still have 5 rows of autumn gold2 and there huge
    thanks lads as usual brilliant advice in answer to which variety iv'e eaten all the nantes but still have 5 rows of autumn gold2 and there huge
  16. smiffyuk2003

    strawberry feeding

    that great help dave thanks, with regards to the funnel, it is a long black pipe, perforated, so it feeds everything from top plants to bottom, works extremly well. i shall take ure advide and...
    that great help dave thanks, with regards to the funnel, it is a long black pipe, perforated, so it feeds everything from top plants to bottom, works extremly well. i shall take ure advide and wait till the wither, as i quite like the look of the big green leaves hanging over my barrel, thanks again
    that great help dave thanks, with regards to the funnel, it is a long black pipe, perforated, so it feeds everything from top plants to bottom, works extremly well. i shall take ure advide and wait till the wither, as i quite like the look of the...
    that great help dave thanks, with regards to the funnel, it is a long black pipe, perforated, so it feeds everything from top plants to bottom, works extremly well. i shall take ure advide and...
  17. Fidgetsmum

    Strawberry help needed please.

    Thank you very much for that. As for planting them in the ground that's my main problem, I'm not sure where they will be able to go because, as it's still a relatively new garden, we haven't...
    Thank you very much for that. As for planting them in the ground that's my main problem, I'm not sure where they will be able to go because, as it's still a relatively new garden, we haven't actually got anywhere they can go at the minute - I'm guessing they'll need quite a bit of space? At...
    Thank you very much for that. As for planting them in the ground that's my main problem, I'm not sure where they will be able to go because, as it's still a relatively new garden, we haven't actually got anywhere they can go at the minute -...
    Thank you very much for that. As for planting them in the ground that's my main problem, I'm not sure where they will be able to go because, as it's still a relatively new garden, we haven't...
  18. babyboy515


    Years ago we grew peanuts in our greenhouse. We didn't really know what to do but grew them in large pots, watered them when we watered the tomatoes and they grew with no trouble at all. Not...
    Years ago we grew peanuts in our greenhouse. We didn't really know what to do but grew them in large pots, watered them when we watered the tomatoes and they grew with no trouble at all. Not much crop for the space used but it was fun just to say we had grown them :thmb:
    Years ago we grew peanuts in our greenhouse. We didn't really know what to do but grew them in large pots, watered them when we watered the tomatoes and they grew with no trouble at all. Not much crop for the space used but it was fun just to...
    Years ago we grew peanuts in our greenhouse. We didn't really know what to do but grew them in large pots, watered them when we watered the tomatoes and they grew with no trouble at all. Not...
  19. Gren

    Chilli types - colour when ripe

    This site should answer all your chilli questions. And the chilli growing competition is great fun. Hope it goes ahead this year and you all join in.
    This site should answer all your chilli questions. And the chilli growing competition is great fun. Hope it goes ahead this year and you all join in.
    This site should answer all your chilli questions. And the chilli growing competition is great fun. Hope it goes ahead this year and you all join in.
    This site should answer all your chilli questions. And the chilli growing competition is great fun. Hope it goes ahead this year and you all join in.
  20. Steve R

    Cucumber - small or no fruit

    "I have two plants together would it be okay to polinate female flowers from one with males from the other?"Absolutely (assuming they are the same variety - even if not probably OK, but might...
    "I have two plants together would it be okay to polinate female flowers from one with males from the other?"Absolutely (assuming they are the same variety - even if not probably OK, but might "have issues")
    "I have two plants together would it be okay to polinate female flowers from one with males from the other?"Absolutely (assuming they are the same variety - even if not probably OK, but might "have issues")
    "I have two plants together would it be okay to polinate female flowers from one with males from the other?"Absolutely (assuming they are the same variety - even if not probably OK, but might...

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