Edible Gardening

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  1. wilroda

    Broad bean advice please!

    I dont think so - there are lots of bees etc about the plants......
    I dont think so - there are lots of bees etc about the plants......
    I dont think so - there are lots of bees etc about the plants......
    I dont think so - there are lots of bees etc about the plants......
  2. Freddy


    Freddy, you are better off watering before sowning. When you take out the drill dribble some water along the length of the row. That way you`ve watered the seed WITHOUT compcting the soil. This is...
    Freddy, you are better off watering before sowning. When you take out the drill dribble some water along the length of the row. That way you`ve watered the seed WITHOUT compcting the soil. This is true for any drill sown seed.:gnthb:
    Freddy, you are better off watering before sowning. When you take out the drill dribble some water along the length of the row. That way you`ve watered the seed WITHOUT compcting the soil. This is true for any drill sown seed.:gnthb:
    Freddy, you are better off watering before sowning. When you take out the drill dribble some water along the length of the row. That way you`ve watered the seed WITHOUT compcting the soil. This is...
  3. golfer

    Carrots / Potatoes

    Well done Golfer you're way ahead of me too the only thing I have harvest so far is a few of our japanese onions... oh and our radish.Hel.xxx.
    Well done Golfer you're way ahead of me too the only thing I have harvest so far is a few of our japanese onions... oh and our radish.Hel.xxx.
    Well done Golfer you're way ahead of me too the only thing I have harvest so far is a few of our japanese onions... oh and our radish.Hel.xxx.
    Well done Golfer you're way ahead of me too the only thing I have harvest so far is a few of our japanese onions... oh and our radish.Hel.xxx.
  4. Rhyleysgranny

    Chilli Plants

    :hehe:Kristen i see what you mean about the scaffolding. I had some 7 inch pots so they are in those now. I left two outside and still have the others in the conservatory. I am not convinced...
    :hehe:Kristen i see what you mean about the scaffolding. I had some 7 inch pots so they are in those now. I left two outside and still have the others in the conservatory. I am not convinced chillies will like our night time climate even if it is warm during the day. I want to dry the...
    :hehe:Kristen i see what you mean about the scaffolding. I had some 7 inch pots so they are in those now. I left two outside and still have the others in the conservatory. I am not convinced chillies will like our night time climate even if it...
    :hehe:Kristen i see what you mean about the scaffolding. I had some 7 inch pots so they are in those now. I left two outside and still have the others in the conservatory. I am not convinced...
  5. kev25v6

    Toms are curling up?

    Hi Kev, My beefsteak leaves were like corkscrews last year with the irratic weather, rain cold etc. The tumbling toms were fine and only some of the red pears were affected so i guess some plants...
    Hi Kev, My beefsteak leaves were like corkscrews last year with the irratic weather, rain cold etc. The tumbling toms were fine and only some of the red pears were affected so i guess some plants stress easier than others. Are yours all the same variety?
    Hi Kev, My beefsteak leaves were like corkscrews last year with the irratic weather, rain cold etc. The tumbling toms were fine and only some of the red pears were affected so i guess some plants stress easier than others. Are yours all the same...
    Hi Kev, My beefsteak leaves were like corkscrews last year with the irratic weather, rain cold etc. The tumbling toms were fine and only some of the red pears were affected so i guess some plants...
  6. Doogle

    Onions thinking about flowering

    There's quite a few recipes on the 'Net for Garlic / Onion scapes, I feel a meal coming on.......:):)
    There's quite a few recipes on the 'Net for Garlic / Onion scapes, I feel a meal coming on.......:):)
    There's quite a few recipes on the 'Net for Garlic / Onion scapes, I feel a meal coming on.......:):)
    There's quite a few recipes on the 'Net for Garlic / Onion scapes, I feel a meal coming on.......:):)
  7. moonrakermagpie

    Bolting cabbage!!!!

    not sure if this is of help, but it seems pritty thoroughcheers :cnfs:
    not sure if this is of help, but it seems pritty thoroughcheers :cnfs:
    not sure if this is of help, but it seems pritty thoroughcheers :cnfs:
    not sure if this is of help, but it seems pritty thoroughcheers :cnfs:
  8. samuelcat


    Hi Samuelcat, I grew beetroot in a growbag last year and they were a success and I got quite a few which I cooked in the pressure cooker!
    Hi Samuelcat, I grew beetroot in a growbag last year and they were a success and I got quite a few which I cooked in the pressure cooker!
    Hi Samuelcat, I grew beetroot in a growbag last year and they were a success and I got quite a few which I cooked in the pressure cooker!
    Hi Samuelcat, I grew beetroot in a growbag last year and they were a success and I got quite a few which I cooked in the pressure cooker!
  9. golfer


    FreddyWe have not had any frost in west glam since i planted them or at least since they started showing so that i am afraid iss out ??
    FreddyWe have not had any frost in west glam since i planted them or at least since they started showing so that i am afraid iss out ??
    FreddyWe have not had any frost in west glam since i planted them or at least since they started showing so that i am afraid iss out ??
    FreddyWe have not had any frost in west glam since i planted them or at least since they started showing so that i am afraid iss out ??
  10. Andy_g

    Potatoes..when to harvest ?

    In general removing flowers saves the plant wasting energy on producing seed. Hence "Dead Heading" - taking the flowers of plants once the flowers are finished, to save energy.Some plants stop,...
    In general removing flowers saves the plant wasting energy on producing seed. Hence "Dead Heading" - taking the flowers of plants once the flowers are finished, to save energy.Some plants stop, or slow down, producing more flower once they have managed to set seed (e.g. Sweet Peas) - so the...
    In general removing flowers saves the plant wasting energy on producing seed. Hence "Dead Heading" - taking the flowers of plants once the flowers are finished, to save energy.Some plants stop, or slow down, producing more flower once they have...
    In general removing flowers saves the plant wasting energy on producing seed. Hence "Dead Heading" - taking the flowers of plants once the flowers are finished, to save energy.Some plants stop,...
  11. Manteur

    re-cropping broad beans

    Tried it with a summer crop and it worked, though the crop wasn't all that great. However as 'something for nothing' it was worth it!
    Tried it with a summer crop and it worked, though the crop wasn't all that great. However as 'something for nothing' it was worth it!
    Tried it with a summer crop and it worked, though the crop wasn't all that great. However as 'something for nothing' it was worth it!
    Tried it with a summer crop and it worked, though the crop wasn't all that great. However as 'something for nothing' it was worth it!
  12. golfer

    Carrots / Potatoes

    Used a polytunnel for approx one month during March then thinned them out wish i had put more in now however have two rows around 15 feet they are Maestro carrot fly resistant and the early...
    Used a polytunnel for approx one month during March then thinned them out wish i had put more in now however have two rows around 15 feet they are Maestro carrot fly resistant and the early potatoes are Rocket i will post some carrots to you agh,o
    Used a polytunnel for approx one month during March then thinned them out wish i had put more in now however have two rows around 15 feet they are Maestro carrot fly resistant and the early potatoes are Rocket i will post some carrots to you agh,o
    Used a polytunnel for approx one month during March then thinned them out wish i had put more in now however have two rows around 15 feet they are Maestro carrot fly resistant and the early...
  13. Indie_Rocker_Chick

    Growing Sweetcorn, Rubarb, Watermelon HELP

    Oh also i forgot to ask. Where im planting them do they need to be in full sun light all day?
    Oh also i forgot to ask. Where im planting them do they need to be in full sun light all day?
    Oh also i forgot to ask. Where im planting them do they need to be in full sun light all day?
    Oh also i forgot to ask. Where im planting them do they need to be in full sun light all day?
  14. ljmckeever1

    A sad, sad day for my lettuce...

    Sorry to hear you are having problems with cats. Cats are natural predators. It is in thier nature to roam and catch food on the hoof. Don't blame the owners as there is very little you can do to...
    Sorry to hear you are having problems with cats. Cats are natural predators. It is in thier nature to roam and catch food on the hoof. Don't blame the owners as there is very little you can do to stop a cat from roaming. Some netting will help and you can get all sorts of net that may help it...
    Sorry to hear you are having problems with cats. Cats are natural predators. It is in thier nature to roam and catch food on the hoof. Don't blame the owners as there is very little you can do to stop a cat from roaming. Some netting will help...
    Sorry to hear you are having problems with cats. Cats are natural predators. It is in thier nature to roam and catch food on the hoof. Don't blame the owners as there is very little you can do to...
  15. Stingo

    Grow bag or pots for toms?

    this is what I do too. Last year I got so many I was able to make four jars of chutney! Had to buy the onions, though, so this year I've planted onions as well.
    this is what I do too. Last year I got so many I was able to make four jars of chutney! Had to buy the onions, though, so this year I've planted onions as well.
    this is what I do too. Last year I got so many I was able to make four jars of chutney! Had to buy the onions, though, so this year I've planted onions as well.
    this is what I do too. Last year I got so many I was able to make four jars of chutney! Had to buy the onions, though, so this year I've planted onions as well.
  16. Aesculus

    BBC Dig In....Arived =]

    I sent off as soon as i spotted the ad , they arrived weeks ago. in fact my lettuce "lollo Rosso" is nearly ready to start picking ,i have transplanted the beets into large pots ,and my carrots...
    I sent off as soon as i spotted the ad , they arrived weeks ago. in fact my lettuce "lollo Rosso" is nearly ready to start picking ,i have transplanted the beets into large pots ,and my carrots are ready to go out , If i only had somewhere to put them,:lollol:
    I sent off as soon as i spotted the ad , they arrived weeks ago. in fact my lettuce "lollo Rosso" is nearly ready to start picking ,i have transplanted the beets into large pots ,and my carrots are ready to go out , If i only had somewhere to...
    I sent off as soon as i spotted the ad , they arrived weeks ago. in fact my lettuce "lollo Rosso" is nearly ready to start picking ,i have transplanted the beets into large pots ,and my carrots...
  17. David G

    Cucumber depth

    Cucumber is about the only thing that I do NOT plant deep - its very susceptible to basal stem rot, and I think it best to plant it so that the original soil surface is the highest point - i.e....
    Cucumber is about the only thing that I do NOT plant deep - its very susceptible to basal stem rot, and I think it best to plant it so that the original soil surface is the highest point - i.e. the new soil surface falls-away from the stem.
    Cucumber is about the only thing that I do NOT plant deep - its very susceptible to basal stem rot, and I think it best to plant it so that the original soil surface is the highest point - i.e. the new soil surface falls-away from the stem.
    Cucumber is about the only thing that I do NOT plant deep - its very susceptible to basal stem rot, and I think it best to plant it so that the original soil surface is the highest point - i.e....
  18. Canucks72

    Potatoes have taken a hammering in the wind.

    Thank you all. They look fine for now, so maybe I was being overly nervous. This vegetable growing lark is okay for the most part but I find it's sometimes like having kids, you're constantly...
    Thank you all. They look fine for now, so maybe I was being overly nervous. This vegetable growing lark is okay for the most part but I find it's sometimes like having kids, you're constantly worrying about scuffed knees and broken arms! Dear me. It can be hard work!
    Thank you all. They look fine for now, so maybe I was being overly nervous. This vegetable growing lark is okay for the most part but I find it's sometimes like having kids, you're constantly worrying about scuffed knees and broken arms! ...
    Thank you all. They look fine for now, so maybe I was being overly nervous. This vegetable growing lark is okay for the most part but I find it's sometimes like having kids, you're constantly...
  19. Micky V


    Sounds like you are good-to-go then Micky V :)
    Sounds like you are good-to-go then Micky V :)
    Sounds like you are good-to-go then Micky V :)
    Sounds like you are good-to-go then Micky V :)
  20. Freddy

    Cold Toms

    Well done Freddy looking good your going to be the first in with your toms.:thumb:
    Well done Freddy looking good your going to be the first in with your toms.:thumb:
    Well done Freddy looking good your going to be the first in with your toms.:thumb:
    Well done Freddy looking good your going to be the first in with your toms.:thumb:

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