Edible Gardening

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  1. high kype


    thank you for your help
    thank you for your help
    thank you for your help
    thank you for your help
  2. Gren

    Onions/Shallots - how long to sprout?

    Thanks - thought as much but wanted to make sure. Keen to see things moving as my toms are just tiny shoots as well along with the spudsGren
    Thanks - thought as much but wanted to make sure. Keen to see things moving as my toms are just tiny shoots as well along with the spudsGren
    Thanks - thought as much but wanted to make sure. Keen to see things moving as my toms are just tiny shoots as well along with the spudsGren
    Thanks - thought as much but wanted to make sure. Keen to see things moving as my toms are just tiny shoots as well along with the spudsGren
  3. st darwin

    Tomato Plants

    Planted tomatoes seeds for the first time yesterday. Have picked up some great tips here. They are in a propagator on my kitchen window sill. Cheers Barb.
    Planted tomatoes seeds for the first time yesterday. Have picked up some great tips here. They are in a propagator on my kitchen window sill. Cheers Barb.
    Planted tomatoes seeds for the first time yesterday. Have picked up some great tips here. They are in a propagator on my kitchen window sill. Cheers Barb.
    Planted tomatoes seeds for the first time yesterday. Have picked up some great tips here. They are in a propagator on my kitchen window sill. Cheers Barb.
  4. roders

    Short and fat,not tall and thin....Tomatoes.

    Mine were OK last year. I kept them massively humid to reduce stress. Risk of disease of course ...I'll keep a photo-diary this year to see how I do.
    Mine were OK last year. I kept them massively humid to reduce stress. Risk of disease of course ...I'll keep a photo-diary this year to see how I do.
    Mine were OK last year. I kept them massively humid to reduce stress. Risk of disease of course ...I'll keep a photo-diary this year to see how I do.
    Mine were OK last year. I kept them massively humid to reduce stress. Risk of disease of course ...I'll keep a photo-diary this year to see how I do.
  5. hammer


    I grow about 20 cuc plants in an unheated glassshouse in SW Scotland and produce hundreds of wonderful cucumbers. I sow a bit later, early April because of late frosts here - we have had 'em in...
    I grow about 20 cuc plants in an unheated glassshouse in SW Scotland and produce hundreds of wonderful cucumbers. I sow a bit later, early April because of late frosts here - we have had 'em in June! Last year I tried a new thing and took some short bits of plastic or bubble wrap and a couple...
    I grow about 20 cuc plants in an unheated glassshouse in SW Scotland and produce hundreds of wonderful cucumbers. I sow a bit later, early April because of late frosts here - we have had 'em in June! Last year I tried a new thing and took some...
    I grow about 20 cuc plants in an unheated glassshouse in SW Scotland and produce hundreds of wonderful cucumbers. I sow a bit later, early April because of late frosts here - we have had 'em in...
  6. pamsdish

    potatoes and tomatoes

    "is it too early for tomato"Yes, they won't germinate / survive in an unheated greenhouse, but if you can germinate them in the house (they need 20C-25C), on a windowsill, that will take a week,...
    "is it too early for tomato"Yes, they won't germinate / survive in an unheated greenhouse, but if you can germinate them in the house (they need 20C-25C), on a windowsill, that will take a week, and another week or two in small pots, and by then your cold greenhouse will be pretty much OKIf...
    "is it too early for tomato"Yes, they won't germinate / survive in an unheated greenhouse, but if you can germinate them in the house (they need 20C-25C), on a windowsill, that will take a week, and another week or two in small pots, and by...
    "is it too early for tomato"Yes, they won't germinate / survive in an unheated greenhouse, but if you can germinate them in the house (they need 20C-25C), on a windowsill, that will take a week,...
  7. Abi

    If I plant lettuce this year..

    It's kind of out for me too Abi as I'm a vegan. I wonder if my neighbours wil think I'm strange if I ask for their eggshells?
    It's kind of out for me too Abi as I'm a vegan. I wonder if my neighbours wil think I'm strange if I ask for their eggshells?
    It's kind of out for me too Abi as I'm a vegan. I wonder if my neighbours wil think I'm strange if I ask for their eggshells?
    It's kind of out for me too Abi as I'm a vegan. I wonder if my neighbours wil think I'm strange if I ask for their eggshells?
  8. John1969

    New to growing veg

    Yes, don;t see why not - assuming you've got all the concrete and any hardcore underneath it out of the soil.The soil will need to be prepared like any other "freshly created beds" - add compost...
    Yes, don;t see why not - assuming you've got all the concrete and any hardcore underneath it out of the soil.The soil will need to be prepared like any other "freshly created beds" - add compost / manure, dig well, etc.
    Yes, don;t see why not - assuming you've got all the concrete and any hardcore underneath it out of the soil.The soil will need to be prepared like any other "freshly created beds" - add compost / manure, dig well, etc.
    Yes, don;t see why not - assuming you've got all the concrete and any hardcore underneath it out of the soil.The soil will need to be prepared like any other "freshly created beds" - add compost...
  9. misterroy

    which cabbage is this?

    Looks like Brigadier to me.
    Looks like Brigadier to me.
    Looks like Brigadier to me.
    Looks like Brigadier to me.
  10. timdunn

    Fruit with Bulbs

    Hi Tim, how about strawberries? If the compost is poor, just give them some liquid feed during the summer, or top dress with new compost and add some fertiliser granules into it. You could...
    Hi Tim, how about strawberries? If the compost is poor, just give them some liquid feed during the summer, or top dress with new compost and add some fertiliser granules into it. You could always go for herbs, like rosemary, sage thyme etc. Being mediterranian plants they will put up with poor...
    Hi Tim, how about strawberries? If the compost is poor, just give them some liquid feed during the summer, or top dress with new compost and add some fertiliser granules into it. You could always go for herbs, like rosemary, sage thyme etc....
    Hi Tim, how about strawberries? If the compost is poor, just give them some liquid feed during the summer, or top dress with new compost and add some fertiliser granules into it. You could...
  11. robbieg

    A fruit hedge?

    Hi Robbie, they can be very tender and need a south facing wall to thrive here I think. What a super idea, how about loganberry & gooseberry, perhaps blackcurrant and redcurrant too. Dessert...
    Hi Robbie, they can be very tender and need a south facing wall to thrive here I think. What a super idea, how about loganberry & gooseberry, perhaps blackcurrant and redcurrant too. Dessert will be round at your house this August time then?
    Hi Robbie, they can be very tender and need a south facing wall to thrive here I think. What a super idea, how about loganberry & gooseberry, perhaps blackcurrant and redcurrant too. Dessert will be round at your house this August time then?
    Hi Robbie, they can be very tender and need a south facing wall to thrive here I think. What a super idea, how about loganberry & gooseberry, perhaps blackcurrant and redcurrant too. Dessert...
  12. shiney

    The Chilli Chronicles

    Well I'm back in UK now... chilli plants from greenhouse are dead as you like! Lesson learned.
    Well I'm back in UK now... chilli plants from greenhouse are dead as you like! Lesson learned.
    Well I'm back in UK now... chilli plants from greenhouse are dead as you like! Lesson learned.
    Well I'm back in UK now... chilli plants from greenhouse are dead as you like! Lesson learned.
  13. David G

    Chitting or Planting Potatoes

    Hi David Yes, Im with John on planting pots now. I have planted some this morning in bags and in the black dustbin.Four chitted ready for the big black bin. Half filled with compost and just...
    Hi David Yes, Im with John on planting pots now. I have planted some this morning in bags and in the black dustbin.Four chitted ready for the big black bin. Half filled with compost and just four planted in it this year. I planted five last year and I have a feeling it was over the top. If it...
    Hi David Yes, Im with John on planting pots now. I have planted some this morning in bags and in the black dustbin.Four chitted ready for the big black bin. Half filled with compost and just four planted in it this year. I planted five last...
    Hi David Yes, Im with John on planting pots now. I have planted some this morning in bags and in the black dustbin.Four chitted ready for the big black bin. Half filled with compost and just...
  14. Freddy


    Well, I've sown a couple of 4ft rows :) The forecast is good for the rest of the week, the only fly in the ointment is the low night time temperatures. Still, gotta be worth a try, live dangerously...
    Well, I've sown a couple of 4ft rows :) The forecast is good for the rest of the week, the only fly in the ointment is the low night time temperatures. Still, gotta be worth a try, live dangerously ! :) Cheers...freddy.
    Well, I've sown a couple of 4ft rows :) The forecast is good for the rest of the week, the only fly in the ointment is the low night time temperatures. Still, gotta be worth a try, live dangerously ! :) Cheers...freddy.
    Well, I've sown a couple of 4ft rows :) The forecast is good for the rest of the week, the only fly in the ointment is the low night time temperatures. Still, gotta be worth a try, live dangerously...
  15. mumandason

    Which Kiwi?

    Links:RHS : Growing Kiwi fruit"Plant 3-5m (10-17ft) apart. One male can pollinate up to eight females Self-fertile â??Jennyâ?? is partly self-fertile, so is ideal where space is limited....
    Links:RHS : Growing Kiwi fruit"Plant 3-5m (10-17ft) apart. One male can pollinate up to eight females Self-fertile â??Jennyâ?? is partly self-fertile, so is ideal where space is limited. Fruit are small, however, and it is of borderline hardiness, so not suitable for colder areas."Fruit...
    Links:RHS : Growing Kiwi fruit"Plant 3-5m (10-17ft) apart. One male can pollinate up to eight females Self-fertile â??Jennyâ?? is partly self-fertile, so is ideal where space is limited. Fruit are small, however, and it is of borderline...
    Links:RHS : Growing Kiwi fruit"Plant 3-5m (10-17ft) apart. One male can pollinate up to eight females Self-fertile â??Jennyâ?? is partly self-fertile, so is ideal where space is limited....
  16. Kristen

    Anyone grow Scorzonera? (and Salsify)

    They are better than parsnips for roasting :gnthb:
    They are better than parsnips for roasting :gnthb:
    They are better than parsnips for roasting :gnthb:
    They are better than parsnips for roasting :gnthb:
  17. timecharger

    Rubbing off blossoms from fruit trees - is it for 2, or for 3, years??

    Any chance of a re-cap ? :D
    Any chance of a re-cap ? :D
    Any chance of a re-cap ? :D
    Any chance of a re-cap ? :D
  18. Vince

    My new arrivals

    Honey bee, they are reputed to be the best for making tomato sauce, my first year growing them so I'll reserve judgement at this time, just to add that my San Marzano's have now germinated too and...
    Honey bee, they are reputed to be the best for making tomato sauce, my first year growing them so I'll reserve judgement at this time, just to add that my San Marzano's have now germinated too and they are good for tomato sauce!My Golden Sunrise and Big Boy are also poking their heads...
    Honey bee, they are reputed to be the best for making tomato sauce, my first year growing them so I'll reserve judgement at this time, just to add that my San Marzano's have now germinated too and they are good for tomato sauce!My Golden...
    Honey bee, they are reputed to be the best for making tomato sauce, my first year growing them so I'll reserve judgement at this time, just to add that my San Marzano's have now germinated too and...
  19. sheelaghm


    dim ?i know but wont they fall in?
    dim ?i know but wont they fall in?
    dim ?i know but wont they fall in?
    dim ?i know but wont they fall in?
  20. gerkin50

    whats happened to my olive?

    Hello gerkin ....I am probably not the person to speak here but I feel I must say something ...You say you have had this olive tree on your windowsill for five years and it has obviously been...
    Hello gerkin ....I am probably not the person to speak here but I feel I must say something ...You say you have had this olive tree on your windowsill for five years and it has obviously been well and happy all this time as you seemed to have cared for it well.Like pete I thought is there...
    Hello gerkin ....I am probably not the person to speak here but I feel I must say something ...You say you have had this olive tree on your windowsill for five years and it has obviously been well and happy all this time as you seemed to have...
    Hello gerkin ....I am probably not the person to speak here but I feel I must say something ...You say you have had this olive tree on your windowsill for five years and it has obviously been...

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