Edible Gardening

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  1. Synthhead
  2. vegmandan

    My veg year in 50 photos / Slideshow

    I'm definately inspired to put more effort into my veg next year, thanks Dan ::):
    I'm definately inspired to put more effort into my veg next year, thanks Dan ::):
    I'm definately inspired to put more effort into my veg next year, thanks Dan ::):
    I'm definately inspired to put more effort into my veg next year, thanks Dan ::):
  3. JWK

    Tomato variety taste test

    Hi.I got some really great, juicy, deep red early greenhouse gardener's delight for the 3rd year running (almost like sweets :) ) From the 3 staggered outdoor plantings, only one lot did OK. One...
    Hi.I got some really great, juicy, deep red early greenhouse gardener's delight for the 3rd year running (almost like sweets :) ) From the 3 staggered outdoor plantings, only one lot did OK. One got wiped out over a weekend with blight, another semi destroyed, and the 3rd is hanging in there...
    Hi.I got some really great, juicy, deep red early greenhouse gardener's delight for the 3rd year running (almost like sweets :) ) From the 3 staggered outdoor plantings, only one lot did OK. One got wiped out over a weekend with blight, another...
    Hi.I got some really great, juicy, deep red early greenhouse gardener's delight for the 3rd year running (almost like sweets :) ) From the 3 staggered outdoor plantings, only one lot did OK. One...
  4. Alasdair

    Onion Seeds

    I always plant mine in the spring, March/April time. When did you get yours?
    I always plant mine in the spring, March/April time. When did you get yours?
    I always plant mine in the spring, March/April time. When did you get yours?
    I always plant mine in the spring, March/April time. When did you get yours?
  5. The Nut

    veg planner??

    Thanks John It just wont work for me :dh:
    Thanks John It just wont work for me :dh:
    Thanks John It just wont work for me :dh:
    Thanks John It just wont work for me :dh:
  6. Vince

    I'm bewildered

    2nd lot of strawbs here too although most have been gotten to. Have not put nets over them this time as they have been few and far between. All my attention is on their neighbours - the lovely...
    2nd lot of strawbs here too although most have been gotten to. Have not put nets over them this time as they have been few and far between. All my attention is on their neighbours - the lovely raspberries.Hacked back my asparagus the other week but have not seen any new shoots appearing. Am...
    2nd lot of strawbs here too although most have been gotten to. Have not put nets over them this time as they have been few and far between. All my attention is on their neighbours - the lovely raspberries.Hacked back my asparagus the other...
    2nd lot of strawbs here too although most have been gotten to. Have not put nets over them this time as they have been few and far between. All my attention is on their neighbours - the lovely...
  7. mrmagpie

    whats the best way to feed tomatoes

    Very good Red, but are they planted in? They are not growing striaght out the rottong stump surely?
    Very good Red, but are they planted in? They are not growing striaght out the rottong stump surely?
    Very good Red, but are they planted in? They are not growing striaght out the rottong stump surely?
    Very good Red, but are they planted in? They are not growing striaght out the rottong stump surely?
  8. David_Schmavid

    stuff to plant in my grow bags now

    Sorry David - I don't know why I thought you were new!!!Chas
    Sorry David - I don't know why I thought you were new!!!Chas
    Sorry David - I don't know why I thought you were new!!!Chas
    Sorry David - I don't know why I thought you were new!!!Chas
  9. chan

    garlic and shallots

    Yes riverside, thats what you are supposed to do. Pull the big bulb apart (thye seperate real easy) and plant each individual clove, each of them grows into a big bulb next year.
    Yes riverside, thats what you are supposed to do. Pull the big bulb apart (thye seperate real easy) and plant each individual clove, each of them grows into a big bulb next year.
    Yes riverside, thats what you are supposed to do. Pull the big bulb apart (thye seperate real easy) and plant each individual clove, each of them grows into a big bulb next year.
    Yes riverside, thats what you are supposed to do. Pull the big bulb apart (thye seperate real easy) and plant each individual clove, each of them grows into a big bulb next year.
  10. mrmagpie

    just cant get my tomatoes right

    I tend to grow Moneymaker outside in pots as they are a pretty safe variety - not as temperamental as many others and I am rather idle about looking after my crops. I do agree that in a poor...
    I tend to grow Moneymaker outside in pots as they are a pretty safe variety - not as temperamental as many others and I am rather idle about looking after my crops. I do agree that in a poor Summer the taste is not fully developed - they need a good dose of sun. Also, I find that the skin of...
    I tend to grow Moneymaker outside in pots as they are a pretty safe variety - not as temperamental as many others and I am rather idle about looking after my crops. I do agree that in a poor Summer the taste is not fully developed - they need a...
    I tend to grow Moneymaker outside in pots as they are a pretty safe variety - not as temperamental as many others and I am rather idle about looking after my crops. I do agree that in a poor...
  11. sawfish


    I've had a strange year with beetroot. Every time it started to grow, all the leaves were eaten away presumably by slugs, then they would grow some more leaves and they in turn would be eaten...
    I've had a strange year with beetroot. Every time it started to grow, all the leaves were eaten away presumably by slugs, then they would grow some more leaves and they in turn would be eaten away. The seed must have been made of stern stuff because eventually they grew enough leaves to beat the...
    I've had a strange year with beetroot. Every time it started to grow, all the leaves were eaten away presumably by slugs, then they would grow some more leaves and they in turn would be eaten away. The seed must have been made of stern stuff...
    I've had a strange year with beetroot. Every time it started to grow, all the leaves were eaten away presumably by slugs, then they would grow some more leaves and they in turn would be eaten...
  12. pamsdish

    More Veg

    Hi Guys Followed a link to this site the other day and they sell veg seed in small quantities, i think this site could be useful as some seeds come in such large amounts, and if like myself you...
    Hi Guys Followed a link to this site the other day and they sell veg seed in small quantities, i think this site could be useful as some seeds come in such large amounts, and if like myself you only need a small amount, or you just want to try something. The seeds seem to be in the main about...
    Hi Guys Followed a link to this site the other day and they sell veg seed in small quantities, i think this site could be useful as some seeds come in such large amounts, and if like myself you only need a small amount, or you just want to try...
    Hi Guys Followed a link to this site the other day and they sell veg seed in small quantities, i think this site could be useful as some seeds come in such large amounts, and if like myself you...
  13. kerryshome


  14. Real World

    Tomato Catastrophe

    Brian, there is no such thing as tomato blight, it IS potato blight. Also, yes, soak the compost heap, make sure the disinfectent permeates right the way through it.:thumb:
    Brian, there is no such thing as tomato blight, it IS potato blight. Also, yes, soak the compost heap, make sure the disinfectent permeates right the way through it.:thumb:
    Brian, there is no such thing as tomato blight, it IS potato blight. Also, yes, soak the compost heap, make sure the disinfectent permeates right the way through it.:thumb:
    Brian, there is no such thing as tomato blight, it IS potato blight. Also, yes, soak the compost heap, make sure the disinfectent permeates right the way through it.:thumb:
  15. capney

    Runner beans still coming on strong

    Still getting plenty off mine too.I built a variation on a 'munty' frame as shown on the other forum. Only a small one though. It's about 5 ' wide. I live alone so don't want too many of...
    Still getting plenty off mine too.I built a variation on a 'munty' frame as shown on the other forum. Only a small one though. It's about 5 ' wide. I live alone so don't want too many of one thing. The back of the frame faces north and is about 4' high and the front is about 6', so I can...
    Still getting plenty off mine too.I built a variation on a 'munty' frame as shown on the other forum. Only a small one though. It's about 5 ' wide. I live alone so don't want too many of one thing. The back of the frame faces north and is...
    Still getting plenty off mine too.I built a variation on a 'munty' frame as shown on the other forum. Only a small one though. It's about 5 ' wide. I live alone so don't want too many of...
  16. Vince

    Biggest Tomato pt II

    bananas don't have a chance to ripen fully in our household, the other half and daughter are addicted to them so they never get that far!!!!!! :(
    bananas don't have a chance to ripen fully in our household, the other half and daughter are addicted to them so they never get that far!!!!!! :(
    bananas don't have a chance to ripen fully in our household, the other half and daughter are addicted to them so they never get that far!!!!!! :(
    bananas don't have a chance to ripen fully in our household, the other half and daughter are addicted to them so they never get that far!!!!!! :(
  17. Helofadigger

    Pebble Veg. Markers

    Yes Helen I have been there and done it with two sons. They have lovely homes but you know Helen when they visit me they revert back to when they were at home living with me. Nothing gets put...
    Yes Helen I have been there and done it with two sons. They have lovely homes but you know Helen when they visit me they revert back to when they were at home living with me. Nothing gets put away.:D How weired is that.:scratch:
    Yes Helen I have been there and done it with two sons. They have lovely homes but you know Helen when they visit me they revert back to when they were at home living with me. Nothing gets put away.:D How weired is that.:scratch:
    Yes Helen I have been there and done it with two sons. They have lovely homes but you know Helen when they visit me they revert back to when they were at home living with me. Nothing gets put...
  18. LittliPixie

    Grape vine - Fruit too small

    They are all hanging from a post and spar of a tall pergola. Maybe I should net them? stony
    They are all hanging from a post and spar of a tall pergola. Maybe I should net them? stony
    They are all hanging from a post and spar of a tall pergola. Maybe I should net them? stony
    They are all hanging from a post and spar of a tall pergola. Maybe I should net them? stony
  19. Quaedor36

    Tomato Cages

    Thanks for your reply but, I take it, none of you have used or seen tomato cages?Regarding tomato blight, I shall use bordeaux mixture next year. I'm, also, thinking of making my own...
    Thanks for your reply but, I take it, none of you have used or seen tomato cages?Regarding tomato blight, I shall use bordeaux mixture next year. I'm, also, thinking of making my own polytunnel on the allotment to have some control over the weather. I can, also, build the polytunnel to the...
    Thanks for your reply but, I take it, none of you have used or seen tomato cages?Regarding tomato blight, I shall use bordeaux mixture next year. I'm, also, thinking of making my own polytunnel on the allotment to have some control over the...
    Thanks for your reply but, I take it, none of you have used or seen tomato cages?Regarding tomato blight, I shall use bordeaux mixture next year. I'm, also, thinking of making my own...
  20. Daisies

    Converted my decorator to purple sprouting broccolli!!

    Exactly the same has happened to me this year!
    Exactly the same has happened to me this year!
    Exactly the same has happened to me this year!
    Exactly the same has happened to me this year!

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