Edible Gardening

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  1. Steve R


    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside
    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside
    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside
    Mine also survive the best or worst the weather throws at them. I would plant in pots and leave outside
  2. Freddy

    Onion seedlings - Aftercare

    Ok Dai. ta :thumb:
    Ok Dai. ta :thumb:
    Ok Dai. ta :thumb:
    Ok Dai. ta :thumb:
  3. Micky V


    Thanks Joyce/Pete/daitheplant as a novice to gardening and the computer ile just ave to keep on troshin boy
    Thanks Joyce/Pete/daitheplant as a novice to gardening and the computer ile just ave to keep on troshin boy
    Thanks Joyce/Pete/daitheplant as a novice to gardening and the computer ile just ave to keep on troshin boy
    Thanks Joyce/Pete/daitheplant as a novice to gardening and the computer ile just ave to keep on troshin boy
  4. Honey Bee

    Jeralursalem Artichokes !!!!!!!!

    :old: Fancy, I know where you are coming from with the dietary concerns for your husband, but I have Crohns and I rely very much on my (f)artichokes to help me keep my blood sugar level (there are...
    :old: Fancy, I know where you are coming from with the dietary concerns for your husband, but I have Crohns and I rely very much on my (f)artichokes to help me keep my blood sugar level (there are cells in the colon that help regulate this, and obviously they are prone to damage). There is no...
    :old: Fancy, I know where you are coming from with the dietary concerns for your husband, but I have Crohns and I rely very much on my (f)artichokes to help me keep my blood sugar level (there are cells in the colon that help regulate this, and...
    :old: Fancy, I know where you are coming from with the dietary concerns for your husband, but I have Crohns and I rely very much on my (f)artichokes to help me keep my blood sugar level (there are...
  5. Scotkat

    Fresh Ginger

    I did get some going a couple of years ago, but lost it during the winter. After reading this, I think I should have brought it into the house instead of leaving it out in the Wintergarten. ...
    I did get some going a couple of years ago, but lost it during the winter. After reading this, I think I should have brought it into the house instead of leaving it out in the Wintergarten. It obviously died from frozen feet. I quite fancy having another go at it. Thanks for the tips...
    I did get some going a couple of years ago, but lost it during the winter. After reading this, I think I should have brought it into the house instead of leaving it out in the Wintergarten. It obviously died from frozen feet. I quite fancy...
    I did get some going a couple of years ago, but lost it during the winter. After reading this, I think I should have brought it into the house instead of leaving it out in the Wintergarten. ...
  6. lollipop

    Jerusalem Artichokes question

    Now harvesting the second years crop, once again very successful, Incidentally my wife has found a super recipe for Jerusalem Artichoke Souffle in a cook-book called "Starters" by Shane...
    Now harvesting the second years crop, once again very successful, Incidentally my wife has found a super recipe for Jerusalem Artichoke Souffle in a cook-book called "Starters" by Shane Osborn,Very tasty and as far as I can tell windless!
    Now harvesting the second years crop, once again very successful, Incidentally my wife has found a super recipe for Jerusalem Artichoke Souffle in a cook-book called "Starters" by Shane Osborn,Very tasty and as far as I can tell windless!
    Now harvesting the second years crop, once again very successful, Incidentally my wife has found a super recipe for Jerusalem Artichoke Souffle in a cook-book called "Starters" by Shane...
  7. capney

    Potato and onion sets

    Thats brilliant Robert, 30p for the seed and it repaid you 10 fold I reckon - plus the entertainment value of the video and Nut's daft remarks about it are priceless. Thanks! :lollol:
    Thats brilliant Robert, 30p for the seed and it repaid you 10 fold I reckon - plus the entertainment value of the video and Nut's daft remarks about it are priceless. Thanks! :lollol:
    Thats brilliant Robert, 30p for the seed and it repaid you 10 fold I reckon - plus the entertainment value of the video and Nut's daft remarks about it are priceless. Thanks! :lollol:
    Thats brilliant Robert, 30p for the seed and it repaid you 10 fold I reckon - plus the entertainment value of the video and Nut's daft remarks about it are priceless. Thanks! :lollol:
  8. Rodeo

    Soil, Preparation & Techniques for sowing vegetable and herb seeds... Help!

    "water retention granules"Good idea. Following my first attempt to use these last year I recommend that you mix them into the compost in the bottom half of the pot - those near the top pushed...
    "water retention granules"Good idea. Following my first attempt to use these last year I recommend that you mix them into the compost in the bottom half of the pot - those near the top pushed to the surface and then didn't do their job (and I reckon the birds, or something, stole them!)
    "water retention granules"Good idea. Following my first attempt to use these last year I recommend that you mix them into the compost in the bottom half of the pot - those near the top pushed to the surface and then didn't do their job (and I...
    "water retention granules"Good idea. Following my first attempt to use these last year I recommend that you mix them into the compost in the bottom half of the pot - those near the top pushed...
  9. nobbyhigo2

    runner beans

    Yes, John. I didn't record the date but it must have been around mid March.
    Yes, John. I didn't record the date but it must have been around mid March.
    Yes, John. I didn't record the date but it must have been around mid March.
    Yes, John. I didn't record the date but it must have been around mid March.
  10. ~Jen~

    Olive bush

    I have a friend who now lives in Texas, she can grow some of the most gorgeous looking fruits, and yet all she wants are daffodils-you just cant win!!
    I have a friend who now lives in Texas, she can grow some of the most gorgeous looking fruits, and yet all she wants are daffodils-you just cant win!!
    I have a friend who now lives in Texas, she can grow some of the most gorgeous looking fruits, and yet all she wants are daffodils-you just cant win!!
    I have a friend who now lives in Texas, she can grow some of the most gorgeous looking fruits, and yet all she wants are daffodils-you just cant win!!
  11. David G

    Water Melons Hot Summer Coming

    "Doesn't seem to say what company is selling it though. "I believe that Dobbies sell it
    "Doesn't seem to say what company is selling it though. "I believe that Dobbies sell it
    "Doesn't seem to say what company is selling it though. "I believe that Dobbies sell it
    "Doesn't seem to say what company is selling it though. "I believe that Dobbies sell it
  12. David G

    Onion Sets

    Hi All Looks like Marshalls have both types you have all recommended, thanks for the replies. Not sure if I will get up to Vegmandan's size looking at his avatar but will have a...
    Hi All Looks like Marshalls have both types you have all recommended, thanks for the replies. Not sure if I will get up to Vegmandan's size looking at his avatar but will have a go.ThanksDave
    Hi All Looks like Marshalls have both types you have all recommended, thanks for the replies. Not sure if I will get up to Vegmandan's size looking at his avatar but will have a go.ThanksDave
    Hi All Looks like Marshalls have both types you have all recommended, thanks for the replies. Not sure if I will get up to Vegmandan's size looking at his avatar but will have a...
  13. golfer


    Mine will go in at the end of March judging by some of the variations I have seen across the different threads, I was wondering about pots for these as I have already mucked my soil. Read this...
    Mine will go in at the end of March judging by some of the variations I have seen across the different threads, I was wondering about pots for these as I have already mucked my soil. Read this thread about three days too late.
    Mine will go in at the end of March judging by some of the variations I have seen across the different threads, I was wondering about pots for these as I have already mucked my soil. Read this thread about three days too late.
    Mine will go in at the end of March judging by some of the variations I have seen across the different threads, I was wondering about pots for these as I have already mucked my soil. Read this...
  14. Kristen

    Preparing Vegetables - Best Practice?

    Dave, that sounds like a marriage-winner - thanks!
    Dave, that sounds like a marriage-winner - thanks!
    Dave, that sounds like a marriage-winner - thanks!
    Dave, that sounds like a marriage-winner - thanks!
  15. Scotkat

    Seed Tatties

    Contact your local allotment society.Ours sells to the public / non members, and the prices are very keen.
    Contact your local allotment society.Ours sells to the public / non members, and the prices are very keen.
    Contact your local allotment society.Ours sells to the public / non members, and the prices are very keen.
    Contact your local allotment society.Ours sells to the public / non members, and the prices are very keen.
  16. Adam Moran

    Chitting Help

    A couple of years back the BBC Gardeners world (Monty et al ) did an experiment of chitted vs. non chitted, and found virtually no difference in yield results. This echoed a trial carried out...
    A couple of years back the BBC Gardeners world (Monty et al ) did an experiment of chitted vs. non chitted, and found virtually no difference in yield results. This echoed a trial carried out previously by the RHS.Personally, I always chit mine - it makes sense !But it seems the best way to...
    A couple of years back the BBC Gardeners world (Monty et al ) did an experiment of chitted vs. non chitted, and found virtually no difference in yield results. This echoed a trial carried out previously by the RHS.Personally, I always chit mine...
    A couple of years back the BBC Gardeners world (Monty et al ) did an experiment of chitted vs. non chitted, and found virtually no difference in yield results. This echoed a trial carried out...
  17. spadge

    melons !!

    Even though i should have plenty of space trailing them around tomatoes seems like a great idea, the more i can get in the better!
    Even though i should have plenty of space trailing them around tomatoes seems like a great idea, the more i can get in the better!
    Even though i should have plenty of space trailing them around tomatoes seems like a great idea, the more i can get in the better!
    Even though i should have plenty of space trailing them around tomatoes seems like a great idea, the more i can get in the better!
  18. morley

    Broccoli wipe-out

    Morley; Can ducks/geese easily get to your veg? The main suspects this time of year are pigeons, they keep trying to get my broccoli and sprouts and cabbages, any that are showing through the...
    Morley; Can ducks/geese easily get to your veg? The main suspects this time of year are pigeons, they keep trying to get my broccoli and sprouts and cabbages, any that are showing through the netting they peck at. They usually get to them just at dawn, cause they fly off if I go to the veg patch...
    Morley; Can ducks/geese easily get to your veg? The main suspects this time of year are pigeons, they keep trying to get my broccoli and sprouts and cabbages, any that are showing through the netting they peck at. They usually get to them just at...
    Morley; Can ducks/geese easily get to your veg? The main suspects this time of year are pigeons, they keep trying to get my broccoli and sprouts and cabbages, any that are showing through the...
  19. pete

    Carrot root fly

    I think I can recollect something similar about using mothballs:old: Doubt if you can buy them these days. The EU's probably banned them!
    I think I can recollect something similar about using mothballs:old: Doubt if you can buy them these days. The EU's probably banned them!
    I think I can recollect something similar about using mothballs:old: Doubt if you can buy them these days. The EU's probably banned them!
    I think I can recollect something similar about using mothballs:old: Doubt if you can buy them these days. The EU's probably banned them!
  20. sweetpeas

    Red Kidney Beans

    I've put some in the parcel just incase :thumb:
    I've put some in the parcel just incase :thumb:
    I've put some in the parcel just incase :thumb:
    I've put some in the parcel just incase :thumb:

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