Edible Gardening

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  1. Anniearth


    Try here for some information on rhubarb, but have a look here for some images of some more ornamental rhubarb.Take a photo, and post it on here, and see if we can help you!Hope this Helps!
    Try here for some information on rhubarb, but have a look here for some images of some more ornamental rhubarb.Take a photo, and post it on here, and see if we can help you!Hope this Helps!
    Try here for some information on rhubarb, but have a look here for some images of some more ornamental rhubarb.Take a photo, and post it on here, and see if we can help you!Hope this Helps!
    Try here for some information on rhubarb, but have a look here for some images of some more ornamental rhubarb.Take a photo, and post it on here, and see if we can help you!Hope this Helps!
  2. golfer


    Feed with tomorite sometime a liquid manure.
    Feed with tomorite sometime a liquid manure.
    Feed with tomorite sometime a liquid manure.
    Feed with tomorite sometime a liquid manure.
  3. magrat

    Sweet pepper plants

    Thanks for the advice Kristen - I'll do what you suggest and just bring it in when it gets colder. Yeah, it did say on the instructions that a greenhouse was required, but I thought I'd give it a...
    Thanks for the advice Kristen - I'll do what you suggest and just bring it in when it gets colder. Yeah, it did say on the instructions that a greenhouse was required, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway!
    Thanks for the advice Kristen - I'll do what you suggest and just bring it in when it gets colder. Yeah, it did say on the instructions that a greenhouse was required, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway!
    Thanks for the advice Kristen - I'll do what you suggest and just bring it in when it gets colder. Yeah, it did say on the instructions that a greenhouse was required, but I thought I'd give it a...
  4. Micky V

    Follow on

    Now is the time sow seeds of Offenham direct - late July to early August :thumb:
    Now is the time sow seeds of Offenham direct - late July to early August :thumb:
    Now is the time sow seeds of Offenham direct - late July to early August :thumb:
    Now is the time sow seeds of Offenham direct - late July to early August :thumb:
  5. Axie-Ali


    Sounds like you have Summer Fruiting variety, so the canes that have sprung up this year will bear the fruit next year.You are supposed to cut them down to the ground straight after planting, so...
    Sounds like you have Summer Fruiting variety, so the canes that have sprung up this year will bear the fruit next year.You are supposed to cut them down to the ground straight after planting, so they build up their strength (and forgo a crop), so taking a crop and then cutting them down so you...
    Sounds like you have Summer Fruiting variety, so the canes that have sprung up this year will bear the fruit next year.You are supposed to cut them down to the ground straight after planting, so they build up their strength (and forgo a crop),...
    Sounds like you have Summer Fruiting variety, so the canes that have sprung up this year will bear the fruit next year.You are supposed to cut them down to the ground straight after planting, so...
  6. Sky

    Next step for my tomatoes! [PICS]

    If you can get to a supermarket eg Tesco, Morrisons etc. The black buckets the flowers are delivered in are ideal , they usually sell them 8 for a quid is the rate at my Morrisons, and i am...
    If you can get to a supermarket eg Tesco, Morrisons etc. The black buckets the flowers are delivered in are ideal , they usually sell them 8 for a quid is the rate at my Morrisons, and i am stocking up as come next spring they are like gold. Drill drainage holes in the bottom at least 12 ,...
    If you can get to a supermarket eg Tesco, Morrisons etc. The black buckets the flowers are delivered in are ideal , they usually sell them 8 for a quid is the rate at my Morrisons, and i am stocking up as come next spring they are like...
    If you can get to a supermarket eg Tesco, Morrisons etc. The black buckets the flowers are delivered in are ideal , they usually sell them 8 for a quid is the rate at my Morrisons, and i am...
  7. Helofadigger

    This years season

    ... and my mangetout have been exceptionally sweet this year. Trouble is I planted a row right next to some 'normal' peas and they are now all mixed up in a big tangle.
    ... and my mangetout have been exceptionally sweet this year. Trouble is I planted a row right next to some 'normal' peas and they are now all mixed up in a big tangle.
    ... and my mangetout have been exceptionally sweet this year. Trouble is I planted a row right next to some 'normal' peas and they are now all mixed up in a big tangle.
    ... and my mangetout have been exceptionally sweet this year. Trouble is I planted a row right next to some 'normal' peas and they are now all mixed up in a big tangle.
  8. golfer


    omg they grow that big ?!?!?!Can i plant them directly into the ground, cause my greenhouse is tiny and could probs only hold about 2 that size lol.
    omg they grow that big ?!?!?!Can i plant them directly into the ground, cause my greenhouse is tiny and could probs only hold about 2 that size lol.
    omg they grow that big ?!?!?!Can i plant them directly into the ground, cause my greenhouse is tiny and could probs only hold about 2 that size lol.
    omg they grow that big ?!?!?!Can i plant them directly into the ground, cause my greenhouse is tiny and could probs only hold about 2 that size lol.
  9. youngdaisydee

    My Potato Experiment

    Looks great ydd :gnthb: and the fruit is looking superb. We have large outdoor compost heaps where we let the spuds grow. As the heaps are so big (about 6ft x 6ft each) they can also get to 6ft...
    Looks great ydd :gnthb: and the fruit is looking superb. We have large outdoor compost heaps where we let the spuds grow. As the heaps are so big (about 6ft x 6ft each) they can also get to 6ft high. We dig out the spuds near the surface but when we dig out the compost in the autumn/winter...
    Looks great ydd :gnthb: and the fruit is looking superb. We have large outdoor compost heaps where we let the spuds grow. As the heaps are so big (about 6ft x 6ft each) they can also get to 6ft high. We dig out the spuds near the surface but...
    Looks great ydd :gnthb: and the fruit is looking superb. We have large outdoor compost heaps where we let the spuds grow. As the heaps are so big (about 6ft x 6ft each) they can also get to 6ft...
  10. David G

    Look what has happened to my Cucumbers

    I get my plants of a friend of my late father. I think he gets his seed from one of the local garden centres. They are usually Burpless Tasty Green. I have had the same problem in previous years...
    I get my plants of a friend of my late father. I think he gets his seed from one of the local garden centres. They are usually Burpless Tasty Green. I have had the same problem in previous years but not so bad. Usually the first 2-4 leaves getting it then shrivelling up but this year it seems...
    I get my plants of a friend of my late father. I think he gets his seed from one of the local garden centres. They are usually Burpless Tasty Green. I have had the same problem in previous years but not so bad. Usually the first 2-4 leaves...
    I get my plants of a friend of my late father. I think he gets his seed from one of the local garden centres. They are usually Burpless Tasty Green. I have had the same problem in previous years...
  11. golfer


    My first girlfriend was a bit like that CapneyDave
    My first girlfriend was a bit like that CapneyDave
    My first girlfriend was a bit like that CapneyDave
    My first girlfriend was a bit like that CapneyDave
  12. golfer


    im running out of room with mine - i never knew these beasts grew so large - the plant that is....
    im running out of room with mine - i never knew these beasts grew so large - the plant that is....
    im running out of room with mine - i never knew these beasts grew so large - the plant that is....
    im running out of room with mine - i never knew these beasts grew so large - the plant that is....
  13. Rhyleysgranny

    Chilli Plants.

    its on mine too so don't worry :)
    its on mine too so don't worry :)
    its on mine too so don't worry :)
    its on mine too so don't worry :)
  14. David G

    Storing Cucumbers

    I certainly do, you've got to be cruel to them initially.
    I certainly do, you've got to be cruel to them initially.
    I certainly do, you've got to be cruel to them initially.
    I certainly do, you've got to be cruel to them initially.
  15. oktarine

    Now the spuds have been dug up

    Coincidentally that is what I planted in after some of my spuds-and they are also doing very well. Fingers crossed by both of us then lol.
    Coincidentally that is what I planted in after some of my spuds-and they are also doing very well. Fingers crossed by both of us then lol.
    Coincidentally that is what I planted in after some of my spuds-and they are also doing very well. Fingers crossed by both of us then lol.
    Coincidentally that is what I planted in after some of my spuds-and they are also doing very well. Fingers crossed by both of us then lol.
  16. gillcat


    OK TA. I'm not that daft on leeks as such....I just thought if she's planting 100 of them then maybe I should do some as well LOL !
    OK TA. I'm not that daft on leeks as such....I just thought if she's planting 100 of them then maybe I should do some as well LOL !
    OK TA. I'm not that daft on leeks as such....I just thought if she's planting 100 of them then maybe I should do some as well LOL !
    OK TA. I'm not that daft on leeks as such....I just thought if she's planting 100 of them then maybe I should do some as well LOL !
  17. barryk1

    Plum stones

    If they germinate I'm afraid that the chances of them producing plums as good as the ones they came from is slim at best:( as to get the exact same cultivar you would have to use a form of...
    If they germinate I'm afraid that the chances of them producing plums as good as the ones they came from is slim at best:( as to get the exact same cultivar you would have to use a form of vegetative propagation such as grafting due to cultivars not coming true from seed.Your best bet is to...
    If they germinate I'm afraid that the chances of them producing plums as good as the ones they came from is slim at best:( as to get the exact same cultivar you would have to use a form of vegetative propagation such as grafting due to cultivars...
    If they germinate I'm afraid that the chances of them producing plums as good as the ones they came from is slim at best:( as to get the exact same cultivar you would have to use a form of...
  18. mchumph

    more garlic weirdness

    I didn't realise that, good to hear :D
    I didn't realise that, good to hear :D
    I didn't realise that, good to hear :D
    I didn't realise that, good to hear :D
  19. completely green but keen

    A tough (butter)nut to crack?

    :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb:
    :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb:
    :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb:
    :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb: :gnthb:
  20. Lucky

    Cauliflower Woes

    That's the problem with Caulis ... they look perfect and you wait for them to get "just that little bit bigger" and then ... Wham! ... they "blow" :(
    That's the problem with Caulis ... they look perfect and you wait for them to get "just that little bit bigger" and then ... Wham! ... they "blow" :(
    That's the problem with Caulis ... they look perfect and you wait for them to get "just that little bit bigger" and then ... Wham! ... they "blow" :(
    That's the problem with Caulis ... they look perfect and you wait for them to get "just that little bit bigger" and then ... Wham! ... they "blow" :(

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