Edible Gardening

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  1. meddyliol

    When to dig up spuds

    Thank you all very much. I will leave them until they are needed.Brian
    Thank you all very much. I will leave them until they are needed.Brian
    Thank you all very much. I will leave them until they are needed.Brian
    Thank you all very much. I will leave them until they are needed.Brian
  2. Canucks72

    Feeding toms, when has the first truss set?

    Question answered, many thanks! :)
    Question answered, many thanks! :)
    Question answered, many thanks! :)
    Question answered, many thanks! :)
  3. Cooky

    King edwards and maris peers

    I never remove the flowers Cooky - and niether do the potato farmers round here.I leave my potatoes until I see the top growth starting to die down then I know they're ready.Hope you get a...
    I never remove the flowers Cooky - and niether do the potato farmers round here.I leave my potatoes until I see the top growth starting to die down then I know they're ready.Hope you get a lovely crop.
    I never remove the flowers Cooky - and niether do the potato farmers round here.I leave my potatoes until I see the top growth starting to die down then I know they're ready.Hope you get a lovely crop.
    I never remove the flowers Cooky - and niether do the potato farmers round here.I leave my potatoes until I see the top growth starting to die down then I know they're ready.Hope you get a...
  4. Micky V

    First earlies

    Cook freddie ? you should know you can't mess up a nice kitchen by cooking in it
    Cook freddie ? you should know you can't mess up a nice kitchen by cooking in it
    Cook freddie ? you should know you can't mess up a nice kitchen by cooking in it
    Cook freddie ? you should know you can't mess up a nice kitchen by cooking in it
  5. sheelaghm

    feeding cucumbers

    I have two plants so I could try both methods and let you know Freddy. By the way my parsnips are growing a treat Freddy. A little concerned about me spuds though, they're nearly 4 foot high!! :scratch:...
    I have two plants so I could try both methods and let you know Freddy. By the way my parsnips are growing a treat Freddy. A little concerned about me spuds though, they're nearly 4 foot high!! :scratch:Thanks for cuc advice everyone. Regards Sheelagh
    I have two plants so I could try both methods and let you know Freddy. By the way my parsnips are growing a treat Freddy. A little concerned about me spuds though, they're nearly 4 foot high!! :scratch:Thanks for cuc advice everyone. Regards Sheelagh
    I have two plants so I could try both methods and let you know Freddy. By the way my parsnips are growing a treat Freddy. A little concerned about me spuds though, they're nearly 4 foot high!! :scratch:...
  6. amme

    growing purple brocoli and mange tout in a shady place

    Yes they can tolerate a bit of shade. Watch out for butterflies getting on the broccoli and laying their eggs, the kids might think its great but he caterpillars will strip the leaves.
    Yes they can tolerate a bit of shade. Watch out for butterflies getting on the broccoli and laying their eggs, the kids might think its great but he caterpillars will strip the leaves.
    Yes they can tolerate a bit of shade. Watch out for butterflies getting on the broccoli and laying their eggs, the kids might think its great but he caterpillars will strip the leaves.
    Yes they can tolerate a bit of shade. Watch out for butterflies getting on the broccoli and laying their eggs, the kids might think its great but he caterpillars will strip the leaves.
  7. flex1981

    Small Vegetable Plot - what to do/grow??!!!

    what do you eat regular? thats what i would grow , pointless growing veg you never eat.... and if you play ya cards right you can just keep planting new plants as the season continues - sea of...
    what do you eat regular? thats what i would grow , pointless growing veg you never eat.... and if you play ya cards right you can just keep planting new plants as the season continues - sea of green i have read before somewhere....I already have my trade routes sorted - i grow peppers and...
    what do you eat regular? thats what i would grow , pointless growing veg you never eat.... and if you play ya cards right you can just keep planting new plants as the season continues - sea of green i have read before somewhere....I already...
    what do you eat regular? thats what i would grow , pointless growing veg you never eat.... and if you play ya cards right you can just keep planting new plants as the season continues - sea of...
  8. willow13


    HiThese first earlies were planted March 5th and they were dug up last week and these potatoes never flowered some varieties do not flower
    HiThese first earlies were planted March 5th and they were dug up last week and these potatoes never flowered some varieties do not flower
    HiThese first earlies were planted March 5th and they were dug up last week and these potatoes never flowered some varieties do not flower
    HiThese first earlies were planted March 5th and they were dug up last week and these potatoes never flowered some varieties do not flower
  9. Suzyq2909

    How to tell when figs are ripe

    Thank you jonny boy that sounds straight forward enough. These are mature trees so hopefully they'll all ripen nicely.
    Thank you jonny boy that sounds straight forward enough. These are mature trees so hopefully they'll all ripen nicely.
    Thank you jonny boy that sounds straight forward enough. These are mature trees so hopefully they'll all ripen nicely.
    Thank you jonny boy that sounds straight forward enough. These are mature trees so hopefully they'll all ripen nicely.
  10. sheelaghm

    double potting cucumbers

    Thanks John,I spent ages looking for it myself and gave up (I have too much to do IN the garden). Will copy the set up shown today.Thanks again Sheelagh :luv:
    Thanks John,I spent ages looking for it myself and gave up (I have too much to do IN the garden). Will copy the set up shown today.Thanks again Sheelagh :luv:
    Thanks John,I spent ages looking for it myself and gave up (I have too much to do IN the garden). Will copy the set up shown today.Thanks again Sheelagh :luv:
    Thanks John,I spent ages looking for it myself and gave up (I have too much to do IN the garden). Will copy the set up shown today.Thanks again Sheelagh :luv:
  11. Cooky

    female cucumber

    My 3 plants will give us a lot of cues. Taking the first-flowers off two of the plants, and several early cucumbers of the third plant :), is probably the solution I will use.
    My 3 plants will give us a lot of cues. Taking the first-flowers off two of the plants, and several early cucumbers of the third plant :), is probably the solution I will use.
    My 3 plants will give us a lot of cues. Taking the first-flowers off two of the plants, and several early cucumbers of the third plant :), is probably the solution I will use.
    My 3 plants will give us a lot of cues. Taking the first-flowers off two of the plants, and several early cucumbers of the third plant :), is probably the solution I will use.
  12. Doogle

    Broad Bean Pollination

    You could do the paint brush trick if you are worried and have the time:)
    You could do the paint brush trick if you are worried and have the time:)
    You could do the paint brush trick if you are worried and have the time:)
    You could do the paint brush trick if you are worried and have the time:)
  13. Dave W

    Ailing Cucumber. Any ideas?

    I don't think it looks like Cucumber Mosaic Virus, however it would be worth Dave sticking "Cucumber Mosaic Virus" into Google Images and comparing them with his plant
    I don't think it looks like Cucumber Mosaic Virus, however it would be worth Dave sticking "Cucumber Mosaic Virus" into Google Images and comparing them with his plant
    I don't think it looks like Cucumber Mosaic Virus, however it would be worth Dave sticking "Cucumber Mosaic Virus" into Google Images and comparing them with his plant
    I don't think it looks like Cucumber Mosaic Virus, however it would be worth Dave sticking "Cucumber Mosaic Virus" into Google Images and comparing them with his plant
  14. busybee

    feeding and then eating plants

    I don't suppose that's where the expression "Making a mint" comes from, eh? :hehe:
    I don't suppose that's where the expression "Making a mint" comes from, eh? :hehe:
    I don't suppose that's where the expression "Making a mint" comes from, eh? :hehe:
    I don't suppose that's where the expression "Making a mint" comes from, eh? :hehe:
  15. Bally

    Thinning out peas

    Watch out for pigeons, they love to nibble off the young tender shoots of peas as they emerge. I cover mine with nets until the plants get over 12" high. Good luck with them.
    Watch out for pigeons, they love to nibble off the young tender shoots of peas as they emerge. I cover mine with nets until the plants get over 12" high. Good luck with them.
    Watch out for pigeons, they love to nibble off the young tender shoots of peas as they emerge. I cover mine with nets until the plants get over 12" high. Good luck with them.
    Watch out for pigeons, they love to nibble off the young tender shoots of peas as they emerge. I cover mine with nets until the plants get over 12" high. Good luck with them.
  16. paulpatrick


    It might be slug/snail damage. Put some slug pellet scattered around the base of the plant in case the offender returns, the same thing quite often happens to mine, all it takes is one little slug...
    It might be slug/snail damage. Put some slug pellet scattered around the base of the plant in case the offender returns, the same thing quite often happens to mine, all it takes is one little slug to nibble through the base of the cucumber and its a goner.The other possibility is basal stem...
    It might be slug/snail damage. Put some slug pellet scattered around the base of the plant in case the offender returns, the same thing quite often happens to mine, all it takes is one little slug to nibble through the base of the cucumber and...
    It might be slug/snail damage. Put some slug pellet scattered around the base of the plant in case the offender returns, the same thing quite often happens to mine, all it takes is one little slug...
  17. Prastio

    Spuds, drought and mulch

    Thanks, everyone, for the usual range of sage advice. I reckon that I will adopt the "Blackthorn Compromise" ie earth up but mulch with grass cuttings in the trenches.
    Thanks, everyone, for the usual range of sage advice. I reckon that I will adopt the "Blackthorn Compromise" ie earth up but mulch with grass cuttings in the trenches.
    Thanks, everyone, for the usual range of sage advice. I reckon that I will adopt the "Blackthorn Compromise" ie earth up but mulch with grass cuttings in the trenches.
    Thanks, everyone, for the usual range of sage advice. I reckon that I will adopt the "Blackthorn Compromise" ie earth up but mulch with grass cuttings in the trenches.
  18. Sussexgardener

    A question for those of you who grow your own...

    you can buy the roots and grow your own
    you can buy the roots and grow your own
    you can buy the roots and grow your own
    you can buy the roots and grow your own
  19. hammer


    I agree with John. Either into grow bags (which I personally don't like much), or 11" / 10L potsI put a cane in the pot, but tie the top to the greenhouse roof - so it can't fall over.
    I agree with John. Either into grow bags (which I personally don't like much), or 11" / 10L potsI put a cane in the pot, but tie the top to the greenhouse roof - so it can't fall over.
    I agree with John. Either into grow bags (which I personally don't like much), or 11" / 10L potsI put a cane in the pot, but tie the top to the greenhouse roof - so it can't fall over.
    I agree with John. Either into grow bags (which I personally don't like much), or 11" / 10L potsI put a cane in the pot, but tie the top to the greenhouse roof - so it can't fall over.
  20. lollipop


    They will be making their own Nitrogen, so no need to help them with that. But as they are in a container they may need some help with fruiting - a Tomato fertiliser, or Phostrogen, will probably...
    They will be making their own Nitrogen, so no need to help them with that. But as they are in a container they may need some help with fruiting - a Tomato fertiliser, or Phostrogen, will probably do the trick - the ratio of the N:P:K figures needs to be around 1-to-1-to-2 (so 4-4-8 or 5-5-10...
    They will be making their own Nitrogen, so no need to help them with that. But as they are in a container they may need some help with fruiting - a Tomato fertiliser, or Phostrogen, will probably do the trick - the ratio of the N:P:K figures...
    They will be making their own Nitrogen, so no need to help them with that. But as they are in a container they may need some help with fruiting - a Tomato fertiliser, or Phostrogen, will probably...

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