Edible Gardening

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  1. mattcavens

    Looking for the Catawissa onion

  2. capney

    Capneys humble havest today

    Hi there, I saw your leeks and it makes me want to make some soup :hehe::gnthb:....love leek and potato soup :gnthb: It is sadly still waaaay too cold here, and we still have snow, the current...
    Hi there, I saw your leeks and it makes me want to make some soup :hehe::gnthb:....love leek and potato soup :gnthb: It is sadly still waaaay too cold here, and we still have snow, the current temp is -22 here, i give up, i am so sick of winter here in Ontario :flag::flag:
    Hi there, I saw your leeks and it makes me want to make some soup :hehe::gnthb:....love leek and potato soup :gnthb: It is sadly still waaaay too cold here, and we still have snow, the current temp is -22 here, i give up, i am so sick of...
    Hi there, I saw your leeks and it makes me want to make some soup :hehe::gnthb:....love leek and potato soup :gnthb: It is sadly still waaaay too cold here, and we still have snow, the current...
  3. ali

    Excess crop?

    Hi again Its been a while, having big problems with the Internet. In the past I have tried growing basil and coriander but they were ratified failures. At the moment thyme that seems to be going...
    Hi again Its been a while, having big problems with the Internet. In the past I have tried growing basil and coriander but they were ratified failures. At the moment thyme that seems to be going well. Think I am just too impatient and end up killing them with kindness.Thanks for the replies...
    Hi again Its been a while, having big problems with the Internet. In the past I have tried growing basil and coriander but they were ratified failures. At the moment thyme that seems to be going well. Think I am just too impatient and end up...
    Hi again Its been a while, having big problems with the Internet. In the past I have tried growing basil and coriander but they were ratified failures. At the moment thyme that seems to be going...
  4. Marie

    carrots in cloches

    Hi Marie. It's a good idea to keep the ends closed up for the time being. The general idea is to keep out icy drafts at this time of year. IMHO, I'd leave it closed until the seedlings were...
    Hi Marie. It's a good idea to keep the ends closed up for the time being. The general idea is to keep out icy drafts at this time of year. IMHO, I'd leave it closed until the seedlings were established UNLESS the weather picked up considerably. Of course, if we get the odd very warm day...
    Hi Marie. It's a good idea to keep the ends closed up for the time being. The general idea is to keep out icy drafts at this time of year. IMHO, I'd leave it closed until the seedlings were established UNLESS the weather picked up considerably....
    Hi Marie. It's a good idea to keep the ends closed up for the time being. The general idea is to keep out icy drafts at this time of year. IMHO, I'd leave it closed until the seedlings were...
  5. hammer


    Carrots and beetroot indoors Dai ?
    Carrots and beetroot indoors Dai ?
    Carrots and beetroot indoors Dai ?
    Carrots and beetroot indoors Dai ?
  6. fuggles

    what fruit bush is this

    Aaron it takes time, but you are getting there.:thumb:
    Aaron it takes time, but you are getting there.:thumb:
    Aaron it takes time, but you are getting there.:thumb:
    Aaron it takes time, but you are getting there.:thumb:
  7. David G

    Raspberry Bush

    Dave, If it's a summer fruiting variety then you should cut down all the canes that have borne fruit after picking and then tie in the new unfruited growth which will provide the crop for next...
    Dave, If it's a summer fruiting variety then you should cut down all the canes that have borne fruit after picking and then tie in the new unfruited growth which will provide the crop for next season. If you have the plants supported you should in February cut the tops down to with about 6" of...
    Dave, If it's a summer fruiting variety then you should cut down all the canes that have borne fruit after picking and then tie in the new unfruited growth which will provide the crop for next season. If you have the plants supported you should...
    Dave, If it's a summer fruiting variety then you should cut down all the canes that have borne fruit after picking and then tie in the new unfruited growth which will provide the crop for next...
  8. L plate gardener


    I got fed up with waiting for weather heard Jim Bacon : weather man: on Mo Dutter this morning , he's a very keen gardner and live in Lincs. He said all onions/ shallots/ garlic should be in by...
    I got fed up with waiting for weather heard Jim Bacon : weather man: on Mo Dutter this morning , he's a very keen gardner and live in Lincs. He said all onions/ shallots/ garlic should be in by now, and late frosts wont affect them . I put 50 Stuttgarter/50 Red Baron and a row of...
    I got fed up with waiting for weather heard Jim Bacon : weather man: on Mo Dutter this morning , he's a very keen gardner and live in Lincs. He said all onions/ shallots/ garlic should be in by now, and late frosts wont affect them . I put 50...
    I got fed up with waiting for weather heard Jim Bacon : weather man: on Mo Dutter this morning , he's a very keen gardner and live in Lincs. He said all onions/ shallots/ garlic should be in by...
  9. Synthhead

    Small, tattered brassicas - worth keeping?

    Hi all.Well, as an experiment, I potted up the brassicas, and well over half of them are doing fine, and have put on a spurt of growth in the recent warm weather. They are now all outside...
    Hi all.Well, as an experiment, I potted up the brassicas, and well over half of them are doing fine, and have put on a spurt of growth in the recent warm weather. They are now all outside under netting.Neraly all the brussels have started to produce wee sprouts, some as big as a marble,...
    Hi all.Well, as an experiment, I potted up the brassicas, and well over half of them are doing fine, and have put on a spurt of growth in the recent warm weather. They are now all outside under netting.Neraly all the brussels have started...
    Hi all.Well, as an experiment, I potted up the brassicas, and well over half of them are doing fine, and have put on a spurt of growth in the recent warm weather. They are now all outside...
  10. Rhyleysgranny


    I haven`t ever ever heard that one Terrier-i still have some parsley seeds left from my previous failed attempts and will give it one last try.
    I haven`t ever ever heard that one Terrier-i still have some parsley seeds left from my previous failed attempts and will give it one last try.
    I haven`t ever ever heard that one Terrier-i still have some parsley seeds left from my previous failed attempts and will give it one last try.
    I haven`t ever ever heard that one Terrier-i still have some parsley seeds left from my previous failed attempts and will give it one last try.
  11. Steve R

    Toms in grow bags

    I am planting poached egg and nemophila plants to attract the predators of the pests-anyone had any joy with that in the past?
    I am planting poached egg and nemophila plants to attract the predators of the pests-anyone had any joy with that in the past?
    I am planting poached egg and nemophila plants to attract the predators of the pests-anyone had any joy with that in the past?
    I am planting poached egg and nemophila plants to attract the predators of the pests-anyone had any joy with that in the past?
  12. Oldtimer74

    Spaghetti Marrow

    Thanks kristen. I have some T & M and some other seeds of the type that I really want. It was just that I would like to identify the ones with the black seeds. The flesh was not as spaghetti-like...
    Thanks kristen. I have some T & M and some other seeds of the type that I really want. It was just that I would like to identify the ones with the black seeds. The flesh was not as spaghetti-like as the others but nevertheless quite worth the efort. Pat
    Thanks kristen. I have some T & M and some other seeds of the type that I really want. It was just that I would like to identify the ones with the black seeds. The flesh was not as spaghetti-like as the others but nevertheless quite worth the...
    Thanks kristen. I have some T & M and some other seeds of the type that I really want. It was just that I would like to identify the ones with the black seeds. The flesh was not as spaghetti-like...
  13. SteveG

    Broad beans

    Nip the tops out. best to grow dwarf varieties if Blackfly is a problem. you can spray with fairy liqiud diluted
    Nip the tops out. best to grow dwarf varieties if Blackfly is a problem. you can spray with fairy liqiud diluted
    Nip the tops out. best to grow dwarf varieties if Blackfly is a problem. you can spray with fairy liqiud diluted
    Nip the tops out. best to grow dwarf varieties if Blackfly is a problem. you can spray with fairy liqiud diluted
  14. David G

    Storing Shallot Sets

    Hi Thanks for the advice, I will get them in as soon as possible then.Dave
    Hi Thanks for the advice, I will get them in as soon as possible then.Dave
    Hi Thanks for the advice, I will get them in as soon as possible then.Dave
    Hi Thanks for the advice, I will get them in as soon as possible then.Dave
  15. Jack by the hedge

    Globe artichoke

    Thank you both for your advice. I'll cross fingers and hope to be back later in the year posting in the recipes section about what to do with them.
    Thank you both for your advice. I'll cross fingers and hope to be back later in the year posting in the recipes section about what to do with them.
    Thank you both for your advice. I'll cross fingers and hope to be back later in the year posting in the recipes section about what to do with them.
    Thank you both for your advice. I'll cross fingers and hope to be back later in the year posting in the recipes section about what to do with them.
  16. Adam Moran

    Should i plant my onions?

    Adam you just have to work with what time you've got, things seem to catch up when planted later, you might not get such early onions as others but I'm sure that doesn't matter. I've found when...
    Adam you just have to work with what time you've got, things seem to catch up when planted later, you might not get such early onions as others but I'm sure that doesn't matter. I've found when planting in Jan/Feb that my onions tend to bolt (produce flower heads) so I try and leave it a bit...
    Adam you just have to work with what time you've got, things seem to catch up when planted later, you might not get such early onions as others but I'm sure that doesn't matter. I've found when planting in Jan/Feb that my onions tend to bolt...
    Adam you just have to work with what time you've got, things seem to catch up when planted later, you might not get such early onions as others but I'm sure that doesn't matter. I've found when...
  17. Kathy3

    garden peas

    I`m giving them a bash this year-sugarsnap mostly and I reckon if all goes well they won`t make it to the kitchen either.
    I`m giving them a bash this year-sugarsnap mostly and I reckon if all goes well they won`t make it to the kitchen either.
    I`m giving them a bash this year-sugarsnap mostly and I reckon if all goes well they won`t make it to the kitchen either.
    I`m giving them a bash this year-sugarsnap mostly and I reckon if all goes well they won`t make it to the kitchen either.
  18. Ariadae

    Vegetable Cage

    We have chicken wire (make sure you get "rabbit wire", rather than Chicken wire - its a different mesh size) all around our garden, and [within that] round the veg patch too "just in case". We...
    We have chicken wire (make sure you get "rabbit wire", rather than Chicken wire - its a different mesh size) all around our garden, and [within that] round the veg patch too "just in case". We had it professionally installed, and they just bent the bottom 6" or 9" outwards and trampled into the...
    We have chicken wire (make sure you get "rabbit wire", rather than Chicken wire - its a different mesh size) all around our garden, and [within that] round the veg patch too "just in case". We had it professionally installed, and they just bent...
    We have chicken wire (make sure you get "rabbit wire", rather than Chicken wire - its a different mesh size) all around our garden, and [within that] round the veg patch too "just in case". We...
  19. rosietutu


    I've grown foremost and can vouch for their taste - a good choice in my opinion :gnthb:
    I've grown foremost and can vouch for their taste - a good choice in my opinion :gnthb:
    I've grown foremost and can vouch for their taste - a good choice in my opinion :gnthb:
    I've grown foremost and can vouch for their taste - a good choice in my opinion :gnthb:
  20. clueless1

    Growing potatoes

    Spuds aren't native but come from the Andes, where it's too cold for aphids to live, and spread viruses. Here, any self seeding spuds would eventually succumb to disease after a few years....
    Spuds aren't native but come from the Andes, where it's too cold for aphids to live, and spread viruses. Here, any self seeding spuds would eventually succumb to disease after a few years. Certified virus free spuds are grown about aphid height (2000m in the UK, although my memory could be...
    Spuds aren't native but come from the Andes, where it's too cold for aphids to live, and spread viruses. Here, any self seeding spuds would eventually succumb to disease after a few years. Certified virus free spuds are grown about aphid height...
    Spuds aren't native but come from the Andes, where it's too cold for aphids to live, and spread viruses. Here, any self seeding spuds would eventually succumb to disease after a few years....

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