Edible Gardening

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  1. mchumph

    Drinkable Gardening

    PS Forgot to say that the same recipe can be applied using brandy or gin.
    PS Forgot to say that the same recipe can be applied using brandy or gin.
    PS Forgot to say that the same recipe can be applied using brandy or gin.
    PS Forgot to say that the same recipe can be applied using brandy or gin.
  2. Freddy


    Hi LMRR. Just wanted to know, what compost did you use ?
    Hi LMRR. Just wanted to know, what compost did you use ?
    Hi LMRR. Just wanted to know, what compost did you use ?
    Hi LMRR. Just wanted to know, what compost did you use ?
  3. Dorsetmike

    Preserving mint for winter use

    What time of year should you chop it down? Is now a good time?
    What time of year should you chop it down? Is now a good time?
    What time of year should you chop it down? Is now a good time?
    What time of year should you chop it down? Is now a good time?
  4. lindyco

    Safe to plant winter veg?

    LindyIf you can't protect all your veg, then I would give priority to the brassicas and the lettuce. The reason is that pigeons love green veg at any time of the year and will strip them to...
    LindyIf you can't protect all your veg, then I would give priority to the brassicas and the lettuce. The reason is that pigeons love green veg at any time of the year and will strip them to the ground. They might also have a go at the tops of your root veg so it's worth hanging a few CDs or...
    LindyIf you can't protect all your veg, then I would give priority to the brassicas and the lettuce. The reason is that pigeons love green veg at any time of the year and will strip them to the ground. They might also have a go at the tops...
    LindyIf you can't protect all your veg, then I would give priority to the brassicas and the lettuce. The reason is that pigeons love green veg at any time of the year and will strip them to...
  5. Rouxbee


    Thanks JWK and David, the one's we've had so far have been lovely but i just thought i was going to lose these the same as my toms, this veg growing can be rewarding and fun but stressful too!! :doh:
    Thanks JWK and David, the one's we've had so far have been lovely but i just thought i was going to lose these the same as my toms, this veg growing can be rewarding and fun but stressful too!! :doh:
    Thanks JWK and David, the one's we've had so far have been lovely but i just thought i was going to lose these the same as my toms, this veg growing can be rewarding and fun but stressful too!! :doh:
    Thanks JWK and David, the one's we've had so far have been lovely but i just thought i was going to lose these the same as my toms, this veg growing can be rewarding and fun but stressful too!! :doh:
  6. capney

    Split Carrot

    Lindyco Yes. your description sounds very much like my carrots.If I poke around in the soil to the top of the carrot I,m thinking, thats a great carrot, but once pulled there a nice fat dumpy...
    Lindyco Yes. your description sounds very much like my carrots.If I poke around in the soil to the top of the carrot I,m thinking, thats a great carrot, but once pulled there a nice fat dumpy carrot but short on length. The taste is just great if a little arkwad to peel.
    Lindyco Yes. your description sounds very much like my carrots.If I poke around in the soil to the top of the carrot I,m thinking, thats a great carrot, but once pulled there a nice fat dumpy carrot but short on length. The taste is just great if...
    Lindyco Yes. your description sounds very much like my carrots.If I poke around in the soil to the top of the carrot I,m thinking, thats a great carrot, but once pulled there a nice fat dumpy...
  7. Zeviel

    onions and garlic

    Squirt with mild soapy solution for the flies (they suffocate when dries on them)Garlic grows at a fairly shallow depth (I think!) but needs a frost on the foliage to get multiple bulbs,...
    Squirt with mild soapy solution for the flies (they suffocate when dries on them)Garlic grows at a fairly shallow depth (I think!) but needs a frost on the foliage to get multiple bulbs, otherwise you just get a sprouted clove.
    Squirt with mild soapy solution for the flies (they suffocate when dries on them)Garlic grows at a fairly shallow depth (I think!) but needs a frost on the foliage to get multiple bulbs, otherwise you just get a sprouted clove.
    Squirt with mild soapy solution for the flies (they suffocate when dries on them)Garlic grows at a fairly shallow depth (I think!) but needs a frost on the foliage to get multiple bulbs,...
  8. FANCY


    Humpty won first prize for the kids scarecrow. Our allotment took in £900 for the sale of produce, cakes and lots of other things. It all goes to our allotment fund. We are now planning for next...
    Humpty won first prize for the kids scarecrow. Our allotment took in £900 for the sale of produce, cakes and lots of other things. It all goes to our allotment fund. We are now planning for next years' open day bigger and better I hope.:)
    Humpty won first prize for the kids scarecrow. Our allotment took in £900 for the sale of produce, cakes and lots of other things. It all goes to our allotment fund. We are now planning for next years' open day bigger and better I hope.:)
    Humpty won first prize for the kids scarecrow. Our allotment took in £900 for the sale of produce, cakes and lots of other things. It all goes to our allotment fund. We are now planning for next...
  9. Vince

    Biggest Onion Competition!

    Im not surpised you won all those awards, your onions look very a-peeling, did you cry when you won?!
    Im not surpised you won all those awards, your onions look very a-peeling, did you cry when you won?!
    Im not surpised you won all those awards, your onions look very a-peeling, did you cry when you won?!
    Im not surpised you won all those awards, your onions look very a-peeling, did you cry when you won?!
  10. jjordie

    Red Lettuce

    Well, I am very disappointed that Lettuce Majestic seed is only available in USA and because of Euro laws they are not allowed to send it to uk :mad: So I looked again and found - Cos Lettuce...
    Well, I am very disappointed that Lettuce Majestic seed is only available in USA and because of Euro laws they are not allowed to send it to uk :mad: So I looked again and found - Cos Lettuce Marshall SeedsAdd a dash of burgundy to your salad bowl! Marshall is a tall and tasty Cos type with a...
    Well, I am very disappointed that Lettuce Majestic seed is only available in USA and because of Euro laws they are not allowed to send it to uk :mad: So I looked again and found - Cos Lettuce Marshall SeedsAdd a dash of burgundy to your salad...
    Well, I am very disappointed that Lettuce Majestic seed is only available in USA and because of Euro laws they are not allowed to send it to uk :mad: So I looked again and found - Cos Lettuce...
  11. Agaveman

    Maestro Carrots

    Well I've eaten one row of Maestro's alreay and have 3 more to go. Some very minor fly damage but that's all.I'll be growing these agian next year.
    Well I've eaten one row of Maestro's alreay and have 3 more to go. Some very minor fly damage but that's all.I'll be growing these agian next year.
    Well I've eaten one row of Maestro's alreay and have 3 more to go. Some very minor fly damage but that's all.I'll be growing these agian next year.
    Well I've eaten one row of Maestro's alreay and have 3 more to go. Some very minor fly damage but that's all.I'll be growing these agian next year.
  12. Gogs

    Pot Leek Show

    Just heard earlier that they got a 6th & 10th position ,so quite happy given the circumstances :thumb:.(Next show in 2 weeks )
    Just heard earlier that they got a 6th & 10th position ,so quite happy given the circumstances :thumb:.(Next show in 2 weeks )
    Just heard earlier that they got a 6th & 10th position ,so quite happy given the circumstances :thumb:.(Next show in 2 weeks )
    Just heard earlier that they got a 6th & 10th position ,so quite happy given the circumstances :thumb:.(Next show in 2 weeks )
  13. mchumph

    pinching out squash?

    Helped? I think they're going to need scuba gear! But I've got a seriously promising crop coming on - maybe 20 fruits on 4 plants. Slugs are getting a few early on but seem to ignore them after...
    Helped? I think they're going to need scuba gear! But I've got a seriously promising crop coming on - maybe 20 fruits on 4 plants. Slugs are getting a few early on but seem to ignore them after they drop the flower. Here's hoping anyway....
    Helped? I think they're going to need scuba gear! But I've got a seriously promising crop coming on - maybe 20 fruits on 4 plants. Slugs are getting a few early on but seem to ignore them after they drop the flower. Here's hoping anyway....
    Helped? I think they're going to need scuba gear! But I've got a seriously promising crop coming on - maybe 20 fruits on 4 plants. Slugs are getting a few early on but seem to ignore them after...
  14. Little Miss Road Rage

    Netting over veg patch

    I bought 2 x 50 m. debris mesh for £27 from a company from the net called 'tildanet' try them. the net is excellant keeps birds and insects away.
    I bought 2 x 50 m. debris mesh for £27 from a company from the net called 'tildanet' try them. the net is excellant keeps birds and insects away.
    I bought 2 x 50 m. debris mesh for £27 from a company from the net called 'tildanet' try them. the net is excellant keeps birds and insects away.
    I bought 2 x 50 m. debris mesh for £27 from a company from the net called 'tildanet' try them. the net is excellant keeps birds and insects away.
  15. Marley Farley

    Organic Pest Control for Caterpillars on your Brassicas...!!

    In the 'big dig', Terry used Rhubarb leaves that had been left to soak in water for some time before spraying the 'stinking' liquid over his brassicas. Dunno if it worked though. Cheers...freddy.
    In the 'big dig', Terry used Rhubarb leaves that had been left to soak in water for some time before spraying the 'stinking' liquid over his brassicas. Dunno if it worked though. Cheers...freddy.
    In the 'big dig', Terry used Rhubarb leaves that had been left to soak in water for some time before spraying the 'stinking' liquid over his brassicas. Dunno if it worked though. Cheers...freddy.
    In the 'big dig', Terry used Rhubarb leaves that had been left to soak in water for some time before spraying the 'stinking' liquid over his brassicas. Dunno if it worked though. Cheers...freddy.
  16. AndyK

    Giant Courgette

    I've just ordered some courgette seeds for next year :) just so I can try the recipes :thumb:
    I've just ordered some courgette seeds for next year :) just so I can try the recipes :thumb:
    I've just ordered some courgette seeds for next year :) just so I can try the recipes :thumb:
    I've just ordered some courgette seeds for next year :) just so I can try the recipes :thumb:
  17. jjordie

    How did your veggies grow this year?

    Potatoes (Nicola) - brilliant, just finished the last of them. Carrots - dismal failure Beetroot - tiny, haven't dug them up yet Onions and garlic - tiny but tasty Courgettes - good, still going...
    Potatoes (Nicola) - brilliant, just finished the last of them. Carrots - dismal failure Beetroot - tiny, haven't dug them up yet Onions and garlic - tiny but tasty Courgettes - good, still going strong Runner beans - disaster French beans - small but tasty Mangetout - not as plentiful as last...
    Potatoes (Nicola) - brilliant, just finished the last of them. Carrots - dismal failure Beetroot - tiny, haven't dug them up yet Onions and garlic - tiny but tasty Courgettes - good, still going strong Runner beans - disaster French beans - small...
    Potatoes (Nicola) - brilliant, just finished the last of them. Carrots - dismal failure Beetroot - tiny, haven't dug them up yet Onions and garlic - tiny but tasty Courgettes - good, still going...
  18. Greener Me

    The Leek

    Sounds like rust, but get some pics on, and someone will tell for sure.:thumb:
    Sounds like rust, but get some pics on, and someone will tell for sure.:thumb:
    Sounds like rust, but get some pics on, and someone will tell for sure.:thumb:
    Sounds like rust, but get some pics on, and someone will tell for sure.:thumb:
  19. Pauline Adams

    Cucumber problem

    Sounds like Mosaic virus. Nothing you can do, except keep enjoying the cucs.:thumb:
    Sounds like Mosaic virus. Nothing you can do, except keep enjoying the cucs.:thumb:
    Sounds like Mosaic virus. Nothing you can do, except keep enjoying the cucs.:thumb:
    Sounds like Mosaic virus. Nothing you can do, except keep enjoying the cucs.:thumb:
  20. Veg-and-flower-man


    Hmm, seems our advice wasn't appreciated :(
    Hmm, seems our advice wasn't appreciated :(
    Hmm, seems our advice wasn't appreciated :(
    Hmm, seems our advice wasn't appreciated :(

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