Edible Gardening

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  1. Steve R

    Usefull reference for sowing/harvesting times

    If it is just Vegetable Crop Planning that you need then you may be interested in my crop planning spreadsheet. Details in this thread:
    If it is just Vegetable Crop Planning that you need then you may be interested in my crop planning spreadsheet. Details in this thread:
    If it is just Vegetable Crop Planning that you need then you may be interested in my crop planning spreadsheet. Details in this thread:
    If it is just Vegetable Crop Planning that you need then you may be interested in my crop planning spreadsheet. Details in this thread:
  2. clueless1

    Fungicide for edible plants

    Thanks Claire.I googled soda water mildew and found this:It seems to be saying it is more of a preventative than a cure, but I'll give it a try and see what happens.
    Thanks Claire.I googled soda water mildew and found this:It seems to be saying it is more of a preventative than a cure, but I'll give it a try and see what happens.
    Thanks Claire.I googled soda water mildew and found this:It seems to be saying it is more of a preventative than a cure, but I'll give it a try and see what happens.
    Thanks Claire.I googled soda water mildew and found this:It seems to be saying it is more of a preventative than a cure, but I'll give it a try and see what happens.
  3. 1eyedjack

    Cucumbers - down to 1 :(

    Thanks for the heads up. I will check out the greenback, but I would just say that the colour balance in the photo is not really honest, especially since the camera decided to activate fill-out...
    Thanks for the heads up. I will check out the greenback, but I would just say that the colour balance in the photo is not really honest, especially since the camera decided to activate fill-out flash.
    Thanks for the heads up. I will check out the greenback, but I would just say that the colour balance in the photo is not really honest, especially since the camera decided to activate fill-out flash.
    Thanks for the heads up. I will check out the greenback, but I would just say that the colour balance in the photo is not really honest, especially since the camera decided to activate fill-out...
  4. Steve R

    G/House Toms problem - photos included

    i have the same issue on my cherry tom plants,did some research and came up with calcium deficiency cured by sprinkling crushed egg shell round the stem base and watering to get the calcium to the...
    i have the same issue on my cherry tom plants,did some research and came up with calcium deficiency cured by sprinkling crushed egg shell round the stem base and watering to get the calcium to the plant. i'm using the aldi growbags and container compost with no issues.never heard of the epsoms...
    i have the same issue on my cherry tom plants,did some research and came up with calcium deficiency cured by sprinkling crushed egg shell round the stem base and watering to get the calcium to the plant. i'm using the aldi growbags and container...
    i have the same issue on my cherry tom plants,did some research and came up with calcium deficiency cured by sprinkling crushed egg shell round the stem base and watering to get the calcium to the...
  5. Micky V


    Hi Micky. When the seedlings reach the 'crook' stage you can either pot hem up individually or put them in trays, maybe 28 to a tray. Then basically just look after them until around the start of...
    Hi Micky. When the seedlings reach the 'crook' stage you can either pot hem up individually or put them in trays, maybe 28 to a tray. Then basically just look after them until around the start of April (when they should look like they're taking off) and plant them out. As for size, the biggest...
    Hi Micky. When the seedlings reach the 'crook' stage you can either pot hem up individually or put them in trays, maybe 28 to a tray. Then basically just look after them until around the start of April (when they should look like they're taking...
    Hi Micky. When the seedlings reach the 'crook' stage you can either pot hem up individually or put them in trays, maybe 28 to a tray. Then basically just look after them until around the start of...
  6. Doogle

    Tuscan Plum Tommato

    Pam: Thanks for that. We decided to plant one outside and keep the others in 'Greenhouse conditions', we don't actually have a Greenhouse as such but somewhere where the temperature and light can...
    Pam: Thanks for that. We decided to plant one outside and keep the others in 'Greenhouse conditions', we don't actually have a Greenhouse as such but somewhere where the temperature and light can be controlled. Just have to wait and see I suspect.
    Pam: Thanks for that. We decided to plant one outside and keep the others in 'Greenhouse conditions', we don't actually have a Greenhouse as such but somewhere where the temperature and light can be controlled. Just have to wait and see I suspect.
    Pam: Thanks for that. We decided to plant one outside and keep the others in 'Greenhouse conditions', we don't actually have a Greenhouse as such but somewhere where the temperature and light can...
  7. BigBird

    Fruit cage help PLEASE!!

    Thank you for all your ideas. I will be putting the used dvd's to good use.Thank you again!!:gnthb:
    Thank you for all your ideas. I will be putting the used dvd's to good use.Thank you again!!:gnthb:
    Thank you for all your ideas. I will be putting the used dvd's to good use.Thank you again!!:gnthb:
    Thank you for all your ideas. I will be putting the used dvd's to good use.Thank you again!!:gnthb:
  8. Kathy3


    Wow! Its a monster :)
    Wow! Its a monster :)
    Wow! Its a monster :)
    Wow! Its a monster :)
  9. Andy_g
  10. capney

    Another first today

    There's nowt like it - yummmmm!
    There's nowt like it - yummmmm!
    There's nowt like it - yummmmm!
    There's nowt like it - yummmmm!
  11. JayneyG


    There is a case to remove the lower leaves later in the season.When you finally 'stop' your moneymaker plant ('stop' it by nipping out the growing tip when it has between 4 trusses outdoors, 6...
    There is a case to remove the lower leaves later in the season.When you finally 'stop' your moneymaker plant ('stop' it by nipping out the growing tip when it has between 4 trusses outdoors, 6 in a greenhouse), the plant stops actively growing, then you can remove the lower leaves. But this...
    There is a case to remove the lower leaves later in the season.When you finally 'stop' your moneymaker plant ('stop' it by nipping out the growing tip when it has between 4 trusses outdoors, 6 in a greenhouse), the plant stops actively...
    There is a case to remove the lower leaves later in the season.When you finally 'stop' your moneymaker plant ('stop' it by nipping out the growing tip when it has between 4 trusses outdoors, 6...
  12. sheelaghm

    parsnips & carrots

    Freddy you have done well with your parsnips look wonderful and so much growth too. I must admit ours aren't much to shout about in fact it's a case of spot them on our plot, I sowed them a...
    Freddy you have done well with your parsnips look wonderful and so much growth too. I must admit ours aren't much to shout about in fact it's a case of spot them on our plot, I sowed them a little too sparse and far apart but then again we aren't too keen on them really so that's lucky for...
    Freddy you have done well with your parsnips look wonderful and so much growth too. I must admit ours aren't much to shout about in fact it's a case of spot them on our plot, I sowed them a little too sparse and far apart but then again we...
    Freddy you have done well with your parsnips look wonderful and so much growth too. I must admit ours aren't much to shout about in fact it's a case of spot them on our plot, I sowed them a...
  13. sarahtomato

    Help - my tomatoes appear to be dying!

    Sarah, your tomatoes look fine. The leaves have been battered by rain then scorched by the sun. That's how it looks to me. You are not going to eat the leaves, and it won't affect the tomato...
    Sarah, your tomatoes look fine. The leaves have been battered by rain then scorched by the sun. That's how it looks to me. You are not going to eat the leaves, and it won't affect the tomato production, so try not to worry. All will be fine.
    Sarah, your tomatoes look fine. The leaves have been battered by rain then scorched by the sun. That's how it looks to me. You are not going to eat the leaves, and it won't affect the tomato production, so try not to worry. All will be fine.
    Sarah, your tomatoes look fine. The leaves have been battered by rain then scorched by the sun. That's how it looks to me. You are not going to eat the leaves, and it won't affect the tomato...
  14. BigBird

    What going on here.....help!!

    Thank you John. I will let you know how it goes!!
    Thank you John. I will let you know how it goes!!
    Thank you John. I will let you know how it goes!!
    Thank you John. I will let you know how it goes!!
  15. Kristen

    Double Cordon Sweet Peas?

    "They are all over the house too"In that case don't bother with the canes next year :hehe:
    "They are all over the house too"In that case don't bother with the canes next year :hehe:
    "They are all over the house too"In that case don't bother with the canes next year :hehe:
    "They are all over the house too"In that case don't bother with the canes next year :hehe:
  16. bilabonic

    Advice Please - Want to grow Strawberries ?

    You could use a tower pot for StrawberriesI've got one that came from Ken MuirThey also sell strawberry plants which have been "treated" to get them to fruit the first year. But if you buy...
    You could use a tower pot for StrawberriesI've got one that came from Ken MuirThey also sell strawberry plants which have been "treated" to get them to fruit the first year. But if you buy some now they will fruit next year anyway, so no point getting "treated" ones at this time I would...
    You could use a tower pot for StrawberriesI've got one that came from Ken MuirThey also sell strawberry plants which have been "treated" to get them to fruit the first year. But if you buy some now they will fruit next year anyway, so no...
    You could use a tower pot for StrawberriesI've got one that came from Ken MuirThey also sell strawberry plants which have been "treated" to get them to fruit the first year. But if you buy...
  17. Sky

    Next step for my tomato plants? [PICS]

    I'm no expert either, they don't look like any tomato seedlings I've ever grown. I've never seen hairy leaves like that nor the true leaves looking like seed leaves. But the stem is tomato like...
    I'm no expert either, they don't look like any tomato seedlings I've ever grown. I've never seen hairy leaves like that nor the true leaves looking like seed leaves. But the stem is tomato like and I did stumble across these when googling, which look similar:The above are "Striped German"...
    I'm no expert either, they don't look like any tomato seedlings I've ever grown. I've never seen hairy leaves like that nor the true leaves looking like seed leaves. But the stem is tomato like and I did stumble across these when googling, which...
    I'm no expert either, they don't look like any tomato seedlings I've ever grown. I've never seen hairy leaves like that nor the true leaves looking like seed leaves. But the stem is tomato like...
  18. Doogle

    Spud worries

    Well I never, I hadn't realised there were grades like that. Ditto what capney said.
    Well I never, I hadn't realised there were grades like that. Ditto what capney said.
    Well I never, I hadn't realised there were grades like that. Ditto what capney said.
    Well I never, I hadn't realised there were grades like that. Ditto what capney said.
  19. shimsham

    Strawberry Surprise Rhubarb

    As anyone on the forum got a rhubarb crown to sell either hawkes champagne.reeds superb.raspberry red.grandads favourite. cheers
    As anyone on the forum got a rhubarb crown to sell either hawkes champagne.reeds superb.raspberry red.grandads favourite. cheers
    As anyone on the forum got a rhubarb crown to sell either hawkes champagne.reeds superb.raspberry red.grandads favourite. cheers
    As anyone on the forum got a rhubarb crown to sell either hawkes champagne.reeds superb.raspberry red.grandads favourite. cheers
  20. TAL

    Transplanting Rhubarb

    "when should I stop harvesting?"Mid to end July
    "when should I stop harvesting?"Mid to end July
    "when should I stop harvesting?"Mid to end July
    "when should I stop harvesting?"Mid to end July

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