Edible Gardening

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  1. userofloser

    strawberries and runner beans

    doesnt matter my baby brother picked everything then fed it to my rabbit. still got about 10 tomatoes left though. thanks everyone for your replies.
    doesnt matter my baby brother picked everything then fed it to my rabbit. still got about 10 tomatoes left though. thanks everyone for your replies.
    doesnt matter my baby brother picked everything then fed it to my rabbit. still got about 10 tomatoes left though. thanks everyone for your replies.
    doesnt matter my baby brother picked everything then fed it to my rabbit. still got about 10 tomatoes left though. thanks everyone for your replies.
  2. Fidgetsmum

    Is there any benefit in this?

    Have to agree with you all . I remove bottom leaves up to about half way up the plant at this time of year.Air circulation is very important as chronicled by a one armed polish immigrant living in...
    Have to agree with you all . I remove bottom leaves up to about half way up the plant at this time of year.Air circulation is very important as chronicled by a one armed polish immigrant living in the US
    Have to agree with you all . I remove bottom leaves up to about half way up the plant at this time of year.Air circulation is very important as chronicled by a one armed polish immigrant living in the US
    Have to agree with you all . I remove bottom leaves up to about half way up the plant at this time of year.Air circulation is very important as chronicled by a one armed polish immigrant living in...
  3. Freddy

    Beef Tomatoes.

    Very good Pam. They look so much better than my sorry attempts at beef toms.
    Very good Pam. They look so much better than my sorry attempts at beef toms.
    Very good Pam. They look so much better than my sorry attempts at beef toms.
    Very good Pam. They look so much better than my sorry attempts at beef toms.
  4. JWK

    Elephant garlic harvest

    Verrrrrry Impressive
    Verrrrrry Impressive
    Verrrrrry Impressive
    Verrrrrry Impressive
  5. oktarine

    Are Plums free ?

    :rotfl: lol:hehe::hehe::lollol:
    :rotfl: lol:hehe::hehe::lollol:
    :rotfl: lol:hehe::hehe::lollol:
    :rotfl: lol:hehe::hehe::lollol:
  6. logi06

    Green tomatoes

    "But the very best thing to do is give them to my mum for her to make green tomato chutney"Sounds good to me, what's her number? :hehe:
    "But the very best thing to do is give them to my mum for her to make green tomato chutney"Sounds good to me, what's her number? :hehe:
    "But the very best thing to do is give them to my mum for her to make green tomato chutney"Sounds good to me, what's her number? :hehe:
    "But the very best thing to do is give them to my mum for her to make green tomato chutney"Sounds good to me, what's her number? :hehe:
  7. strawman

    Wild about strawberries

    We got some white strawberries from Jekka's a couple of years ago. They're sort of half way between wild ones and cultivated ones in size, and with a honey-ish flavour all of their own. They...
    We got some white strawberries from Jekka's a couple of years ago. They're sort of half way between wild ones and cultivated ones in size, and with a honey-ish flavour all of their own. They have taken over the bed they're in. Out competing dandelions (almost)! They're worth a try if you...
    We got some white strawberries from Jekka's a couple of years ago. They're sort of half way between wild ones and cultivated ones in size, and with a honey-ish flavour all of their own. They have taken over the bed they're in. Out competing...
    We got some white strawberries from Jekka's a couple of years ago. They're sort of half way between wild ones and cultivated ones in size, and with a honey-ish flavour all of their own. They...
  8. Disabled-Granny

    Help! Gem Squash

    Thanks Seedstotal and JWK for your replies - I'll pinch out the growing tops and hope for the best, afterall, they've reached beyond the 6' canes so from a wheelchair height they are sort of...
    Thanks Seedstotal and JWK for your replies - I'll pinch out the growing tops and hope for the best, afterall, they've reached beyond the 6' canes so from a wheelchair height they are sort of getting carried away on me! lol I used to grow them many years ago in what was Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe),...
    Thanks Seedstotal and JWK for your replies - I'll pinch out the growing tops and hope for the best, afterall, they've reached beyond the 6' canes so from a wheelchair height they are sort of getting carried away on me! lol I used to grow them...
    Thanks Seedstotal and JWK for your replies - I'll pinch out the growing tops and hope for the best, afterall, they've reached beyond the 6' canes so from a wheelchair height they are sort of...
  9. foob

    Plum tree with no fruit...

    Yup, don't fret over it. My plum tree fruited the first year I had it and had none this year. It's just growing up and getting itself ready for better production as it gets bigger.
    Yup, don't fret over it. My plum tree fruited the first year I had it and had none this year. It's just growing up and getting itself ready for better production as it gets bigger.
    Yup, don't fret over it. My plum tree fruited the first year I had it and had none this year. It's just growing up and getting itself ready for better production as it gets bigger.
    Yup, don't fret over it. My plum tree fruited the first year I had it and had none this year. It's just growing up and getting itself ready for better production as it gets bigger.
  10. Freedom_Spark

    Tomato blight update :(

    I think you were just very unlucky FS, its been a very bad year for blight going by the number of people reporting it on here. I hope your remaining plants do well.
    I think you were just very unlucky FS, its been a very bad year for blight going by the number of people reporting it on here. I hope your remaining plants do well.
    I think you were just very unlucky FS, its been a very bad year for blight going by the number of people reporting it on here. I hope your remaining plants do well.
    I think you were just very unlucky FS, its been a very bad year for blight going by the number of people reporting it on here. I hope your remaining plants do well.
  11. Sky

    Please help, confused about tomatoes

    Yes you should take out the sideshoots which grow between the main stem and the main branches. Also you can stop the plant growing any taller when there are four trusses on it (the truss is...
    Yes you should take out the sideshoots which grow between the main stem and the main branches. Also you can stop the plant growing any taller when there are four trusses on it (the truss is the group of flowers which the fruits will grow on) As you say it's well into the season so it may be...
    Yes you should take out the sideshoots which grow between the main stem and the main branches. Also you can stop the plant growing any taller when there are four trusses on it (the truss is the group of flowers which the fruits will grow on)...
    Yes you should take out the sideshoots which grow between the main stem and the main branches. Also you can stop the plant growing any taller when there are four trusses on it (the truss is...
  12. Winnie

    Sloes or Damsons?

    I read somewhere once that Blackthorn (the tree from which we get sloes) is generally in decline in Britain, largely because many see it as a nuisance, due to the way it insists on not staying put...
    I read somewhere once that Blackthorn (the tree from which we get sloes) is generally in decline in Britain, largely because many see it as a nuisance, due to the way it insists on not staying put (it spreads by underground runners and new trees pop up everywhere), so many land owners/managers...
    I read somewhere once that Blackthorn (the tree from which we get sloes) is generally in decline in Britain, largely because many see it as a nuisance, due to the way it insists on not staying put (it spreads by underground runners and new trees...
    I read somewhere once that Blackthorn (the tree from which we get sloes) is generally in decline in Britain, largely because many see it as a nuisance, due to the way it insists on not staying put...
  13. TAL

    Stored Early Potatoes going Green

    Thanks Alice and John. I will check the garage and cover the hessian sack containing the Edwards and keep my fingers crossed. Good to know I didn't do something silly though.Teressa
    Thanks Alice and John. I will check the garage and cover the hessian sack containing the Edwards and keep my fingers crossed. Good to know I didn't do something silly though.Teressa
    Thanks Alice and John. I will check the garage and cover the hessian sack containing the Edwards and keep my fingers crossed. Good to know I didn't do something silly though.Teressa
    Thanks Alice and John. I will check the garage and cover the hessian sack containing the Edwards and keep my fingers crossed. Good to know I didn't do something silly though.Teressa
  14. andybike

    blight on outdoor tomatoes

    :hpbthd::hpbthd::hpbthd: 'Happy Belated Birthday' Andy,I noticed it but didn't put anything up because some members join post a couple of posts and we never see them on here again.I should...
    :hpbthd::hpbthd::hpbthd: 'Happy Belated Birthday' Andy,I noticed it but didn't put anything up because some members join post a couple of posts and we never see them on here again.I should have looked at your profile to see when your last activity was,sorry:oops::o Sorry to hear about your...
    :hpbthd::hpbthd::hpbthd: 'Happy Belated Birthday' Andy,I noticed it but didn't put anything up because some members join post a couple of posts and we never see them on here again.I should have looked at your profile to see when your last...
    :hpbthd::hpbthd::hpbthd: 'Happy Belated Birthday' Andy,I noticed it but didn't put anything up because some members join post a couple of posts and we never see them on here again.I should...
  15. leonora

    My veg

    Just made a pasta sauce with the courgettes and beans.
    Just made a pasta sauce with the courgettes and beans.
    Just made a pasta sauce with the courgettes and beans.
    Just made a pasta sauce with the courgettes and beans.
  16. jem218

    whats next?

    cool, i run out to sow some turnips then, i forgot in the spring :)
    cool, i run out to sow some turnips then, i forgot in the spring :)
    cool, i run out to sow some turnips then, i forgot in the spring :)
    cool, i run out to sow some turnips then, i forgot in the spring :)
  17. Manteur

    excellent strawberry plants

    Earlier on I asked if anyone had experience of Marshalls' "misted tips" strawberry plants, and apparently nobody had. It's a technique for bringing on runners, and is more expensive than regular...
    Earlier on I asked if anyone had experience of Marshalls' "misted tips" strawberry plants, and apparently nobody had. It's a technique for bringing on runners, and is more expensive than regular bare-rooted plants. I decided to order some anyway and they arrived this morning. I'm always a bit...
    Earlier on I asked if anyone had experience of Marshalls' "misted tips" strawberry plants, and apparently nobody had. It's a technique for bringing on runners, and is more expensive than regular bare-rooted plants. I decided to order some anyway...
    Earlier on I asked if anyone had experience of Marshalls' "misted tips" strawberry plants, and apparently nobody had. It's a technique for bringing on runners, and is more expensive than regular...
  18. Kathy3

    tomatoes today

    sorry JWK i dont know ,i was given the plant by a neighbours son ,but it sounds like your russian variety,it is an unusual taste, dont know that i like it too much
    sorry JWK i dont know ,i was given the plant by a neighbours son ,but it sounds like your russian variety,it is an unusual taste, dont know that i like it too much
    sorry JWK i dont know ,i was given the plant by a neighbours son ,but it sounds like your russian variety,it is an unusual taste, dont know that i like it too much
    sorry JWK i dont know ,i was given the plant by a neighbours son ,but it sounds like your russian variety,it is an unusual taste, dont know that i like it too much
  19. Freedom_Spark

    Pumpkin question?

    Wait for it to open naturally Liz, it won't be receptive before that and you risk damaging it. I've tried exactly this in the past, but it didn't work, you just need a bit of patience and catch...
    Wait for it to open naturally Liz, it won't be receptive before that and you risk damaging it. I've tried exactly this in the past, but it didn't work, you just need a bit of patience and catch them within a day or two of opening.
    Wait for it to open naturally Liz, it won't be receptive before that and you risk damaging it. I've tried exactly this in the past, but it didn't work, you just need a bit of patience and catch them within a day or two of opening.
    Wait for it to open naturally Liz, it won't be receptive before that and you risk damaging it. I've tried exactly this in the past, but it didn't work, you just need a bit of patience and catch...
  20. jem218

    how do u know when onions r ready?

    oh brill, thats great! been really keen to pull em 2! cant wait to see whats been happening all this time underground! jane
    oh brill, thats great! been really keen to pull em 2! cant wait to see whats been happening all this time underground! jane
    oh brill, thats great! been really keen to pull em 2! cant wait to see whats been happening all this time underground! jane
    oh brill, thats great! been really keen to pull em 2! cant wait to see whats been happening all this time underground! jane

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