Edible Gardening

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  1. Johnnie2Sheds

    Brussel Sprouts Questions...

    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:
    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:
    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:
    Anybody that has eaten potatos that have been stored too cold will know that they taste sweet, the starch turns to sugar.So I go along with what Blackthorn says:gnthb:
  2. Alasdair

    Look what I found in mycabbage patch!

    what a cutey :)
    what a cutey :)
    what a cutey :)
    what a cutey :)
  3. David G

    Early Leeks

    Perfectly edible. Just peel off the rusted leaves - there will be plently leek left to eat!Rust will slow growth very slightly and spoil some of the upper/outer growth but otherwise your leeks...
    Perfectly edible. Just peel off the rusted leaves - there will be plently leek left to eat!Rust will slow growth very slightly and spoil some of the upper/outer growth but otherwise your leeks will be fine to eat.
    Perfectly edible. Just peel off the rusted leaves - there will be plently leek left to eat!Rust will slow growth very slightly and spoil some of the upper/outer growth but otherwise your leeks will be fine to eat.
    Perfectly edible. Just peel off the rusted leaves - there will be plently leek left to eat!Rust will slow growth very slightly and spoil some of the upper/outer growth but otherwise your leeks...
  4. Axie-Ali

    Winter vegetables

    Yeah very :)
    Yeah very :)
    Yeah very :)
    Yeah very :)
  5. Blackthorn
  6. Vince


    Claire I'd love to go to one, I must have a look to see when there's one locally(maybe not this late in the season though).
    Claire I'd love to go to one, I must have a look to see when there's one locally(maybe not this late in the season though).
    Claire I'd love to go to one, I must have a look to see when there's one locally(maybe not this late in the season though).
    Claire I'd love to go to one, I must have a look to see when there's one locally(maybe not this late in the season though).
  7. Synthhead

    Swedes over winter

    With mustard and beer? :D
    With mustard and beer? :D
    With mustard and beer? :D
    With mustard and beer? :D
  8. pamsdish


    This garlic i planted is growing well,all the cloves have sent up a green shoot, i was mooching about the other day and decided to top up the soil with some compost and i left just the tip...
    This garlic i planted is growing well,all the cloves have sent up a green shoot, i was mooching about the other day and decided to top up the soil with some compost and i left just the tip showing, well its grown again, i thought it didnt do much till spring :scratch:
    This garlic i planted is growing well,all the cloves have sent up a green shoot, i was mooching about the other day and decided to top up the soil with some compost and i left just the tip showing, well its grown again, i thought it didnt do much...
    This garlic i planted is growing well,all the cloves have sent up a green shoot, i was mooching about the other day and decided to top up the soil with some compost and i left just the tip...
  9. vegmandan

    Leek growing tip

    Good tip, Dan.:thumb:
    Good tip, Dan.:thumb:
    Good tip, Dan.:thumb:
    Good tip, Dan.:thumb:
  10. Feathers

    My first ever apple crop

    Absolutely, good crop and worth the wait.
    Absolutely, good crop and worth the wait.
    Absolutely, good crop and worth the wait.
    Absolutely, good crop and worth the wait.
  11. vegmandan

    Best Year ever for Toms and Peppers despite the weather ??

    True super, despite the lousy summer I had two good crops (early and late) of Gardeners Delight and Sungold but won't bother with Black Cherry again.
    True super, despite the lousy summer I had two good crops (early and late) of Gardeners Delight and Sungold but won't bother with Black Cherry again.
    True super, despite the lousy summer I had two good crops (early and late) of Gardeners Delight and Sungold but won't bother with Black Cherry again.
    True super, despite the lousy summer I had two good crops (early and late) of Gardeners Delight and Sungold but won't bother with Black Cherry again.
  12. flugus

    Early spuds

    Thanks David, I'll have a go!flugus :)
    Thanks David, I'll have a go!flugus :)
    Thanks David, I'll have a go!flugus :)
    Thanks David, I'll have a go!flugus :)
  13. Rosiemongrel

    Brassicas question

    I just this minute had a look at my Brussels sprouts. They are covered in small large white caterpillars, so the problem hasn't stopped, even after a couple of frosts:mad::mad:stony
    I just this minute had a look at my Brussels sprouts. They are covered in small large white caterpillars, so the problem hasn't stopped, even after a couple of frosts:mad::mad:stony
    I just this minute had a look at my Brussels sprouts. They are covered in small large white caterpillars, so the problem hasn't stopped, even after a couple of frosts:mad::mad:stony
    I just this minute had a look at my Brussels sprouts. They are covered in small large white caterpillars, so the problem hasn't stopped, even after a couple of frosts:mad::mad:stony
  14. Loofah

    I'm spartacus!

    Aww you guys. The neighbours have these as well so pollination shouldn't be a problem and it not directly next the the very front so peeps wont be nicking them. If all comes to naught then it will...
    Aww you guys. The neighbours have these as well so pollination shouldn't be a problem and it not directly next the the very front so peeps wont be nicking them. If all comes to naught then it will still fill a gap and look nice:)
    Aww you guys. The neighbours have these as well so pollination shouldn't be a problem and it not directly next the the very front so peeps wont be nicking them. If all comes to naught then it will still fill a gap and look nice:)
    Aww you guys. The neighbours have these as well so pollination shouldn't be a problem and it not directly next the the very front so peeps wont be nicking them. If all comes to naught then it will...
  15. Rhyleysgranny

    Tomatoes in Winter

    My cherry toms are still in greenhouse loads onplants still to turn red even took a bowl into kitchen where I get constant sun to see if they would ripen.
    My cherry toms are still in greenhouse loads onplants still to turn red even took a bowl into kitchen where I get constant sun to see if they would ripen.
    My cherry toms are still in greenhouse loads onplants still to turn red even took a bowl into kitchen where I get constant sun to see if they would ripen.
    My cherry toms are still in greenhouse loads onplants still to turn red even took a bowl into kitchen where I get constant sun to see if they would ripen.
  16. Sussexgardener

    Blueberry bushes

    It will only grow in Ericeaous compost and no other. Mine have flowered every year and had beautiful berries. This compost costs £5 per bag you just keep topping up in the Spring. Dont mix the...
    It will only grow in Ericeaous compost and no other. Mine have flowered every year and had beautiful berries. This compost costs £5 per bag you just keep topping up in the Spring. Dont mix the compost with Earth soil plant will just die. Hope this helps.
    It will only grow in Ericeaous compost and no other. Mine have flowered every year and had beautiful berries. This compost costs £5 per bag you just keep topping up in the Spring. Dont mix the compost with Earth soil plant will just die. Hope...
    It will only grow in Ericeaous compost and no other. Mine have flowered every year and had beautiful berries. This compost costs £5 per bag you just keep topping up in the Spring. Dont mix the...
  17. Vince


    Vince, using a shade house will be fine for Brassicas, Go for it.
    Vince, using a shade house will be fine for Brassicas, Go for it.
    Vince, using a shade house will be fine for Brassicas, Go for it.
    Vince, using a shade house will be fine for Brassicas, Go for it.
  18. sheelaghm


    Hello sheelaghm, here's another site with info and tips on growing chillies, If the link doesn't work, search for 'south devon chilli farm' and click on 'about us' then look for 'growing...
    Hello sheelaghm, here's another site with info and tips on growing chillies, If the link doesn't work, search for 'south devon chilli farm' and click on 'about us' then look for 'growing chillies', good luck . :)
    Hello sheelaghm, here's another site with info and tips on growing chillies, If the link doesn't work, search for 'south devon chilli farm' and click on 'about us' then look for 'growing chillies', good luck . :)
    Hello sheelaghm, here's another site with info and tips on growing chillies, If the link doesn't work, search for 'south devon chilli farm' and click on 'about us' then look for 'growing...
  19. sheelaghm

    cucumber plants

    "it has five seeds so I think I should buy another packet then"Don't mean to sound "Nanny" but are there actually only 5 seeds in the packet, or does it just say it has 5 seeds printed on the...
    "it has five seeds so I think I should buy another packet then"Don't mean to sound "Nanny" but are there actually only 5 seeds in the packet, or does it just say it has 5 seeds printed on the packet? Quite often them have more seeds than they say. I have a "fondle" of the packets in the...
    "it has five seeds so I think I should buy another packet then"Don't mean to sound "Nanny" but are there actually only 5 seeds in the packet, or does it just say it has 5 seeds printed on the packet? Quite often them have more seeds than they...
    "it has five seeds so I think I should buy another packet then"Don't mean to sound "Nanny" but are there actually only 5 seeds in the packet, or does it just say it has 5 seeds printed on the...
  20. Vince


    I can`t help it Freddy, it just comes natural.:lollol::lollol::thumb:
    I can`t help it Freddy, it just comes natural.:lollol::lollol::thumb:
    I can`t help it Freddy, it just comes natural.:lollol::lollol::thumb:
    I can`t help it Freddy, it just comes natural.:lollol::lollol::thumb:

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