Edible Gardening

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  1. steve moulton

    Curling Tomato Leaves

    Steve I posted some pictures of tomato blight I suffered last year. May help in your decision on the way forwardrobert
    Steve I posted some pictures of tomato blight I suffered last year. May help in your decision on the way forwardrobert
    Steve I posted some pictures of tomato blight I suffered last year. May help in your decision on the way forwardrobert
    Steve I posted some pictures of tomato blight I suffered last year. May help in your decision on the way forwardrobert
  2. maltaron

    Brassica selection

    Thanks for the replies so far. I just did a search for Peer Gynt and whilst some of the regular suppliers claim to have them it appears that the Dutch company who "own" the variety have stopped...
    Thanks for the replies so far. I just did a search for Peer Gynt and whilst some of the regular suppliers claim to have them it appears that the Dutch company who "own" the variety have stopped supplyng. T & M are suggesting Nelson F1 hybrid as an alternative.
    Thanks for the replies so far. I just did a search for Peer Gynt and whilst some of the regular suppliers claim to have them it appears that the Dutch company who "own" the variety have stopped supplyng. T & M are suggesting Nelson F1 hybrid as...
    Thanks for the replies so far. I just did a search for Peer Gynt and whilst some of the regular suppliers claim to have them it appears that the Dutch company who "own" the variety have stopped...
  3. lindyco

    Feeble French beans

    Point of order Sir!Is Growmore high nitrogen? I though it was equal:equal:equal NPK ratio stuff??
    Point of order Sir!Is Growmore high nitrogen? I though it was equal:equal:equal NPK ratio stuff??
    Point of order Sir!Is Growmore high nitrogen? I though it was equal:equal:equal NPK ratio stuff??
    Point of order Sir!Is Growmore high nitrogen? I though it was equal:equal:equal NPK ratio stuff??
  4. capney

    Another first for me

    Thanks oktarine Have to admit Im thinking of heading for our local car boot sale this Sunday God knows what I might come home with !
    Thanks oktarine Have to admit Im thinking of heading for our local car boot sale this Sunday God knows what I might come home with !
    Thanks oktarine Have to admit Im thinking of heading for our local car boot sale this Sunday God knows what I might come home with !
    Thanks oktarine Have to admit Im thinking of heading for our local car boot sale this Sunday God knows what I might come home with !
  5. capney

    Tomato blight pictures

    "I didn't want to risk leaving anything in the ground, though the info said leave 10 days before digging up. Why is this? To stop the spores contaminating the veg?"Yes, I think that's the idea. ...
    "I didn't want to risk leaving anything in the ground, though the info said leave 10 days before digging up. Why is this? To stop the spores contaminating the veg?"Yes, I think that's the idea. Remove the foliage, give any spores time to "die", then when you lift the pots less chance of...
    "I didn't want to risk leaving anything in the ground, though the info said leave 10 days before digging up. Why is this? To stop the spores contaminating the veg?"Yes, I think that's the idea. Remove the foliage, give any spores time to...
    "I didn't want to risk leaving anything in the ground, though the info said leave 10 days before digging up. Why is this? To stop the spores contaminating the veg?"Yes, I think that's the idea. ...
  6. Freddy

    Uneven Ripening

    Post deleted. New thread started.
    Post deleted. New thread started.
    Post deleted. New thread started.
    Post deleted. New thread started.
  7. ncd72

    Greent Toms

    Some people advocate feeding every time you water, with the fertilizer even more diluted of course. I feed twice a week and water every day inbetween.
    Some people advocate feeding every time you water, with the fertilizer even more diluted of course. I feed twice a week and water every day inbetween.
    Some people advocate feeding every time you water, with the fertilizer even more diluted of course. I feed twice a week and water every day inbetween.
    Some people advocate feeding every time you water, with the fertilizer even more diluted of course. I feed twice a week and water every day inbetween.
  8. Freedom_Spark

    Urgent help required, I think I have potato blight - tomatoes are in close proximity!

    Agreed. The instructions on Murphy's traditional copper fungicide say to spray at first signs of disease, but I can't see the sense in that.Guided by what I've read here, I brought first...
    Agreed. The instructions on Murphy's traditional copper fungicide say to spray at first signs of disease, but I can't see the sense in that.Guided by what I've read here, I brought first spray forward by two weeks from mid to early August. That means I'm spraying healthy plants in the hopes...
    Agreed. The instructions on Murphy's traditional copper fungicide say to spray at first signs of disease, but I can't see the sense in that.Guided by what I've read here, I brought first spray forward by two weeks from mid to early August....
    Agreed. The instructions on Murphy's traditional copper fungicide say to spray at first signs of disease, but I can't see the sense in that.Guided by what I've read here, I brought first...
  9. Victoria Plum

    Cooking potatoes

    "Garlic GRANULES" !!! What the...!! :D Just started digging up my garlic, very nice it is too :)
    "Garlic GRANULES" !!! What the...!! :D Just started digging up my garlic, very nice it is too :)
    "Garlic GRANULES" !!! What the...!! :D Just started digging up my garlic, very nice it is too :)
    "Garlic GRANULES" !!! What the...!! :D Just started digging up my garlic, very nice it is too :)
  10. vectra

    onion seed's

    Hi folks. My limited experience has shown me that onions grown from seed are the way to go for both size, and resistance to bolting. Having said that, some find the task of sowing and looking...
    Hi folks. My limited experience has shown me that onions grown from seed are the way to go for both size, and resistance to bolting. Having said that, some find the task of sowing and looking after onions grown from seed too daunting, and 'sets' are so easy to get on with. This year I grew some...
    Hi folks. My limited experience has shown me that onions grown from seed are the way to go for both size, and resistance to bolting. Having said that, some find the task of sowing and looking after onions grown from seed too daunting, and 'sets'...
    Hi folks. My limited experience has shown me that onions grown from seed are the way to go for both size, and resistance to bolting. Having said that, some find the task of sowing and looking...
  11. uulwyn


    Peak. Just expose enough of the root to see the size, if it is larger than a 1p coin, eat it. Usually thinning the youngsters provides you with this info automatically. The optimal size depends on...
    Peak. Just expose enough of the root to see the size, if it is larger than a 1p coin, eat it. Usually thinning the youngsters provides you with this info automatically. The optimal size depends on the variety but after the penny- size age you can treat yourself a test raddish every day. Nothing...
    Peak. Just expose enough of the root to see the size, if it is larger than a 1p coin, eat it. Usually thinning the youngsters provides you with this info automatically. The optimal size depends on the variety but after the penny- size age you can...
    Peak. Just expose enough of the root to see the size, if it is larger than a 1p coin, eat it. Usually thinning the youngsters provides you with this info automatically. The optimal size depends on...
  12. uulwyn


    Thanks for the replies Shiny/Kristen. I will wait until next year before sowing them.
    Thanks for the replies Shiny/Kristen. I will wait until next year before sowing them.
    Thanks for the replies Shiny/Kristen. I will wait until next year before sowing them.
    Thanks for the replies Shiny/Kristen. I will wait until next year before sowing them.
  13. logi06

    My chillis

    Thank you very much
    Thank you very much
    Thank you very much
    Thank you very much
  14. Kathy535

    Tomato problems

    ****mutters something under his breath!*********
    ****mutters something under his breath!*********
    ****mutters something under his breath!*********
    ****mutters something under his breath!*********
  15. Kathy535

    Cucumber problems

    You could give them a spray... your garden centre should have an organic mildew control.
    You could give them a spray... your garden centre should have an organic mildew control.
    You could give them a spray... your garden centre should have an organic mildew control.
    You could give them a spray... your garden centre should have an organic mildew control.
  16. Liz W

    Tomato wisdom

    "SHould they be burnt or just disposed of in some other way?"Burnt is fine. Otherwise put them in your land-fill rubbish bin.If it does turn out to be blight then by particularly thorough...
    "SHould they be burnt or just disposed of in some other way?"Burnt is fine. Otherwise put them in your land-fill rubbish bin.If it does turn out to be blight then by particularly thorough with cleaning this Winter, and be careful not to carry the disease elsewhere - sterilise knives /...
    "SHould they be burnt or just disposed of in some other way?"Burnt is fine. Otherwise put them in your land-fill rubbish bin.If it does turn out to be blight then by particularly thorough with cleaning this Winter, and be careful not to...
    "SHould they be burnt or just disposed of in some other way?"Burnt is fine. Otherwise put them in your land-fill rubbish bin.If it does turn out to be blight then by particularly thorough...
  17. capney

    Potato sack harvest

    Sorry to hear that. My Marshall's Gro-Sack and very-large-pot (guessing, 30" dia.) have all been good, yield just fine, good flavour. I grew Charlotte, Foremost and Maris Peer. I put 4" of manure...
    Sorry to hear that. My Marshall's Gro-Sack and very-large-pot (guessing, 30" dia.) have all been good, yield just fine, good flavour. I grew Charlotte, Foremost and Maris Peer. I put 4" of manure in the bottom, then tubers, then 4" of multipurpose compost, then earthed up with soil. (The whole...
    Sorry to hear that. My Marshall's Gro-Sack and very-large-pot (guessing, 30" dia.) have all been good, yield just fine, good flavour. I grew Charlotte, Foremost and Maris Peer. I put 4" of manure in the bottom, then tubers, then 4" of...
    Sorry to hear that. My Marshall's Gro-Sack and very-large-pot (guessing, 30" dia.) have all been good, yield just fine, good flavour. I grew Charlotte, Foremost and Maris Peer. I put 4" of manure...
  18. mchumph

    blight advice

    Has bean, you have to keep ventilating your greenhouse when its very sunny - otherwise close them as much as you dare. Its a balancing act as the humidity gets too high if you keep the vents...
    Has bean, you have to keep ventilating your greenhouse when its very sunny - otherwise close them as much as you dare. Its a balancing act as the humidity gets too high if you keep the vents closed all the time which encourages grey mould. Are you going to spray them with Dithane/Bordeaux...
    Has bean, you have to keep ventilating your greenhouse when its very sunny - otherwise close them as much as you dare. Its a balancing act as the humidity gets too high if you keep the vents closed all the time which encourages grey mould. Are...
    Has bean, you have to keep ventilating your greenhouse when its very sunny - otherwise close them as much as you dare. Its a balancing act as the humidity gets too high if you keep the vents...
  19. Sezzle

    Leggy brassicas

    :thku: Thanks guys, I'll do just that!
    :thku: Thanks guys, I'll do just that!
    :thku: Thanks guys, I'll do just that!
    :thku: Thanks guys, I'll do just that!
  20. kev25v6

    What type of toms are these?

    Whats the brown round the stalk? A few of them have it.
    Whats the brown round the stalk? A few of them have it.
    Whats the brown round the stalk? A few of them have it.
    Whats the brown round the stalk? A few of them have it.

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