Edible Gardening

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  1. TAL

    Maincrop Edwards flowering early

    Maincrop spuds can get really big, to the extent that the haulms (leaves/tops) fall over, so I would not worry. It sounds like yours are doing just fine, being in flower right now is perfectly...
    Maincrop spuds can get really big, to the extent that the haulms (leaves/tops) fall over, so I would not worry. It sounds like yours are doing just fine, being in flower right now is perfectly normal. Once the leaves start to die back you can begin digging them up, I'm sure that will be before...
    Maincrop spuds can get really big, to the extent that the haulms (leaves/tops) fall over, so I would not worry. It sounds like yours are doing just fine, being in flower right now is perfectly normal. Once the leaves start to die back you can...
    Maincrop spuds can get really big, to the extent that the haulms (leaves/tops) fall over, so I would not worry. It sounds like yours are doing just fine, being in flower right now is perfectly...
  2. Cooky

    lettuce leaves

    I have some cos lettuce growing - majority is doing really well, but I do have three that are doing the same thing, one is almost flattened. I can only think that it has to do with moisture - as...
    I have some cos lettuce growing - majority is doing really well, but I do have three that are doing the same thing, one is almost flattened. I can only think that it has to do with moisture - as the brown leaves are also very soggy and the whole plant seems to have 'flopped'..
    I have some cos lettuce growing - majority is doing really well, but I do have three that are doing the same thing, one is almost flattened. I can only think that it has to do with moisture - as the brown leaves are also very soggy and the whole...
    I have some cos lettuce growing - majority is doing really well, but I do have three that are doing the same thing, one is almost flattened. I can only think that it has to do with moisture - as...
  3. djrock

    Strawberries & Woodlice

    Slug Pellets work quite well.
    Slug Pellets work quite well.
    Slug Pellets work quite well.
    Slug Pellets work quite well.
  4. Kathy535

    Should there be spuds?

    Thanks all. Definitely 3 FOOT and not 3 inches - although it might explain why I can't park the car! i'll leave it a few more weeks and see if any flowers apear.K
    Thanks all. Definitely 3 FOOT and not 3 inches - although it might explain why I can't park the car! i'll leave it a few more weeks and see if any flowers apear.K
    Thanks all. Definitely 3 FOOT and not 3 inches - although it might explain why I can't park the car! i'll leave it a few more weeks and see if any flowers apear.K
    Thanks all. Definitely 3 FOOT and not 3 inches - although it might explain why I can't park the car! i'll leave it a few more weeks and see if any flowers apear.K
  5. Freddy


    Right-o Dai :thumb: One thing then, when my B/Beans come out, I have some PSB waiting to go in. Could I Lime immediately prior to planting ? Also, I have some Lime, on the box it just says Garden...
    Right-o Dai :thumb: One thing then, when my B/Beans come out, I have some PSB waiting to go in. Could I Lime immediately prior to planting ? Also, I have some Lime, on the box it just says Garden Lime (Granules). Will that do ? Cheers...freddy.
    Right-o Dai :thumb: One thing then, when my B/Beans come out, I have some PSB waiting to go in. Could I Lime immediately prior to planting ? Also, I have some Lime, on the box it just says Garden Lime (Granules). Will that do ? Cheers...freddy.
    Right-o Dai :thumb: One thing then, when my B/Beans come out, I have some PSB waiting to go in. Could I Lime immediately prior to planting ? Also, I have some Lime, on the box it just says Garden...
  6. ming


    I don't think it's the done thing, John, put it that way! I decided that I was more concerned about giving my sweetcorn a happy home so was prepared to risk losing my onions so I took the...
    I don't think it's the done thing, John, put it that way! I decided that I was more concerned about giving my sweetcorn a happy home so was prepared to risk losing my onions so I took the plunge. Seemed to work fine though.
    I don't think it's the done thing, John, put it that way! I decided that I was more concerned about giving my sweetcorn a happy home so was prepared to risk losing my onions so I took the plunge. Seemed to work fine though.
    I don't think it's the done thing, John, put it that way! I decided that I was more concerned about giving my sweetcorn a happy home so was prepared to risk losing my onions so I took the...
  7. Manteur

    Now what did we forget?

    :hehe: Well it's all mulched and netted and pegged now. Panic fatigue has set in. They'll have to take their chances now.
    :hehe: Well it's all mulched and netted and pegged now. Panic fatigue has set in. They'll have to take their chances now.
    :hehe: Well it's all mulched and netted and pegged now. Panic fatigue has set in. They'll have to take their chances now.
    :hehe: Well it's all mulched and netted and pegged now. Panic fatigue has set in. They'll have to take their chances now.
  8. JayneyG

    Question on potatoes!

    Many years ago, when I grew my first potatoes without my dad's guidance, I misunderstood the banking up trick, and got confused with the onion trick of limiting aerial growth. I went round my...
    Many years ago, when I grew my first potatoes without my dad's guidance, I misunderstood the banking up trick, and got confused with the onion trick of limiting aerial growth. I went round my tatie patch and smashed down the topside growth before the spuds were ready. Oddly enough a few weeks...
    Many years ago, when I grew my first potatoes without my dad's guidance, I misunderstood the banking up trick, and got confused with the onion trick of limiting aerial growth. I went round my tatie patch and smashed down the topside growth before...
    Many years ago, when I grew my first potatoes without my dad's guidance, I misunderstood the banking up trick, and got confused with the onion trick of limiting aerial growth. I went round my...
  9. Doogle

    Lettuce Stem Rot ?

    According to Monty Don, aphids are quite fond of lettuce plants, could be due to them but i think they leave a white powdery residue behind them.
    According to Monty Don, aphids are quite fond of lettuce plants, could be due to them but i think they leave a white powdery residue behind them.
    According to Monty Don, aphids are quite fond of lettuce plants, could be due to them but i think they leave a white powdery residue behind them.
    According to Monty Don, aphids are quite fond of lettuce plants, could be due to them but i think they leave a white powdery residue behind them.
  10. shimsham


    Someone on my foodie forum has just made rhubarb vodka.:)
    Someone on my foodie forum has just made rhubarb vodka.:)
    Someone on my foodie forum has just made rhubarb vodka.:)
    Someone on my foodie forum has just made rhubarb vodka.:)
  11. Andy_g

    Charlottes-When are they ready?

    oooh great..I'll have a route round tomorrow and se what I can find!!!Thanks Andy.
    oooh great..I'll have a route round tomorrow and se what I can find!!!Thanks Andy.
    oooh great..I'll have a route round tomorrow and se what I can find!!!Thanks Andy.
    oooh great..I'll have a route round tomorrow and se what I can find!!!Thanks Andy.
  12. paddy_rice

    Squash problems...

    If the pelleted manure was in direct contact with the roots of a smallish plant, it would not be good. They do take a while to establish and are best left to do that before feeding, I hope they...
    If the pelleted manure was in direct contact with the roots of a smallish plant, it would not be good. They do take a while to establish and are best left to do that before feeding, I hope they will be alright, good luck.
    If the pelleted manure was in direct contact with the roots of a smallish plant, it would not be good. They do take a while to establish and are best left to do that before feeding, I hope they will be alright, good luck.
    If the pelleted manure was in direct contact with the roots of a smallish plant, it would not be good. They do take a while to establish and are best left to do that before feeding, I hope they...
  13. lollipop

    Celery planting out

    Thanks John
    Thanks John
    Thanks John
    Thanks John
  14. Canucks72

    I think my peppers have whitefly...

    Yup. Soap spray for me too. You can buy "Savona" concentrated soap through Amazon. Much cheaper in the long run than those ready to use hand squirters.
    Yup. Soap spray for me too. You can buy "Savona" concentrated soap through Amazon. Much cheaper in the long run than those ready to use hand squirters.
    Yup. Soap spray for me too. You can buy "Savona" concentrated soap through Amazon. Much cheaper in the long run than those ready to use hand squirters.
    Yup. Soap spray for me too. You can buy "Savona" concentrated soap through Amazon. Much cheaper in the long run than those ready to use hand squirters.
  15. galaxysue

    winter garlic

    Kandyfloss, your onions will do their growing after the longest day - that's when they put a spurt on when the days start to shorten so be patient a little longer. If you have lots you can start...
    Kandyfloss, your onions will do their growing after the longest day - that's when they put a spurt on when the days start to shorten so be patient a little longer. If you have lots you can start eating them any time you like. I pick the red onions small and use them in salads for spring onions,...
    Kandyfloss, your onions will do their growing after the longest day - that's when they put a spurt on when the days start to shorten so be patient a little longer. If you have lots you can start eating them any time you like. I pick the red...
    Kandyfloss, your onions will do their growing after the longest day - that's when they put a spurt on when the days start to shorten so be patient a little longer. If you have lots you can start...
  16. Poppies

    Potatoes like Jacks beanstalk

    "King Edwards"Main Crop. 22-ish weeks
    "King Edwards"Main Crop. 22-ish weeks
    "King Edwards"Main Crop. 22-ish weeks
    "King Edwards"Main Crop. 22-ish weeks
  17. Woodlands


    chips out of same garden ,don't know variety, but thanks good thought
    chips out of same garden ,don't know variety, but thanks good thought
    chips out of same garden ,don't know variety, but thanks good thought
    chips out of same garden ,don't know variety, but thanks good thought
  18. pamsdish


    You need to be careful to not reuse compost from the same type of plants. So don't reuse Tomato compost for Potatoes. Same strategy as for crop rotation will do fine.Yes its £10 for 3 bags (I...
    You need to be careful to not reuse compost from the same type of plants. So don't reuse Tomato compost for Potatoes. Same strategy as for crop rotation will do fine.Yes its £10 for 3 bags (I got 4 x 75L bags for £12 at Wyevale using my "Club" card - don't know if that offer is indefinite...
    You need to be careful to not reuse compost from the same type of plants. So don't reuse Tomato compost for Potatoes. Same strategy as for crop rotation will do fine.Yes its £10 for 3 bags (I got 4 x 75L bags for £12 at Wyevale using my...
    You need to be careful to not reuse compost from the same type of plants. So don't reuse Tomato compost for Potatoes. Same strategy as for crop rotation will do fine.Yes its £10 for 3 bags (I...
  19. Micky V


    Cheers Freddy
    Cheers Freddy
    Cheers Freddy
    Cheers Freddy
  20. sheelaghm

    cucumber support

    Hi sheelagh, take off the first 6 or so as soon as they form, it will only be over a couple of days, then leave it alone after that.
    Hi sheelagh, take off the first 6 or so as soon as they form, it will only be over a couple of days, then leave it alone after that.
    Hi sheelagh, take off the first 6 or so as soon as they form, it will only be over a couple of days, then leave it alone after that.
    Hi sheelagh, take off the first 6 or so as soon as they form, it will only be over a couple of days, then leave it alone after that.

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