Edible Gardening

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  1. Freddy

    Blood Fish & Bone v Growmore

    "We'll have to wait and see what becomes of it."They will be fine! The exact constituents of fertilizer, within reason (balanced trace elements, for example), is a bit hair-splitting.However,...
    "We'll have to wait and see what becomes of it."They will be fine! The exact constituents of fertilizer, within reason (balanced trace elements, for example), is a bit hair-splitting.However, I am mindful that when I was growing stuff (commercially) using in hydroponics, and we provided...
    "We'll have to wait and see what becomes of it."They will be fine! The exact constituents of fertilizer, within reason (balanced trace elements, for example), is a bit hair-splitting.However, I am mindful that when I was growing stuff...
    "We'll have to wait and see what becomes of it."They will be fine! The exact constituents of fertilizer, within reason (balanced trace elements, for example), is a bit hair-splitting.However,...
  2. rodofgod76

    Hestia runner beans

    Just checked a few of the seedhouses and they are ALL showing that picture. Which must come from the breeder.Either there are several plants in the pot or you have to pinch them out, which seems...
    Just checked a few of the seedhouses and they are ALL showing that picture. Which must come from the breeder.Either there are several plants in the pot or you have to pinch them out, which seems daft to me.
    Just checked a few of the seedhouses and they are ALL showing that picture. Which must come from the breeder.Either there are several plants in the pot or you have to pinch them out, which seems daft to me.
    Just checked a few of the seedhouses and they are ALL showing that picture. Which must come from the breeder.Either there are several plants in the pot or you have to pinch them out, which seems...
  3. galaxysue


    Hi Jon thanks for the info was exactly what I am looking for going to give it a go
    Hi Jon thanks for the info was exactly what I am looking for going to give it a go
    Hi Jon thanks for the info was exactly what I am looking for going to give it a go
    Hi Jon thanks for the info was exactly what I am looking for going to give it a go
  4. capney

    Tomato experiment

    Got it covered guys. I have plenty backups growing from fresh seeds. But it is a good point and I shall report on that issue as and when.
    Got it covered guys. I have plenty backups growing from fresh seeds. But it is a good point and I shall report on that issue as and when.
    Got it covered guys. I have plenty backups growing from fresh seeds. But it is a good point and I shall report on that issue as and when.
    Got it covered guys. I have plenty backups growing from fresh seeds. But it is a good point and I shall report on that issue as and when.
  5. brooli

    Edible young vegetable shoots

    Thanks for the replies I will give them a go. Sorry for the delay in sending thanks but have had trouble logging in:ntwrth:
    Thanks for the replies I will give them a go. Sorry for the delay in sending thanks but have had trouble logging in:ntwrth:
    Thanks for the replies I will give them a go. Sorry for the delay in sending thanks but have had trouble logging in:ntwrth:
    Thanks for the replies I will give them a go. Sorry for the delay in sending thanks but have had trouble logging in:ntwrth:
  6. oggy

    Grape vine

    hope you enjoy these photos
    hope you enjoy these photos
    hope you enjoy these photos
    hope you enjoy these photos
  7. Micky V

    First Earlies

    Fair comment david but we are all the same always striving to do the best we can, and also get the best we can . hanks for your input it's really appreciated
    Fair comment david but we are all the same always striving to do the best we can, and also get the best we can . hanks for your input it's really appreciated
    Fair comment david but we are all the same always striving to do the best we can, and also get the best we can . hanks for your input it's really appreciated
    Fair comment david but we are all the same always striving to do the best we can, and also get the best we can . hanks for your input it's really appreciated
  8. Adam Moran

    Salad Crop

    I planted out some cut and come again organic lettuce this morning. They have grown on in the conservatory to about 3" high. Weather mans says possible 6C so I reckon they should survive the night.
    I planted out some cut and come again organic lettuce this morning. They have grown on in the conservatory to about 3" high. Weather mans says possible 6C so I reckon they should survive the night.
    I planted out some cut and come again organic lettuce this morning. They have grown on in the conservatory to about 3" high. Weather mans says possible 6C so I reckon they should survive the night.
    I planted out some cut and come again organic lettuce this morning. They have grown on in the conservatory to about 3" high. Weather mans says possible 6C so I reckon they should survive the night.
  9. Leadbelly

    Leek seedlings splitting

    Mine have done exactly the same - so I also hope they're not going to be a problemWe'll report back later eh?
    Mine have done exactly the same - so I also hope they're not going to be a problemWe'll report back later eh?
    Mine have done exactly the same - so I also hope they're not going to be a problemWe'll report back later eh?
    Mine have done exactly the same - so I also hope they're not going to be a problemWe'll report back later eh?
  10. Fuzquia

    Advice on clearing area for vegetables...

    We moved into our house two years ago. The garden was like a meadow - grass/weeds and plenty of stones. We fenced off one area for our chickens and next to them we fenced off the vegetable...
    We moved into our house two years ago. The garden was like a meadow - grass/weeds and plenty of stones. We fenced off one area for our chickens and next to them we fenced off the vegetable plot.We found that we just had to remove the grass cutting it like turf; take out all the weeds by...
    We moved into our house two years ago. The garden was like a meadow - grass/weeds and plenty of stones. We fenced off one area for our chickens and next to them we fenced off the vegetable plot.We found that we just had to remove the grass...
    We moved into our house two years ago. The garden was like a meadow - grass/weeds and plenty of stones. We fenced off one area for our chickens and next to them we fenced off the vegetable...
  11. ChrisWhite


    Thank you very much Kristen:thumb:
    Thank you very much Kristen:thumb:
    Thank you very much Kristen:thumb:
    Thank you very much Kristen:thumb:
  12. David G

    Peat Pots: Beetroot and Parsnips

    Forgot to post a link to Robert's Paper Pots:
    Forgot to post a link to Robert's Paper Pots:
    Forgot to post a link to Robert's Paper Pots:
    Forgot to post a link to Robert's Paper Pots:
  13. danielz000

    Strawberry Plant Pest

    :idea:You could always use 'Ecover' washing up liquid which is made from natural ingredients.
    :idea:You could always use 'Ecover' washing up liquid which is made from natural ingredients.
    :idea:You could always use 'Ecover' washing up liquid which is made from natural ingredients.
    :idea:You could always use 'Ecover' washing up liquid which is made from natural ingredients.
  14. Selleri


    Hmmm ... mine did OK last year - had only 3 plants and we had enough Peppers - and the weather was lousy of course. Have another go I reckon??
    Hmmm ... mine did OK last year - had only 3 plants and we had enough Peppers - and the weather was lousy of course. Have another go I reckon??
    Hmmm ... mine did OK last year - had only 3 plants and we had enough Peppers - and the weather was lousy of course. Have another go I reckon??
    Hmmm ... mine did OK last year - had only 3 plants and we had enough Peppers - and the weather was lousy of course. Have another go I reckon??
  15. oktarine


    I just planted my garlic in hanging cones this morning but the bulbs still looked ok and no sign of them showing shoots.
    I just planted my garlic in hanging cones this morning but the bulbs still looked ok and no sign of them showing shoots.
    I just planted my garlic in hanging cones this morning but the bulbs still looked ok and no sign of them showing shoots.
    I just planted my garlic in hanging cones this morning but the bulbs still looked ok and no sign of them showing shoots.
  16. busybee

    bronze fennel and ??pests

    If all else fails, dig up and replace - at the speed it grows at you'll have a huge plant in no time.
    If all else fails, dig up and replace - at the speed it grows at you'll have a huge plant in no time.
    If all else fails, dig up and replace - at the speed it grows at you'll have a huge plant in no time.
    If all else fails, dig up and replace - at the speed it grows at you'll have a huge plant in no time.
  17. Scotkat

    Parsnip seeds sown

    Soup Micky was every so tasty large pot all finished and it was mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:)
    Soup Micky was every so tasty large pot all finished and it was mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:)
    Soup Micky was every so tasty large pot all finished and it was mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:)
    Soup Micky was every so tasty large pot all finished and it was mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:)
  18. Snappers

    Vine Problem?

    Great explaination , thanks walnut.
    Great explaination , thanks walnut.
    Great explaination , thanks walnut.
    Great explaination , thanks walnut.
  19. chickenslippers

    New fruit trees and bushes

    Hi all, Last year I planted 2 3yr old pear trees and a 3yr old peach tree. Someone in work told me to take the fruit off as soon as they appear as this helps the tree produce more fruit next...
    Hi all, Last year I planted 2 3yr old pear trees and a 3yr old peach tree. Someone in work told me to take the fruit off as soon as they appear as this helps the tree produce more fruit next year. Is this true? Does the same go for the gooseberry,kiwi,red grape and blueberry we bought last...
    Hi all, Last year I planted 2 3yr old pear trees and a 3yr old peach tree. Someone in work told me to take the fruit off as soon as they appear as this helps the tree produce more fruit next year. Is this true? Does the same go for the...
    Hi all, Last year I planted 2 3yr old pear trees and a 3yr old peach tree. Someone in work told me to take the fruit off as soon as they appear as this helps the tree produce more fruit next...
  20. Steve R

    BBC "Dig in"

    Been on and ordered mine as I'm doing a project with my sons school
    Been on and ordered mine as I'm doing a project with my sons school
    Been on and ordered mine as I'm doing a project with my sons school
    Been on and ordered mine as I'm doing a project with my sons school

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