Edible Gardening

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  1. oktarine

    Turnip ( v.Golden Ball)

    Just thought I would ask, as not grown Turnips before.TTFN
    Just thought I would ask, as not grown Turnips before.TTFN
    Just thought I would ask, as not grown Turnips before.TTFN
    Just thought I would ask, as not grown Turnips before.TTFN
  2. Rhyleysgranny

    Lemon Meyer

    Hiya Granny. I have a Citrus Limon and a Meyers Lemon, according to the labels that is. Both have flowered very well this summer (summer?) and set loads of tiny fruit. Can we compare notes...
    Hiya Granny. I have a Citrus Limon and a Meyers Lemon, according to the labels that is. Both have flowered very well this summer (summer?) and set loads of tiny fruit. Can we compare notes please? On the Meyers Lemon very new growth is aubergine coloured, but soon turns green, and the flower...
    Hiya Granny. I have a Citrus Limon and a Meyers Lemon, according to the labels that is. Both have flowered very well this summer (summer?) and set loads of tiny fruit. Can we compare notes please? On the Meyers Lemon very new growth is...
    Hiya Granny. I have a Citrus Limon and a Meyers Lemon, according to the labels that is. Both have flowered very well this summer (summer?) and set loads of tiny fruit. Can we compare notes...
  3. capney

    GooseGog recommendations

    Tesco's !Seriously though, maintenance and pest free doesn't really exist.I bought 2 canes from Wilkinsons this year, 1 Red & 1 White - thats their description.1 grew, 1 died. Total cost...
    Tesco's !Seriously though, maintenance and pest free doesn't really exist.I bought 2 canes from Wilkinsons this year, 1 Red & 1 White - thats their description.1 grew, 1 died. Total cost £2.00.See my blog !TTFN
    Tesco's !Seriously though, maintenance and pest free doesn't really exist.I bought 2 canes from Wilkinsons this year, 1 Red & 1 White - thats their description.1 grew, 1 died. Total cost £2.00.See my blog !TTFN
    Tesco's !Seriously though, maintenance and pest free doesn't really exist.I bought 2 canes from Wilkinsons this year, 1 Red & 1 White - thats their description.1 grew, 1 died. Total cost...
  4. Freddy

    Your spuds

    Hi Fretters. No secrets, just planted them and that's it. I DO reckon that raised beds help though. This is my first year back (gardening) after some 20 years. Because space is relatively limited,...
    Hi Fretters. No secrets, just planted them and that's it. I DO reckon that raised beds help though. This is my first year back (gardening) after some 20 years. Because space is relatively limited, and having read that raised beds can produce more per sq yd, I decided that it was the way to go,...
    Hi Fretters. No secrets, just planted them and that's it. I DO reckon that raised beds help though. This is my first year back (gardening) after some 20 years. Because space is relatively limited, and having read that raised beds can produce more...
    Hi Fretters. No secrets, just planted them and that's it. I DO reckon that raised beds help though. This is my first year back (gardening) after some 20 years. Because space is relatively limited,...
  5. hammer

    food glorious food.

    :eek: you cant do that to butterflies!
    :eek: you cant do that to butterflies!
    :eek: you cant do that to butterflies!
    :eek: you cant do that to butterflies!
  6. Bob flemming

    Too late for spuds?

    Put some inside a greenhouse or sunny room in a large pot.Or start in buckets outside and bring in when the temperature drops.Spuds will grow!TTFN
    Put some inside a greenhouse or sunny room in a large pot.Or start in buckets outside and bring in when the temperature drops.Spuds will grow!TTFN
    Put some inside a greenhouse or sunny room in a large pot.Or start in buckets outside and bring in when the temperature drops.Spuds will grow!TTFN
    Put some inside a greenhouse or sunny room in a large pot.Or start in buckets outside and bring in when the temperature drops.Spuds will grow!TTFN
  7. Rosiemongrel

    Strawberry runners - what to do

    pop the little pots with compost in on top of a couple of bricks to raise them up? Then pop the runner in, wait for it to root, and dismantle the support structure!
    pop the little pots with compost in on top of a couple of bricks to raise them up? Then pop the runner in, wait for it to root, and dismantle the support structure!
    pop the little pots with compost in on top of a couple of bricks to raise them up? Then pop the runner in, wait for it to root, and dismantle the support structure!
    pop the little pots with compost in on top of a couple of bricks to raise them up? Then pop the runner in, wait for it to root, and dismantle the support structure!
  8. Leadbelly

    Is this true about onion rows

    Russ, planting any member of the onion family amongst other crops, is meant to stop APHIDS not slugs.:thumb:
    Russ, planting any member of the onion family amongst other crops, is meant to stop APHIDS not slugs.:thumb:
    Russ, planting any member of the onion family amongst other crops, is meant to stop APHIDS not slugs.:thumb:
    Russ, planting any member of the onion family amongst other crops, is meant to stop APHIDS not slugs.:thumb:
  9. Prastio

    Spud Harvest

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Thanks for the quick reply.
  10. accidentalgardener

    A new one on me :)

    Sorry to disappoint you Dee, but earwigs CAN fly - seriously!Nick.
    Sorry to disappoint you Dee, but earwigs CAN fly - seriously!Nick.
    Sorry to disappoint you Dee, but earwigs CAN fly - seriously!Nick.
    Sorry to disappoint you Dee, but earwigs CAN fly - seriously!Nick.
  11. capney

    Gooseberries in pots?

    Change of plan. Now looks like HINNOMAKI RED is favourite at the moment. No where do I get one on them from?
    Change of plan. Now looks like HINNOMAKI RED is favourite at the moment. No where do I get one on them from?
    Change of plan. Now looks like HINNOMAKI RED is favourite at the moment. No where do I get one on them from?
    Change of plan. Now looks like HINNOMAKI RED is favourite at the moment. No where do I get one on them from?
  12. vegmandan

    The glut continues !!

    Toms and cucumbers are the main glut at the mo. Finished all my courgettes. Runners coming on nicely. Broad beans and peas coming to a close. John
    Toms and cucumbers are the main glut at the mo. Finished all my courgettes. Runners coming on nicely. Broad beans and peas coming to a close. John
    Toms and cucumbers are the main glut at the mo. Finished all my courgettes. Runners coming on nicely. Broad beans and peas coming to a close. John
    Toms and cucumbers are the main glut at the mo. Finished all my courgettes. Runners coming on nicely. Broad beans and peas coming to a close. John
  13. Adam Moran

    Show us your Chilli Plants...

    Hi Init, it is easy to overwinter them but they do much better if they are kept in a warm room with plenty of light. I keep mine in the lounge on a table by the french doors and windows. ...
    Hi Init, it is easy to overwinter them but they do much better if they are kept in a warm room with plenty of light. I keep mine in the lounge on a table by the french doors and windows. Although they will drop some leaves they will continue to grow and will need constant pruning to keep them...
    Hi Init, it is easy to overwinter them but they do much better if they are kept in a warm room with plenty of light. I keep mine in the lounge on a table by the french doors and windows. Although they will drop some leaves they will continue...
    Hi Init, it is easy to overwinter them but they do much better if they are kept in a warm room with plenty of light. I keep mine in the lounge on a table by the french doors and windows. ...
  14. T Digger

    Outwitted by a runner bean

    Nice one Capney. You remind me a lot of my late, great and very much missed father-in-law. He knew all the old rhyming stories off by heart as well. All the grandkids used to sit and listen to...
    Nice one Capney. You remind me a lot of my late, great and very much missed father-in-law. He knew all the old rhyming stories off by heart as well. All the grandkids used to sit and listen to them, enthralled.
    Nice one Capney. You remind me a lot of my late, great and very much missed father-in-law. He knew all the old rhyming stories off by heart as well. All the grandkids used to sit and listen to them, enthralled.
    Nice one Capney. You remind me a lot of my late, great and very much missed father-in-law. He knew all the old rhyming stories off by heart as well. All the grandkids used to sit and listen to...
  15. She_Is_Me

    Cucumbers Flowering

    "what makes the cucumber grow to acouple of inches and then die-off"The plant will only support a modest number of Cues. If there are some developing it won't set any more fruit (until the...
    "what makes the cucumber grow to acouple of inches and then die-off"The plant will only support a modest number of Cues. If there are some developing it won't set any more fruit (until the maturing ones are picked - so pick them as soon as they are "big enough")Could also be cold etc.
    "what makes the cucumber grow to acouple of inches and then die-off"The plant will only support a modest number of Cues. If there are some developing it won't set any more fruit (until the maturing ones are picked - so pick them as soon as...
    "what makes the cucumber grow to acouple of inches and then die-off"The plant will only support a modest number of Cues. If there are some developing it won't set any more fruit (until the...
  16. shimsham

    Something having a chew at my toms

    So you got there in the end shimsham, well done. I agree with Pal, it looks like slugs or snails. Snails can climb petty high, and just retract into their shell during the day.
    So you got there in the end shimsham, well done. I agree with Pal, it looks like slugs or snails. Snails can climb petty high, and just retract into their shell during the day.
    So you got there in the end shimsham, well done. I agree with Pal, it looks like slugs or snails. Snails can climb petty high, and just retract into their shell during the day.
    So you got there in the end shimsham, well done. I agree with Pal, it looks like slugs or snails. Snails can climb petty high, and just retract into their shell during the day.
  17. Leadbelly

    Do you support tom truss

    seriously if you are lucky enough to get a truss of tomatoes so heavy you are worried they will rip off the plant, pop an upturned flower pot or something similar to take some weight off the plant
    seriously if you are lucky enough to get a truss of tomatoes so heavy you are worried they will rip off the plant, pop an upturned flower pot or something similar to take some weight off the plant
    seriously if you are lucky enough to get a truss of tomatoes so heavy you are worried they will rip off the plant, pop an upturned flower pot or something similar to take some weight off the plant
    seriously if you are lucky enough to get a truss of tomatoes so heavy you are worried they will rip off the plant, pop an upturned flower pot or something similar to take some weight off the plant
  18. Katherna

    OMG peas

    Big yellow ball of fire in the sky, appears very very occasionally. :p
    Big yellow ball of fire in the sky, appears very very occasionally. :p
    Big yellow ball of fire in the sky, appears very very occasionally. :p
    Big yellow ball of fire in the sky, appears very very occasionally. :p
  19. golcarlilly

    Cucumbers some ok some soggy?

    :thumb:That is great news thanks, it is just the tiny ones that are turning yellow so must be just natural selection then !!:D
    :thumb:That is great news thanks, it is just the tiny ones that are turning yellow so must be just natural selection then !!:D
    :thumb:That is great news thanks, it is just the tiny ones that are turning yellow so must be just natural selection then !!:D
    :thumb:That is great news thanks, it is just the tiny ones that are turning yellow so must be just natural selection then !!:D
  20. Vince


    Not THE best but certainly up there:thumb:
    Not THE best but certainly up there:thumb:
    Not THE best but certainly up there:thumb:
    Not THE best but certainly up there:thumb:

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