Edible Gardening

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  1. Rosiemongrel

    Rocket question

    It will probably grow back, but not make much leaf before it goes to seed. I find it better to let some go to seed, collect the seed and sow that to get decent new plants. It always carries plenty...
    It will probably grow back, but not make much leaf before it goes to seed. I find it better to let some go to seed, collect the seed and sow that to get decent new plants. It always carries plenty of seed given the chance, and the seed grows easily.
    It will probably grow back, but not make much leaf before it goes to seed. I find it better to let some go to seed, collect the seed and sow that to get decent new plants. It always carries plenty of seed given the chance, and the seed grows easily.
    It will probably grow back, but not make much leaf before it goes to seed. I find it better to let some go to seed, collect the seed and sow that to get decent new plants. It always carries plenty...
  2. Bob flemming

    Spuds ready?

    Thanks for the reply John,i shall have a look :thumb:
    Thanks for the reply John,i shall have a look :thumb:
    Thanks for the reply John,i shall have a look :thumb:
    Thanks for the reply John,i shall have a look :thumb:
  3. Adam Moran

    Spinach Advice

    Lower arms???Dont forget the pipe and Olive Oil....Do you think that Shiney would make a good Bluto:D:D:D
    Lower arms???Dont forget the pipe and Olive Oil....Do you think that Shiney would make a good Bluto:D:D:D
    Lower arms???Dont forget the pipe and Olive Oil....Do you think that Shiney would make a good Bluto:D:D:D
    Lower arms???Dont forget the pipe and Olive Oil....Do you think that Shiney would make a good Bluto:D:D:D
  4. crofthouse

    Courgette question

    Just like women eh!!!
    Just like women eh!!!
    Just like women eh!!!
    Just like women eh!!!
  5. elliegreenwellie

    Mildew on courgettes

    To be honest I wouldn't worry too much - I always seem to get mildew on marrows/courgettes and still get a good yield - soem of my leaves have it bad because of all this damp cold weather - but...
    To be honest I wouldn't worry too much - I always seem to get mildew on marrows/courgettes and still get a good yield - soem of my leaves have it bad because of all this damp cold weather - but once summer comes :rolleyes: all the new growth should be OK.Try the milk though it would be...
    To be honest I wouldn't worry too much - I always seem to get mildew on marrows/courgettes and still get a good yield - soem of my leaves have it bad because of all this damp cold weather - but once summer comes :rolleyes: all the new growth...
    To be honest I wouldn't worry too much - I always seem to get mildew on marrows/courgettes and still get a good yield - soem of my leaves have it bad because of all this damp cold weather - but...
  6. tweaky

    Supermarket Parsley.

    "for gawds sake admin get this silly system sorted out"I agree, but its a problem with the forum software (vBulletin) they are using [and thus not something the Admins can sort out...
    "for gawds sake admin get this silly system sorted out"I agree, but its a problem with the forum software (vBulletin) they are using [and thus not something the Admins can sort out TTBOMK]Maybe they could remove some of the censor-words that us lot won't care about.For a URL you could but...
    "for gawds sake admin get this silly system sorted out"I agree, but its a problem with the forum software (vBulletin) they are using [and thus not something the Admins can sort out TTBOMK]Maybe they could remove some of the censor-words that...
    "for gawds sake admin get this silly system sorted out"I agree, but its a problem with the forum software (vBulletin) they are using [and thus not something the Admins can sort out...
  7. leonora


    We had our first radish last night. Hilds roter Neckarruhm. It was very peppery. Packet says Traditionally offered to accompany beer in northern Europe :thumb: ... I have just had the first...
    We had our first radish last night. Hilds roter Neckarruhm. It was very peppery. Packet says Traditionally offered to accompany beer in northern Europe :thumb: ... I have just had the first tomato of the year :D
    We had our first radish last night. Hilds roter Neckarruhm. It was very peppery. Packet says Traditionally offered to accompany beer in northern Europe :thumb: ... I have just had the first tomato of the year :D
    We had our first radish last night. Hilds roter Neckarruhm. It was very peppery. Packet says Traditionally offered to accompany beer in northern Europe :thumb: ... I have just had the first...
  8. Vince


    Thanks John
    Thanks John
    Thanks John
    Thanks John
  9. Slinky

    Green peppers

    I had some advice once that when you get the seeds put them in a cup of water and only use the seeds that float as they will be the ones that germinate.I've got that far but i'm still in the...
    I had some advice once that when you get the seeds put them in a cup of water and only use the seeds that float as they will be the ones that germinate.I've got that far but i'm still in the drying stages at the momet
    I had some advice once that when you get the seeds put them in a cup of water and only use the seeds that float as they will be the ones that germinate.I've got that far but i'm still in the drying stages at the momet
    I had some advice once that when you get the seeds put them in a cup of water and only use the seeds that float as they will be the ones that germinate.I've got that far but i'm still in the...
  10. Celia


    All my garden peas have now failed completely. The adjacent broad beans are storming!As I love the taste of freshly picked peas I have started some in pots. Probably far too late, but worth a...
    All my garden peas have now failed completely. The adjacent broad beans are storming!As I love the taste of freshly picked peas I have started some in pots. Probably far too late, but worth a shot!
    All my garden peas have now failed completely. The adjacent broad beans are storming!As I love the taste of freshly picked peas I have started some in pots. Probably far too late, but worth a shot!
    All my garden peas have now failed completely. The adjacent broad beans are storming!As I love the taste of freshly picked peas I have started some in pots. Probably far too late, but worth a...
  11. Labrador

    Carrot fly

    If you can, plant them high up in a raised bed of some kind. Carrot flys only fly about 2 feet above ground level. I've built a raised bed and have sown plenty of carrots, so fingers crossed.
    If you can, plant them high up in a raised bed of some kind. Carrot flys only fly about 2 feet above ground level. I've built a raised bed and have sown plenty of carrots, so fingers crossed.
    If you can, plant them high up in a raised bed of some kind. Carrot flys only fly about 2 feet above ground level. I've built a raised bed and have sown plenty of carrots, so fingers crossed.
    If you can, plant them high up in a raised bed of some kind. Carrot flys only fly about 2 feet above ground level. I've built a raised bed and have sown plenty of carrots, so fingers crossed.
  12. vegpatch

    Favourite veg to grow

    I always look forward to picking my first runner beans, I adore runner beans. At the moment the first beans are about 1'' long, I'm spraying the flowers to help them set and willing those beans to...
    I always look forward to picking my first runner beans, I adore runner beans. At the moment the first beans are about 1'' long, I'm spraying the flowers to help them set and willing those beans to grow.
    I always look forward to picking my first runner beans, I adore runner beans. At the moment the first beans are about 1'' long, I'm spraying the flowers to help them set and willing those beans to grow.
    I always look forward to picking my first runner beans, I adore runner beans. At the moment the first beans are about 1'' long, I'm spraying the flowers to help them set and willing those beans to...
  13. David G

    Too late for Sprouts?

    OK they are in I have only planted 4 of each to see how they go.They are in peat pots in the greenhouse. Roll on Christmas lets see if I get a picking then!!Thanks for the encouragement...
    OK they are in I have only planted 4 of each to see how they go.They are in peat pots in the greenhouse. Roll on Christmas lets see if I get a picking then!!Thanks for the encouragementDave
    OK they are in I have only planted 4 of each to see how they go.They are in peat pots in the greenhouse. Roll on Christmas lets see if I get a picking then!!Thanks for the encouragementDave
    OK they are in I have only planted 4 of each to see how they go.They are in peat pots in the greenhouse. Roll on Christmas lets see if I get a picking then!!Thanks for the encouragement...
  14. Winnie

    Green Peppers Big Problemo!

    Well ... the new 1 inch size seem to be dropping off near the top of the plants .. every morning when I go down to see them there's a couple more on the floor. The caterpillars were probably...
    Well ... the new 1 inch size seem to be dropping off near the top of the plants .. every morning when I go down to see them there's a couple more on the floor. The caterpillars were probably 1/4inch long ... if not less .. really tiny ... they'll be french of course so dunno what species .... ...
    Well ... the new 1 inch size seem to be dropping off near the top of the plants .. every morning when I go down to see them there's a couple more on the floor. The caterpillars were probably 1/4inch long ... if not less .. really tiny ......
    Well ... the new 1 inch size seem to be dropping off near the top of the plants .. every morning when I go down to see them there's a couple more on the floor. The caterpillars were probably...
  15. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato's veggies

    I can grow courgette's dead easy, don't know why....trouble is, I really don't like to eat them,Sods law I think.
    I can grow courgette's dead easy, don't know why....trouble is, I really don't like to eat them,Sods law I think.
    I can grow courgette's dead easy, don't know why....trouble is, I really don't like to eat them,Sods law I think.
    I can grow courgette's dead easy, don't know why....trouble is, I really don't like to eat them,Sods law I think.
  16. Lisa+Jon

    Update on Peppers.

    Well my infestation seems to have gone now. Might have been the soap or lady birds or a combo of both.Thanks for all your help.
    Well my infestation seems to have gone now. Might have been the soap or lady birds or a combo of both.Thanks for all your help.
    Well my infestation seems to have gone now. Might have been the soap or lady birds or a combo of both.Thanks for all your help.
    Well my infestation seems to have gone now. Might have been the soap or lady birds or a combo of both.Thanks for all your help.
  17. paddy_rice

    What should we do with our surprise potato plant?

    Yup, we get lovely potatoes from our heap too! Sometimes if there's quite a few, i break the stems so they compost down, but it is good to pull out a stem and find some lovely wee new potatoes...
    Yup, we get lovely potatoes from our heap too! Sometimes if there's quite a few, i break the stems so they compost down, but it is good to pull out a stem and find some lovely wee new potatoes attached!
    Yup, we get lovely potatoes from our heap too! Sometimes if there's quite a few, i break the stems so they compost down, but it is good to pull out a stem and find some lovely wee new potatoes attached!
    Yup, we get lovely potatoes from our heap too! Sometimes if there's quite a few, i break the stems so they compost down, but it is good to pull out a stem and find some lovely wee new potatoes...
  18. zebraone11

    help with toms peppers aubergines potaoes please

    " i pruned my plum and cherry tree and i have no fruit this year"I have no fruit on my trees (and I didn't prune them!). I suspect that you just got caught by a late frost which burnt all the...
    " i pruned my plum and cherry tree and i have no fruit this year"I have no fruit on my trees (and I didn't prune them!). I suspect that you just got caught by a late frost which burnt all the blossom.
    " i pruned my plum and cherry tree and i have no fruit this year"I have no fruit on my trees (and I didn't prune them!). I suspect that you just got caught by a late frost which burnt all the blossom.
    " i pruned my plum and cherry tree and i have no fruit this year"I have no fruit on my trees (and I didn't prune them!). I suspect that you just got caught by a late frost which burnt all the...
  19. Rosiemongrel

    What veg can I grow in these? (pictures)

    Hold onto her tight, I'm very taken! :)
    Hold onto her tight, I'm very taken! :)
    Hold onto her tight, I'm very taken! :)
    Hold onto her tight, I'm very taken! :)
  20. minxycat2002

    red pepper plants

    Same here, the tomatoes are growing like the clappers but the chilli plants look smaller this year then they did last year. I find it quite hard to get the watering done first thing in the...
    Same here, the tomatoes are growing like the clappers but the chilli plants look smaller this year then they did last year. I find it quite hard to get the watering done first thing in the morning since I leave home at 6 am for work, so mine do get watered in the afternoon / evening. I think...
    Same here, the tomatoes are growing like the clappers but the chilli plants look smaller this year then they did last year. I find it quite hard to get the watering done first thing in the morning since I leave home at 6 am for work, so mine do...
    Same here, the tomatoes are growing like the clappers but the chilli plants look smaller this year then they did last year. I find it quite hard to get the watering done first thing in the...

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