Edible Gardening

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  1. Mrs Bobs

    Globe Artichoke

    Right. Seeing as the plant is no longer pretty I'll give splitting it a go now. Should be able to split a couple off the main no problem. Thanks chengjing.
    Right. Seeing as the plant is no longer pretty I'll give splitting it a go now. Should be able to split a couple off the main no problem. Thanks chengjing.
    Right. Seeing as the plant is no longer pretty I'll give splitting it a go now. Should be able to split a couple off the main no problem. Thanks chengjing.
    Right. Seeing as the plant is no longer pretty I'll give splitting it a go now. Should be able to split a couple off the main no problem. Thanks chengjing.
  2. elliegreenwellie

    butternut squash

    Oh my goodness!!!!! Definately rethinking this one - I'll wait till I have an allotment!!! Shiney thank you very much for all your advice - I'll doa few more tomat plants :)
    Oh my goodness!!!!! Definately rethinking this one - I'll wait till I have an allotment!!! Shiney thank you very much for all your advice - I'll doa few more tomat plants :)
    Oh my goodness!!!!! Definately rethinking this one - I'll wait till I have an allotment!!! Shiney thank you very much for all your advice - I'll doa few more tomat plants :)
    Oh my goodness!!!!! Definately rethinking this one - I'll wait till I have an allotment!!! Shiney thank you very much for all your advice - I'll doa few more tomat plants :)
  3. ellenw

    moving carrots....

    Shape doesn't really matter does it, as you say, its the taste.I understand if you grow carrots in the ground, surround the plot with polythene keeps the little sods out.I could never...
    Shape doesn't really matter does it, as you say, its the taste.I understand if you grow carrots in the ground, surround the plot with polythene keeps the little sods out.I could never grow them in my soil and my neighbour couldn't grow beetroot, so we used to swap.Was a very good...
    Shape doesn't really matter does it, as you say, its the taste.I understand if you grow carrots in the ground, surround the plot with polythene keeps the little sods out.I could never grow them in my soil and my neighbour couldn't grow...
    Shape doesn't really matter does it, as you say, its the taste.I understand if you grow carrots in the ground, surround the plot with polythene keeps the little sods out.I could never...
  4. ellenw

    butternut squash

    Nothing fussy. Just give it the snip anywhere :D
    Nothing fussy. Just give it the snip anywhere :D
    Nothing fussy. Just give it the snip anywhere :D
    Nothing fussy. Just give it the snip anywhere :D
  5. minxycat2002

    10ft runner beans!

    I am a great believer in Scarlet Emperor.Little story. I was in a Garden Centre and two old ladies mistook me for an employee...they wanted something to grow up the side of a wooden shed...
    I am a great believer in Scarlet Emperor.Little story. I was in a Garden Centre and two old ladies mistook me for an employee...they wanted something to grow up the side of a wooden shed during summer that had nice flower's.I asked them if they liked runner beans and they said, "oh yes...
    I am a great believer in Scarlet Emperor.Little story. I was in a Garden Centre and two old ladies mistook me for an employee...they wanted something to grow up the side of a wooden shed during summer that had nice flower's.I asked them...
    I am a great believer in Scarlet Emperor.Little story. I was in a Garden Centre and two old ladies mistook me for an employee...they wanted something to grow up the side of a wooden shed...
  6. David G

    Saving Cucumber seed

    Yes you are all right I am just being mean that's all.The seeds are dear but in the long run yes there are worth it , I am convinced (I think) I normally grow 10 plants each year I only have...
    Yes you are all right I am just being mean that's all.The seeds are dear but in the long run yes there are worth it , I am convinced (I think) I normally grow 10 plants each year I only have 9 this year suffered a casualty in the early days.Thanks for all the repliesDave
    Yes you are all right I am just being mean that's all.The seeds are dear but in the long run yes there are worth it , I am convinced (I think) I normally grow 10 plants each year I only have 9 this year suffered a casualty in the early...
    Yes you are all right I am just being mean that's all.The seeds are dear but in the long run yes there are worth it , I am convinced (I think) I normally grow 10 plants each year I only have...
  7. Stoneystag4eva

    Vegetable patch - Help

    Here's a link with an explanation of Raised Beds
    Here's a link with an explanation of Raised Beds
    Here's a link with an explanation of Raised Beds
    Here's a link with an explanation of Raised Beds
  8. lolibud

    Save my beans!

    "also sow a couple of seeds in the same spot as well"That's a good tip:thumb:. I've got some gaps in my rows were some of them didn't make it, and it would be nice to have had some spares.
    "also sow a couple of seeds in the same spot as well"That's a good tip:thumb:. I've got some gaps in my rows were some of them didn't make it, and it would be nice to have had some spares.
    "also sow a couple of seeds in the same spot as well"That's a good tip:thumb:. I've got some gaps in my rows were some of them didn't make it, and it would be nice to have had some spares.
    "also sow a couple of seeds in the same spot as well"That's a good tip:thumb:. I've got some gaps in my rows were some of them didn't make it, and it would be nice to have had some spares.
  9. Synthhead

    Too late for Brassicas/leeks?

    Cheers for the recipe, sounds much more preferable to laxatives.
    Cheers for the recipe, sounds much more preferable to laxatives.
    Cheers for the recipe, sounds much more preferable to laxatives.
    Cheers for the recipe, sounds much more preferable to laxatives.
  10. pinksmarties

    distorted tomato leaves

    Hi,This is the first time I have grown tomatoes in a green house and I am not sure if there is something wrong with one of my plants. All the bottom leaves have curled inwards (which from...
    Hi,This is the first time I have grown tomatoes in a green house and I am not sure if there is something wrong with one of my plants. All the bottom leaves have curled inwards (which from reading other threads is normal) but the new shoots are thick, all curled up and twisted in on...
    Hi,This is the first time I have grown tomatoes in a green house and I am not sure if there is something wrong with one of my plants. All the bottom leaves have curled inwards (which from reading other threads is normal) but the new shoots...
    Hi,This is the first time I have grown tomatoes in a green house and I am not sure if there is something wrong with one of my plants. All the bottom leaves have curled inwards (which from...
  11. Willo


    I can only imagine that it is the move from green house to outdoors that upsets them. As I said mine were on the edge of the porch, so pretty much outside all the time. I ended up with many more...
    I can only imagine that it is the move from green house to outdoors that upsets them. As I said mine were on the edge of the porch, so pretty much outside all the time. I ended up with many more plants than I need. Some I even planted in the borders as foliage plants (new borders, some holes to...
    I can only imagine that it is the move from green house to outdoors that upsets them. As I said mine were on the edge of the porch, so pretty much outside all the time. I ended up with many more plants than I need. Some I even planted in the...
    I can only imagine that it is the move from green house to outdoors that upsets them. As I said mine were on the edge of the porch, so pretty much outside all the time. I ended up with many more...
  12. willow13


    How strange Willow. I'll have to go check my 3 gooseberry bushes now. Though there wasn't anything wrong with them yesterday.
    How strange Willow. I'll have to go check my 3 gooseberry bushes now. Though there wasn't anything wrong with them yesterday.
    How strange Willow. I'll have to go check my 3 gooseberry bushes now. Though there wasn't anything wrong with them yesterday.
    How strange Willow. I'll have to go check my 3 gooseberry bushes now. Though there wasn't anything wrong with them yesterday.
  13. Lisa+Jon

    Tomato Questions

    Thanks for the replies, glad they are not dying, the big bags are full of soil we dug from furth down our garden and are to be filled into the veg plot to level it up when the veg is done, the...
    Thanks for the replies, glad they are not dying, the big bags are full of soil we dug from furth down our garden and are to be filled into the veg plot to level it up when the veg is done, the sleepers you can see will act as the retailing wall, I keep meaning to post the pics in the garden...
    Thanks for the replies, glad they are not dying, the big bags are full of soil we dug from furth down our garden and are to be filled into the veg plot to level it up when the veg is done, the sleepers you can see will act as the retailing wall,...
    Thanks for the replies, glad they are not dying, the big bags are full of soil we dug from furth down our garden and are to be filled into the veg plot to level it up when the veg is done, the...
  14. fixerman

    Bursting Cabbages

    Thanks David & Freddy. I think you lads have hit the nail on the head. The plot was quite dry for a while and there is a tree right on the edge taking more water out of the ground. Then we had...
    Thanks David & Freddy. I think you lads have hit the nail on the head. The plot was quite dry for a while and there is a tree right on the edge taking more water out of the ground. Then we had heavy rain......!!!!!Shame they were looking really good. But I am supplying the street with...
    Thanks David & Freddy. I think you lads have hit the nail on the head. The plot was quite dry for a while and there is a tree right on the edge taking more water out of the ground. Then we had heavy rain......!!!!!Shame they were looking...
    Thanks David & Freddy. I think you lads have hit the nail on the head. The plot was quite dry for a while and there is a tree right on the edge taking more water out of the ground. Then we had...
  15. kitesurf4

    Dodgy Cucumber, Tomato & Strawberry Plants?!

    Oh, elliegreenweliie (I like that!), I have only just started feedong my tomatoes, the basket variety is doing far better than the others... give it time though! They seem to be slowing down now,...
    Oh, elliegreenweliie (I like that!), I have only just started feedong my tomatoes, the basket variety is doing far better than the others... give it time though! They seem to be slowing down now, and drying out very quickly too. This vegetable lark is a nightmare!
    Oh, elliegreenweliie (I like that!), I have only just started feedong my tomatoes, the basket variety is doing far better than the others... give it time though! They seem to be slowing down now, and drying out very quickly too. This vegetable...
    Oh, elliegreenweliie (I like that!), I have only just started feedong my tomatoes, the basket variety is doing far better than the others... give it time though! They seem to be slowing down now,...
  16. tlag44

    Sleaford Abundance Tomato

    Still no luck, but I shall not be beaten.:thumb:
    Still no luck, but I shall not be beaten.:thumb:
    Still no luck, but I shall not be beaten.:thumb:
    Still no luck, but I shall not be beaten.:thumb:
  17. hammer


    The growing point is the furthermost tip of a stem, there may be two or more if the plant has branched. Too many peppers on one plant might cause stunting of growth and bud may drop off. If you...
    The growing point is the furthermost tip of a stem, there may be two or more if the plant has branched. Too many peppers on one plant might cause stunting of growth and bud may drop off. If you have them in a large pot or tub it might help to put a couple of canes in each side to support the...
    The growing point is the furthermost tip of a stem, there may be two or more if the plant has branched. Too many peppers on one plant might cause stunting of growth and bud may drop off. If you have them in a large pot or tub it might help to put...
    The growing point is the furthermost tip of a stem, there may be two or more if the plant has branched. Too many peppers on one plant might cause stunting of growth and bud may drop off. If you...
  18. Bob flemming

    Runner beans,infestation.

    You may have got them all. They might just be dead but sticking to the plants. Have a close look. Then you can use your hose to wash them off. I'm keeping a close eye on my runners because...
    You may have got them all. They might just be dead but sticking to the plants. Have a close look. Then you can use your hose to wash them off. I'm keeping a close eye on my runners because the field behind us has broad beans and they are covered in blackfly :eek: I don't use any chemicals...
    You may have got them all. They might just be dead but sticking to the plants. Have a close look. Then you can use your hose to wash them off. I'm keeping a close eye on my runners because the field behind us has broad beans and they are...
    You may have got them all. They might just be dead but sticking to the plants. Have a close look. Then you can use your hose to wash them off. I'm keeping a close eye on my runners because...
  19. zebraone11

    what can i plant now and in the next few months please

    It's not too late to plant dwarf beans - should be OK right up until the end of June. Last year I planted mid June and was picking until the end of September.
    It's not too late to plant dwarf beans - should be OK right up until the end of June. Last year I planted mid June and was picking until the end of September.
    It's not too late to plant dwarf beans - should be OK right up until the end of June. Last year I planted mid June and was picking until the end of September.
    It's not too late to plant dwarf beans - should be OK right up until the end of June. Last year I planted mid June and was picking until the end of September.
  20. hammer


    I'm wondering what to do with my Toms.Already over 6' tall, fruit formed on 5 trusses, 6th with first flower open, and 7th already formed.I'm thinking about getting some tomato hooks and...
    I'm wondering what to do with my Toms.Already over 6' tall, fruit formed on 5 trusses, 6th with first flower open, and 7th already formed.I'm thinking about getting some tomato hooks and "stringing" / "layering" them, like they do commercially.I wonder if stopping them on a particular...
    I'm wondering what to do with my Toms.Already over 6' tall, fruit formed on 5 trusses, 6th with first flower open, and 7th already formed.I'm thinking about getting some tomato hooks and "stringing" / "layering" them, like they do...
    I'm wondering what to do with my Toms.Already over 6' tall, fruit formed on 5 trusses, 6th with first flower open, and 7th already formed.I'm thinking about getting some tomato hooks and...

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