Edible Gardening

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  1. Quaedor36

    Preparing and planting leeks

    "Probably" is probably the operative word. One year, I planted half my leeks trimmed and the rest untrimmed. Apart from the normal variation in individual growth, there was no significant...
    "Probably" is probably the operative word. One year, I planted half my leeks trimmed and the rest untrimmed. Apart from the normal variation in individual growth, there was no significant difference.Plenty of compost under 'em does the trick for me.
    "Probably" is probably the operative word. One year, I planted half my leeks trimmed and the rest untrimmed. Apart from the normal variation in individual growth, there was no significant difference.Plenty of compost under 'em does the trick...
    "Probably" is probably the operative word. One year, I planted half my leeks trimmed and the rest untrimmed. Apart from the normal variation in individual growth, there was no significant...
  2. shiney

    Yippee!! Yum Yum!! Runner Beans

    Last week I planted some dwarf runners, this week they are up,what do you reckon the chances are of getting a good crop in Oct? Just thought I would give it a go as most runners all come at once...
    Last week I planted some dwarf runners, this week they are up,what do you reckon the chances are of getting a good crop in Oct? Just thought I would give it a go as most runners all come at once and as there is only me and I hate frozen beans, the variety is "Hestia" any one had experience?
    Last week I planted some dwarf runners, this week they are up,what do you reckon the chances are of getting a good crop in Oct? Just thought I would give it a go as most runners all come at once and as there is only me and I hate frozen beans,...
    Last week I planted some dwarf runners, this week they are up,what do you reckon the chances are of getting a good crop in Oct? Just thought I would give it a go as most runners all come at once...
  3. messypup

    tomato fruits going brown

    I had problems with blossom end rot but was advised to try out Plant Magic from it is Calcium based and great at preventing diseases in all my plants.Guildyear
    I had problems with blossom end rot but was advised to try out Plant Magic from it is Calcium based and great at preventing diseases in all my plants.Guildyear
    I had problems with blossom end rot but was advised to try out Plant Magic from it is Calcium based and great at preventing diseases in all my plants.Guildyear
    I had problems with blossom end rot but was advised to try out Plant Magic from it is Calcium based and great at preventing diseases in all my plants.Guildyear
  4. Helofadigger

    Old Raspberry canes

    Thanx guys I have to admit there might be very few I want to keep as I'ave tasted some and they are really horrible these ones had really spiky canes yet some which had smooth canes were very nice...
    Thanx guys I have to admit there might be very few I want to keep as I'ave tasted some and they are really horrible these ones had really spiky canes yet some which had smooth canes were very nice indeed! Hel.xxx.
    Thanx guys I have to admit there might be very few I want to keep as I'ave tasted some and they are really horrible these ones had really spiky canes yet some which had smooth canes were very nice indeed! Hel.xxx.
    Thanx guys I have to admit there might be very few I want to keep as I'ave tasted some and they are really horrible these ones had really spiky canes yet some which had smooth canes were very nice...
  5. Rosiemongrel

    Stupid courgette question!

    Prastio - nice tip about the flower tip! - I'll do that in future. They're still edible enough when large (a particularly big 2006 specimen was given to the neighbours, and got curried and eaten...
    Prastio - nice tip about the flower tip! - I'll do that in future. They're still edible enough when large (a particularly big 2006 specimen was given to the neighbours, and got curried and eaten at the local Sikh temple :) ) but are indeed *so* much tastier when small. Just a bit of black pepper...
    Prastio - nice tip about the flower tip! - I'll do that in future. They're still edible enough when large (a particularly big 2006 specimen was given to the neighbours, and got curried and eaten at the local Sikh temple :) ) but are indeed *so*...
    Prastio - nice tip about the flower tip! - I'll do that in future. They're still edible enough when large (a particularly big 2006 specimen was given to the neighbours, and got curried and eaten...
  6. She_Is_Me

    All Male Flowers On Squash Plants

    Kristen is right, Laura, all Cucurbits produce a glut of male flowers at first. This is to ensure that, when the female flowers are produced they will be easily fertilised.
    Kristen is right, Laura, all Cucurbits produce a glut of male flowers at first. This is to ensure that, when the female flowers are produced they will be easily fertilised.
    Kristen is right, Laura, all Cucurbits produce a glut of male flowers at first. This is to ensure that, when the female flowers are produced they will be easily fertilised.
    Kristen is right, Laura, all Cucurbits produce a glut of male flowers at first. This is to ensure that, when the female flowers are produced they will be easily fertilised.
  7. misterroy

    veg watering

    I used to have drip irrigation in the greenhouse but after a few years it started to have problems. It is probably much more advanced nowadays. A seep-hose would work well with the runner beans...
    I used to have drip irrigation in the greenhouse but after a few years it started to have problems. It is probably much more advanced nowadays. A seep-hose would work well with the runner beans but the sprinkler covers about 60 sq metres in one go and does the runner beans, toms, courgettes,...
    I used to have drip irrigation in the greenhouse but after a few years it started to have problems. It is probably much more advanced nowadays. A seep-hose would work well with the runner beans but the sprinkler covers about 60 sq metres in...
    I used to have drip irrigation in the greenhouse but after a few years it started to have problems. It is probably much more advanced nowadays. A seep-hose would work well with the runner beans...
  8. misterroy

    Carrot Nantes Frubund (Fast Crop)

    The sowing date for these carrots for spring is approaching. I'm assuming the earlier I sow them, the sooner they will be ready in spring, but dont know about any pitfals.On average if I sow...
    The sowing date for these carrots for spring is approaching. I'm assuming the earlier I sow them, the sooner they will be ready in spring, but dont know about any pitfals.On average if I sow them in August they will be full size in which month? Sept? Oct?Will small carrots in spring...
    The sowing date for these carrots for spring is approaching. I'm assuming the earlier I sow them, the sooner they will be ready in spring, but dont know about any pitfals.On average if I sow them in August they will be full size in which...
    The sowing date for these carrots for spring is approaching. I'm assuming the earlier I sow them, the sooner they will be ready in spring, but dont know about any pitfals.On average if I sow...
  9. Vince

    Not a total failure

    Well done, we enjoyed our first dinner all from the garden last sunday, (apart from the chicken :D) best potatoes, peas and carrots i've tasted in a long time!!!
    Well done, we enjoyed our first dinner all from the garden last sunday, (apart from the chicken :D) best potatoes, peas and carrots i've tasted in a long time!!!
    Well done, we enjoyed our first dinner all from the garden last sunday, (apart from the chicken :D) best potatoes, peas and carrots i've tasted in a long time!!!
    Well done, we enjoyed our first dinner all from the garden last sunday, (apart from the chicken :D) best potatoes, peas and carrots i've tasted in a long time!!!
  10. Vince

    Sweetcorn another query......

    The sweetcorn tassels are coming along nicely, theres 2 cobs starting to form lowerdown on most of the plants - toddler still helping to 'tap' the plants most days, (although if theres some ripe...
    The sweetcorn tassels are coming along nicely, theres 2 cobs starting to form lowerdown on most of the plants - toddler still helping to 'tap' the plants most days, (although if theres some ripe strawberries he's more interested in those, although he's learning what the different plants are...
    The sweetcorn tassels are coming along nicely, theres 2 cobs starting to form lowerdown on most of the plants - toddler still helping to 'tap' the plants most days, (although if theres some ripe strawberries he's more interested in those,...
    The sweetcorn tassels are coming along nicely, theres 2 cobs starting to form lowerdown on most of the plants - toddler still helping to 'tap' the plants most days, (although if theres some ripe...
  11. vegpatch

    tomato trouble

    Thanks for your help peeps. fingers crossed it shouldn't have too much affect on the whole plant as i have picked off the bad ones :)
    Thanks for your help peeps. fingers crossed it shouldn't have too much affect on the whole plant as i have picked off the bad ones :)
    Thanks for your help peeps. fingers crossed it shouldn't have too much affect on the whole plant as i have picked off the bad ones :)
    Thanks for your help peeps. fingers crossed it shouldn't have too much affect on the whole plant as i have picked off the bad ones :)
  12. tuma

    Bean Help

    I don't actually 'mist' but I do spray them with the hose :thumb: :)
    I don't actually 'mist' but I do spray them with the hose :thumb: :)
    I don't actually 'mist' but I do spray them with the hose :thumb: :)
    I don't actually 'mist' but I do spray them with the hose :thumb: :)
  13. garden_fiend


    They also are supposed to alleviate a poorly belly
    They also are supposed to alleviate a poorly belly
    They also are supposed to alleviate a poorly belly
    They also are supposed to alleviate a poorly belly
  14. Prastio

    Poato seeds (not seed potatoes)

    Yes I think the same as palustris. Just as an experiment I have taken cuttings of potatos, you tend to get just the one tuber from the resulting plants. Not sure but these could be good for seed...
    Yes I think the same as palustris. Just as an experiment I have taken cuttings of potatos, you tend to get just the one tuber from the resulting plants. Not sure but these could be good for seed tubers the following year as they have no root contamination from the parent plant.
    Yes I think the same as palustris. Just as an experiment I have taken cuttings of potatos, you tend to get just the one tuber from the resulting plants. Not sure but these could be good for seed tubers the following year as they have no root...
    Yes I think the same as palustris. Just as an experiment I have taken cuttings of potatos, you tend to get just the one tuber from the resulting plants. Not sure but these could be good for seed...
  15. cajary


    Thanks tweaky.:thumb: I thought it was damaging the root that attracted them. I scraped a bit of soil from the "fun" type and managed to get 2 carrots for her. She generously gave her brother one...
    Thanks tweaky.:thumb: I thought it was damaging the root that attracted them. I scraped a bit of soil from the "fun" type and managed to get 2 carrots for her. She generously gave her brother one but kept the biggest for herself:D
    Thanks tweaky.:thumb: I thought it was damaging the root that attracted them. I scraped a bit of soil from the "fun" type and managed to get 2 carrots for her. She generously gave her brother one but kept the biggest for herself:D
    Thanks tweaky.:thumb: I thought it was damaging the root that attracted them. I scraped a bit of soil from the "fun" type and managed to get 2 carrots for her. She generously gave her brother one...
  16. fmay


    Looking good, Fmay.:thumb:
    Looking good, Fmay.:thumb:
    Looking good, Fmay.:thumb:
    Looking good, Fmay.:thumb:
  17. Johnb

    Sweet Pepper problem

    Thanks for that Kristen. I think I'll pick the ones I've got and see if more comeJohn
    Thanks for that Kristen. I think I'll pick the ones I've got and see if more comeJohn
    Thanks for that Kristen. I think I'll pick the ones I've got and see if more comeJohn
    Thanks for that Kristen. I think I'll pick the ones I've got and see if more comeJohn
  18. hammer

    cucumber killer.

    Mine have started to also shoot from the bottom, but until jsut recently they hadn't produced any viable side shoots, and I didn't want to pinch the top out as they would then have to make side...
    Mine have started to also shoot from the bottom, but until jsut recently they hadn't produced any viable side shoots, and I didn't want to pinch the top out as they would then have to make side shoots, and it would be a while before I got any more fruit.Given that I've got side shoots I reckon...
    Mine have started to also shoot from the bottom, but until jsut recently they hadn't produced any viable side shoots, and I didn't want to pinch the top out as they would then have to make side shoots, and it would be a while before I got any...
    Mine have started to also shoot from the bottom, but until jsut recently they hadn't produced any viable side shoots, and I didn't want to pinch the top out as they would then have to make side...
  19. donmaico

    leaks and onions that are going to seed

    thanks at the moment my onions dont look too bad but the rust appeared very suddenly on the leaks and looks quite heavy.They also seemed to have grown quite quickly this year and look ready to...
    thanks at the moment my onions dont look too bad but the rust appeared very suddenly on the leaks and looks quite heavy.They also seemed to have grown quite quickly this year and look ready to eat apart from the rust .Last year they were rather stumpy.
    thanks at the moment my onions dont look too bad but the rust appeared very suddenly on the leaks and looks quite heavy.They also seemed to have grown quite quickly this year and look ready to eat apart from the rust .Last year they were rather...
    thanks at the moment my onions dont look too bad but the rust appeared very suddenly on the leaks and looks quite heavy.They also seemed to have grown quite quickly this year and look ready to...
  20. Katherna


    There have been some horror stories regarding growbags and what they contain.Since we've all been encouraged to recycle our green waste it all seems to go into some of them,glass crisp bags...
    There have been some horror stories regarding growbags and what they contain.Since we've all been encouraged to recycle our green waste it all seems to go into some of them,glass crisp bags etc,from the less consciencous recycler.Apart from that I'd just give the poorer peforming plants...
    There have been some horror stories regarding growbags and what they contain.Since we've all been encouraged to recycle our green waste it all seems to go into some of them,glass crisp bags etc,from the less consciencous recycler.Apart...
    There have been some horror stories regarding growbags and what they contain.Since we've all been encouraged to recycle our green waste it all seems to go into some of them,glass crisp bags...

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