Edible Gardening

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  1. shimsham


    Walnut thanks for that, I was thinking of getting a sulpher candle and fumigating the greenhouse with that. vheers
    Walnut thanks for that, I was thinking of getting a sulpher candle and fumigating the greenhouse with that. vheers
    Walnut thanks for that, I was thinking of getting a sulpher candle and fumigating the greenhouse with that. vheers
    Walnut thanks for that, I was thinking of getting a sulpher candle and fumigating the greenhouse with that. vheers
  2. rosietutu


    But that 'child' is a product of the previous generation - :lollol:I feel sorry for those that don't get at least one parent that cares enough!Luckily they aren't all like that - luckily...
    But that 'child' is a product of the previous generation - :lollol:I feel sorry for those that don't get at least one parent that cares enough!Luckily they aren't all like that - luckily there are some great kids out there!But sadly that scenario is all too common
    But that 'child' is a product of the previous generation - :lollol:I feel sorry for those that don't get at least one parent that cares enough!Luckily they aren't all like that - luckily there are some great kids out there!But sadly...
    But that 'child' is a product of the previous generation - :lollol:I feel sorry for those that don't get at least one parent that cares enough!Luckily they aren't all like that - luckily...
  3. Adam Moran


    If you are talking Japanese onions, Adam, planted now they would be cropping about July of next year.
    If you are talking Japanese onions, Adam, planted now they would be cropping about July of next year.
    If you are talking Japanese onions, Adam, planted now they would be cropping about July of next year.
    If you are talking Japanese onions, Adam, planted now they would be cropping about July of next year.
  4. sheelaghm

    winter onions

    You can 'Google' fact sheets on any veg you are growing and it is most useful.:thumb::)
    You can 'Google' fact sheets on any veg you are growing and it is most useful.:thumb::)
    You can 'Google' fact sheets on any veg you are growing and it is most useful.:thumb::)
    You can 'Google' fact sheets on any veg you are growing and it is most useful.:thumb::)
  5. Mrs Flowers

    Propagate Plum

    Hi Pete,Thanks for your answer. Not the answer I wanted but what I was afraid of. I'll check into what is allowed to be brought into the country.Problem is, my friends don't know the...
    Hi Pete,Thanks for your answer. Not the answer I wanted but what I was afraid of. I'll check into what is allowed to be brought into the country.Problem is, my friends don't know the name of the variety.mrs flowers
    Hi Pete,Thanks for your answer. Not the answer I wanted but what I was afraid of. I'll check into what is allowed to be brought into the country.Problem is, my friends don't know the name of the variety.mrs flowers
    Hi Pete,Thanks for your answer. Not the answer I wanted but what I was afraid of. I'll check into what is allowed to be brought into the country.Problem is, my friends don't know the...
  6. Vince

    Time to try again..

    good luck, I've ordered mine today :)
    good luck, I've ordered mine today :)
    good luck, I've ordered mine today :)
    good luck, I've ordered mine today :)
  7. GardenGerald

    Fruit Tree Graftwood

    Hello WalnutThe varieties at Brogdale should be safe but its the other two thousand that are at great risk and of course the Under New Management signs are up at Brogdale so who knows what...
    Hello WalnutThe varieties at Brogdale should be safe but its the other two thousand that are at great risk and of course the Under New Management signs are up at Brogdale so who knows what might happen. In the middle of Queen Victorias rein something over sixteen thousand varieties of apples...
    Hello WalnutThe varieties at Brogdale should be safe but its the other two thousand that are at great risk and of course the Under New Management signs are up at Brogdale so who knows what might happen. In the middle of Queen Victorias rein...
    Hello WalnutThe varieties at Brogdale should be safe but its the other two thousand that are at great risk and of course the Under New Management signs are up at Brogdale so who knows what...
  8. Labrador


    I leave my parsnips all through the winter and I love the taste iof parsnips specially roasted.:)
    I leave my parsnips all through the winter and I love the taste iof parsnips specially roasted.:)
    I leave my parsnips all through the winter and I love the taste iof parsnips specially roasted.:)
    I leave my parsnips all through the winter and I love the taste iof parsnips specially roasted.:)
  9. FANCY


    Yes got them in 2wks ago, now prepairing the ground for the giant onions for next year, with a two inch layer of seaweed gathered locally, hope this will make a difference,
    Yes got them in 2wks ago, now prepairing the ground for the giant onions for next year, with a two inch layer of seaweed gathered locally, hope this will make a difference,
    Yes got them in 2wks ago, now prepairing the ground for the giant onions for next year, with a two inch layer of seaweed gathered locally, hope this will make a difference,
    Yes got them in 2wks ago, now prepairing the ground for the giant onions for next year, with a two inch layer of seaweed gathered locally, hope this will make a difference,
  10. djrock

    What night time temperature is ok for tomatoes?

    Thanks for the help - will open day time. :thumb:
    Thanks for the help - will open day time. :thumb:
    Thanks for the help - will open day time. :thumb:
    Thanks for the help - will open day time. :thumb:
  11. lindyco

    How to re-nourish my veg patch soil?

    Thanks Chas and LMRR - I've got my brassicas in for the winter and also ordered some Phacelia to put in the other half of the plot to prep it for next season.
    Thanks Chas and LMRR - I've got my brassicas in for the winter and also ordered some Phacelia to put in the other half of the plot to prep it for next season.
    Thanks Chas and LMRR - I've got my brassicas in for the winter and also ordered some Phacelia to put in the other half of the plot to prep it for next season.
    Thanks Chas and LMRR - I've got my brassicas in for the winter and also ordered some Phacelia to put in the other half of the plot to prep it for next season.
  12. beanie b12

    Root veg and nitrogen

    I try, but don't always manage, to follow legumes with brassicas as brassicas are particularly nitrogen hungry and root crops less so.
    I try, but don't always manage, to follow legumes with brassicas as brassicas are particularly nitrogen hungry and root crops less so.
    I try, but don't always manage, to follow legumes with brassicas as brassicas are particularly nitrogen hungry and root crops less so.
    I try, but don't always manage, to follow legumes with brassicas as brassicas are particularly nitrogen hungry and root crops less so.
  13. galaxysue

    moving rhubarb

    thanks will give it a go
    thanks will give it a go
    thanks will give it a go
    thanks will give it a go
  14. elliegreenwellie


    I'm amazed that my tomatoes are still ripening! If I had followed advice in my magazine, I'd have taken them all off the plants last month and like you Ellie, would have ended up with a draw full...
    I'm amazed that my tomatoes are still ripening! If I had followed advice in my magazine, I'd have taken them all off the plants last month and like you Ellie, would have ended up with a draw full of unusable tomatoes. My 2 yr old grandson loves going into the greenhouse with a tub and asking...
    I'm amazed that my tomatoes are still ripening! If I had followed advice in my magazine, I'd have taken them all off the plants last month and like you Ellie, would have ended up with a draw full of unusable tomatoes. My 2 yr old grandson loves...
    I'm amazed that my tomatoes are still ripening! If I had followed advice in my magazine, I'd have taken them all off the plants last month and like you Ellie, would have ended up with a draw full...
  15. Freddy

    Broad Beans

    I tried The Sutton this year (Spring planting) and, like freddy, was very disappointed with the yield. I found them more resistant to Blackfly than Exhibition Longpod, but not immune. Luckily I...
    I tried The Sutton this year (Spring planting) and, like freddy, was very disappointed with the yield. I found them more resistant to Blackfly than Exhibition Longpod, but not immune. Luckily I caught my Blackfly early and a combination of pinching out and insecticide kept them at bay. We...
    I tried The Sutton this year (Spring planting) and, like freddy, was very disappointed with the yield. I found them more resistant to Blackfly than Exhibition Longpod, but not immune. Luckily I caught my Blackfly early and a combination of...
    I tried The Sutton this year (Spring planting) and, like freddy, was very disappointed with the yield. I found them more resistant to Blackfly than Exhibition Longpod, but not immune. Luckily I...
  16. Little Miss Road Rage


    morning little miss,I'm no expert but I believe potatoes need a minimum of 12 weeks in the ground ( I could be wrong) and I made the mistake in summer of digging some up once they'd flowered...
    morning little miss,I'm no expert but I believe potatoes need a minimum of 12 weeks in the ground ( I could be wrong) and I made the mistake in summer of digging some up once they'd flowered and got tiny ones that would have matured if I'd left them in.I'd still wait for advice from...
    morning little miss,I'm no expert but I believe potatoes need a minimum of 12 weeks in the ground ( I could be wrong) and I made the mistake in summer of digging some up once they'd flowered and got tiny ones that would have matured if I'd...
    morning little miss,I'm no expert but I believe potatoes need a minimum of 12 weeks in the ground ( I could be wrong) and I made the mistake in summer of digging some up once they'd flowered...
  17. Kipwad

    Fruit trees- basic care

    Theres a thread on Trees in GC. Fruit Trees Included :)
    Theres a thread on Trees in GC. Fruit Trees Included :)
    Theres a thread on Trees in GC. Fruit Trees Included :)
    Theres a thread on Trees in GC. Fruit Trees Included :)
  18. golcarlilly

    What to plant now?

    I would, I tend to get most of the common ones, suttons, t&m. they can all be requested online. and you don't have to order from them, my local garden centre stocks 2 of the main ones seeds so a...
    I would, I tend to get most of the common ones, suttons, t&m. they can all be requested online. and you don't have to order from them, my local garden centre stocks 2 of the main ones seeds so a walk saves on postage :)
    I would, I tend to get most of the common ones, suttons, t&m. they can all be requested online. and you don't have to order from them, my local garden centre stocks 2 of the main ones seeds so a walk saves on postage :)
    I would, I tend to get most of the common ones, suttons, t&m. they can all be requested online. and you don't have to order from them, my local garden centre stocks 2 of the main ones seeds so a...
  19. Quaedor36

    Broad Beans - 3 rows?

    Thanks, Paladin, that's what I wanted to know!
    Thanks, Paladin, that's what I wanted to know!
    Thanks, Paladin, that's what I wanted to know!
    Thanks, Paladin, that's what I wanted to know!
  20. juggling mum

    When to pick pumpkin

    Thanks for the info - I have been watching frost forecast and am leaving it for now - by weekend it will be more orange than green and I will prob bring it in - most leaves have died off now anyway
    Thanks for the info - I have been watching frost forecast and am leaving it for now - by weekend it will be more orange than green and I will prob bring it in - most leaves have died off now anyway
    Thanks for the info - I have been watching frost forecast and am leaving it for now - by weekend it will be more orange than green and I will prob bring it in - most leaves have died off now anyway
    Thanks for the info - I have been watching frost forecast and am leaving it for now - by weekend it will be more orange than green and I will prob bring it in - most leaves have died off now anyway

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