Edible Gardening

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  1. ming

    Help with varieties please..

    I do like the sound of unusual tomatoes...I think I had moneymaker, gardeners delight, and something else I forget, all indoors and all were fantastic. I won't waste time putting them outside as...
    I do like the sound of unusual tomatoes...I think I had moneymaker, gardeners delight, and something else I forget, all indoors and all were fantastic. I won't waste time putting them outside as the wind will just wreck them. I can't grow any tall plants here, they get ruined. The growing...
    I do like the sound of unusual tomatoes...I think I had moneymaker, gardeners delight, and something else I forget, all indoors and all were fantastic. I won't waste time putting them outside as the wind will just wreck them. I can't grow any...
    I do like the sound of unusual tomatoes...I think I had moneymaker, gardeners delight, and something else I forget, all indoors and all were fantastic. I won't waste time putting them outside as...
  2. Larkshall

    Potato bargains and the credit crunch

    I worked along side my Grandad planting tons of spuds and if I as much as bruised one never mind cut one he would have kicked my backside! :D And as Dave and Pete say,I also don't think cutting...
    I worked along side my Grandad planting tons of spuds and if I as much as bruised one never mind cut one he would have kicked my backside! :D And as Dave and Pete say,I also don't think cutting them has any benefit to the crop.
    I worked along side my Grandad planting tons of spuds and if I as much as bruised one never mind cut one he would have kicked my backside! :D And as Dave and Pete say,I also don't think cutting them has any benefit to the crop.
    I worked along side my Grandad planting tons of spuds and if I as much as bruised one never mind cut one he would have kicked my backside! :D And as Dave and Pete say,I also don't think cutting...
  3. Prastio

    Banana Shallots

    Excellent, thank you
    Excellent, thank you
    Excellent, thank you
    Excellent, thank you
  4. s_green

    Swapping produce

    Bookmarked for further reading - initially sounds like a great idea.How many are signed up ?
    Bookmarked for further reading - initially sounds like a great idea.How many are signed up ?
    Bookmarked for further reading - initially sounds like a great idea.How many are signed up ?
    Bookmarked for further reading - initially sounds like a great idea.How many are signed up ?
  5. Vince


    Prastio, you will get piles sitting on that fence.:lollol:Or is that radiators?
    Prastio, you will get piles sitting on that fence.:lollol:Or is that radiators?
    Prastio, you will get piles sitting on that fence.:lollol:Or is that radiators?
    Prastio, you will get piles sitting on that fence.:lollol:Or is that radiators?
  6. Scotkat

    Onion sets

    You should get away with this, but as mentioned you are about a month late !
    You should get away with this, but as mentioned you are about a month late !
    You should get away with this, but as mentioned you are about a month late !
    You should get away with this, but as mentioned you are about a month late !
  7. Vince

    Boxing Day

    OOOOHHHH no you don`t.:gnthb::lollol:
    OOOOHHHH no you don`t.:gnthb::lollol:
    OOOOHHHH no you don`t.:gnthb::lollol:
    OOOOHHHH no you don`t.:gnthb::lollol:
  8. capney

    Overwintering leeks?

    Robert, I agree, use them now. In a soup , or as baby leeks.:thumb:
    Robert, I agree, use them now. In a soup , or as baby leeks.:thumb:
    Robert, I agree, use them now. In a soup , or as baby leeks.:thumb:
    Robert, I agree, use them now. In a soup , or as baby leeks.:thumb:
  9. stel

    red spots on broad beans

    Many thanks guys,I did have an idea it could be that,but needed someones knowledge on this,and thank goodness their still edible,great,once again a big thankyou!and bye the way MERRY CHRISTMAS TO...
    Many thanks guys,I did have an idea it could be that,but needed someones knowledge on this,and thank goodness their still edible,great,once again a big thankyou!and bye the way MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!:yho:
    Many thanks guys,I did have an idea it could be that,but needed someones knowledge on this,and thank goodness their still edible,great,once again a big thankyou!and bye the way MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!:yho:
    Many thanks guys,I did have an idea it could be that,but needed someones knowledge on this,and thank goodness their still edible,great,once again a big thankyou!and bye the way MERRY CHRISTMAS TO...
  10. Dave W

    Bumper Olive Crop

    In that case Lolli, Pete and I live in the Sahara.:D
    In that case Lolli, Pete and I live in the Sahara.:D
    In that case Lolli, Pete and I live in the Sahara.:D
    In that case Lolli, Pete and I live in the Sahara.:D
  11. pamsdish


    Thanks to Pam who sent me a chunk off hers, I planted it in a pot and have it on my kitchen window sill and now have three healthy leaves sprouting out the top. I also sowed some chives over the...
    Thanks to Pam who sent me a chunk off hers, I planted it in a pot and have it on my kitchen window sill and now have three healthy leaves sprouting out the top. I also sowed some chives over the top of it and they are coming on a treat too. So thanks Pam, I will put it in a large planter in...
    Thanks to Pam who sent me a chunk off hers, I planted it in a pot and have it on my kitchen window sill and now have three healthy leaves sprouting out the top. I also sowed some chives over the top of it and they are coming on a treat too. So...
    Thanks to Pam who sent me a chunk off hers, I planted it in a pot and have it on my kitchen window sill and now have three healthy leaves sprouting out the top. I also sowed some chives over the...
  12. Timmy

    Pears on Cordons

    Wow! You're a star thank you!!! I'm going to pickup my trees this weekend or next so preperation digging will commence ASAP!I will post more when I'm further along :-)Thanks!!!Tim
    Wow! You're a star thank you!!! I'm going to pickup my trees this weekend or next so preperation digging will commence ASAP!I will post more when I'm further along :-)Thanks!!!Tim
    Wow! You're a star thank you!!! I'm going to pickup my trees this weekend or next so preperation digging will commence ASAP!I will post more when I'm further along :-)Thanks!!!Tim
    Wow! You're a star thank you!!! I'm going to pickup my trees this weekend or next so preperation digging will commence ASAP!I will post more when I'm further along :-)Thanks!!!Tim
  13. David_Schmavid

    lettuce and garlic over winter

    Scotkat.. garlic is easy.... I got good crops in Argyll The books often say don't use supermarket ones, but i never had problems, but if you can get British grown ones, they will be a more...
    Scotkat.. garlic is easy.... I got good crops in Argyll The books often say don't use supermarket ones, but i never had problems, but if you can get British grown ones, they will be a more suitable variety for Northern areas. Get them in Anytime before spring, and as I said, not in a puddle,...
    Scotkat.. garlic is easy.... I got good crops in Argyll The books often say don't use supermarket ones, but i never had problems, but if you can get British grown ones, they will be a more suitable variety for Northern areas. Get them in...
    Scotkat.. garlic is easy.... I got good crops in Argyll The books often say don't use supermarket ones, but i never had problems, but if you can get British grown ones, they will be a more...
  14. FANCY


    And marrows.:gnthb::lollol::lollol:
    And marrows.:gnthb::lollol::lollol:
    And marrows.:gnthb::lollol::lollol:
    And marrows.:gnthb::lollol::lollol:
  15. capney

    Monster Parsnip

    And me.. Im sure I can manage a few.....:hehe:
    And me.. Im sure I can manage a few.....:hehe:
    And me.. Im sure I can manage a few.....:hehe:
    And me.. Im sure I can manage a few.....:hehe:
  16. bfg


    Best wishes! Apples are among the most variable species grown by man. Five pips from the same plant may easily result in five completely different trrees and fruits. But if you grow them from seed...
    Best wishes! Apples are among the most variable species grown by man. Five pips from the same plant may easily result in five completely different trrees and fruits. But if you grow them from seed just for the fun of it wihtout special expectation regarding fruit you will have fun.
    Best wishes! Apples are among the most variable species grown by man. Five pips from the same plant may easily result in five completely different trrees and fruits. But if you grow them from seed just for the fun of it wihtout special...
    Best wishes! Apples are among the most variable species grown by man. Five pips from the same plant may easily result in five completely different trrees and fruits. But if you grow them from seed...
  17. garden_fiend

    sweet potatoes

    Hi GF I have had a look on the allotments4all.co.uk web site and they have loads of ideas on sweet potatoes , Thats the site i usually look for advice on veg :oops:
    Hi GF I have had a look on the allotments4all.co.uk web site and they have loads of ideas on sweet potatoes , Thats the site i usually look for advice on veg :oops:
    Hi GF I have had a look on the allotments4all.co.uk web site and they have loads of ideas on sweet potatoes , Thats the site i usually look for advice on veg :oops:
    Hi GF I have had a look on the allotments4all.co.uk web site and they have loads of ideas on sweet potatoes , Thats the site i usually look for advice on veg :oops:
  18. xanadareous

    Can I grow vegetables in a water logged patch?

    JKW they are acually going for £700 to £800 this is what I have been told but I am going to hang on to it for a while. I get my digging done quicker and I am not stressed.
    JKW they are acually going for £700 to £800 this is what I have been told but I am going to hang on to it for a while. I get my digging done quicker and I am not stressed.
    JKW they are acually going for £700 to £800 this is what I have been told but I am going to hang on to it for a while. I get my digging done quicker and I am not stressed.
    JKW they are acually going for £700 to £800 this is what I have been told but I am going to hang on to it for a while. I get my digging done quicker and I am not stressed.
  19. roders

    Carrots for lunch.

    Jo, wouldn`t they have to be taught to jump up and down as well?:scratch:
    Jo, wouldn`t they have to be taught to jump up and down as well?:scratch:
    Jo, wouldn`t they have to be taught to jump up and down as well?:scratch:
    Jo, wouldn`t they have to be taught to jump up and down as well?:scratch:
  20. Johnnie2Sheds

    Brussel Sprouts Questions...

    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:
    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:
    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:
    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:

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