Edible Gardening

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  1. BigBird

    Help with my leeks please!

    I will see what I can transplant them into that's more productive than pots.Thanks again Kristen :thku:
    I will see what I can transplant them into that's more productive than pots.Thanks again Kristen :thku:
    I will see what I can transplant them into that's more productive than pots.Thanks again Kristen :thku:
    I will see what I can transplant them into that's more productive than pots.Thanks again Kristen :thku:
  2. Liliane

    fruit and veg grown in containers

    "... In a Dustbin"You will therefore be able to refer to them as your "Rubbish Runner Beans" WOO :)
    "... In a Dustbin"You will therefore be able to refer to them as your "Rubbish Runner Beans" WOO :)
    "... In a Dustbin"You will therefore be able to refer to them as your "Rubbish Runner Beans" WOO :)
    "... In a Dustbin"You will therefore be able to refer to them as your "Rubbish Runner Beans" WOO :)
  3. electrorainbow

    My Vegetable Seedlings Are Not Happy Chappies!!

    PHEW!!!!!! Well, I think ill be at least attempting to move the carrots tomorrow, theres still a few that look so healthy! It's just good to have come to a conclusion, and i think ill stick to...
    PHEW!!!!!! Well, I think ill be at least attempting to move the carrots tomorrow, theres still a few that look so healthy! It's just good to have come to a conclusion, and i think ill stick to this one, it makes the mose sence considering its happeing to the carrots as well. do you think it...
    PHEW!!!!!! Well, I think ill be at least attempting to move the carrots tomorrow, theres still a few that look so healthy! It's just good to have come to a conclusion, and i think ill stick to this one, it makes the mose sence considering its...
    PHEW!!!!!! Well, I think ill be at least attempting to move the carrots tomorrow, theres still a few that look so healthy! It's just good to have come to a conclusion, and i think ill stick to...
  4. Gren

    Thinning seedlings

    I hate thinning out seedlings, it seems so cruel, but I understand the reasoning behind it. We have sown what were advertised as baby carrots this year. The plan is to start picking them to eat...
    I hate thinning out seedlings, it seems so cruel, but I understand the reasoning behind it. We have sown what were advertised as baby carrots this year. The plan is to start picking them to eat and so thin them out in the process. As we munch on them over the weeks, we will leave the remainder...
    I hate thinning out seedlings, it seems so cruel, but I understand the reasoning behind it. We have sown what were advertised as baby carrots this year. The plan is to start picking them to eat and so thin them out in the process. As we munch on...
    I hate thinning out seedlings, it seems so cruel, but I understand the reasoning behind it. We have sown what were advertised as baby carrots this year. The plan is to start picking them to eat...
  5. 1eyedjack

    Tomato pot sizes

    Sorry about that, too much chat, poor memory, and all that.But, in conclusion, the upshot was 11" - 12" and around 10 Litres. (Bigger will be fine of course).If you haven't got anything that...
    Sorry about that, too much chat, poor memory, and all that.But, in conclusion, the upshot was 11" - 12" and around 10 Litres. (Bigger will be fine of course).If you haven't got anything that big, and don't want a grow bag, consider cutting a grow bag in half and standing each half on its...
    Sorry about that, too much chat, poor memory, and all that.But, in conclusion, the upshot was 11" - 12" and around 10 Litres. (Bigger will be fine of course).If you haven't got anything that big, and don't want a grow bag, consider cutting a...
    Sorry about that, too much chat, poor memory, and all that.But, in conclusion, the upshot was 11" - 12" and around 10 Litres. (Bigger will be fine of course).If you haven't got anything that...
  6. electrorainbow

    My Veggie Seedlings Are Not Happy Chappies

    See my response to your duplicate post in General: http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/my-vegetable-seedlings-21295.html?p=329676
    See my response to your duplicate post in General: http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/my-vegetable-seedlings-21295.html?p=329676
    See my response to your duplicate post in General: http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/my-vegetable-seedlings-21295.html?p=329676
    See my response to your duplicate post in General: http://www.gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/my-vegetable-seedlings-21295.html?p=329676
  7. Daisyboo

    Companion Planting Corn/beans/peas

    how many french beans are you puting to a corn. i was going to use some courgettes but i've changed around a few things in the garden i'll be using butternut squash, sugar baby , pumpkin + honey...
    how many french beans are you puting to a corn. i was going to use some courgettes but i've changed around a few things in the garden i'll be using butternut squash, sugar baby , pumpkin + honey dew. As I dont have a need for 2 much of each of these
    how many french beans are you puting to a corn. i was going to use some courgettes but i've changed around a few things in the garden i'll be using butternut squash, sugar baby , pumpkin + honey dew. As I dont have a need for 2 much of each of...
    how many french beans are you puting to a corn. i was going to use some courgettes but i've changed around a few things in the garden i'll be using butternut squash, sugar baby , pumpkin + honey...
  8. Beginner

    How do I grow peppers all summer?

    If you have small plants just coming shelaghm, you could try keeping them going and overwinter them (providing next winter is less severe) . All chillies are perennial so given the right...
    If you have small plants just coming shelaghm, you could try keeping them going and overwinter them (providing next winter is less severe) . All chillies are perennial so given the right protection and light levels they can give you an early start next year, try the same with any young chilli...
    If you have small plants just coming shelaghm, you could try keeping them going and overwinter them (providing next winter is less severe) . All chillies are perennial so given the right protection and light levels they can give you an early...
    If you have small plants just coming shelaghm, you could try keeping them going and overwinter them (providing next winter is less severe) . All chillies are perennial so given the right...
  9. pamsdish

    Runner Beans

    I thinking of doing long carrots to get the kids interested - although left it too late this year. I figure I might just, with luck, be able to grow a carrot longer than the 10 year old ... :)...
    I thinking of doing long carrots to get the kids interested - although left it too late this year. I figure I might just, with luck, be able to grow a carrot longer than the 10 year old ... :)(Its the grow-in-a-drain-pipe thingie ... by the by, I was reading today an idea that growing things in...
    I thinking of doing long carrots to get the kids interested - although left it too late this year. I figure I might just, with luck, be able to grow a carrot longer than the 10 year old ... :)(Its the grow-in-a-drain-pipe thingie ... by the by,...
    I thinking of doing long carrots to get the kids interested - although left it too late this year. I figure I might just, with luck, be able to grow a carrot longer than the 10 year old ... :)...
  10. sheelaghm


    I am a novice when it comes to strawberries. I grew some last year for the first time and just left them in the terracotta strawberry pot and they have all reappeared this year looking very...
    I am a novice when it comes to strawberries. I grew some last year for the first time and just left them in the terracotta strawberry pot and they have all reappeared this year looking very healthy. Maybe they won't fruit? I'm not really sure what I should have done?
    I am a novice when it comes to strawberries. I grew some last year for the first time and just left them in the terracotta strawberry pot and they have all reappeared this year looking very healthy. Maybe they won't fruit? I'm not really sure...
    I am a novice when it comes to strawberries. I grew some last year for the first time and just left them in the terracotta strawberry pot and they have all reappeared this year looking very...
  11. girliecook

    runner beans

    I usually grow about 120 plants in the garden and plant out my first batch of beans towards the end of April. Sometimes they survive (for the last five years that have all survived) and sometimes...
    I usually grow about 120 plants in the garden and plant out my first batch of beans towards the end of April. Sometimes they survive (for the last five years that have all survived) and sometimes they don't but I grow lots of bean plants in succession so just replace them if the frost gets...
    I usually grow about 120 plants in the garden and plant out my first batch of beans towards the end of April. Sometimes they survive (for the last five years that have all survived) and sometimes they don't but I grow lots of bean plants in...
    I usually grow about 120 plants in the garden and plant out my first batch of beans towards the end of April. Sometimes they survive (for the last five years that have all survived) and sometimes...
  12. Jamie 1974

    My tomatoes

    Ok thanks for your help.
    Ok thanks for your help.
    Ok thanks for your help.
    Ok thanks for your help.
  13. 1eyedjack

    Broad beans - flowering early?

    You're fine... go with it.. broad beans are tough! It's not to late to sow another batch for a later crop... not too warm, or even outside
    You're fine... go with it.. broad beans are tough! It's not to late to sow another batch for a later crop... not too warm, or even outside
    You're fine... go with it.. broad beans are tough! It's not to late to sow another batch for a later crop... not too warm, or even outside
    You're fine... go with it.. broad beans are tough! It's not to late to sow another batch for a later crop... not too warm, or even outside
  14. 1eyedjack

    Onion scapes

    My first attempt at growing onions, this year. Did a lot of garlic last year and recall that I had to remove the scapes (could eat them as well, although you did not get much of a plate full). ...
    My first attempt at growing onions, this year. Did a lot of garlic last year and recall that I had to remove the scapes (could eat them as well, although you did not get much of a plate full). Anyway, onions being essentially the same thing, do I assume that I do the same with the onion scapes?
    My first attempt at growing onions, this year. Did a lot of garlic last year and recall that I had to remove the scapes (could eat them as well, although you did not get much of a plate full). Anyway, onions being essentially the same thing, do...
    My first attempt at growing onions, this year. Did a lot of garlic last year and recall that I had to remove the scapes (could eat them as well, although you did not get much of a plate full). ...
  15. tattie

    Strawberries in growbags

    Can any one advise what and how many strawberry plants to fit into a common grow bag.Is there any secrets to obtaining a good grop.I would be grateful of any assistance or advise.
    Can any one advise what and how many strawberry plants to fit into a common grow bag.Is there any secrets to obtaining a good grop.I would be grateful of any assistance or advise.
    Can any one advise what and how many strawberry plants to fit into a common grow bag.Is there any secrets to obtaining a good grop.I would be grateful of any assistance or advise.
    Can any one advise what and how many strawberry plants to fit into a common grow bag.Is there any secrets to obtaining a good grop.I would be grateful of any assistance or advise.
  16. butterflies

    Lemon Apple Cucumbers

    Mine came from Wyevale a week ago and they had tonnes, be good to have someone to compare with if you do get one! :thumb:
    Mine came from Wyevale a week ago and they had tonnes, be good to have someone to compare with if you do get one! :thumb:
    Mine came from Wyevale a week ago and they had tonnes, be good to have someone to compare with if you do get one! :thumb:
    Mine came from Wyevale a week ago and they had tonnes, be good to have someone to compare with if you do get one! :thumb:
  17. girliecook

    thinning my carrots

    I have used paper pots this year with just one seed in each pot. Yes it is time consuming, but I have the time these days. As soon as the little seedlings popped up they were into the garden...
    I have used paper pots this year with just one seed in each pot. Yes it is time consuming, but I have the time these days. As soon as the little seedlings popped up they were into the garden correctly spaced. No thinnings required.! As there is only the two of us I do not need vast amounts so I...
    I have used paper pots this year with just one seed in each pot. Yes it is time consuming, but I have the time these days. As soon as the little seedlings popped up they were into the garden correctly spaced. No thinnings required.! As there is...
    I have used paper pots this year with just one seed in each pot. Yes it is time consuming, but I have the time these days. As soon as the little seedlings popped up they were into the garden...
  18. Caz

    Cherry Tomatoes

    "I don't feel daft asking what may seem like an obvious question!!"IMHO The only silly question is the one you don't ask!
    "I don't feel daft asking what may seem like an obvious question!!"IMHO The only silly question is the one you don't ask!
    "I don't feel daft asking what may seem like an obvious question!!"IMHO The only silly question is the one you don't ask!
    "I don't feel daft asking what may seem like an obvious question!!"IMHO The only silly question is the one you don't ask!
  19. lindyco

    Once bitten, by tomatoes

    Yes, sounds right to me too. I would persevere, outdoor Tomatoes crop late outside, and I think are a complete waste of time (I am sure others will disagree!) especially if you have a greenhouse. ...
    Yes, sounds right to me too. I would persevere, outdoor Tomatoes crop late outside, and I think are a complete waste of time (I am sure others will disagree!) especially if you have a greenhouse. Outdoors its a race between summer ending and tons of green Tomatoes maybe turning red ...Of...
    Yes, sounds right to me too. I would persevere, outdoor Tomatoes crop late outside, and I think are a complete waste of time (I am sure others will disagree!) especially if you have a greenhouse. Outdoors its a race between summer ending and...
    Yes, sounds right to me too. I would persevere, outdoor Tomatoes crop late outside, and I think are a complete waste of time (I am sure others will disagree!) especially if you have a greenhouse. ...
  20. Bob flemming

    In a Pickle,(Shallots)

    Hi Bob This IS the old slavedriver!! We tend to eat ours any time after three weeks. In fact I like them better when they haven't been down too long.
    Hi Bob This IS the old slavedriver!! We tend to eat ours any time after three weeks. In fact I like them better when they haven't been down too long.
    Hi Bob This IS the old slavedriver!! We tend to eat ours any time after three weeks. In fact I like them better when they haven't been down too long.
    Hi Bob This IS the old slavedriver!! We tend to eat ours any time after three weeks. In fact I like them better when they haven't been down too long.

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