Edible Gardening

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  1. ncd72

    1st Time Toms and Cucumbers

    hi you've prob all gathere i'm new to all this - how do i pollinate the cucs then and which flowers do i pull off and when?thanks all
    hi you've prob all gathere i'm new to all this - how do i pollinate the cucs then and which flowers do i pull off and when?thanks all
    hi you've prob all gathere i'm new to all this - how do i pollinate the cucs then and which flowers do i pull off and when?thanks all
    hi you've prob all gathere i'm new to all this - how do i pollinate the cucs then and which flowers do i pull off and when?thanks all
  2. capney

    Goosegog jam

    What you see is the first years fruiting. All I need to do now is get it right for next year!
    What you see is the first years fruiting. All I need to do now is get it right for next year!
    What you see is the first years fruiting. All I need to do now is get it right for next year!
    What you see is the first years fruiting. All I need to do now is get it right for next year!
  3. AncientGardener

    Sowing Braod Beans in July

    I presume because it si dwarf it will also be fast maturing, and the packet I've got here does indeed say sow until end July.I sow my Broad beans in the Autumn, and overwinter, for an early crop...
    I presume because it si dwarf it will also be fast maturing, and the packet I've got here does indeed say sow until end July.I sow my Broad beans in the Autumn, and overwinter, for an early crop - that largely avoids Blackfly, which Spring-sown crops suffer from. Dunno if Blackfly will also...
    I presume because it si dwarf it will also be fast maturing, and the packet I've got here does indeed say sow until end July.I sow my Broad beans in the Autumn, and overwinter, for an early crop - that largely avoids Blackfly, which Spring-sown...
    I presume because it si dwarf it will also be fast maturing, and the packet I've got here does indeed say sow until end July.I sow my Broad beans in the Autumn, and overwinter, for an early crop...
  4. capney

    Pomodoro costoluto fiorentino

    Pomodoro costoluto fiorentino Thats an Italian tomato... I got a packet from Burton Agnes today not really knowing what I got. I know its a bit out of season, but, can I ask if any of our tomato...
    Pomodoro costoluto fiorentino Thats an Italian tomato... I got a packet from Burton Agnes today not really knowing what I got. I know its a bit out of season, but, can I ask if any of our tomato growers have grown these before? Any hints or tips? Thankyou robert
    Pomodoro costoluto fiorentino Thats an Italian tomato... I got a packet from Burton Agnes today not really knowing what I got. I know its a bit out of season, but, can I ask if any of our tomato growers have grown these before? Any hints or...
    Pomodoro costoluto fiorentino Thats an Italian tomato... I got a packet from Burton Agnes today not really knowing what I got. I know its a bit out of season, but, can I ask if any of our tomato...
  5. basilthegr8lo


    When I was at the Eden project a week or so ago, I saw that they were growing ginger there in the outdoor section. That said, the Eden project is in Cornwall which tends to get warmer weather than...
    When I was at the Eden project a week or so ago, I saw that they were growing ginger there in the outdoor section. That said, the Eden project is in Cornwall which tends to get warmer weather than most of the country, and it is in a big hole (the site of a long since closed china clay mine if...
    When I was at the Eden project a week or so ago, I saw that they were growing ginger there in the outdoor section. That said, the Eden project is in Cornwall which tends to get warmer weather than most of the country, and it is in a big hole (the...
    When I was at the Eden project a week or so ago, I saw that they were growing ginger there in the outdoor section. That said, the Eden project is in Cornwall which tends to get warmer weather than...
  6. basilthegr8lo

    Chilli plants

    Excellent thanks for the help!
    Excellent thanks for the help!
    Excellent thanks for the help!
    Excellent thanks for the help!
  7. Victoria Plum


    Brilliant thanks :thumb:I fed them with the miracle grow form the hose gun this morning. Will that suffice until they start producing, when I would swap to tomorite.
    Brilliant thanks :thumb:I fed them with the miracle grow form the hose gun this morning. Will that suffice until they start producing, when I would swap to tomorite.
    Brilliant thanks :thumb:I fed them with the miracle grow form the hose gun this morning. Will that suffice until they start producing, when I would swap to tomorite.
    Brilliant thanks :thumb:I fed them with the miracle grow form the hose gun this morning. Will that suffice until they start producing, when I would swap to tomorite.
  8. Rosiemongrel

    Tomato seedling question

    Thanks for this, guys. Will give a couple of them a go then, but definitely not all 6! Wouldn't be able to move in the conservatory otherwise! :)
    Thanks for this, guys. Will give a couple of them a go then, but definitely not all 6! Wouldn't be able to move in the conservatory otherwise! :)
    Thanks for this, guys. Will give a couple of them a go then, but definitely not all 6! Wouldn't be able to move in the conservatory otherwise! :)
    Thanks for this, guys. Will give a couple of them a go then, but definitely not all 6! Wouldn't be able to move in the conservatory otherwise! :)
  9. Victoria Plum

    Eating late crop poatoes

    sounds sensible to me - and it's certainly what I do.
    sounds sensible to me - and it's certainly what I do.
    sounds sensible to me - and it's certainly what I do.
    sounds sensible to me - and it's certainly what I do.
  10. Winnie

    What to put in after spuds

    Last day of August I sow overwintering onions from seed.
    Last day of August I sow overwintering onions from seed.
    Last day of August I sow overwintering onions from seed.
    Last day of August I sow overwintering onions from seed.
  11. markd

    pruning summer fruiting strawberries.

    I used to work in an old country house garden whre they set fire to the straw after picking all the fruit. On a dry day the straw would burn quickly taking the old leaves with it and any pests and...
    I used to work in an old country house garden whre they set fire to the straw after picking all the fruit. On a dry day the straw would burn quickly taking the old leaves with it and any pests and mouldy fruit. The plants were never harmed and within a few days new growth would emerge and...
    I used to work in an old country house garden whre they set fire to the straw after picking all the fruit. On a dry day the straw would burn quickly taking the old leaves with it and any pests and mouldy fruit. The plants were never harmed and...
    I used to work in an old country house garden whre they set fire to the straw after picking all the fruit. On a dry day the straw would burn quickly taking the old leaves with it and any pests and...
  12. AncientGardener

    Oranges & Lemons...

    I haven't try planting oranges on my garden because they are a bit hard to grow.It needs a perfect weather,soil and other more things to consider to be able to have a successful planting.
    I haven't try planting oranges on my garden because they are a bit hard to grow.It needs a perfect weather,soil and other more things to consider to be able to have a successful planting.
    I haven't try planting oranges on my garden because they are a bit hard to grow.It needs a perfect weather,soil and other more things to consider to be able to have a successful planting.
    I haven't try planting oranges on my garden because they are a bit hard to grow.It needs a perfect weather,soil and other more things to consider to be able to have a successful planting.
  13. jem218

    Onions and Garlic

    Yes,you can plant other crops.I'm planting potatoes,cabbage and squash in the garden.Actually,it's my mom crops but i help her whenever i have time.
    Yes,you can plant other crops.I'm planting potatoes,cabbage and squash in the garden.Actually,it's my mom crops but i help her whenever i have time.
    Yes,you can plant other crops.I'm planting potatoes,cabbage and squash in the garden.Actually,it's my mom crops but i help her whenever i have time.
    Yes,you can plant other crops.I'm planting potatoes,cabbage and squash in the garden.Actually,it's my mom crops but i help her whenever i have time.
  14. BigBird

    Moving House & Veg

    I'm sure you can.Make sure you ready the new place on your house to transfer the crops.I got the same problem before.I do transfer some and i just left the others for the new family who will live...
    I'm sure you can.Make sure you ready the new place on your house to transfer the crops.I got the same problem before.I do transfer some and i just left the others for the new family who will live on our old house.
    I'm sure you can.Make sure you ready the new place on your house to transfer the crops.I got the same problem before.I do transfer some and i just left the others for the new family who will live on our old house.
    I'm sure you can.Make sure you ready the new place on your house to transfer the crops.I got the same problem before.I do transfer some and i just left the others for the new family who will live...
  15. Winnie

    SPUDS - dug 'em up!!

    Started eating my Maris Peer about a week ago that were planted the first week in March. One plant yielding enough for two meals for the three of us and enough left for a couple of my favourite...
    Started eating my Maris Peer about a week ago that were planted the first week in March. One plant yielding enough for two meals for the three of us and enough left for a couple of my favourite sandwiches. Cold new potatoes with grated cheddar between a couple of slices of wholemeal bread and...
    Started eating my Maris Peer about a week ago that were planted the first week in March. One plant yielding enough for two meals for the three of us and enough left for a couple of my favourite sandwiches. Cold new potatoes with grated cheddar...
    Started eating my Maris Peer about a week ago that were planted the first week in March. One plant yielding enough for two meals for the three of us and enough left for a couple of my favourite...
  16. mikemcmillan

    curly tomatoe leaves and moles

    I agree, ignore the curly leaves ...
    I agree, ignore the curly leaves ...
    I agree, ignore the curly leaves ...
    I agree, ignore the curly leaves ...
  17. Rhyleysgranny

    Pumpkins and Corn

    Jane, they send out a long runner, which you can pick up and move so you can train it to grow where you want. You have to pollinate them in order to get fruit, in a few weeks time you will start...
    Jane, they send out a long runner, which you can pick up and move so you can train it to grow where you want. You have to pollinate them in order to get fruit, in a few weeks time you will start getting male and female flowers (females have a tiny pumpkin behind the flower), pick off an open...
    Jane, they send out a long runner, which you can pick up and move so you can train it to grow where you want. You have to pollinate them in order to get fruit, in a few weeks time you will start getting male and female flowers (females have a...
    Jane, they send out a long runner, which you can pick up and move so you can train it to grow where you want. You have to pollinate them in order to get fruit, in a few weeks time you will start...
  18. jem218

    advice on peppers please?

    ok i got it! leave the flowers for more fruit?! lol i am very green at this lol- except for my fingers lol
    ok i got it! leave the flowers for more fruit?! lol i am very green at this lol- except for my fingers lol
    ok i got it! leave the flowers for more fruit?! lol i am very green at this lol- except for my fingers lol
    ok i got it! leave the flowers for more fruit?! lol i am very green at this lol- except for my fingers lol
  19. capney

    I`m finished with cumcumbers

    No offence intented, mate:)
    No offence intented, mate:)
    No offence intented, mate:)
    No offence intented, mate:)
  20. sunny

    Onion advice

    Thanks for that John, needed a bit of good advice as felt a bit stupid :dh: I think mum in law just misunderstood :thumb:
    Thanks for that John, needed a bit of good advice as felt a bit stupid :dh: I think mum in law just misunderstood :thumb:
    Thanks for that John, needed a bit of good advice as felt a bit stupid :dh: I think mum in law just misunderstood :thumb:
    Thanks for that John, needed a bit of good advice as felt a bit stupid :dh: I think mum in law just misunderstood :thumb:

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