Edible Gardening

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  1. holttum

    Whays wrong with my spinach

    At this time of year its difficult stopping it running to seed. Just keep nipping off the flowers Holttum, it makes the plant produce a few more leaves and you'll get another couple of weeks worth...
    At this time of year its difficult stopping it running to seed. Just keep nipping off the flowers Holttum, it makes the plant produce a few more leaves and you'll get another couple of weeks worth of leaves. I'm on my third batch of spinach this year, as soon as I plant out one set I start...
    At this time of year its difficult stopping it running to seed. Just keep nipping off the flowers Holttum, it makes the plant produce a few more leaves and you'll get another couple of weeks worth of leaves. I'm on my third batch of spinach this...
    At this time of year its difficult stopping it running to seed. Just keep nipping off the flowers Holttum, it makes the plant produce a few more leaves and you'll get another couple of weeks worth...
  2. David G

    Save my daughters life

    The view from the bar at the top is fantastic though.Only problem is, a friend who works there has advised that all their secretaries have no external windows near them and face towards the...
    The view from the bar at the top is fantastic though.Only problem is, a friend who works there has advised that all their secretaries have no external windows near them and face towards the centre. As they are on the 31st floor when it gets very windy during the windows the some of the...
    The view from the bar at the top is fantastic though.Only problem is, a friend who works there has advised that all their secretaries have no external windows near them and face towards the centre. As they are on the 31st floor when it gets...
    The view from the bar at the top is fantastic though.Only problem is, a friend who works there has advised that all their secretaries have no external windows near them and face towards the...
  3. Rhyleysgranny


    Multi-compost (Arthur Bowers, but I suspect any would do)
    Multi-compost (Arthur Bowers, but I suspect any would do)
    Multi-compost (Arthur Bowers, but I suspect any would do)
    Multi-compost (Arthur Bowers, but I suspect any would do)
  4. markd

    grun gooseberry

    I have put in somw grun gooseberies in raised beds this year and their leaves gone red,is this normal or do i have a problem . My invicta , careless and grun grown in the same way all seem to be...
    I have put in somw grun gooseberies in raised beds this year and their leaves gone red,is this normal or do i have a problem . My invicta , careless and grun grown in the same way all seem to be normal.
    I have put in somw grun gooseberies in raised beds this year and their leaves gone red,is this normal or do i have a problem . My invicta , careless and grun grown in the same way all seem to be normal.
    I have put in somw grun gooseberies in raised beds this year and their leaves gone red,is this normal or do i have a problem . My invicta , careless and grun grown in the same way all seem to be...
  5. JayneyG

    I snapped a cucumber plant :-(

    It might survive, hopefully another branch will appear lower down and will take over as the main leader.
    It might survive, hopefully another branch will appear lower down and will take over as the main leader.
    It might survive, hopefully another branch will appear lower down and will take over as the main leader.
    It might survive, hopefully another branch will appear lower down and will take over as the main leader.
  6. capney

    Abundant peas

    Ive planted a load in tubs and put them along the back wall of the greenhouse. Ive netted the back wall and im putting a frame up as extra support too, must be around 10"s already.Some of my out...
    Ive planted a load in tubs and put them along the back wall of the greenhouse. Ive netted the back wall and im putting a frame up as extra support too, must be around 10"s already.Some of my out door peas are upto 5 feet high and they are supposed to be dwarf plants of 2-3 feet only.
    Ive planted a load in tubs and put them along the back wall of the greenhouse. Ive netted the back wall and im putting a frame up as extra support too, must be around 10"s already.Some of my out door peas are upto 5 feet high and they are...
    Ive planted a load in tubs and put them along the back wall of the greenhouse. Ive netted the back wall and im putting a frame up as extra support too, must be around 10"s already.Some of my out...
  7. Rhyleysgranny

    Floury Potatoes

    I spent 10 years in Eire the home of the potato, and found them to be horrid . It wasnt until Lidl and Tesco came then we could get U.K. potatoes, I am from the West Mids and we loved the...
    I spent 10 years in Eire the home of the potato, and found them to be horrid . It wasnt until Lidl and Tesco came then we could get U.K. potatoes, I am from the West Mids and we loved the Shropshire potatoes, i now live in Wales and last week had some "Welsh" potatoes ,my O.H. said...
    I spent 10 years in Eire the home of the potato, and found them to be horrid . It wasnt until Lidl and Tesco came then we could get U.K. potatoes, I am from the West Mids and we loved the Shropshire potatoes, i now live in Wales and last...
    I spent 10 years in Eire the home of the potato, and found them to be horrid . It wasnt until Lidl and Tesco came then we could get U.K. potatoes, I am from the West Mids and we loved the...
  8. Kristen

    Planting Toms, Peppers and Melons next to each other?

    I have deleted it now but there was some suggestion she was an oversized gherkin :scratch:
    I have deleted it now but there was some suggestion she was an oversized gherkin :scratch:
    I have deleted it now but there was some suggestion she was an oversized gherkin :scratch:
    I have deleted it now but there was some suggestion she was an oversized gherkin :scratch:
  9. Kristen

    Crop Harvest Duration - Lettuces

    " during a wet season where they seem to achieve very large proportions and seem slower to go 'over'"Yes, I'm with you on that. I can't really control that very well ;) although I can obviously...
    " during a wet season where they seem to achieve very large proportions and seem slower to go 'over'"Yes, I'm with you on that. I can't really control that very well ;) although I can obviously take it into account early in the season, compared to mid-season - on average at least."Crop...
    " during a wet season where they seem to achieve very large proportions and seem slower to go 'over'"Yes, I'm with you on that. I can't really control that very well ;) although I can obviously take it into account early in the season, compared...
    " during a wet season where they seem to achieve very large proportions and seem slower to go 'over'"Yes, I'm with you on that. I can't really control that very well ;) although I can obviously...
  10. andybike

    sick cherry tomato plant

    Good answer John. Phrased much better than I would have managed :thumb:
    Good answer John. Phrased much better than I would have managed :thumb:
    Good answer John. Phrased much better than I would have managed :thumb:
    Good answer John. Phrased much better than I would have managed :thumb:
  11. Kristen

    Crop Harvest Duration - Early Cauliflower

    My Candid Charm F1 have leaves growing like a Hispy Cabbage, so I think its designed to be self-covering :thumb: ... but no head yet, so I'll see.
    My Candid Charm F1 have leaves growing like a Hispy Cabbage, so I think its designed to be self-covering :thumb: ... but no head yet, so I'll see.
    My Candid Charm F1 have leaves growing like a Hispy Cabbage, so I think its designed to be self-covering :thumb: ... but no head yet, so I'll see.
    My Candid Charm F1 have leaves growing like a Hispy Cabbage, so I think its designed to be self-covering :thumb: ... but no head yet, so I'll see.
  12. Loofah
  13. Kristen

    Crop Harvest Duration

    As some of you know I've been trying to gather some data on cropping times and timings so that I can plan my vegetable garden better.This comes about because I have traditionally gardened by...
    As some of you know I've been trying to gather some data on cropping times and timings so that I can plan my vegetable garden better.This comes about because I have traditionally gardened by sowing a row of lettuce and then my DW quite rightly complaining that a) we don't need a couple of...
    As some of you know I've been trying to gather some data on cropping times and timings so that I can plan my vegetable garden better.This comes about because I have traditionally gardened by sowing a row of lettuce and then my DW quite rightly...
    As some of you know I've been trying to gather some data on cropping times and timings so that I can plan my vegetable garden better.This comes about because I have traditionally gardened by...
  14. BigBird

    Beans & peas over winter

    Wow thanks Kristen thats great!! I will definately try your fab idea!!
    Wow thanks Kristen thats great!! I will definately try your fab idea!!
    Wow thanks Kristen thats great!! I will definately try your fab idea!!
    Wow thanks Kristen thats great!! I will definately try your fab idea!!
  15. Steve R

    Tomato - Truss AND sideshoot

    Yep, I get that too. I just pinch them out :thumb:
    Yep, I get that too. I just pinch them out :thumb:
    Yep, I get that too. I just pinch them out :thumb:
    Yep, I get that too. I just pinch them out :thumb:
  16. deborahj2009

    My potential veg patch!!

    "surplus young vegetable plants"Although perhaps give any Brassica plants a miss - avoiding Club Root (which is transmitted in soil) is definitely worth .. .errrmmm ... "avoiding"
    "surplus young vegetable plants"Although perhaps give any Brassica plants a miss - avoiding Club Root (which is transmitted in soil) is definitely worth .. .errrmmm ... "avoiding"
    "surplus young vegetable plants"Although perhaps give any Brassica plants a miss - avoiding Club Root (which is transmitted in soil) is definitely worth .. .errrmmm ... "avoiding"
    "surplus young vegetable plants"Although perhaps give any Brassica plants a miss - avoiding Club Root (which is transmitted in soil) is definitely worth .. .errrmmm ... "avoiding"
  17. ianmiddo

    Black pead pods

    Hi i wondered if anyone is able to help. Its my first year of growing this year. I have some early onward peas growing which had started to pod this week. One of the plants this morning has a...
    Hi i wondered if anyone is able to help. Its my first year of growing this year. I have some early onward peas growing which had started to pod this week. One of the plants this morning has a black brown colour on the pods and some leaves. I wonder if anyone can suggest what this might be and if...
    Hi i wondered if anyone is able to help. Its my first year of growing this year. I have some early onward peas growing which had started to pod this week. One of the plants this morning has a black brown colour on the pods and some leaves. I...
    Hi i wondered if anyone is able to help. Its my first year of growing this year. I have some early onward peas growing which had started to pod this week. One of the plants this morning has a...
  18. wee tattie

    Stunted lettuce[s]

    Well I've been eating lettuce now for about a week, and given a couple away, so I too have planted more out in trays they've germinated so I will be planting them out this week. TBH I don't know...
    Well I've been eating lettuce now for about a week, and given a couple away, so I too have planted more out in trays they've germinated so I will be planting them out this week. TBH I don't know why we bother withe lettuce, as apparently their is no particular goodness in them, almost all water...
    Well I've been eating lettuce now for about a week, and given a couple away, so I too have planted more out in trays they've germinated so I will be planting them out this week. TBH I don't know why we bother withe lettuce, as apparently their...
    Well I've been eating lettuce now for about a week, and given a couple away, so I too have planted more out in trays they've germinated so I will be planting them out this week. TBH I don't know...
  19. capney

    How many peas in your pod?

    Had our first real harvest of peas today and I got to wondering what restricts the amount of peas in a pod. So, a little challenge for you pea growers. How many peas in your pod? I had two tens...
    Had our first real harvest of peas today and I got to wondering what restricts the amount of peas in a pod. So, a little challenge for you pea growers. How many peas in your pod? I had two tens this morning and then came up with eleven. No prizes, just the kudos of knowing your pod has more peas...
    Had our first real harvest of peas today and I got to wondering what restricts the amount of peas in a pod. So, a little challenge for you pea growers. How many peas in your pod? I had two tens this morning and then came up with eleven. No...
    Had our first real harvest of peas today and I got to wondering what restricts the amount of peas in a pod. So, a little challenge for you pea growers. How many peas in your pod? I had two tens...
  20. Letty

    Baby Leaf Lettuce Growing

    Thanks to all above who gave such useful information. I will copy all and email to my daughter poste haste.
    Thanks to all above who gave such useful information. I will copy all and email to my daughter poste haste.
    Thanks to all above who gave such useful information. I will copy all and email to my daughter poste haste.
    Thanks to all above who gave such useful information. I will copy all and email to my daughter poste haste.

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