Edible Gardening

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  1. T Digger

    pathetic garlic

    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with disappointing garlic this year (onions too). Such is the life of a gardener (sigh!)
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with disappointing garlic this year (onions too). Such is the life of a gardener (sigh!)
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with disappointing garlic this year (onions too). Such is the life of a gardener (sigh!)
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with disappointing garlic this year (onions too). Such is the life of a gardener (sigh!)
  2. martandmichelle

    Which Part Becomes a Courgette?

    if you go to my recipe page, you will find a recipe for stuffed courgette flowers.We are off to Italy soon, where I will be making this dish quite frequently!
    if you go to my recipe page, you will find a recipe for stuffed courgette flowers.We are off to Italy soon, where I will be making this dish quite frequently!
    if you go to my recipe page, you will find a recipe for stuffed courgette flowers.We are off to Italy soon, where I will be making this dish quite frequently!
    if you go to my recipe page, you will find a recipe for stuffed courgette flowers.We are off to Italy soon, where I will be making this dish quite frequently!
  3. pagan

    strawberry/raspberry plant

    I was hoping some kind of Strawberry/Raspberry hybrid had been invented :(
    I was hoping some kind of Strawberry/Raspberry hybrid had been invented :(
    I was hoping some kind of Strawberry/Raspberry hybrid had been invented :(
    I was hoping some kind of Strawberry/Raspberry hybrid had been invented :(
  4. miraflores

    fruit trees

    thank you for the advice, Prastio
    thank you for the advice, Prastio
    thank you for the advice, Prastio
    thank you for the advice, Prastio
  5. mojo

    chilli peppers

    My chillies are looking fab too! got 3 on one plant and loads of flowers and buds on the others, looking forward to eating them!
    My chillies are looking fab too! got 3 on one plant and loads of flowers and buds on the others, looking forward to eating them!
    My chillies are looking fab too! got 3 on one plant and loads of flowers and buds on the others, looking forward to eating them!
    My chillies are looking fab too! got 3 on one plant and loads of flowers and buds on the others, looking forward to eating them!
  6. Lisa+Jon

    Please help - insects on pepper plants

    thanks for the reply, looks like us for tea :) as for the white fly i have a bush in the front garden infested with aphids and there are loads of ladybugs eating so i think i will transfer some into...
    thanks for the reply, looks like us for tea :) as for the white fly i have a bush in the front garden infested with aphids and there are loads of ladybugs eating so i think i will transfer some into the green house(ladybugs that is)
    thanks for the reply, looks like us for tea :) as for the white fly i have a bush in the front garden infested with aphids and there are loads of ladybugs eating so i think i will transfer some into the green house(ladybugs that is)
    thanks for the reply, looks like us for tea :) as for the white fly i have a bush in the front garden infested with aphids and there are loads of ladybugs eating so i think i will transfer some into...
  7. Winnie

    New cucumbers dying on plants

    No need to worry then Kristen! Thanks once again for you comments! We're new to all this 'growing' things .... it's pretty exciting when it all works isn't it?!!A bientot! Winnie
    No need to worry then Kristen! Thanks once again for you comments! We're new to all this 'growing' things .... it's pretty exciting when it all works isn't it?!!A bientot! Winnie
    No need to worry then Kristen! Thanks once again for you comments! We're new to all this 'growing' things .... it's pretty exciting when it all works isn't it?!!A bientot! Winnie
    No need to worry then Kristen! Thanks once again for you comments! We're new to all this 'growing' things .... it's pretty exciting when it all works isn't it?!!A bientot! Winnie
  8. Rosiemongrel

    2 tomato questions

    "I might leave them but nip out the growing tip so that the plant retains a nicer shape"I do that - I figure I get a few extra leaves, and thus more "power", but I make sure the part I leave has...
    "I might leave them but nip out the growing tip so that the plant retains a nicer shape"I do that - I figure I get a few extra leaves, and thus more "power", but I make sure the part I leave has no flowering trusses. I'm never keen to snap out a huge branch in case the wound I make gets...
    "I might leave them but nip out the growing tip so that the plant retains a nicer shape"I do that - I figure I get a few extra leaves, and thus more "power", but I make sure the part I leave has no flowering trusses. I'm never keen to snap out...
    "I might leave them but nip out the growing tip so that the plant retains a nicer shape"I do that - I figure I get a few extra leaves, and thus more "power", but I make sure the part I leave has...
  9. Johnb

    Brown tomato leaves

    had a quick google and that came up with blight or over watering or wet scorched leaves, someone else here probably knows alot more :)
    had a quick google and that came up with blight or over watering or wet scorched leaves, someone else here probably knows alot more :)
    had a quick google and that came up with blight or over watering or wet scorched leaves, someone else here probably knows alot more :)
    had a quick google and that came up with blight or over watering or wet scorched leaves, someone else here probably knows alot more :)
  10. Rouxbee

    My Veg

    Thanks everyone,02; yes it is a buzz, cant wait to get tucked into them :)Prastio: i realised my mistake when i saw how big they've become, lesson learned for next year ;) mother nature has taken...
    Thanks everyone,02; yes it is a buzz, cant wait to get tucked into them :)Prastio: i realised my mistake when i saw how big they've become, lesson learned for next year ;) mother nature has taken care of the watering, we've had a lot of rain here over the past 3 weeks so i've hardly had the...
    Thanks everyone,02; yes it is a buzz, cant wait to get tucked into them :)Prastio: i realised my mistake when i saw how big they've become, lesson learned for next year ;) mother nature has taken care of the watering, we've had a lot of rain...
    Thanks everyone,02; yes it is a buzz, cant wait to get tucked into them :)Prastio: i realised my mistake when i saw how big they've become, lesson learned for next year ;) mother nature has taken...
  11. Loofah

    It sprouted!

    OK, so I finally, on 4th attempt, managed to get a lemon pip to germinate. Am v happy but the question I have is - what are the chances of it bearing fruit, if any?
    OK, so I finally, on 4th attempt, managed to get a lemon pip to germinate. Am v happy but the question I have is - what are the chances of it bearing fruit, if any?
    OK, so I finally, on 4th attempt, managed to get a lemon pip to germinate. Am v happy but the question I have is - what are the chances of it bearing fruit, if any?
    OK, so I finally, on 4th attempt, managed to get a lemon pip to germinate. Am v happy but the question I have is - what are the chances of it bearing fruit, if any?
  12. golcarlilly

    Yellow spots on cucumber leaves?

    After removing all the affected leaves we have had no further problems (touch wood) and we now have around 30 mini cucumbers developing really well I am so excited, can't wait to eat one :D
    After removing all the affected leaves we have had no further problems (touch wood) and we now have around 30 mini cucumbers developing really well I am so excited, can't wait to eat one :D
    After removing all the affected leaves we have had no further problems (touch wood) and we now have around 30 mini cucumbers developing really well I am so excited, can't wait to eat one :D
    After removing all the affected leaves we have had no further problems (touch wood) and we now have around 30 mini cucumbers developing really well I am so excited, can't wait to eat one :D
  13. WoodyD

    Newbie Tomato Grower

    I have had similar to this and just gently ease out the bottom leaves which makes for better air circulation round the plant. Also means that more nutrients go into the healthier leaves and...
    I have had similar to this and just gently ease out the bottom leaves which makes for better air circulation round the plant. Also means that more nutrients go into the healthier leaves and especially the fruit. John
    I have had similar to this and just gently ease out the bottom leaves which makes for better air circulation round the plant. Also means that more nutrients go into the healthier leaves and especially the fruit. John
    I have had similar to this and just gently ease out the bottom leaves which makes for better air circulation round the plant. Also means that more nutrients go into the healthier leaves and...
  14. rodofgod76


    courgettes grow very big take up a lot of room, so unless you have a lot of room in the greenhouse pop them outside.
    courgettes grow very big take up a lot of room, so unless you have a lot of room in the greenhouse pop them outside.
    courgettes grow very big take up a lot of room, so unless you have a lot of room in the greenhouse pop them outside.
    courgettes grow very big take up a lot of room, so unless you have a lot of room in the greenhouse pop them outside.
  15. Daisies

    My strawberries moved house!

    Nah!Well, not so's you'd notice!
    Nah!Well, not so's you'd notice!
    Nah!Well, not so's you'd notice!
    Nah!Well, not so's you'd notice!
  16. rosietutu


    Thanks just what i wanted to hear, gotta lot of poppy seeds any one want any?
    Thanks just what i wanted to hear, gotta lot of poppy seeds any one want any?
    Thanks just what i wanted to hear, gotta lot of poppy seeds any one want any?
    Thanks just what i wanted to hear, gotta lot of poppy seeds any one want any?
  17. daveyjt

    How deep do you need soil for lettuce?

    You can grow salad in a shallow tray, just don't let it grow too big. Eat the young leaves a few at a time so the plant keeps growing. The main problem is the soil is so shallow it will dry out...
    You can grow salad in a shallow tray, just don't let it grow too big. Eat the young leaves a few at a time so the plant keeps growing. The main problem is the soil is so shallow it will dry out very quickly on a hot day so watering little and often is a must. You can buy packets of mixed salad...
    You can grow salad in a shallow tray, just don't let it grow too big. Eat the young leaves a few at a time so the plant keeps growing. The main problem is the soil is so shallow it will dry out very quickly on a hot day so watering little and...
    You can grow salad in a shallow tray, just don't let it grow too big. Eat the young leaves a few at a time so the plant keeps growing. The main problem is the soil is so shallow it will dry out...
  18. duckyjuk


    I was always told to leave the calyx on as they keep better,i only try to pick what i am going to eat immediately ,off the plant ,quick wash,and introduce to cream :thumb:
    I was always told to leave the calyx on as they keep better,i only try to pick what i am going to eat immediately ,off the plant ,quick wash,and introduce to cream :thumb:
    I was always told to leave the calyx on as they keep better,i only try to pick what i am going to eat immediately ,off the plant ,quick wash,and introduce to cream :thumb:
    I was always told to leave the calyx on as they keep better,i only try to pick what i am going to eat immediately ,off the plant ,quick wash,and introduce to cream :thumb:
  19. Lisa+Jon

    Tomato Question??

    thanks for your replies, I think I will cut the tops off some later.
    thanks for your replies, I think I will cut the tops off some later.
    thanks for your replies, I think I will cut the tops off some later.
    thanks for your replies, I think I will cut the tops off some later.
  20. martandmichelle

    Chillie Question

    Hello martandmichelle, if they look a bit tall and spindly and there are no flowers it may still help to pinch off the tip. I think that the worst that could happen is that cropping would be a bit...
    Hello martandmichelle, if they look a bit tall and spindly and there are no flowers it may still help to pinch off the tip. I think that the worst that could happen is that cropping would be a bit delayed while the plant bushes up, a number of plants benefit from this practice, sweet peppers,...
    Hello martandmichelle, if they look a bit tall and spindly and there are no flowers it may still help to pinch off the tip. I think that the worst that could happen is that cropping would be a bit delayed while the plant bushes up, a number of...
    Hello martandmichelle, if they look a bit tall and spindly and there are no flowers it may still help to pinch off the tip. I think that the worst that could happen is that cropping would be a bit...

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