Edible Gardening

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  1. mojo

    carrot feed.

    "Apparantly not watering carrots too much helps them grow longer by forcing them to grow deeper searching for water instead of just taking it from the surface."Excess water also encourages them...
    "Apparantly not watering carrots too much helps them grow longer by forcing them to grow deeper searching for water instead of just taking it from the surface."Excess water also encourages them to make Tops rather than Roots
    "Apparantly not watering carrots too much helps them grow longer by forcing them to grow deeper searching for water instead of just taking it from the surface."Excess water also encourages them to make Tops rather than Roots
    "Apparantly not watering carrots too much helps them grow longer by forcing them to grow deeper searching for water instead of just taking it from the surface."Excess water also encourages them...
  2. ferretdiver

    Gooseberries - Help Please

    Thanks clueless1 & has bean counter for all that useful information.I will leave it as it is until autumn when I will move it up a size in pots with some fresh compost. Can't say there is any...
    Thanks clueless1 & has bean counter for all that useful information.I will leave it as it is until autumn when I will move it up a size in pots with some fresh compost. Can't say there is any obvious sign of aphids, it is in partial shade at the moment, I will move it to a fully sunny...
    Thanks clueless1 & has bean counter for all that useful information.I will leave it as it is until autumn when I will move it up a size in pots with some fresh compost. Can't say there is any obvious sign of aphids, it is in partial shade at...
    Thanks clueless1 & has bean counter for all that useful information.I will leave it as it is until autumn when I will move it up a size in pots with some fresh compost. Can't say there is any...
  3. moonboots

    new to growing veggies - how much sun?

    Sounds good! I definitely want to grow rhubarb, my mum used to her and her fingers couldn't be less green! How well will it do in a quite shady spot? Apart from that I wanted to grow beans...
    Sounds good! I definitely want to grow rhubarb, my mum used to her and her fingers couldn't be less green! How well will it do in a quite shady spot? Apart from that I wanted to grow beans (because the wigwams look so nice and because the ones in Tesco all come from Kenya!) And gooseberries but...
    Sounds good! I definitely want to grow rhubarb, my mum used to her and her fingers couldn't be less green! How well will it do in a quite shady spot? Apart from that I wanted to grow beans (because the wigwams look so nice and because the ones...
    Sounds good! I definitely want to grow rhubarb, my mum used to her and her fingers couldn't be less green! How well will it do in a quite shady spot? Apart from that I wanted to grow beans...
  4. capney

    Pinching out chillies (help)

    Thats the one I was looking for.... thank you so very much robert
    Thats the one I was looking for.... thank you so very much robert
    Thats the one I was looking for.... thank you so very much robert
    Thats the one I was looking for.... thank you so very much robert
  5. lesleyl

    Grape Vines

    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
  6. lesleyl

    Grape Vines

    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
  7. pimnimmin

    Leeks not growning

    I'm not planning to plant mine out any time soon - end of June will do me, or even early July.They've got time to bulk up.
    I'm not planning to plant mine out any time soon - end of June will do me, or even early July.They've got time to bulk up.
    I'm not planning to plant mine out any time soon - end of June will do me, or even early July.They've got time to bulk up.
    I'm not planning to plant mine out any time soon - end of June will do me, or even early July.They've got time to bulk up.
  8. meddyliol

    Market More cucumbers

    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
    I would like a couple of dessert grape vines for my allotment, black and white, preferably seedless, can anyone suggest a good variety and where to buy would be helpful please
  9. paddy_rice

    Aubergines looking unhealthy

    I normally grow aubergines without too much difficulty (assuming a hot summer!) but have also had problems with young plants dying off this year. I reckon that it is aphids (which have also...
    I normally grow aubergines without too much difficulty (assuming a hot summer!) but have also had problems with young plants dying off this year. I reckon that it is aphids (which have also attacked my peppers). I don't go for the green option: I have swamped them with the most toxic pesticide...
    I normally grow aubergines without too much difficulty (assuming a hot summer!) but have also had problems with young plants dying off this year. I reckon that it is aphids (which have also attacked my peppers). I don't go for the green option:...
    I normally grow aubergines without too much difficulty (assuming a hot summer!) but have also had problems with young plants dying off this year. I reckon that it is aphids (which have also...
  10. golfer

    Parsnip / Potatoes

    Thanks Capney here is a photo March 1st 2008 how the allotment was its been hard going but rewarding.
    Thanks Capney here is a photo March 1st 2008 how the allotment was its been hard going but rewarding.
    Thanks Capney here is a photo March 1st 2008 how the allotment was its been hard going but rewarding.
    Thanks Capney here is a photo March 1st 2008 how the allotment was its been hard going but rewarding.
  11. capney

    Three firsts today

    First sweet pea flower today (Well Sunday actually)...first of many I hope. That scent...tells me its summer...just about. Steve...:)
    First sweet pea flower today (Well Sunday actually)...first of many I hope. That scent...tells me its summer...just about. Steve...:)
    First sweet pea flower today (Well Sunday actually)...first of many I hope. That scent...tells me its summer...just about. Steve...:)
    First sweet pea flower today (Well Sunday actually)...first of many I hope. That scent...tells me its summer...just about. Steve...:)
  12. mchumph

    PSB in pots

    I think you're PSB would be fine in pots until you get your corn out of the ground. As I said before it does get very big - but not quickly - so I think it will be fine.As you say - there's no...
    I think you're PSB would be fine in pots until you get your corn out of the ground. As I said before it does get very big - but not quickly - so I think it will be fine.As you say - there's no such thing as a failure in gardening - it's all an experiment. Go for it and let's know the...
    I think you're PSB would be fine in pots until you get your corn out of the ground. As I said before it does get very big - but not quickly - so I think it will be fine.As you say - there's no such thing as a failure in gardening - it's all...
    I think you're PSB would be fine in pots until you get your corn out of the ground. As I said before it does get very big - but not quickly - so I think it will be fine.As you say - there's no...
  13. bigfaceuk

    Is it time to plant out French beans ?

    BigfaceUK, I find Metcheck very reliable for forecasting sunshine and precipitation but hopelessly pessimistic on temperatures. If I believed them I would die of hypothermia.Last frost is...
    BigfaceUK, I find Metcheck very reliable for forecasting sunshine and precipitation but hopelessly pessimistic on temperatures. If I believed them I would die of hypothermia.Last frost is always a bit of a gamble. I kept good records in my last garden and for years last frost could be the...
    BigfaceUK, I find Metcheck very reliable for forecasting sunshine and precipitation but hopelessly pessimistic on temperatures. If I believed them I would die of hypothermia.Last frost is always a bit of a gamble. I kept good records in my...
    BigfaceUK, I find Metcheck very reliable for forecasting sunshine and precipitation but hopelessly pessimistic on temperatures. If I believed them I would die of hypothermia.Last frost is...
  14. Steve R

    Tomatoes - first flowers

    "can they be fed with liquified chick poo once a week, now or after they have set"Not really. Chicken Manure has an NPK of 4:2.5:2.3 (but check yours) and for Tomatoes you want something that...
    "can they be fed with liquified chick poo once a week, now or after they have set"Not really. Chicken Manure has an NPK of 4:2.5:2.3 (but check yours) and for Tomatoes you want something that is approximately in the ratio of 1:1:2 (so 2:2:4 would do, most commonly they are 4:4:8 )
    "can they be fed with liquified chick poo once a week, now or after they have set"Not really. Chicken Manure has an NPK of 4:2.5:2.3 (but check yours) and for Tomatoes you want something that is approximately in the ratio of 1:1:2 (so 2:2:4...
    "can they be fed with liquified chick poo once a week, now or after they have set"Not really. Chicken Manure has an NPK of 4:2.5:2.3 (but check yours) and for Tomatoes you want something that...
  15. Gsylass

    Black currants - help me choose please!

    I'm trying to decide between two varieties, Titania and Ben Sarek.It will be in a large container on the patio, where it will be in full sun in the morning and shady by early...
    I'm trying to decide between two varieties, Titania and Ben Sarek.It will be in a large container on the patio, where it will be in full sun in the morning and shady by early afternoon.From my research online so far, they have been described as having good flavour, but Hubby prefers...
    I'm trying to decide between two varieties, Titania and Ben Sarek.It will be in a large container on the patio, where it will be in full sun in the morning and shady by early afternoon.From my research online so far, they have been...
    I'm trying to decide between two varieties, Titania and Ben Sarek.It will be in a large container on the patio, where it will be in full sun in the morning and shady by early...
  16. Jonnygardener

    Growing red peppers

    They like warm conditions so either the mini greenhouse or a nice sunny windowsill should do the trick. I've got a few out in my greenhouse with the first flowers just starting to open.
    They like warm conditions so either the mini greenhouse or a nice sunny windowsill should do the trick. I've got a few out in my greenhouse with the first flowers just starting to open.
    They like warm conditions so either the mini greenhouse or a nice sunny windowsill should do the trick. I've got a few out in my greenhouse with the first flowers just starting to open.
    They like warm conditions so either the mini greenhouse or a nice sunny windowsill should do the trick. I've got a few out in my greenhouse with the first flowers just starting to open.
  17. Victoria

    Madeira Tumbling Cherry Tomatoes

    :lollol:there is a nutter on every forum..I thought I was the only one here..:gnthb: Steve...:)
    :lollol:there is a nutter on every forum..I thought I was the only one here..:gnthb: Steve...:)
    :lollol:there is a nutter on every forum..I thought I was the only one here..:gnthb: Steve...:)
    :lollol:there is a nutter on every forum..I thought I was the only one here..:gnthb: Steve...:)
  18. plumber carl

    planting veg advice

    Oops - Charlotte are Second Early. They will take two or three weeks longer to mature than a First Early. (and Main Crop will take another 4 weeks or so). First Early Varieties about 13 weeks,...
    Oops - Charlotte are Second Early. They will take two or three weeks longer to mature than a First Early. (and Main Crop will take another 4 weeks or so). First Early Varieties about 13 weeks, Main Crop about 22 weeks.I have heard good things about these Seed Potatoe sellersscroll right...
    Oops - Charlotte are Second Early. They will take two or three weeks longer to mature than a First Early. (and Main Crop will take another 4 weeks or so). First Early Varieties about 13 weeks, Main Crop about 22 weeks.I have heard good things...
    Oops - Charlotte are Second Early. They will take two or three weeks longer to mature than a First Early. (and Main Crop will take another 4 weeks or so). First Early Varieties about 13 weeks,...

    What have I done ?????????

    tony bo, Forgot to tell you, yesterday after you left commity man said you can buy 1yr old well rotted muck for £15 from up near hardwick :thumb:
    tony bo, Forgot to tell you, yesterday after you left commity man said you can buy 1yr old well rotted muck for £15 from up near hardwick :thumb:
    tony bo, Forgot to tell you, yesterday after you left commity man said you can buy 1yr old well rotted muck for £15 from up near hardwick :thumb:
    tony bo, Forgot to tell you, yesterday after you left commity man said you can buy 1yr old well rotted muck for £15 from up near hardwick :thumb:
  20. plumber carl

    red cabbage

    My Brassicas always grow far too long an initial stem - I just plant them deep up to the first leaves that are NOT on the leggy stem, and go from there. A foot is a lot though ... but worth "deep"...
    My Brassicas always grow far too long an initial stem - I just plant them deep up to the first leaves that are NOT on the leggy stem, and go from there. A foot is a lot though ... but worth "deep" planting I reckon.
    My Brassicas always grow far too long an initial stem - I just plant them deep up to the first leaves that are NOT on the leggy stem, and go from there. A foot is a lot though ... but worth "deep" planting I reckon.
    My Brassicas always grow far too long an initial stem - I just plant them deep up to the first leaves that are NOT on the leggy stem, and go from there. A foot is a lot though ... but worth "deep"...

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