Edible Gardening

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  1. barryk1

    home guard potatos

    Planted up caulies in propagator 5 days ago, they are showing already, this is my first attempt at these. Also first time with peas, broad beans , carrots, and spring onions. I am really enjoying...
    Planted up caulies in propagator 5 days ago, they are showing already, this is my first attempt at these. Also first time with peas, broad beans , carrots, and spring onions. I am really enjoying myself and can hardly wait to see them all come up. After reading this site and picking up so much...
    Planted up caulies in propagator 5 days ago, they are showing already, this is my first attempt at these. Also first time with peas, broad beans , carrots, and spring onions. I am really enjoying myself and can hardly wait to see them all come...
    Planted up caulies in propagator 5 days ago, they are showing already, this is my first attempt at these. Also first time with peas, broad beans , carrots, and spring onions. I am really enjoying...
  2. Upcountrygirl

    Help!! Help!! My cucumbers are dying!

    My cucumbers are growing fine in my unheated greenhouse I'd guess there about an inch maybe inch and a half now.I also have a paraffin heater but i don't use it simply because it creates a black...
    My cucumbers are growing fine in my unheated greenhouse I'd guess there about an inch maybe inch and a half now.I also have a paraffin heater but i don't use it simply because it creates a black grime on the glass which does not help with getting the sunlight in
    My cucumbers are growing fine in my unheated greenhouse I'd guess there about an inch maybe inch and a half now.I also have a paraffin heater but i don't use it simply because it creates a black grime on the glass which does not help with...
    My cucumbers are growing fine in my unheated greenhouse I'd guess there about an inch maybe inch and a half now.I also have a paraffin heater but i don't use it simply because it creates a black...
  3. rodofgod76

    Garlic and leeks

    Normally, you would plant garlic cloves in August/ September one year, and harvest August/ September the next.
    Normally, you would plant garlic cloves in August/ September one year, and harvest August/ September the next.
    Normally, you would plant garlic cloves in August/ September one year, and harvest August/ September the next.
    Normally, you would plant garlic cloves in August/ September one year, and harvest August/ September the next.
  4. vineman

    eggs on my vine

    Sorry i was a bit hastey with my reply. I have spent some time removing these thinking they were a ploblem. Hope some one can tell me what their function is.
    Sorry i was a bit hastey with my reply. I have spent some time removing these thinking they were a ploblem. Hope some one can tell me what their function is.
    Sorry i was a bit hastey with my reply. I have spent some time removing these thinking they were a ploblem. Hope some one can tell me what their function is.
    Sorry i was a bit hastey with my reply. I have spent some time removing these thinking they were a ploblem. Hope some one can tell me what their function is.
  5. TAL

    Potatoes in Planters - How much water?

    "I intend to keep a detailed record of what I am doing and when"If you would be able to help me with this project I'd appreciate it:
    "I intend to keep a detailed record of what I am doing and when"If you would be able to help me with this project I'd appreciate it:
    "I intend to keep a detailed record of what I am doing and when"If you would be able to help me with this project I'd appreciate it:
    "I intend to keep a detailed record of what I am doing and when"If you would be able to help me with this project I'd appreciate it:
  6. Vince

    Will they prick out?

    "seperating them when they are small is tricky sometimes"I've got wicket keepers hands, so if I can do it I'm sure you can!I have a trust pencil, called "Dibber" of course :), reserved for...
    "seperating them when they are small is tricky sometimes"I've got wicket keepers hands, so if I can do it I'm sure you can!I have a trust pencil, called "Dibber" of course :), reserved for pricking out. Does double duty of writing on labels too ...Blunt end into the seed tray, work under the...
    "seperating them when they are small is tricky sometimes"I've got wicket keepers hands, so if I can do it I'm sure you can!I have a trust pencil, called "Dibber" of course :), reserved for pricking out. Does double duty of writing on labels too...
    "seperating them when they are small is tricky sometimes"I've got wicket keepers hands, so if I can do it I'm sure you can!I have a trust pencil, called "Dibber" of course :), reserved for...
  7. Vince

    That MIDAS touch!

    .. Hello Vince!Much better to have "Green Fingers" than "The Midas Touch"!Every thing he touched turned to gold, and he nearly starved to death.One the other hand, green fingers will...
    .. Hello Vince!Much better to have "Green Fingers" than "The Midas Touch"!Every thing he touched turned to gold, and he nearly starved to death.One the other hand, green fingers will keep you fed for life.Cheers!
    .. Hello Vince!Much better to have "Green Fingers" than "The Midas Touch"!Every thing he touched turned to gold, and he nearly starved to death.One the other hand, green fingers will keep you fed for life.Cheers!
    .. Hello Vince!Much better to have "Green Fingers" than "The Midas Touch"!Every thing he touched turned to gold, and he nearly starved to death.One the other hand, green fingers will...
  8. Sky

    Is spraying your food necessary ?

    Yes, although I admire people who take a stand on things they feel strongly about.
    Yes, although I admire people who take a stand on things they feel strongly about.
    Yes, although I admire people who take a stand on things they feel strongly about.
    Yes, although I admire people who take a stand on things they feel strongly about.
  9. tanzc69

    Advice for laying out my veggie planter

    I have a couple of thoughts:If you are new to growing veg then grow what you like to eat most. However, you need to have a bit of a plan otherwise you will fill the plot with the first thing...
    I have a couple of thoughts:If you are new to growing veg then grow what you like to eat most. However, you need to have a bit of a plan otherwise you will fill the plot with the first thing you sow!In terms of what-grows-with-what: You should try not to grow vegetables from the same...
    I have a couple of thoughts:If you are new to growing veg then grow what you like to eat most. However, you need to have a bit of a plan otherwise you will fill the plot with the first thing you sow!In terms of what-grows-with-what: You...
    I have a couple of thoughts:If you are new to growing veg then grow what you like to eat most. However, you need to have a bit of a plan otherwise you will fill the plot with the first thing...
  10. Netto

    Fruit and Non-Fruit Questions!

    We've a Victoria plum grown as a fan and I'm sure they are self fertile. We've just added a second one but this will be grown as a standard and is on Pixie rootstock so will only grow to around 8'.
    We've a Victoria plum grown as a fan and I'm sure they are self fertile. We've just added a second one but this will be grown as a standard and is on Pixie rootstock so will only grow to around 8'.
    We've a Victoria plum grown as a fan and I'm sure they are self fertile. We've just added a second one but this will be grown as a standard and is on Pixie rootstock so will only grow to around 8'.
    We've a Victoria plum grown as a fan and I'm sure they are self fertile. We've just added a second one but this will be grown as a standard and is on Pixie rootstock so will only grow to around 8'.
  11. Rhyleysgranny

    Tomato Plants - Nipping Out

    Thank you all:ntwrth:
    Thank you all:ntwrth:
    Thank you all:ntwrth:
    Thank you all:ntwrth:
  12. tomdaven

    Lemon Plant - Help needed

    I have been given a lemon plant as a gift and i am growing it in my kitchen. It seems to be growing well and has now grown 1 full sized lemon. However there are now another 12 growing on the...
    I have been given a lemon plant as a gift and i am growing it in my kitchen. It seems to be growing well and has now grown 1 full sized lemon. However there are now another 12 growing on the plant, which may cause problems both in terms of weight and using the nutrients/resources of the...
    I have been given a lemon plant as a gift and i am growing it in my kitchen. It seems to be growing well and has now grown 1 full sized lemon. However there are now another 12 growing on the plant, which may cause problems both in terms of weight...
    I have been given a lemon plant as a gift and i am growing it in my kitchen. It seems to be growing well and has now grown 1 full sized lemon. However there are now another 12 growing on the...
  13. cattwoman25

    veg plot advise

    I agree with Dai about the shade. Onions and spuds may be 2 to 3 weeks before you start seeing them emerge.
    I agree with Dai about the shade. Onions and spuds may be 2 to 3 weeks before you start seeing them emerge.
    I agree with Dai about the shade. Onions and spuds may be 2 to 3 weeks before you start seeing them emerge.
    I agree with Dai about the shade. Onions and spuds may be 2 to 3 weeks before you start seeing them emerge.
  14. mztrouble

    blackcurrant and blackberry

    I'm back with my humble pie ;-) Did a bit more research (thanks for prompting that!!) and I am going to switch them round and put the blackcurrant in the pot and the blackberry on the fence...
    I'm back with my humble pie ;-) Did a bit more research (thanks for prompting that!!) and I am going to switch them round and put the blackcurrant in the pot and the blackberry on the fence ;-)Cheers!
    I'm back with my humble pie ;-) Did a bit more research (thanks for prompting that!!) and I am going to switch them round and put the blackcurrant in the pot and the blackberry on the fence ;-)Cheers!
    I'm back with my humble pie ;-) Did a bit more research (thanks for prompting that!!) and I am going to switch them round and put the blackcurrant in the pot and the blackberry on the fence...
  15. chexm8

    Patch for Runner Beans too wet?

    Is your soil clay :scratch: , if you prepare the trench now and put plenty of torn newspapers under it will all help in future as the paper will rot and provide for future years ,and as the soil dries...
    Is your soil clay :scratch: , if you prepare the trench now and put plenty of torn newspapers under it will all help in future as the paper will rot and provide for future years ,and as the soil dries out in the next few months you may be very surprised :gnthb:
    Is your soil clay :scratch: , if you prepare the trench now and put plenty of torn newspapers under it will all help in future as the paper will rot and provide for future years ,and as the soil dries out in the next few months you may be very...
    Is your soil clay :scratch: , if you prepare the trench now and put plenty of torn newspapers under it will all help in future as the paper will rot and provide for future years ,and as the soil dries...
  16. Rhyleysgranny

    Horse Radish

    Thanks Kirsten. I will do that then. I don't really want them taking over the garden. They look a bit like dock leaves
    Thanks Kirsten. I will do that then. I don't really want them taking over the garden. They look a bit like dock leaves
    Thanks Kirsten. I will do that then. I don't really want them taking over the garden. They look a bit like dock leaves
    Thanks Kirsten. I will do that then. I don't really want them taking over the garden. They look a bit like dock leaves
  17. Rhyleysgranny

    Tomato and Pepper seeds

    I tried to find the origins of the word press in Google but couldn't find a satisfactory explanation. I 've always called it the hot press. I never thought about it. Colloquial expressions are...
    I tried to find the origins of the word press in Google but couldn't find a satisfactory explanation. I 've always called it the hot press. I never thought about it. Colloquial expressions are rife in Northern Ireland. We may speak English but have a totally different way of expressing it.:hehe:
    I tried to find the origins of the word press in Google but couldn't find a satisfactory explanation. I 've always called it the hot press. I never thought about it. Colloquial expressions are rife in Northern Ireland. We may speak English but...
    I tried to find the origins of the word press in Google but couldn't find a satisfactory explanation. I 've always called it the hot press. I never thought about it. Colloquial expressions are...
  18. Vince

    Just how many onions..........

    David is quite correct it all depends on just how many onions you eat. We tend to eat far more onions than potatoes (I like to cook and mess around with recipes) so we do use a great many onions...
    David is quite correct it all depends on just how many onions you eat. We tend to eat far more onions than potatoes (I like to cook and mess around with recipes) so we do use a great many onions than potatoes. I have already planted up 20 rows of onions so far this year and one row of...
    David is quite correct it all depends on just how many onions you eat. We tend to eat far more onions than potatoes (I like to cook and mess around with recipes) so we do use a great many onions than potatoes. I have already planted up 20...
    David is quite correct it all depends on just how many onions you eat. We tend to eat far more onions than potatoes (I like to cook and mess around with recipes) so we do use a great many onions...
  19. curious

    Strawberry patio kits

    Strawb. kit arrived today and my g-daughter helped me to plant it up. It stands about 2'6" high but I've put it on a stand to make it about 4' high, to help the sun to get to the fruits. Just...
    Strawb. kit arrived today and my g-daughter helped me to plant it up. It stands about 2'6" high but I've put it on a stand to make it about 4' high, to help the sun to get to the fruits. Just realised that I won't need netting 'cause I've got a very active cat:wink: Looking forward to see how it...
    Strawb. kit arrived today and my g-daughter helped me to plant it up. It stands about 2'6" high but I've put it on a stand to make it about 4' high, to help the sun to get to the fruits. Just realised that I won't need netting 'cause I've got a...
    Strawb. kit arrived today and my g-daughter helped me to plant it up. It stands about 2'6" high but I've put it on a stand to make it about 4' high, to help the sun to get to the fruits. Just...
  20. SimonZ

    Growing tomatos

    I've heard of putting bananas, not just the skin, in plant pots.Apparently they contain a lot of potassium and rot down very quickly.
    I've heard of putting bananas, not just the skin, in plant pots.Apparently they contain a lot of potassium and rot down very quickly.
    I've heard of putting bananas, not just the skin, in plant pots.Apparently they contain a lot of potassium and rot down very quickly.
    I've heard of putting bananas, not just the skin, in plant pots.Apparently they contain a lot of potassium and rot down very quickly.

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