Edible Gardening

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  1. Micky V

    Follow on

    Sounds good :thumb:
    Sounds good :thumb:
    Sounds good :thumb:
    Sounds good :thumb:
  2. golfer

    Broad Beans

    I've eaten raw broad beans ever since i was a kid and i've never suffered any adverse reactions to them! :thumb:
    I've eaten raw broad beans ever since i was a kid and i've never suffered any adverse reactions to them! :thumb:
    I've eaten raw broad beans ever since i was a kid and i've never suffered any adverse reactions to them! :thumb:
    I've eaten raw broad beans ever since i was a kid and i've never suffered any adverse reactions to them! :thumb:
  3. Megan

    Purple Sprouting Broccoli (too soon)

    Hi Kristen :) I am new to veg gardening and haven't a clue whether the plants are spring or summer flowering, in fact I though there was only spring flowering :o I am learning fast.Johnny :) I will...
    Hi Kristen :) I am new to veg gardening and haven't a clue whether the plants are spring or summer flowering, in fact I though there was only spring flowering :o I am learning fast.Johnny :) I will go ahead and eat any flowers which appear then (ate one this evening and it was fantastic) and...
    Hi Kristen :) I am new to veg gardening and haven't a clue whether the plants are spring or summer flowering, in fact I though there was only spring flowering :o I am learning fast.Johnny :) I will go ahead and eat any flowers which appear then ...
    Hi Kristen :) I am new to veg gardening and haven't a clue whether the plants are spring or summer flowering, in fact I though there was only spring flowering :o I am learning fast.Johnny :) I will...
  4. Salsa

    Lettuce seedlings not growing!

    I would say its more likely the clay soil than direct sunlight.It depends what you have done with your soil. Clay does need plenty of organic material (compost/manure) adding to improve it...
    I would say its more likely the clay soil than direct sunlight.It depends what you have done with your soil. Clay does need plenty of organic material (compost/manure) adding to improve it i.e. help it to retain water better and to build up a store of nutrients for the plants to feed on....
    I would say its more likely the clay soil than direct sunlight.It depends what you have done with your soil. Clay does need plenty of organic material (compost/manure) adding to improve it i.e. help it to retain water better and to build up a...
    I would say its more likely the clay soil than direct sunlight.It depends what you have done with your soil. Clay does need plenty of organic material (compost/manure) adding to improve it...
  5. Doogle

    Potatoes - Main crop flowering before Earlies

    Thanks, everyone. Mrs Doogle has put her foot down, 13 weeks will not be up until the midde of June, so I'm not allowed to touch anything yet. (Kristen: that lets you off the hook :D ) When I...
    Thanks, everyone. Mrs Doogle has put her foot down, 13 weeks will not be up until the midde of June, so I'm not allowed to touch anything yet. (Kristen: that lets you off the hook :D ) When I dug up those with Blackleg there were a few sizeable Tubers, but not very many (perhaps 5 or 6 per...
    Thanks, everyone. Mrs Doogle has put her foot down, 13 weeks will not be up until the midde of June, so I'm not allowed to touch anything yet. (Kristen: that lets you off the hook :D ) When I dug up those with Blackleg there were a few...
    Thanks, everyone. Mrs Doogle has put her foot down, 13 weeks will not be up until the midde of June, so I'm not allowed to touch anything yet. (Kristen: that lets you off the hook :D ) When I...
  6. Gren

    Peppers not looking healthy

    Well Gren, I have a good few sweet peppers and hot chillies, all of which are in flower except for my Habanero and Scotch Bonnet (they only have buds).... one sweet pepper has developed fruit...
    Well Gren, I have a good few sweet peppers and hot chillies, all of which are in flower except for my Habanero and Scotch Bonnet (they only have buds).... one sweet pepper has developed fruit about 2 weeks ago, I have a single pepper which is about 1/3 normal size (still green, though it will...
    Well Gren, I have a good few sweet peppers and hot chillies, all of which are in flower except for my Habanero and Scotch Bonnet (they only have buds).... one sweet pepper has developed fruit about 2 weeks ago, I have a single pepper which is...
    Well Gren, I have a good few sweet peppers and hot chillies, all of which are in flower except for my Habanero and Scotch Bonnet (they only have buds).... one sweet pepper has developed fruit...
  7. rosietutu

    Blackcurrant bush

    HELP! Whats ails this bush ?
    HELP! Whats ails this bush ?
    HELP! Whats ails this bush ?
    HELP! Whats ails this bush ?
  8. clueless1

    Pruning a gooseberry bush

    Cleaning secateurs......thats something I only do when I am putting an edge back on them..Thats another tip picked up an I thank you for sharing it. I shall clean them today....honest. My two...
    Cleaning secateurs......thats something I only do when I am putting an edge back on them..Thats another tip picked up an I thank you for sharing it. I shall clean them today....honest. My two yound goosegog bushes are fruiting nicely but do look a little "twisted" at the moment. robert
    Cleaning secateurs......thats something I only do when I am putting an edge back on them..Thats another tip picked up an I thank you for sharing it. I shall clean them today....honest. My two yound goosegog bushes are fruiting nicely but do look...
    Cleaning secateurs......thats something I only do when I am putting an edge back on them..Thats another tip picked up an I thank you for sharing it. I shall clean them today....honest. My two...
  9. David G

    Pale Squash

    Hi David, yes I think mine are getting going a bit more now as well. I expect they will green-up as they grow on. As I understand it, BF&B is slow release so unlikely to do anything but good....
    Hi David, yes I think mine are getting going a bit more now as well. I expect they will green-up as they grow on. As I understand it, BF&B is slow release so unlikely to do anything but good. Squashes can produce monster crops and I expect we'll both end up pretty pleased.
    Hi David, yes I think mine are getting going a bit more now as well. I expect they will green-up as they grow on. As I understand it, BF&B is slow release so unlikely to do anything but good. Squashes can produce monster crops and I expect we'll...
    Hi David, yes I think mine are getting going a bit more now as well. I expect they will green-up as they grow on. As I understand it, BF&B is slow release so unlikely to do anything but good....
  10. Canucks72

    Potatoes: A salutary lesson!

    Oer what a good idea !
    Oer what a good idea !
    Oer what a good idea !
    Oer what a good idea !
  11. crrlboo1

    New patch

    The blackbirds round here have figured out that any pots that appear with fresh compost in them usually have a sunflower seed in them that my wife planted.
    The blackbirds round here have figured out that any pots that appear with fresh compost in them usually have a sunflower seed in them that my wife planted.
    The blackbirds round here have figured out that any pots that appear with fresh compost in them usually have a sunflower seed in them that my wife planted.
    The blackbirds round here have figured out that any pots that appear with fresh compost in them usually have a sunflower seed in them that my wife planted.
  12. Rhyleysgranny

    Sorry Spuds Again

    I collect cow manure from the field across the road every autumn after the residents vacate. I bag it and use it to layer the compost heap. The farmers are quite used to me with my spade and...
    I collect cow manure from the field across the road every autumn after the residents vacate. I bag it and use it to layer the compost heap. The farmers are quite used to me with my spade and wheelbarrow:hehe:
    I collect cow manure from the field across the road every autumn after the residents vacate. I bag it and use it to layer the compost heap. The farmers are quite used to me with my spade and wheelbarrow:hehe:
    I collect cow manure from the field across the road every autumn after the residents vacate. I bag it and use it to layer the compost heap. The farmers are quite used to me with my spade and...
  13. mojo

    Strawberry Feed ?

    I feed my strawberries as the flowers begin to go over, and as strawberries develop at different times according to the actual plant I think this is the best way of being sure. Good dollops of...
    I feed my strawberries as the flowers begin to go over, and as strawberries develop at different times according to the actual plant I think this is the best way of being sure. Good dollops of tomato feed just like John says is the best food for them. Enjoy them, I can't wait for mine.
    I feed my strawberries as the flowers begin to go over, and as strawberries develop at different times according to the actual plant I think this is the best way of being sure. Good dollops of tomato feed just like John says is the best food for...
    I feed my strawberries as the flowers begin to go over, and as strawberries develop at different times according to the actual plant I think this is the best way of being sure. Good dollops of...
  14. kev25v6

    Planting spuds now

    "lift them as and when I needed them."Yup, that's correct for New Potatoes. They will taste better left in the ground, than lifted, and will continue to fatten up until the tops have died...
    "lift them as and when I needed them."Yup, that's correct for New Potatoes. They will taste better left in the ground, than lifted, and will continue to fatten up until the tops have died down.Once the tops have died down you can lift them, and store, if you like (e.g. if you need the...
    "lift them as and when I needed them."Yup, that's correct for New Potatoes. They will taste better left in the ground, than lifted, and will continue to fatten up until the tops have died down.Once the tops have died down you can lift them,...
    "lift them as and when I needed them."Yup, that's correct for New Potatoes. They will taste better left in the ground, than lifted, and will continue to fatten up until the tops have died...
  15. paddy_rice

    What's wrong with my tomato plants?

    Thank you John. Mental note to self......... teach grandchildren how to water :)
    Thank you John. Mental note to self......... teach grandchildren how to water :)
    Thank you John. Mental note to self......... teach grandchildren how to water :)
    Thank you John. Mental note to self......... teach grandchildren how to water :)
  16. David_Schmavid

    beetroot, swedes, autumn plant, lettuce

    There is nothing you can do now to stop your swedes from bolting, just keep nipping off the flowers/buds as soon as possible. Its the cold weather that makes them bolt, nothing to do with...
    There is nothing you can do now to stop your swedes from bolting, just keep nipping off the flowers/buds as soon as possible. Its the cold weather that makes them bolt, nothing to do with pollination. You might be OK with your beetroot, all crops vary.... lettuces ... have a 5-day period...
    There is nothing you can do now to stop your swedes from bolting, just keep nipping off the flowers/buds as soon as possible. Its the cold weather that makes them bolt, nothing to do with pollination. You might be OK with your beetroot, all crops...
    There is nothing you can do now to stop your swedes from bolting, just keep nipping off the flowers/buds as soon as possible. Its the cold weather that makes them bolt, nothing to do with...
  17. ming


    OK - like baby spider plants ?
    OK - like baby spider plants ?
    OK - like baby spider plants ?
    OK - like baby spider plants ?
  18. Micky V


    Thanks canucks72 had a look in the bible (dr hessayon) only thing parsnips seem susceptible to i canker does not mention blackfly . I'me pretty certain it is so i will get some provado today...
    Thanks canucks72 had a look in the bible (dr hessayon) only thing parsnips seem susceptible to i canker does not mention blackfly . I'me pretty certain it is so i will get some provado today thanks lads i will keep you posted on results , if i lose them i will probably be on the scrounge come...
    Thanks canucks72 had a look in the bible (dr hessayon) only thing parsnips seem susceptible to i canker does not mention blackfly . I'me pretty certain it is so i will get some provado today thanks lads i will keep you posted on results , if i...
    Thanks canucks72 had a look in the bible (dr hessayon) only thing parsnips seem susceptible to i canker does not mention blackfly . I'me pretty certain it is so i will get some provado today...
  19. mchumph

    powdery mildew on courgettes

    I think it's the yellow courgette "goldrush" with the problem.I grew it last year very successfully.
    I think it's the yellow courgette "goldrush" with the problem.I grew it last year very successfully.
    I think it's the yellow courgette "goldrush" with the problem.I grew it last year very successfully.
    I think it's the yellow courgette "goldrush" with the problem.I grew it last year very successfully.
  20. galaxysue

    sprouting broccoli

    thanks for that got the seeds from T&M half price sale will save for next year then.
    thanks for that got the seeds from T&M half price sale will save for next year then.
    thanks for that got the seeds from T&M half price sale will save for next year then.
    thanks for that got the seeds from T&M half price sale will save for next year then.

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