Edible Gardening

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  1. nathan7

    Shirley tomatoes

    I am going to grow Gardeners Delight,sungold and shirley all ones i have grown before ,also Japanese Black Triffle,just to see what it's like.Hope we have more sun this year. joyce
    I am going to grow Gardeners Delight,sungold and shirley all ones i have grown before ,also Japanese Black Triffle,just to see what it's like.Hope we have more sun this year. joyce
    I am going to grow Gardeners Delight,sungold and shirley all ones i have grown before ,also Japanese Black Triffle,just to see what it's like.Hope we have more sun this year. joyce
    I am going to grow Gardeners Delight,sungold and shirley all ones i have grown before ,also Japanese Black Triffle,just to see what it's like.Hope we have more sun this year. joyce
  2. Leadbelly

    Chilli and peppers how tall and root ball

    Pepper plants grow to about 3 ft in height. As for their root size, the wife grew them in 1 ltr pots and they did well. Aphids seem to love them though so I'd watch out for that. Also they need...
    Pepper plants grow to about 3 ft in height. As for their root size, the wife grew them in 1 ltr pots and they did well. Aphids seem to love them though so I'd watch out for that. Also they need lots and lots of sunshine, otherwise the peppers you get are small and bitter.
    Pepper plants grow to about 3 ft in height. As for their root size, the wife grew them in 1 ltr pots and they did well. Aphids seem to love them though so I'd watch out for that. Also they need lots and lots of sunshine, otherwise the peppers you...
    Pepper plants grow to about 3 ft in height. As for their root size, the wife grew them in 1 ltr pots and they did well. Aphids seem to love them though so I'd watch out for that. Also they need...
  3. oktarine

    Maris Peer - Not Available ?

    Mine came from Marshalls and are chitting as I type this
    Mine came from Marshalls and are chitting as I type this
    Mine came from Marshalls and are chitting as I type this
    Mine came from Marshalls and are chitting as I type this
  4. lollipop

    My spuds chitted themselves!

  5. Dave W

    Victoria plum on Pixie stock. Spread?

    I'll shortly be planting a Victoria plum on Pixie rootstock. Has anyone any idea of the likely spread when mature? I intend planting it near our compost heap but need to know roughly how far away...
    I'll shortly be planting a Victoria plum on Pixie rootstock. Has anyone any idea of the likely spread when mature? I intend planting it near our compost heap but need to know roughly how far away from the path to plant it so that we don't get a poke in the eye when we walk past.
    I'll shortly be planting a Victoria plum on Pixie rootstock. Has anyone any idea of the likely spread when mature? I intend planting it near our compost heap but need to know roughly how far away from the path to plant it so that we don't get a...
    I'll shortly be planting a Victoria plum on Pixie rootstock. Has anyone any idea of the likely spread when mature? I intend planting it near our compost heap but need to know roughly how far away...
  6. stony

    Last years veg.

    Hi Stony Likewise I had trouble working up the enthusiasm to clean out the greenhouse but having completed the job last week the feeling after was great I am now ready for the new years sowing...
    Hi Stony Likewise I had trouble working up the enthusiasm to clean out the greenhouse but having completed the job last week the feeling after was great I am now ready for the new years sowing and planting. I just need to control the urge to get started at the appropriate and correct...
    Hi Stony Likewise I had trouble working up the enthusiasm to clean out the greenhouse but having completed the job last week the feeling after was great I am now ready for the new years sowing and planting. I just need to control the urge to...
    Hi Stony Likewise I had trouble working up the enthusiasm to clean out the greenhouse but having completed the job last week the feeling after was great I am now ready for the new years sowing...
  7. Kedi-Gato

    exotic fruits -

    I found some more bananas growing while on holiday in Cyprus in January. Bananas with flower still attached - Baby bananas just starting off - These ones are almost ready for...
    I found some more bananas growing while on holiday in Cyprus in January. Bananas with flower still attached - Baby bananas just starting off - These ones are almost ready for picking - A close-up of the flower -
    I found some more bananas growing while on holiday in Cyprus in January. Bananas with flower still attached - Baby bananas just starting off - These ones are almost ready for picking - A close-up of the flower -
    I found some more bananas growing while on holiday in Cyprus in January. Bananas with flower still attached - Baby bananas just starting off - These ones are almost ready for...
  8. Ipso-phyto

    What veg and herbs for ground prone to flooding..?

    Chives, lovage, water mint. I used to have a particularly waterlogged veg patch in Scotland, it meant leaving the planting til late spring, getting stuff staarted in pots until it was dry enough...
    Chives, lovage, water mint. I used to have a particularly waterlogged veg patch in Scotland, it meant leaving the planting til late spring, getting stuff staarted in pots until it was dry enough to plant out Most of the root crops were fine as long as it wsn't actually under water, leeks...
    Chives, lovage, water mint. I used to have a particularly waterlogged veg patch in Scotland, it meant leaving the planting til late spring, getting stuff staarted in pots until it was dry enough to plant out Most of the root crops were fine...
    Chives, lovage, water mint. I used to have a particularly waterlogged veg patch in Scotland, it meant leaving the planting til late spring, getting stuff staarted in pots until it was dry enough...
  9. Helofadigger

    My fruit blushes

    Well as most of you will all know I do so love saving the pennies and I thought I got a good bargain from Aldi the other day a trio of fruit bushes for just mere pennies over £2! Needless to...
    Well as most of you will all know I do so love saving the pennies and I thought I got a good bargain from Aldi the other day a trio of fruit bushes for just mere pennies over £2! Needless to say I was a tad miffed when I discovered none were identifiable for a mere newbie like myself so it...
    Well as most of you will all know I do so love saving the pennies and I thought I got a good bargain from Aldi the other day a trio of fruit bushes for just mere pennies over £2! Needless to say I was a tad miffed when I discovered none were...
    Well as most of you will all know I do so love saving the pennies and I thought I got a good bargain from Aldi the other day a trio of fruit bushes for just mere pennies over £2! Needless to...
  10. Sussexgardener

    Purple Spruting Broccoli

    ah didnt know that, its looking very sad at the moment since I took the last lot off. Seemed to take ages to grow and high maintenence - caterpillar squashing!
    ah didnt know that, its looking very sad at the moment since I took the last lot off. Seemed to take ages to grow and high maintenence - caterpillar squashing!
    ah didnt know that, its looking very sad at the moment since I took the last lot off. Seemed to take ages to grow and high maintenence - caterpillar squashing!
    ah didnt know that, its looking very sad at the moment since I took the last lot off. Seemed to take ages to grow and high maintenence - caterpillar squashing!
  11. Kristen

    Help with choosing Butternut Squash

    :ntwrth:Dave, thank you for that idea, it is a stroke of genius. Butternut squash on the menu for me this year ! :yho:
    :ntwrth:Dave, thank you for that idea, it is a stroke of genius. Butternut squash on the menu for me this year ! :yho:
    :ntwrth:Dave, thank you for that idea, it is a stroke of genius. Butternut squash on the menu for me this year ! :yho:
    :ntwrth:Dave, thank you for that idea, it is a stroke of genius. Butternut squash on the menu for me this year ! :yho:
  12. Jamike

    Best practical low cost solution for veg bed

    Thanks for the info/suggestions - I won't be grass seeding now, but do like the idea of bark/wood chips thats cheers to you all.
    Thanks for the info/suggestions - I won't be grass seeding now, but do like the idea of bark/wood chips thats cheers to you all.
    Thanks for the info/suggestions - I won't be grass seeding now, but do like the idea of bark/wood chips thats cheers to you all.
    Thanks for the info/suggestions - I won't be grass seeding now, but do like the idea of bark/wood chips thats cheers to you all.
  13. Steve R

    Strawberry offer at Suttons.

    That is well cheap!Shame I'm all spent up till payday !
    That is well cheap!Shame I'm all spent up till payday !
    That is well cheap!Shame I'm all spent up till payday !
    That is well cheap!Shame I'm all spent up till payday !
  14. TAL

    Very small seed Potatoes from supplier

    Last year my King Edward seed were very small, and the crop was also very small (taters not quantity). This may have been the rotten summer or the ground not right.(recovered last year from under...
    Last year my King Edward seed were very small, and the crop was also very small (taters not quantity). This may have been the rotten summer or the ground not right.(recovered last year from under concrete but well dug & mucked). Trying Desiree this year, the seed is twice the size so I'll see...
    Last year my King Edward seed were very small, and the crop was also very small (taters not quantity). This may have been the rotten summer or the ground not right.(recovered last year from under concrete but well dug & mucked). Trying Desiree...
    Last year my King Edward seed were very small, and the crop was also very small (taters not quantity). This may have been the rotten summer or the ground not right.(recovered last year from under...
  15. sweetpeas

    Onions in cells

    Right so now there's alot more that have shooted, isn't it a bit early?? they're getting good roots on them but I'm worried about their timeing, they're just inside on window cills.
    Right so now there's alot more that have shooted, isn't it a bit early?? they're getting good roots on them but I'm worried about their timeing, they're just inside on window cills.
    Right so now there's alot more that have shooted, isn't it a bit early?? they're getting good roots on them but I'm worried about their timeing, they're just inside on window cills.
    Right so now there's alot more that have shooted, isn't it a bit early?? they're getting good roots on them but I'm worried about their timeing, they're just inside on window cills.
  16. hammer

    cucumbers, toms.

    Hi Hammer, I am just about to sow my toms & peppers, I will leave the cuces until the end of the month. I use cell trays, putting one seed per cell and covering lightly with vermiculite. Sow...
    Hi Hammer, I am just about to sow my toms & peppers, I will leave the cuces until the end of the month. I use cell trays, putting one seed per cell and covering lightly with vermiculite. Sow about 4 extra cells than you need in case you lose them or they don't all germinate. Put the trays...
    Hi Hammer, I am just about to sow my toms & peppers, I will leave the cuces until the end of the month. I use cell trays, putting one seed per cell and covering lightly with vermiculite. Sow about 4 extra cells than you need in case you lose...
    Hi Hammer, I am just about to sow my toms & peppers, I will leave the cuces until the end of the month. I use cell trays, putting one seed per cell and covering lightly with vermiculite. Sow...
  17. oktarine

    Asparagus - Plugs or crowns?

    If they are 1 year old seedlings, no chance of cropping in 2 years.
    If they are 1 year old seedlings, no chance of cropping in 2 years.
    If they are 1 year old seedlings, no chance of cropping in 2 years.
    If they are 1 year old seedlings, no chance of cropping in 2 years.
  18. sweetpeas

    Onions and snow

    Glad about that, I was a tad worried too !
    Glad about that, I was a tad worried too !
    Glad about that, I was a tad worried too !
    Glad about that, I was a tad worried too !
  19. Scotkat

    Taylors Garlic Marco &Red barron Onion

    mine do well in paper pots,no root disturbance when planted out. Joyce
    mine do well in paper pots,no root disturbance when planted out. Joyce
    mine do well in paper pots,no root disturbance when planted out. Joyce
    mine do well in paper pots,no root disturbance when planted out. Joyce
  20. Steve R


    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside
    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside
    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside
    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside

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